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Everything posted by UnBaed

  1. "Ah, just as I exactly remembered it!" exclaimed Moliana as she read through her cherished copy of the Black Banner.
  2. Server seems to be a late medieval setting in general, but I hate it when people just RP history simulators and only that. It’s cool to use the server as a medium to study aspects of history, but it’d be even better if people incorporated more fantasy or creative elements to make more formed identities
  3. yooo! What have been some of your favorite moments of RP on the server? What's an old character (not yours) that you used to like their concept for? Any current ones? Do you have any sources of inspiration in creating your characters? A funny OOC moment from memory on the server? Thoughts on me? When are Kai and Ilaria gonna stir some shit on an adventure
  4. She hadn't known how long it had been. Months? Years? A mere few days? Her dreams distorted the hours, yet they made everything easier. That was, until she'd have these brief bouts of sobriety and wakefulness - met with an empty sight and the touch of cold stone; nothing. It always ended in nothing. How could such a dull feeling ache so much? What made such dreams inflict this much pain unto her? Of those bygone days of whispered promises and sparking glances, of that vow uttered between those bookshelves? The shared kiss? The Moth couldn't face the truth still, how could she after all she's sacrificed? Had that been for nothing too? She hated this doubt in her, yet where could she go to escape it? It was all she could do to close her eyes and dream. Dream. Of those foolish days. He was there sometimes, that young prince with stormy eyes. Even after she'd given him that beard, that youthful glint of mischief never faded from his stare. She wondered, before the haze of rest came over her again--does he still have that glint?
  5. happy birthday!  <3 

  6. Cold and dark, numb and lost, bloodied and mourning. . . The moth burnt her wings away to embrace the light she loved. With that taste of ash, it is all she can do to grieve for those envisioned days spent in the sun, with that little ape and foolish boy. Wayward days forever lost, but never forgotten.
  7. Where is your Mordu CA? Gonna need to change ur account until you get one
  8. bro what lol i was saying people that get freaky and heated over wars need to touch grass, calm down lmfao
  9. the lotc sickness reaches everyone, not even touching grass can cure some people. just about every war turns toxic, no matter how much you may try to keep everything in rp - someone will always take it into ooc
  10. She was clawing at her pillows, shoving them from the bed as she awoke with a gasp - nearly falling off of the mattress herself while entangled in her blankets. Her knife clattered onto the floor, as its hiding place beneath her cushions was disturbed, its noise stirred her sleeping sister across the room. Ilaria's heart raced and her breathing was rapid and ragged, the dream still clung to her; that pain. . . It was a wonder on how her trembling hands could light the candle on her nightstand, the luminous red light of the flame sent dancing shadows across the walls and floors of her corner. The young elf quickly examined her hands. The Eye was missing from her palm. She felt at her throat and there were no restraints - the only wetness on her was from no river, only the product of her cold sweat. Fumbling, she found her diary and hastily flipped to a fresh page to feverishly sketch down these visions. The Eclipse. . . The Crown. . . "Th-there truly is no running from this," she whispered with a quavering breath. Her fingers tightly curled around the edges of her journal, dipping her forehead into it as her eyes shut tight. The only option we have forward is to strengthen ourselves. Words uttered to her just that day, which she repeated now to herself over and over.
  11. this server needs more rat magic

  12. 1. My favorite type of RPers are the ones that can help develop a fun story, they can work with conflict and don't try to "win the game" and try to have an interesting perspective on the way the server is. Also people that can just do something funny and be chaotic like me without actually being a goober. Hard to come up with a list, but to just name a few out of many that I enjoy (which is basically all of my friends), there is @Xx_BloodStalk_xXyou @Zarsieswhatever the **** mordu's forum name is, @Gelaticam@ShannonLeigh @HurferDurfer1@Scourgeand mister calibreeni idk his forum name ;( 2. I prefer orange juice without pulp, but I also don't drink orange juice a lot because it's a very strong kick in the face for me to drink in the mornings when I can get nauseous super easily or lightheaded. I love eating oranges though 3. 4. I wish I had been able to do more with Margaux, honestly. She was a very interesting character and I really wanted to do flavor posts of her studying mundane herbs (IRL ones) so that I could fart around and apply what sort of Material Alphabet symbols could logically make them up. I RP'd her being very invested in the Language of Flowers and tried to incorporate that into my RP, so it was eventually going to be my plan to try and bring that around more. Unfortunately, Margaux ended up not receiving any help in identifying symbols from an alchemist and despite getting an FA, never got lessons 5. Hard to choose a specific one, but I guess a series of books that really influenced my writing and got me motivated to try and be more flavorful/detailed with my RP was Chronicles of the Twelve Kingdoms, by Esther M. Friesner. It's four books, but I've only read the first three. They're not important to be read in any specific order, every book follows someone different in this world and it's nice. Mustapha and His Wise Dog is one of my favorite books. 6. You're very nice and down to earth, you can be good to go to for advice sometimes or just to shoot the shit with memes. We think alike and got the same humor, which is also nice! I've been drawing ever since I was little, but I actively started to work on my art when I was around 14 or 15 and I've improved a ton I use Photoshop CS6 and a HUION drawing tablet! 1. Burnt out 2. Got a few, I guess! a) When I was able to teleport Woldzmir away b) When my Alexandria character managed to convince a Scyfling warlord to join Haense in the war c) When my Nemir character came to the end of her story d) Lot of other times, some just memey moments with friends 3. I honestly don't really know you, I think. Hard to say 4. It honestly just takes a lot of practice and effort, if you apply yourself to anything you can eventually master it. Sure, it may come more easily to others, that doesn't make it impossible for you. Do what feels right and makes you happy and you'll find your way, never compare yourself to others this speaks a lot about feminism, I can see the tones of patrick bateman and batman in this image. wait.... bateman....batman, you don't think-. .no, no it cant be lol... unless- no............... no...... NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I studied a lot of the old masters in high school, people like John Singer Sargent, Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema, John William Waterhouse, John William Godward. Studying them is what has helped me maintain my painterly style today. I used to support and study another artist called Astri Lohne, but she's currently put a pause on her Patreon. She has a lot of open videos on youtube of her paintings and offering advice to artists too! It's hard to say what inspires me, since it can be a lot of things. Just seeing unique ideas with a lot of depth can really move me to want to make the same You're a funny guy and you seem really cool, I think I used to bash on you a little about using my skins or something which I sometimes suddenly remember and feel bad about. I used to be shy (and still sometimes am) about approaching you because sometimes I feel like you don't care for me too much ;~; nothing that you've done, I just get like that (YOU'RE SPOON, RIGHT?)
  13. Hard to say, really. Any genre can be good if it's written properly, you know? But I guess my current least favorite genre on the server right now is monster hunting, feels overly done in my opinion and almost protagonisty just without the nooby anime vibes hey i've seen this before.......... You're a really funny and cool guy, love your RP and it's almost bizarre on how much we think alike for some stuff. Really glad we've met, wish we can be able to RP more again! Random stuff will inspire me, honestly, just as it does with art. Can be music, a game, a book, or a show. Books inspire me a lot though, especially fantasy with historical influences - but things that focus on the smaller details of life or culture from history. There's a lot of these, but I'll comment on a recent one: Went on a spook hunt and we wanted to get into a city to cause trouble. Now, no way in hell someone was going to let in 5 creepy armored people. So we approached 1 at a time in like 2 minute intervals and had random reasons to want to come inside. Worked for everyone. Removing 5G birds, having people acknowledge distance between nations and cities so they stop saying "oh yeah i was just in savoy earlier, im gonna run over to haense now and see a friend even though it's across the ******* continent. see you tomorrow!" like.............................. you can incorporate that better in ur writing, come on
  14. I use Photoshop CS6! please no spam This kinda heavily depends on what I'm in the mood for, honestly. I like just seeing where ideas take me. Though I have the most fun in designing characters, I like to spend a lot of time on art for my newer characters that I end up getting invested in. I've sort of just been drawing ever since I was little, I used to like watching a lot of speed paintings on youtube and wanted to do digital drawing for it. I almost wanted to be an animator, but then Disney just started shitting out 3D animation films ;( Also thank you so much ;-; easily forgettable on how we're all perceived by others and how we live our lives completely unaware of how we may affect people for the better, or have secret admirers. Reminds me of a quote that talks about that stuff, how you've got no idea on how many secret lovers you might have. I think about it all the time when I'm out and I see someone with cute hair or a nice shirt, I wonder if people may think the same of me for something I'm doing. *dies inside* I can show you some art I've done from Alexandria's age ;D Last three paintings are canonically done by her 1. I'd say my current two favorite character arcs are: The shelving of my Nemir character Long time scholar and one of the head librarians of the Dragur Library during Axios, soon left the place to wander the realm and aid people. She ended up searching for the Dragaar Aedrex once the Athera eventline came up, since he was one of the founders of the library. Managed to summon a the Mani Spirit Ohowaki to help guide her to him, then pledged her services to him where she permanently remains. Moliana's adventures and struggles Too long to write, and not something I'm wanting to share too much due to risk of meta and since I still actively RP the character. But Moliana has been very fun to RP, her story has been incredibly exciting and it's felt like how I used to RP on the server - not fully tied down to anywhere and just going wherever the RP takes me. Her earlier life was a lot like that, definitely changed now and sometimes exhausting to deal with but the character is still fun. 2. As for how I've gotten good at drawing and skinning. . . just constant practice and searching for ways to improve myself more and more. Knowledge on color theory is useful for skinning, just as it is for art. Make what you want to make and see where your imagination takes you! Also never fully reference from already existing art, it can be useful but photos are what's going to help you get better - even if you've got a stylized style! 3. I'm not too sure what I'd want to do on the server, I just want to have fun with friends and make a cool story. The event of Woldzmir being teleported away was incredibly satisfying and I hope it's something to be remembered for a while, given how dramatic it seemed. 4. from MOST LIKED to LEAST LIKED Moliana Luceafaru, Alexandria Barbanov, Nemir Valnelis, Margaux Helvets, Celiasul Sul'Sumana, Arianne Helvets [never got to fully play Arianne as a character is my reason, dealt with harassment around the time I had the character and took a break from the server], Sosina Amador [She was fun, but IRL issue took me away from the server. Her story was cool; young baroness killing ghosts to purge her manor of a haunting, to then die to a bee sting] 5. You seem really sweet and your RP is interesting, I've been shy of interacting with you a lot unfortunately to get to know you more lol [CASUAL LAUGH, NOT TOXIC! ITS A CASUAL LAUGH lol CAN BE NICE] frown I actually haven't been to an actual art school, which I really regret. I'm just in a state university, but the art department has a portfolio review in order to reach higher classes. I haven't done it yet since I recently switched majors As for what I'd like to do with my future, it'd be nice to be a concept artist for a gaming company, or an illustrator for books! <3 I've really liked digital painting because it allows you to explore more with ideas without wasting time and material I've worked very little with watercolor, but I think some very nice art can come from it. It feels like you're having to paint backwards, because of how layer and mixing works with the paints. UnMaidened
  15. I'm hopping on the bandwagon. Ask Me Anything, it's burnout week babey Also check out some art I did this year as I practice scenes and landscapes
  16. "HE IS NOT THE RAT KING!" Bellowed a senile old woman, married into the Wick family. She was then silenced by her aids, treated with drowsing remedies to quiet her crazed yelling again.
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