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Iron VIP
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Everything posted by UnBaed

  1. first also looks like we got our next map figured out
  2. A once decrepit, now deceased, Citrine Crow; Aleksandrya Karina Bihar, would have greatly approved of such studies in the flora and fauna - having had a green thumb herself, in her life.
  3. do you ever wonder if diana's ex-husband rp's on lotc
  4. loving this

    1. HurferDurfer1


      im eating dry ramen right now

    2. UnBaed


      Thanks for the update 

  5. Ilaria prepares another copy of her Shorewalker book.
  6. molia: strawberry ilaria: ocean wave yahime: lava cake
  7. CT should host a contest for people to design new graphics for the front page of the website 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Anore


      I have them just sitting on my computer its been done


    3. UnBaed


      I skimmed through the post and looked at the designs, they look very nice actually.  Sucks that nothing's being done to make the shift though - sorry I missed the post, I haven't been actively on the forums past week or so.

    4. Zarsies


      Yes. For everything. Please god let's keep our aesthetics top notch.

  8. Hey, welcome back to LotC! I hope you're able to find yourself a fun space to conduct your RP, if you have any questions for lore and the like - don't be afraid to reach out to ST, or make a /sreq on the main server. Pirates are cool aesthetics for characters, I'm sure you'll be able to find a few nations around the server where a niche like that could be suitable. If you enjoy making skins and sharing them, there's a discord community made by some players from LotC [alongside some other Minecraft RP servers] where skinners and artists come together to share what they make and help each other out. Invite link to it is here: https://discord.gg/7eAewh4C
  9. if you call your character a "smol bean" in an emote or their description, i'll pugsy you
  10. pvp influences the server, as do rp events - but the sad thing is that both will never work out well together because both sides think the opposite one is redundant/something to just ignore


    there's a place for pvp on the server, but my personal view of lotc is that it shouldn't be regarded as the big influence it is now (and i am glad it doesn't have as strong of a grip on the way things go as it once used to)


    glad to see conflict between rp groups make a strong narrative, but i am also happy to see ET bringing in elaborate events to add more flavor and lore to the server.  i've tried a few times to enjoy rp in wars, but it's always been ruined by ooc getting dragged into it


    it's what steered me away from wanting to partake in wars again, no matter what's going on - and why i lean more in favor of events, personally

    1. mmat


      PvP should influence the server, but that fact shouldn't allow PvPers to exclusively dominate the political direction of where things go. It's unfortunately an irrefutable fact that goonsquads (who often don't have an intention of creating a long term healthy roleplay) tip the scales in our Minegraft politics. That's what I don't like. Otherwise I generally enjoyed PvP, when it wasn't garbage 1.9 anyway

    2. Laeonathan


      I think the influence PvP has now is alright. It used to be really bad a few years ago, I guess it's fine now.

    3. Gambit


      PvP and RP will work when we #shout all shotcalling commands in rp and stop using Discord

  11. every war really turns into a world war on lotc

    1. Twinny



    2. SteppeNomad


      very cringe, basically every time

  12. A softened smile graces the features of a fatigued Shorewalker as acquired a copy of one of these scriptures, her weary eyes diligently read through it. "Walk with the Shore," Ilaria whispered.
  13. why does it feel like we take steps forward in making this server solely focused on rp, but then take steps back by adding in weird mechanics like these? what does this contribute to a narrative, besides ooc grouping and information?
  14. Favorite RP moment? What’s something you’re proud of that you’ve done on the server? Has LotC helped you realize any new hobbies or interests that you might want to pursue? If you could ideally change any aspect of the server and have it work perfectly and efficiently as you imagine, what would you wish to alter? Thoughts on me?
  15. Favorite RP moment you’ve experienced? What’s a character that isn’t your own that you’ve admired and why? If you could alter anything about your character’s backstory, what would you wish? Do you have any sources of inspirations for your RP or character development?
  17. You got any favorite RP moments? Favorite character that you've interacted with from another player? What's something you're proud of for your time on the server?
  18. my only concern is goobers killing birds for the shits and giggles now to disrupt messages from anyone and everyone
  19. do you like me better than zacho why does it feel like we've known each other for so long but also hardly know one another
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