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Status Updates posted by UnBaed

  1. .... .- .... .- / ... -.- .. -. -. .. -. --. / -- .- -.- . ... / -- . / .-- .- -. - / - --- / -.. .. . --..-- / ... -- .. .-. -.- .-.-.- / .- .-.. ... --- --..-- / ..-. .-. . . / -.- .. -. -.-. .- .. -..

  2. "I'd strangle myself to eat a meme" - Warmetal 

    1. Savoyard


      i spaced out lmao

  3. "I'm dying to death."  - @Fury_Fire 

    1. BonesOfTheEarth


      Im dying slowly every moment of my life until I hit the sweat release of death

    2. Pureimp10


      "sweat release"


    3. BonesOfTheEarth
  4. "If you're drowning just... drink the water" - Vengeance 2k16

    1. oblivionsbane


      It will create a water ballast in your stomach and increase your boyancy

  5. "No fast travels!  I want to encourage roadside RP." *has mobs spawn on roads at night, disrupting RP*

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. AGiantPie


      Roadside Rp has been pretty decent, **** fast travels.

    3. UnBaed


      I'd be fine with there being no fast travels, but at least remove mobs so new players and other RPers don't need to be bothered by them when they're trying to RP or look around.


    4. AGiantPie


      I agree, **** mobs.

  6. "OOOOHH This gear just gave me an orgasm!" - @Fury_Fire during Skywars

  7. "stop being emo" - bisnitch

  8. "Who is Aang?" Fury during a conversation on Avatar 

    1. BonesOfTheEarth



    2. SpodoKaiba
    3. AGiantPie



  9. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    1. Ryloth


      yall really gotta be like that huh

    2. seannie
  10. [My reply to Drake's feedback since it was locked]

    I severely dislike the use of PvE in world events, at least there haven't been any mobspawning in the Isle of Malin [to my knowledge] so far and that it's left to actual RP which is also kinda of bad, but much better than the former.  I'm not blaming just the ET for my disappointment for the event, but a few of the players as well.  I tried to take part in a few things for the event, but was just on the edge of just logging out or leaving because of how horrible I thought a few things were on both the players and ET end.  I don't want to go into full detail on this post, this is just a minecraft server.  We're not all professionals in story developing, we're just trying to have fun.  But I think the way the event had been set out, where you could get seemingly important RP items from chests that were just terrible to open, caused a lot of attending players to freak out and forget RP to hoard loot for themselves.  I tried a few times to do actual RP around the city as well as entering a building or two, one of them I needed an ET present to get through the door and the second it opened, like ten people flooded inside mechanically and began looking through the chests when I was wanting to RP trying to study some peculiar furniture that was floating as well as other things.  I didn't want to deal with the mess and emoted leaving and walked away frustrated.  Another thing that just bothers me is how blood thirsty half the players are and how they think destroying everything they come across is the answer to the event.


    To be truthful, I'm not pleased with how the event is really going so far.  Too many things are vague and the way items are given out is poor.  A majority of the playerbase has disappointed me as well, but I suppose that is to be expected from a minecraft server.


    Try not to take offense to this, I don't intend to bring any.

    1. itdontmatta


      I understand, and appreciate the feedback. I know the event is not perfect but atleast I've tried my best. I'll look into having a bit more organized events so everyone's not rushing through to find loot.  If you want I can continue this conversation on discord.  arockstar28#1266

    2. Detective


      Smaller Detailed Events are just so much better. PvE mass events suck, too many memes and pixel hungry kids.

  11. ******* foxes screaming outside my window at 3am I don't deserve this

    1. Milans


      what does the fox say?

  12. *gets hitted

    1. Harri


      *rain putted outs fir e

    2. garentoft


      *pulls down hood and eyes turn red

    3. Ducklingator


      *takes out dagger kills you with dagger.

  13. *l'eggos your eggo

    1. garentoft



  14. *looks at you like i look at the blarney stone 

  15. *mc crashes when in middle of an emote*

    1. Rudi


      Go to bed


    2. Jygg


      Press f to pay your respects

  16. >when you stop caring about the endless drama on lotc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOaQOSHGfz8


  17. #freehongkong

  18. @NJBB I offer thee my humblest and sincerest of apologies; my behavior had been MOST uncouth and almost irredeemable when I had broken thine golden greaves upon clicking on thine’s Minecraft person.

    1. Jaigalar


      forgiven thank you 

    2. UnBaed


      oh i don’t want your forgiveness, that’s a sign of weakness.  i shall RETRACT my apology

  19. http://imgur.com/a/4Ufwe my goal today is to get flint and steel

    1. Space


      what to heck


      also click options on your other status update then hit delete.

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