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Status Updates posted by squakhawk

  1.  my oc darkmage shooting death bolt while freeform casting 

  2. "Here is an ooc insult" my character says to nobody in particular (lol! @personwhocommentedonthethread), throwing the letter into the fire

    1. FlemishSupremacy


      "I don't care." Says a non descript person from a non descript location, disregarding the missive as it does not align with his IRP or OOC interests.

    2. lemonke
  3. >Oren all go through to cede from it’s unlanded emperor
    >wiki team: 2x2h18.png 

  4. @itdontmattaPiano fell on my head and broke both my legs, I'll never walk again. Why would you do this? Not gonna be voting for you in 2024.

    1. Reckless Banzai Screamer
    2. Nug


      can i have your legs

    3. Spoopy_Duck


      why would itdontmatta do this?

  5. "It wasnt that big a deal, get over it"
    me 7 years, 10 months, and 5 days later: 😭

  6. https://prnt.sc/s2zd2l
    building material **** ?

    1. Nozgoth


      bruh that is sexy

    2. JokerLow


      i see a forge...it must be a dwarven eventline!

  7. https://prnt.sc/tm8hz2 

    god we are ******* ZOOMING through submissions rn

    st kinda been doin great recently doe..

  8. thoughts on administrator kaiju battles where u get like haelun'or llir and adria itdontmatta in like a head 2 head 


    also vaults r done im waiting on ~30 enchants to be fixed for active players and the remaining 40 are inactive/banned players im in the midst of mopping up i'll have the coolest fuckin infographics ever i got so much data ill have it posted prob tomor or the day after once i get all these enchants wrapped up

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Fimlin


      adria would just be a wet dog missing a foot

    3. sam33497


      I can't wait to see the vault stats so myself and other armchair lore discussers have a new talking point for the next 3 months.

    4. itdontmatta


  11. 700 day cold war begins was a good one guys 

  12. A formal chad-shoutout to our acting ET - DrHope, Nectorist, Spoons, Bathrug, Miniguy, Galendar, Chase, Pund, Sybyl, Malaise, Remeron, Myself, Riftblade, Llir, Treesmoothie, HauntedHalycon, Eli, Witchlore, Lockages, and our splendid ET-leads Kai and Joel, for their incredible work during this event. This has gone phenomenally smooth thanks to all the above. Thank you for your hard work boys, it's certainly absolutely appreciated and deserves good praise.

    1. Nectorist


      Thanks, man. You and Lock were awesome to work with today and I had a really great time. 


      Makes me feel bad that me and the boys beat you up so much a year and a half ago.

    2. excited
  13. accepting rubels in exchange for anything story related, we are now a crowdfunded team. Starting with sreqs. (40 per, each rubel buys a step closer to victory against the croats) 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. squakhawk


      venezuelan NO

      only rubel. 1.10 is bulet. 

      lore acceptance previously went at a fee of $75 USD. Too long have I been generous. Expect changes. Big changes!

    3. Sorcerio


      How much can I pay for the Four Golden Weapons?

    4. saint swag

      saint swag

      can u writem e a addition pls


    1. Bardmancer


      no thats ur job

  15. alterac valley roleplay

    1. Nug


      zug zug

    2. squakhawk


      when the **** did i type this status update i dont remember this

  16. announcement copied from chad ST discord
    Nodes are placed, Self teach changes are implemented. Have a good evening

  17. anonymous reports literally go unanswered ignored and unread. The only way to get **** done is like this. That is how it was done before, that’s how it’ll be done in the future. Set precedent and ******* take responsibility and act.

  18. anyone who vagueposts in status updates im gonna ban from status updates unless i am in on the goss, this is serious, i am not joking

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nug
    3. Lojo613


      he doesnt know that there is someone who is still suffering for the sins of the last regime. . .

    4. DrakeHaze.
  19. Braevosi rise up. less than 24h until gaming.

    1. The King Of The Moon

      The King Of The Moon

      Imma be so smug in 4 hours

    2. The King Of The Moon

      The King Of The Moon

      Man officially lied? @squakhawk?? See you in court

    3. squakhawk
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