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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by AlphaMoist

  1. Banning people for saying **** they said on a non lotc based setting is ******* stupid as hell and you’re stupid as hell if you’re a gm who does this. Take this rant as you will. 

  2. Because when a ghoul is told that there is a way to free them from their clouded, constantly confused mind, they’re willing to suck whatever cock necessary to be free from the wild bewildering torture which is the ghoulish mind. Ghouls are stupid, but they aren’t unintelligent to the point where they don’t understand the concept of a basic rank system where they are the bottom and going up is good. Anyways, yes +1. Splice of life doesn’t belong to ghouls. That’s part of the reason ghouls are so tormented. They physically can’t understand the emotions they once had, yadda yadda yadda. The grammar in the post wasn’t best, so it kind of made it difficult to read, but I get the gist. The only thing I’m iffy about is the death thing. Ghouldom is supposed to be a way to escape death, but at the same time I agree with it because it allows a ghoul to be PK’d. Idk, I’m leaning towards a solid +1. Ghouls need a way to be PK’d, that’s all I know.
  3. Did you just bring up a game with an overly cringy playerbase to make this mineman argument sound less cringy Could an fm pls close this thread before I continue to ruin my post to rep ratio over plants *******
  4. There are tons of plants irl that have some form of locomotion
  5. You mean like gold weapons that should break with one swing but instead burn like a ***** from hell? Or literally any holy magic at all? If you think there are no ways to combat a ghoul, I have some news for you.
  6. I feel as if you either don’t know what a homunculi is or you’ve met someone who shouldn’t be rping a homunculi Remove pvp. Remove magic. Remove circle jerks. Remove metagaming. Remove 80% of human nations. Remove fertile elves. Remove Skype rallies. Remove impractical golden weapons. Removal anime profile pictures. Jeez this game is fun what’s it called
  7. I distinctly remember a time when humans would outlaw the use of magic in their cities because it was gay or against the will of GOD
  8. **** you Shelby 

    1. monkeypoacher


      yeah shelby you *****

  9. Just cuz you hadn't heard of them doesn't mean no one has. My halfling homo knows a lot of them.
  10. Yes hi, if anyone is willing to a sell a 3ds or 2ds for an honest and cheap price, I would appreciate it if you would contact me on the forums. I'll pay cash, mineman coins, or favors. Maybe even a combination of the options. 

    1. Fid


      how about a gameboy, wanna buy that

  11. Where the hell is the rep at

  12. You gotta quit the application team fam, I ******* hate all these notifications 

  13. Why do people love to ***** so much Jesus Christ; he broke a rule and got banned big deal

  14. "One thousand one hundred ******* minas!" The halfling shouts angrily.
  15. "I need that ******* amulet." States a deep voiced halfling. "Seven hundred Minas."
  16. It's better than not having an eventline to do. It was really interesting to read, and it actually looks like it would be a fun event to delve into. Drfate has been persistent, so let's finally let him have his bone.
  17. Question: If someone is roleplaying without armor, why is he allowed to suddenly put on armor when he calls pvp default?

    1. Lirinya


      cause pvp isnt rp!!!!!

    2. Vaynth


      If PvP combat was realistic towards role-play and actually correlated with a character's skills and abilities, it would quickly die out on the server.

  18. "Hrrrm.." An old, raspy voice mumbles. "So if I am.. undead.. I am... no longer allowed to.. enjoy nature?" The ageless corpse spits. "******* idiots."
  19. FRIENDLY REMINDER: Gold is a very soft and very heavy metal. It does not cut through armor very easily, if at all, and it, in general, makes a terrible weapon compared to one made of steel. Or bronze. Or pretty much any conventional weapon.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. AlphaMoist


      Aurum is literally just the Latin word for gold

    3. Guest


      hence why gold is alloyed irl ! !! ! wow ??  who would have thought!!

    4. AlphaMoist


      @iMattyz The lore even states that, along with no reason given for hurting spooks, it is just normal gold. 


  20. What I want to know is: Does the planet lotc resides on have a name? I asked this like a year ago and people laughed at me
  21. Do you have to be *****? He's just trying to make some magic he thinks people could enjoy; you don't have to be so rude.
  22. https://gyazo.com/4ea305e31dd739b7f8a20091e573bf1f 

    Proof lotc is a pvp faction server

    1. TankM1A2


      This is no revelation, mon ami.

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