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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by AlphaMoist

  1. Why is everyone posting their character’s life story, like is that a trend now

    1. The Fact Core

      The Fact Core

      We have to go with the trend, roll out the dramatic stories!

  2. Wow, it really do be like that sometimes I guess

  3. Bronze is a copper alloy, and both of these materials corrode underwater. Just an fyi Also, I like the lore piece, but... how would roleplay be done? Like sure, the ones using sputes could rp on the coastal shore just fine, but this is an entirely aquatic race. Are you going to build their cities underwater? If so, how will outsiders get to rp with them? Are you hoping the Dev team gives the Shuul race aquatic buffs and unlimited water breathing? The only way I can see this CA being viable is if either A) It picks up a TON of activity and is widely popular, thus making underwater roleplay active enough so that rp can occur in the first place, along with the fact that the above character buff are also given, or B) The shuuls become semi-aquatic and begin to colonize the shore after some sort of thing wipes out their underwater habitat, and the lore is reworked in order to make this doable. I really do like the lore piece for what it is, but I don’t see it working out too well if implemented, unless some changes are made to where there is more land rp going on than underwater rp. Fish people are neat, and I love amphibious races in fantasy games, like Zoras or Argonians, but I really just don’t see how they could work on lotc. Edit: Another thing. Why does romance have to be a possibility for everything? It just gives us weird... fish fetish ftb scenes. Make it something more interesting. What if they’re asexuals and can lay a fertilized egg all on their own when they’re ready for childbirth, and a roll is made to determine whether or not the egg’s occupant survives? A whole new avenue of rp can be made with such an addition. Shuuls could be seen as a suitable slave race, not for labor, but as a source of food, since ever shuul can lay eggs. A feral species of shuul could be added who do not control when they lay their self-fertilized eggs, which create a population explosion of these ferals, and the civilized shuul could be described as fighting them back rather often. Maybe hunting the excess ferals is a sport, maybe cannibalizing their corpses becomes common. You could still have sexual characteristics that differentiate between genders of a shuul, and hell, maybe you still keep lifemates as a thing, not for romance, but for a different cultural excuse. Not everyone may agree with this part of the feedback, but it’s something to think about.
  4. “Haha yeah **** the voidal mages, focus on those assholes!” The local shade shouted as he took a break from plotting.
  5. And so another staff member goes absolutely mad. Amazing times we live in

  6. Llyria actually didn’t get a choice. It was forced pvp
  7. This is just blatant abuse and rule breaking. If this ever happens to anyone, the player should be reported and banned. No lore ever should have to have a redline saying that sexual abuse can’t be a thing, because it most certain can’t be a thing to begin with i don’t want any player like that to be associated with my community or any community, so please, report report report
  8. Remember lads, LT is no longer accepting MAs, TAs, or CAs (exceptions being discount Khajiit, Monkey people, and ologs) as the deadline for it all was yesterday. We’ll handle those apps once the respective lore has been accepted or denied during the lore games. 

    1. Heero


      YO ARE YOU ******* KIDDING ME

  9. Am i the only one who’s gunna bring up the formatting please fix the formatting
  10. Why hasn’t this been taken down yet
  11. Is it a **** tease? Who knows.... stick around and find out 

  12. Dammit, I just lost The Game

    1. Evangelli
    2. 1_Language_1


      Don’t think about The Game

  13. The 8th of The Great Harvest, 1725 A small halfling wanders up a hill with an unemotional frown resting against his lips. His eyes devoid of everything but anger and desperation, he opens his mouth to speak. “You’re a difficult man to find, Rafe.” --- --- --- A hairy, broken beast lay on the ground just below the hill, blood spilling out of his back from his point of impact with the ground. Dazed and weak, The Wild Man keeps his gaze on the halfling who had followed him throughout the fall. ”Dammit Rafe! Dammit all!” The halfling shouted, gritting his teeth furiously as he stared down at the former alchemist. “I was the pinnacle of creation, Rafe! You made me to be perfect! Remember?! Perfect!” The halfling shouts wildly again, then slowly begins to shake his head as the fiery emotion slowly begins to fade away from his features. He emits a low, unempathetic drone. “And if you can’t fix me.. Then you are useless to me.” He jumps forwards, landing on The Wild Man’s gut, sending a large volume of blood and bile out of his mouth, matting the creature’s fur as it began to release a few raspy breaths. “I don’t want to see this ugly beast die. I want to see Rafe die.” The halfling walks on The Wild Man’s body, then squats over the dying creature’s chest. He pulls out a pair of shears that had been snapped in half, forming a crude knife that comfortably fit the halfling’s small size. After grabbing the nonresistant wildling’s chin, the halfling leans in and brings the jury-rigged knife to the base of The Wild Man’s flesh. He then began to drag the blade underneath fur and atop of skin, shaving the beast as a wicked smile crept across Marcas’ face. “Wouldn’t you say this is fitting, Rafe? The creation overcomes the creator! They write stories about this kind of stuff, you know.” A few chuckles escape from the halfling’s breath before all emotion fades once again from his demeanor, and the blade continues to streak against The Wild Man’s face, hair falling to the ground in large, bloody chunks. ”Sadly, the final act of your story will never be known to the world.” The halfling stands up, looking down at the mess he had made of the man. Wild Man’s face lay naked in the air, hairless for the first time in possibly a century. It was the first thing Marcas had seen when he was created in Rafe’s alchemical lab all those years ago, and while the halfling held no possibility of feeling any regret for the actions he committed this day, he was mildly annoyed by the fact that he didn’t get more use out of his creator before his transition into The Wild Man became complete and permanent. The longer Marcas spent staring down at The Wild Man’s now familiar face, the longer his scowl grew against his face. ”Now that is the Rafe we all know and love. Truly an improvement.” With that, the former homunculus brought his boot high into the air, and he began to stomp onto The Wild Man’s face, an angry, furious roar escaping from his tiny through. He continues this for what seems like hours, but in reality would have only been a few long minutes. The Wild Man provided no resistance at all, and by the time the halfling’s rage was over, Rafe’s last breath had long since been released. The halfling backed away from The Wild Man’s body. He huffed and desperately tried to catch his breath, an action he wasn’t used to performing at all. He then stood up and lifted his right foot to observe the boot. “Damn, I’m going to have to clean this now..” Marcas’ gaze then darted back to the lifeless corpse of The Wild Man, and a short grin overcame his features as he noticed the intact locks of fur covering the body. He wandered back towards The Wild Man, and he gripped the knife in his hand tightly, almost eagerly. “You know what, Rafe? I was wrong. You can still prove to be useful!” --- --- --- The 23rd of The Great Harvest, 1725 A small halfling wanders into a sutican tavern, then slowly climbs up onto a barstool. He beckons the bartender closer, and the human greets him with a smile. “Ah, Lyle Fiddlewit! What will it be today?” “Oh, yeh kno’ meh, jus’ give meh som’en spiceh an’ oi’ll go ‘ome ‘appily!” The bartender nods with a chuckle, and he begins to write something down for his cook to prepare. He then takes a prolonged glance towards the halfling, and he gestures to him. ”Say, Lyle.. where’d you get that cap? It looks rather fitting on you!” “Oh, wha’, t’is?” The halfling pulls off the coon-style cap from atop his head, then ran his fingers through its thick, dark brown fur. “Than’ yeh! Oi ma’e et moi’self!
  14. Marcas Weedsnatcher loves his new Wild Man coon style hat.
  15. Okay but what flavor
  16. VIPs should get an extra SS slot, change my mind

  17. It’s a yeet or be yeeted server... and Sutica has just been yoted..

  18. In druuuubj and @Punknows itrt

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