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Status Replies posted by UnusualBrit

  1. 'we'll do better' i give you 3 months until an extremely high profile LOTC member gets outed as a groomer, possibly a staff member, for the eightieth time

  2. combat lock shouldn't exist inside city walls 

    1. UnusualBrit


      That’s fair, but cities shouldn’t be allowed to keep their gates shut 24/7 either. 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. the mods are cowards and should move the techlock to the Renaissance 

  4. Seeking Gigachad players to play security / companion golems for a wizard. Message me if you have an interest, preferably off-peak players.


  5. westerlands pride worldwide

  6. The romantic chivalric tradition takes, or at any rate has in the past taken, the young man's eye off women as they are, as companions in shipwreck not guiding stars.

  7. peetah did you release azdromoth on the world again

  8. im losing count of how many times staff have failed me

  9. Genju

    Genju    Llir

    Do you know when it going  be up I just applied yesterday and finished editing my application so you telling me it was for nothing?

    1. UnusualBrit


      Don’t worry he’s not accepting applications for realms which are different to player applications you’ll get sorted soon enough :) 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  10. Dreams are messages from the deep.

  11. anyone ever considered that if batman used the millions of dollars he had available he could have invested in charities and just built hella large rehab centres or facilities capable of housing homeless and disadvantaged people, who turn towards crime as the only method of surviving.


    Instead he just breaks their bones in several different places in ways that healthcare insurance def can't cover and probably making that person's kids have to result to crime and causing further issues?

  12. We must go back to four racial nations. One for Kha, one for musin, one for hou-zi, and one for wonks.

  13. I think three warnings in one day is my all time forum record. Especially for totally innocuous banter posting.

    1. UnusualBrit


      that's probably because you called 60th a [redacted]

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. When we all had our weekends back. One man decided to change that. Smh.. the disappointment is real.

  15. Have been absolutely cackling at some of my recent forum posts. Half the fun of LOTC is forums.

  16. ARRRRGH I used to be a Lector

  17. John Horen came to me in my sleep and my night was instantly better.

  18. You will know him, for with peace he gathers the sons of Horen, where the sword has divided them.

  19. 'Hello, sir,' another of the Legionnaires says. I glance behind Ryken, to a man several places down the line. My targeting reticule locks on him - onto his grinning face. He is unscarred, and despite his youth, has laugh lines at the corner of his eyes.


    So. He's not dead, either.


    This does not surprise me. Some men are born with luck in their blood.


    I nod to him, and he walks over, seemingly as bored with the proceedings as I am.


    The orator is declaring how I 'smote the blaspheming aliens as they dared defile the temple's inner sanctum.' His words border on a sermon. He would have made a fine ecclesiarch, or a preacher in the Imperial Guard.


    The ochre-clad soldier offers his hand for me to shake. I humor him by doing the same.


    'Hello, hero,' he grins up at me.


    'Greetings, Andrej.'


    'I like your armor. It is much nicer now. Did you repaint it yourself, or is that the duty of slaves?'


    I cannot tell if this is a joke or not.




    'Good! Good. Perhaps you should salute me now, though, yes?' He taps his epaulettes, where a captain's badges now show, freshly issued and polished silver.


    'I am not beholden to a Guard captain,' I tell him. 'But congratulations.'


    'Yes, I know, I know. But I must be offering many thanks for you keeping your word and telling my captain of my deeds.'


    'An oath is an oath.' I have no idea what to say to the little man. 'Your friend. Your love. Did you find her?'


    I am no judge of human emotion, but I see his smile turn fragile and false. 'Yes,' he says. 'I did find her.'


    I think of the last time I saw the little storm trooper, standing over the dockmaster's bloody corpse, bayoneting an alien in the throat, only moments before the basilica fell.


    I find myself curiously glad that he is alive, but expressing that notion is not something I can easily forge into words. He has no such difficulty.


    'I am glad you made it,' he uses my own unspoken words. 'I heard you were very injured, yes?'


    'Not enough to kill me.'


    But so close. I quickly grew bored of the Apothecaries on board the Crusader telling me that it was a miracle I clawed my way from the rubble.


    He laughs, but there is little joy in it. His eyes are like glass since he mentioned finding his friend.


    'You are a very literal man, Reclusiarch. Some of us were in lazy moods that day. I waited for the digging crews, yes, I admit it. I did not have Adeptus Astartes armor to push the rocks off myself and get back to fighting the very next day.'


    'The reports I have heard indicated no one else survived the fall of the basilica,' I tell him.


    He laughs. 'Yes, that would make for a wonderful story, no? The last black knight, the only survivor of the greatest battle in Helsreach. I apologize for surviving and breaking the flow of your legend, Reclusiarch. I promise most faithfully that I and the six or seven others will be very quiet and let you have all the thunder.'


    He has made a joke. I recognize it, and try to think of something humorous with which to reply. Nothing surfaces in my mind.

    'Were you not injured at all?'


    He shrugs. 'I had a headache. But then it went away.'


    This makes me smile.

  20. who are you

  21. I want you to know that I read your posts in Bishop Sheen's voice

  22. People in a council chat admitting to prioritizing OOC over RP is not surprising. This is how most nations have been run on LoTC for a while.


    The solution? Bring back Freebuild :^)

  23. unband me good sir

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