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Status Replies posted by UnusualBrit

  1. we need a FlamboyantRage era with lore games except it's Realm Games

  2. lectors

  3. Hold up, OGs making a run to contribute via ST? Where can I sign up?






  5. genuine question for player history nerds w/ all this talk about empires: which empire historically came closest to a full eu4-style world conquest on lotc?

    1. UnusualBrit


      The (Dwarven) Empire of Thorin Grandaxe in Anthos

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  6. 1 nation down, 22 to go

  7. 1 nation down, 22 to go

  8. Rhun wins in the end, garegreen

  9. what about making a rule stating that people cannot recruit pvpers from other servers during wartime in an attempt to to win wars



  10. if u get publicly executed but refuse to pk u should instantly lose all rights to victory posting

  11. "Let me ask you something."


    "Just one last thing."


    "It won't hurt, I promise."


    "What was I, to you?"


    "What do you mean?"


    "You're a soldier."


    "A soldier with a promising future ahead of you."


    "You're a soldier."


    "And you're a ghost, aren't you?"




    "Feelings pass right through you, don't they?"


    "So cold and unforgiving in every choice you made in battle."


    "Pure soldier."


    "I think that's what let us trust you-"


    "Don't talk, save you strength."


    "I don't need it."


    "I need you be strong."


    "Strong enough to do what you've never done in your life."


    "Can you be strong enough to allow yourself to be...."


    "Can you just be human?"


    And that's when it happened. That's when I truly became a ghost. Just a shadow, surrounded by death.




    Look at the moon.

    I never noticed how beautiful the moons are here.

  12. Me when i reply by showing a severed skull to my Urguani recruiter to join Dungrimm legion.

  13. wartime roleplay is at an all time high. please get your genuine roleplay next to the boxes at the ss pillars of any nation

  14. mfw I hear about an appeal where my name is dropped more times than fifty cent says "fitty."

  15. Surprisingly, Stannis smiled at that.


    “You’re bold enough to be a Stark. Yes, I should have come sooner."


    "If not for my Hand, I might not have come at all. Lord Seaworth is a man of humble birth, but he reminded me of my duty, when all I could think of was my rights. I had the cart before the horse, Davos said. I was trying to win the throne to save the kingdom, when I should have been trying to save the kingdom to win the throne.

  16. Very sad to see a lack of apps after a recruitment drive announced :<

  17. iron+man+gif+images+on+mithileshjoshi.bl


    Jarvis, kick their asses.

  18. :( can I be let onto the mod team yet? i’m not ableist to chronically ill players and would never make light of their disease. *looks up cutely with a hopeful gaze sadness evident within her eyes.* 

  19. Please dont ever post again any new forum posts. Make a new forum account. Abandon or transfer your rep, there's more important things to do.

  20. I can't wait for redlines to dictate my characters personality instead of dynamic roleplay. Very based.

  21. Stannis ground his teeth. “It is not my wish to tamper with your rights and traditions. As to royal guidance, Janos, if you mean that I ought to tell your brothers to choose you, have the courage to say so.”

    That took Lord Janos aback. He smiled uncertainly and began to sweat, but Bowen Marsh beside him said, “Who better to command the black cloaks than a man who once commanded the gold, sire?”

    “Any of you, I would think. Even the cook.” The look the king gave Slynt was cold.

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