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Status Replies posted by UnusualBrit

  1. Looking forward to learning more about George! Stay tuned for more interesting tidbits about the Reincarnation of Horen Himself!

  2. what do nation people get out of spamming threads for what is essentially a copy-paste paragraph with a changed sentence in between??

  3. i am alive, not replaced with an ai

  4. Ugh, don't even get me started on those "red tags" over at Lord of the Craft. I've been waiting for the new Minecraft map for what feels like an eternity, and they keep dragging their feet. Four days overdue? Seriously? It's like they have no respect for us players and our time.

    I've invested so much energy and effort into this fantasy roleplaying community, and all I get in return is disappointment. They promised us a new map, filled with exciting adventures and unexplored territories, but all we're left with is broken promises and empty words.

    It's not just about the delay; it's about the lack of communication and transparency. They could have at least given us updates or explanations for the delay. But no, we're left in the dark, wondering when, or even if, we'll ever get to experience the new map.

    And don't even get me started on the bugs and glitches that never seem to get fixed. I can't count how many times I've encountered game-breaking issues that ruin the immersive experience. It's like they don't even care about the quality of the gameplay anymore.

    I've spent countless hours building my character, developing intricate storylines, and forging alliances with other players. But now, it feels like all of that was in vain. The administrators seem more interested in their own power trips and personal agendas than in creating an enjoyable gaming environment.

    I understand that managing a community like Lord of the Craft is no easy task, but the least they could do is show some respect and professionalism towards the players. We deserve better than this. I'm fed up with their incompetence and disregard for the community's expectations.

    If this continues, I might just pack up my virtual bags and find a new roleplaying community that actually values its players. Lord of the Craft had so much potential, but it's being squandered by the very people who should be nurturing it. It's a shame, really.

  5. Who necro-repd my comment on a 2018 atlas coalition war mod/toxicity bashing post 

  6. My Netherite Armor instantly makes me the most powerful player on the SMP.


    Once again, the people have to bow dow to the bald dwarf.

  7. petition to extend Failor's existence by another week just so we can have freebuild longer

  8. how do the british people of lotc feel about the name "mingebottom" for the halfling town


    personally i love it 

  9. guys this is like my 7th ban this year but im still up

  10. petition to extend Failor's existence by another week just so we can have freebuild longer

  11. People screeching about plagiarism are subversives who hate the server but try to guise it as caring for LOTC and/or other creators...

    1. UnusualBrit


      @itdontmattayeah that fiend jumperhand... how dare he mock the head admin known as telanir

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  12. what if everyone came together irp and called the map something else

  13. your overdesigned city for 9.0 will be inactive in 2 months.

  14. Aegyptus. New Map Name. Cleopatra was not black.

  15. If you're not terribly busy writing Adrian propaganda as an impartial admin, think we could get a /seen analysis on the Adrian warclaim roster of immersive and active RPers so we could see their RP immersion and activity now that they don't have to PvP anymore?

  16. looks around for frill*

    reason 4 ban ?


    *sniffs sharply



  17. big fan of the aaunic times

  18. big fan of the aaunic times

  19. from fascist symbolism to fascist terms, really makes u think

  20. At this point each side of the Adria war is just rep farming. When will we get some actual war action??? Atleast when Renatus was at war it was entertaining

  21. hope Adria isn't like the hammer of urguan

  22. guys just respond to the war thread it's literally free rep??

  23. the new map should be named aruuuuuuuuuuuuu

  24. Waited 6 months and staff didn't remove the weird authenticator thing on my account that blocked me from logging in, so I just decided to make a new one :)

    My actual account is FoolOfATori

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