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Everything posted by MunaZaldrizoti

  1. It's been real, Anna Sophia <3



  2. Teach me the ways of the Halfling.... ;____:


    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll
    3. Heff


      you're asking the wrong dude.

    4. _Jandy_


      @HeffRude... Not wrong but still **** you lol

  3. The queen has returned... @MarinaEmily bottle with popping cork

  4. When you aren't happy in regards to something, but you have to be fake and play happy...



  5. Queen Lisette Staunton would read the biography within her study, looking to her husband with a perked brow, "Jacque de Felsen? Ah, I believe Arthur mentioned this man to me the other day." She'd laugh lightly as she read the writings within, "He claims I was jealous, though just the other day our son had to explain to me who he was. Whomever wrote this biography is not a friend of Courland, my love. This writing is wrought with slander and smells of...ego. A shame, that such a great legacy is tainted by this satire." She'd hand it to her husband to look over, going to continue her studies of the True Faith's holy scripture.
  6. Is the copy-paste not working? I am trying to transfer a post from a Google Doc to the Forums, and it's not keeping the format at all.


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MunaZaldrizoti


      @Sir K Andruske I agree! I made this nice, formatted post with picture borders and everything, and it didn't copy over. It didn't format at all when transferred over to the forums. I hope they find out the problem and fix it soon.

    3. BrandNewKitten


      @EternalSaturn? yeah as someone who absolutely needs his main posts to be formatted the same way as his google doc versions I am dying a slow, painful death. 

    4. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      ive had to format every one of my posts by hand on these shitty forums


      please fix

  7. Salt for my French Fries! ?

  8. HALLELUJAH! bottle with popping cork

    1. Slayy


      Yas Girl HALLELUHAH

  9. Excellent! I would suggest for all new players to be referred to this guide! +1
  10. I think they can turn it down, if they want to. Yes, your idea is well-planned and written well, but they won't accept it just because you feel put a lot of hard work into it & think that it is the best antagonist idea in the history of the server. There is much more that goes into the acception process than just how well the idea is written. If the staff has something else in mind, than it is best to just be proud of the work you did and save it for the future.
  11. Chess is fun, reminds me of Harry Potter 8.5/10
  12. CONSPIRACY:  @Medvekoma was the sole planner and engineer behind the destruction of Johannesburg!





  13. I miss you. I remember when you had my character beaten cuz you thought she ate your grapes. That was fun! ?

    1. Cracker


      Thx Ginga....PM me on Skype for more

    2. MunaZaldrizoti



    But he uses Crest! ?

    1. KetchenX


      Lies. You have no proof.

    2. Slayy
  15. tumblr_mtyr8ffUtZ1qaho1po5_250.gif                                   tumblr_mtyr8ffUtZ1qaho1po6_250.gif



    1. Starfelt


      Are you the new girl in town?

    2. MunaZaldrizoti


      I am ?

      But this post is actually just a tease for something...

  16. Uhm...we have conflicting profile pictures.... ?


    1. Medvekoma



      The enemies of the True Queen will burn in the flames of her prowess.

  17. First Carrie Fisher, now Debbie Reynolds. I am ready for this year to end!

    1. Doug


      Don't forget Vera Rubin

    2. Mankaar


      It's honestly horrible and I can't even imagen the pain that these two very close passing's are having on the family as a whole. As it stands apparently the emotional toll of setting up the Funeral for Fisher led to Reynolds hospitalization and passing, which is frankly heartbreaking.

  18. Where my lady-dwarf at? ;_____:

  19. Is there something up with the signatures? It is basically telling me to delete all of the images.

    1. Kim


      what does 'basically' mean

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