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Everything posted by MunaZaldrizoti

  1. [!] A courier would seek out The Enchanter, delivering a sealed letter to his desk or any awaiting retainer. @Tox
  2. Does anyone know what happened to ShannonLeigh?

    1. Pinochet


      fat rat killed her y ?



    Image result for sipping tea gif

    1. Jondead


      Best drink!

  4. @TankM1A2 Never Forget.




    1. TankM1A2


      haunts me to this day

    2. MunaZaldrizoti


      lol...not like you were the best husband.....

    3. TankM1A2


      do I get a trophy or something

  5. What about our children, Tank?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Elennanore


      Artyom "The Wheelz" Ruric

    3. Zhulik


      The bible frowns on this

    4. MunaZaldrizoti


      Yes, the Confederates would certainly disapprove

  6. Glowing Tattoos and Weapons?! I love this! +1
  7. I mean...this is a roleplay server...but okay. Anyhow, I don't want to get off topic from holy healing, so I'll end this conversation here.
  8. Not, it most certainly is not a legitimate response. Just like the magic community are forced to partake in PVP default, the PVPers shouldn't always have the option of getting out of any situation by popping someone or downing them. It's unfair and ridiculous, especially when I have a more viable option to defend myself using my combative magic. Yes, I realize what this is about. I am simply saying that a huge forum post with 100+ replies, posted by the LT Lead himself, covered this topic already. With this huge holy magic change coming up, I just feel we need to start addressing several other things since this one was previously brought up.
  9. 1 more rep and I will do an AMA  ;^)

    1. Andustar


      Shut up and take this rep point.

  10. Since we had a thread on this topic already, I believe that this thread really just could have been a lengthy reply to the post that Caleb made. I believe that perhaps its time to address several other topics, like re-purposing the various core holy orders so that they're more relevant, the issue with "I don't feel like dealing with magic because I know I won't win, lets PVP", and various other issues that need a greater spotlight put on them. I don't want this thread to devolve into yet another "I just don't like holy magic/magic in general, get rid of it" thread, because we have enough of those. Tl;dr - I'm not saying this thread isn't needed, but since we have a big one already that was commented on 100+ times, I believe we can move on to other topics.
  11. Just for the record, and for those who are acting like they know so much about the Ascended magic and don't, we cannot regenerate lost limbs or anything of that sort. In fact, there have been multiple roleplay situations where we cannot heal a person missing a limb because it would mean the permanent loss of said-limb on the Ascended that does the healing, or at least the mangling of the limb if it's even still there. A lost limb is a lost limb and we can't do anything about that. I understand that whenever a holy magic-related thread comes up on this forum, there is that same group of 12 folks who just dog on the magics in hopes to be rid of them, but at least get your facts straight before making an uneducated and uninformed remark like "Dur-hur, get rid of holy magic because I'm not one and I don't understand it." It's really getting old and it's really a waste of time on a thread meant to improve and reform the magic. Nobody cares how you feel about holy magic in general when we're asking for critiques on holy healing.
  12. Aralynn General Information Name: Aralynn Aliases: N/A Race: Elf | Wood Elf (3/4 Mali'ame, 1/4 Mali'Aheral) Gender: Female Title(s): N/A Profession: N/A Class: N/A Age: 18 (17th of The Sun's Smile, 1645) (As of 5/14/18) Appearance Details Skin: Tan Eyes: Lilac Hair: Auburn-Brown Height: 5'9 Weight: 140 lbs. Body Type: Lean, with slight muscles in her legs and arms. Personality Traits Gentle Ambitious Bashful Studious Brooding Biography Family ((TBA)) Voice Claim
  13. My character didn't hire anyone to do anything, I stayed well and far away from that entire situation and only interacted, really, in that one RP meeting that was held at the Cloud Temple. And your friend had broken many other tenets before this situation, this was just where we drew the line. That first sentence proves that some people are so misinformed and only know half of these stories and rumors they're spreading. So many people have left this server in the past few months for that very reason. It's very disheartening.
  14. First of all, if anything, you were the one that was in a clique. Jallentime isn't this big monster that you have made him out to be. Fid broke a rule that is as old as the magic itself, that he chose to completely disregard, and then tried to kill us when we called him out for it. You were kicked because you were on an opposing side. Isn't that a logical thing to do? From my experience on this server, that happens in most chats and discords when someone leaves or betrays the group or playerbase. For the record, I don't consider you a threat at all, if that helps.
  15. A main 'clique' that a certain friend of yours was apart of and highly supported until it no longer served his needs for mineman power. These little posts you have been leaving around for the past few months have really made me laugh. We aren't toxic, we actually get along quite well and talk often. You and your friends wanted to use the magic for other purposes and make it something political, which has never been considered even when the Ascended were created in Aegis. Being an Ascended isn't about being political, Aeriel has a law against it, and you didn't like it when we called you all out for it. So unless you have an actual criticism instead of some petty remark about how you didn't get your way, you should go do something more productive with your time.
  16. Can we not go one day without a stupid fight or WC on this server? It's so tired and ridiculous that all anyone wants to do on a roleplay server is PVP. The staff REALLY need to do something about this absolute mess.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. seannie


      renatus depends on warclaims to fuel the majority of their playerbse, dont try to weasel out of it @Dewper .............

    3. MunaZaldrizoti


      Wait, yeah. I didn't mean for people to start fighting on my profile lol

    4. B


      @Dewper excellent i hope! 

  17. I'll take a CoA and Wax Seal, if you please! My discord is: JoelTheGinger (EternalSaturn)#6175
  18. Victoria would skim the list, smirking at the mention of the Sword of Horen. She'd toss it into her hearth, striding away to continue her day's work.
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