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Everything posted by KeatonUnbeaten

  1. QUESTIONNAIRE Minecraft Username: KeatonUnbeaten Discord Tag: N/A (would rather send privately). Character Name: Ryon Errmark Character Age: 26 Character Social Class: (Rich | Middle | Poor | Slave): Middle classed. Character Profession: (A non-combatant profession, like carpentry) Politicking and Bodyguardsmanship.
  2. Its time for another round of ‘How long will Orenian hegemony last while anti-Empire players lick their wounds?’ I’m betting ‘til 7.0
  3. Name: Ryon Errmark-Arden Race: Human Age: Late 20’s. Past Combat Experience: Fought throughout the Coalition War of Atlas. Noteworthy Skills: Skilled fighter, negotiator and drinker. Magic Status/ History: No history of magic.
  4. how the **** am i gonna reform the original bandit gang when dumb people keep banning my boys

  5. Think im a bit late to the topic

    but who is ghazrial


  7. I ******* love MINECRAFT

    Edited by KeatonUnbeaten
  8. All mention of freecamming the fort gate has been omitted to fit with standard views of Orenian leadership and soldiery.

    Have a good day.

    1. Harri


      i think someone just ran in when the gate was opened and it lagged

    2. Sky


      Blame it on the defenders who kept spam opening and closing it when trying to be greedy and getting kills.

    3. rukio


      wat. Your gate was wide open for a long while

  9. The people who ventured into harsh attacks should be banned then, the warzone should still be up. Don’t punish the entire server for the actions of the vocal minority.
  10. if i had a penny for every time blago got killed and then bm’ed id be one rich mothafcka
  11. Loved the Stalingrad re-enactment. Should do this more often.

  12. I think this is a good start.
  13. Yikes. 1000 minas per heist member? Nice.

    1. Guest


      heisting iron armour sets is profitable. u can each take only 1 set back each

    2. KeatonUnbeaten


      surely only stacks of iron, diamonds, gold are profitable?

    3. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      how is iron diamond or gold even profitable? What's profitable? There's nothing to heist but RP items specially since we don't have Nexus but rather restricted and limited vanilla. Nothing on the server right now but RP items can gather value.


      Bring back Nexus or make a new grinding system to replace it please!!

  14. pesky fokin neo-buddhists organising the destruction of our great capital


    they'll pay

  15. /me /deletes the entire /empire

  16. You spelt reivers wrong ?
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