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Status Updates posted by Medvekoma

  1. Orcs warclaim someone, OOC screeching ensues.


    I would like to finally see a faction or group attempt to negotiate with the orcs, offer them terms or to even interact with them instead of either hiding during the raids & trying to get their warclaims denied. Negotiate IC, not OOC.

    Edited by Medvekoma
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. rukio


      One of my characters tried and was essentially told to **** off ((over something that was lied about and RP'd differently from how it actually happened) so...not surprised. 

    3. ChonGojDragonski


      As someone who played an Orc and was the head of Diplomacy for the Orcs, this Warclaim and the RP associated was a joke and completely OOC motivated. I'm normally one of those people that complains and screeches about bringing in OOC to dodge IC conflict, but context is important to this situation mate.

    4. CaptainHaense


      IRP Politics on Lotc? Is that even a thing? ?

  2. Oren - 20 people fighting, 80 people in battle teamspeak.



      i'll have you know I personally popped over 80 dreadlanders solo

  3. Oren's secret identity found:


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Taketheshot


      **** you got us, damn

    3. KeatonUnbeaten


      stop the holy orenian reich !!!

    4. Medvekoma


      This clearly is part of a conspiracy and proves the toxicity of Oren. I demand staff action taken right now.

  4. Our ISP is shite so I'm without internet for the while, unless I walk to campus or library. Apologies if I miss any deadlines or w/e.

  5. Pay me a 100 minae and I will tell any player asking about “activity” or “RP” to go to the town you hire me for.

  6. Peri Peri was a lot faster & cleaner to make than Masala. Can only recommend.

  7. Premium Roleplay Experience



  8. Priority to release everyday lore asap but void magic update pending for 80+ days ?

  9. Projected Orenian performance in the warclaim:



    1. z3m0s


      Your memes are the best memes.

    2. iris1612
  10. Protesters referring to Clinton winning the popular vote. It's 0.2%, friends. That's of little significance. Should have protested against the weird system /before/ the elections. Even I find it annoying and I fancy myself a neutral on the matter.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more


      I wish I was like ski, able to blind myself to figurative tons of fraud and corruption to give fellow Americans the true force of my salty snark.

    3. Medvekoma


      @Alterazgohg Ssss insofar as a self-proclaimed neutral observer I've witnessed far more salt from Republican side.

  11. PvP nation:



    1. TankM1A2


      death to the spruce

    2. seannie


      only took a war to start rp in helena, ur welcome

    3. Medvekoma


      @seannie thx want us to return the favour? ?

  12. Queen bee.

    1. Slayy


      Awe you little :3

  13. Reeee Welf ship is locked REEEEEE

    1. Ducklingator


      This is all part of Art's final plan...

  14. Server's most wanted:



  15. smh Dark Dwarf still isn't an option for whitelist applications

  16. So a threat of forum warning point is actually a two-weeks server ban with removal from war discussions.

  17. Space dwarves VS xeno-elves

  18. Telanir enabled "scraping the barrel".

  19. That economist's cringe when Oren founds a South Seas Company.

  20. The gods did not bless me with leg space this time. Tomorrow's flight's gonna be long and painful.

    1. z3m0s


      I can only hope the blood clots give you a just path to Valhalla my friend. o7

    2. Medvekoma


      I can take an extra 35cm x 20cm x 20cm bag though. RyanAir is truly generous.

  21. The gods have granted me a seat by the emergency exit with ample leg space. Praised be!

    1. z3m0s


      Safe travels friend C:

    2. EdgyMagey


      Safe travels.

  22. The guy below me is a testosterone-overdosed midget.

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