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Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by Carson

  2. IGN: mustachemania97 Discord: will send if I win Skin: Legacy Bid: 210
  3. skin: Stardew valley bid: 25 discord #: I'll send if I win
  4. Carson

    skin auction!

    IGN: mustachemania97 skin- pastel scandal bid: 30 minas
  5. Carson

    Skin Auction!

    Skin: Leli, Leli, My Baby Bid: 60 discord: you got me
  6. "How horrible! I send my regards to the victims of those witches," Soraya Kharadeen murmurs, clutching at her heart in fright!
  7. Skin: cute & quirky Bid: 30 minas Discord: will send if won
  8. "Keep Canonism out of Sutica. Your stupid human religion has no place there," uttered a disgruntled Mali'ame.
  9. Skin: Black SwanBid: 110 MinasDiscord: will send if I win
  10. who drew your profile art? it's beautiful

    1. NomadGaia


      Oh! That'd be a commission via Trinn! Wonderful artist 😄

  11. Please tag me before you bid
  12. Skin: elvish neonBid: 70 minas ((I'm not sure if she's taking USD or what the conversion rate is))Discord: I'll dm it if I win Skin: imperial sashBid: 50 minasDiscord: I'll send if I win
  13. Skin: elvish neonBid: 50Discord: I'll dm it if I win Skin: imperial sashBid: 50Discord: I'll send if I win
  14. the scale of the builds on Almaris is frankly disorienting given how large they are

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      The curse of bigness

    2. Carson


      right? they're objectively good but holy crap I'm gonna get vertigo or something

  15. Discord: will send if wonSkin Title: winter's day; elfess attireBid(s): 5 USD for each
  16. [!] A neatly written letter would arrive at the location of Brother Aaliyah, bearing the insignia of a platypus on the top. I am keen to embark on a new adventure. If need be, I am an expert air mage with a firm ability using fire, too. My daughters Aidevo and Celestine would also be fine assets on this excursion. I look forward to working with you soon. -- Red
  17. strawberry banana 7.5$ pinky 7.5$ I will send you my discord if I end up winning -- not comfortable sharing it in public like this
  18. pinky 6.5$ strawberry banana 6.5$
  19. strawberry banana $5 pinky $5 secret pants $5 darling shade $5
  20. Soraya the Relentless smiles fondly at her great(?) nephew.
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