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Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by Carson

  1. italian - 80 scandalous - 80 discord: I'll dm it to you, not comfortable sharing publicly
  2. Apollonia de Savin weeps, thoroughly moved by this work of art.
  3. Russian imperial - 110
  4. Russian imperial - 100
  5. An unethical alchemist rubs her hands, excited to extract Orc tusks from the deceased population.
  6. Sent you a DM on discord!
  7. skin: flower girl bid: 70 discord: u have me xoxo
  8. Discord Name: you have me (not comfortable sharing in public)Skin: Royal RedBid: 85 @Circelia
  9. Skin: The Faerie Queen; Rose's Debut Bid: 60; 50 Discord: you have me ((not comfortable publicly sharing my discord))
  10. Vása Feliska signs up to help, finding nothing else to do and being mildly fit to make a few extra coins.
  11. Sister Mandragora reviews the study with a smile, her heart filling with pride for her soon-to-be-attuned granddaughter.
  12. thai/southeast asian dresses!
  13. "I had a bad feeling about those people... glad they're gone, but I reckon this isn't the end of it," utters a concerned Li-Ren entrepreneur.
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