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Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by Carson

  1. halfling 1100 minas Discord: I’ll DM it if won
  2. is housemagery a feat or a 1 slot magic

  3. highlanders and heartlanders should not be different races when farfolk are comprised of LITERALLY everything that’s not white (including entirely different races). mechanically on character cards, there are highlanders, heartlanders and far folk. that's what should be merged. not snow elves and high elves.

    Edited by Carson
    1. AnonymousAlexa


      But I like my snelf on the shelf.....

  5. Did telekinesis get shelved along with arcanism?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sorcerio


      Telekinesis and Arcanism are both shelved at this time.

    3. rukio
    4. Carson


      IS a rewrite due for telekinesis in the near future? or is that a futile endeavor for the time being

  6. how can I navigate the forums to find the alleged blood magic feat lore? someone kindly link 

    1. Nozgoth


      it should be under the lore submission area.

    2. saint swag
    3. saint swag

      saint swag

      also this if ur interested


  7. As long as this isn’t going to be a circle jerk like Striga always has been, I’m fine with this lore.
  8. can someone argue in favor of nation leaders and the immediate orbiters around them having positions as staff? Is that not a conflict of interests? Genuinely curious, not trying to stir the pot. I’m open to hearing arguments in favor of such because I can’t think of any myself – but present the case and I may very well change my mind! Thanks lads.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Ark


      The people who are in leadership positions in nations are likely some of the most competent players on the server, you know because if they weren’t they wouldn’t be able to maintain a playerbase. Why wouldn’t you want the most competent players being on the staff?

    3. FlemishSupremacy


      Because competence often goes out the window when a conflict of interests comes into play. Hunwald, for example, might’ve been a competent GM but he was also biased as can be, and he would blatantly disregard guidelines to give his nation a favourable verdict.

    4. Ark


      yeah then remove the people who are being biased, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t choose competent players for staff just because their might be a conflict of interest lol

  9. please remember to shower, even if you’re stuck at home and not going anywhere. for the love of god, shower.


    don’t be a human petri dish

    1. Zacho


      people be STANKIN

    2. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      we must save water

  10. How are the lore games STILL happening? It’s been half a year already. Half a year.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. squakhawk


      very hot take!!

    3. Old-Rattlesnake


      Poisons have been shelved since at least May. It’s a joke.

    4. _Jandy_


      After 303 days I will now be waiting 24 hours to get a list of things that the LT want me to fix about my lore. Then when those amendments are done I expect to have to wait 4 more months for a final review.


  11. Love your profile art! Who made it?

    1. Ankan


      @reko made it! If you want to see the picture in full resolution:

  12. Pedophilia and racial supremacy need to be rooted out, and complicity is just further ruining the server. Get a backbone and some integrity and do something, unless you really want LoTC to fail.

    Edited by hamberder
    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Archipelego


      I play Pokémon go everyday

      I play Pokémon go

      I play Pokémon go everyday

      When I wake up

      I’m grabbing my phone

      I wanna catch them all

      I want to play Pokémon

      All day long, all day long

      I play Pokémon go everyday

      I play Pokémon go

      I play Pokémon go everyday

      I play Pokémon go

      (dank quitar solo)

      I play Pokémon go everyday

      I play Pokémon go

    3. AlphaMoist


      @hamberder except you’re not just calling out nonces and racists. You're not calling anyone out. You’re saying “haha racist bad” while also simultaneously saying that anyone who doesn’t do the same is a coward and needs integrity. You’re saying we’re complacent with it, and that we’re ruining the server because of it. 


      And despite what you say, you’re inherently placing racial supremacy in the same level as pedophilia, and that’s kind of fucked up and just retarded, especially when you’re just getting pissed off at humor you don’t like. 


      And if someone posts Mein Kampf, I literally don’t see how that could be taken as anything other than a joke. I don’t see anyone posting such a thing on lotc for anything other than shits and giggles. 

    4. excited


      Narthok is not a racist. Is it bad to joke about racism? Yes. But the context of a situation is important. For instance, rape as an act is beyond deplorable, and it exists within every facet of society. In films we often see rape “acted out” and represented in the story for one reason or another. Does that make the actor a rapist?


      Yes, there are White Supremacists on LoTC. Yes, there are fragile-egoed sissy boys as well who allow deplorable things to happen. But we must remember that this is the Internet, and what we see on here is for the most part just that: an act. Legitimate sex offenders end up banned from the platform, as do legitimate White Supremacists most of the time. 


      From my personal confirmation as a mildly gay Jewish-American man from Commiefornia, I want to say that Narthok is not a racist. Do I agree with his politics oocly? No, but he ran with the “Varg” thing as a joke. This status update was viewed as an attack on him and I don’t know if that’s what you were trying to do or not, but either way it is inappropriate for the LoTC forums and I’m surprised it hasn’t been removed yet. 


      In the future I think you should be a bit more mindful. It is easy to stir controversy on the forums, but it is everyday behavior and interactions that decide how we will get along with one another. Nothing is perfect. But it is sure better than it was a month ago, and six months before that, and years before that.


  13. Morality isn’t simply black or white. There’s way more depth to it. “Good” people are capable of cruelty and “bad” people are capable of kindness. I’m fine with nominal stances against light or dark but there really is more nuance to it imo
  14. In my opinion, leaked cyber logs are more reflective of the person who leaks these things than the participants in it. Also, I have mad respect for your vast historical knowledge. You’re incredibly bright and bound for great things if you let go.
  15. I think it’d be cool to add more Phoenix traits to them.
  16. I can’t tell if it would be helpful or dangerous for someone to learn this magic if they wear supportive metal braces on their limbs
  17. ((Mc Name)): Busty_Crustacean ((Rp)) Name: Arwen Rhuivathar Are you currently a mage: nope When is the best time to contact you for an interview((Discord)): evenings of EST! MSg me for my discord though
  18. jesus christ he has hooked up with a lot of women wtf
  19. I really like this. I don’t often go on forums but I felt the compulsion to stop by and say hello.
  20. Jieru consults her heartlander servants on whether she should partake.
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