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Creative Wizard
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Status Replies posted by NotEvilAtAll

  1. why are there still activity checks with wars opening up again? Why are we making rp a chore rather than a pleasure?

  2. Activity Farming? Stop Rep Farming.

  3. guy who changes his IGN 4x times and expects you to remember their char from 6 years ago

  4. guy who changes his IGN 4x times and expects you to remember their char from 6 years ago

  5. LotC NFTs when?

  6. Completely biased to see the rally gap change every single shift -- and to see another warclaim fucked by a staff plugin or a stupid set of rules. We should be used to this at this point but it is still embarrassing. 

  7. Whatever happened to that one potion to regrow limbs but you needed the liver of a pregnant elf or smthn


    Cooler than mechanical limbs on every 3rd person you see

  8. Where are the hidden gems of lotc? Like the places which are small but typically generate the best rp.

  9. wish there was some way to run a command on the server w/o actually having to log in


    prob w all these automated date-trackers is that the LOTC clock gets fucked by lag and restarts, etc. so the dates are never in sych. you end up with two threads made at the exact same time, with IC dates that are days apart, because one checked IG and one checked a doc.


    wish i could just automate running /date somehow

  10. hi weren't you the halfling guy that lived in Anthos and there were some flying islands at this map and we built a house ontop of one of these?

  11. can the gms unhide the gay hating thread and instead just lock it, kinda important to know who the homophobia larpers are innit

  12. war must be before Christmas, Urguan wants it Oren is stalling 

  13. war must be before Christmas, Urguan wants it Oren is stalling 

  14. this is a controversial idea

  15. this is a controversial idea

  16. man I'm about to delete disc and do this NL stuff on ironman mode disc is the antichrist

  17. You know what makes me uncomfortable? When people say things like "Nectorist deserves _____" or "Nectorist is a villain."

    Can we try and make it a habit to use character names when talking like that?

  18. Only cheering for Oren to fall after [redacted] was removed, especially if you were an Oren fanboy before is NOT it gamers.

  19. if i hit 10 warning points will i get banned? what's the new policy (boomer)

  20. what the **** does 'r' even mean

  21. Ban all romance roleplay from LOTC. Minors should not be exposed to this time of roleplay. 

  22. Ban all romance roleplay from LOTC. Minors should not be exposed to this time of roleplay. 

  23. Owyn was a farfolk.

  24. It's times like this that I regret having left all discords. I wonder what Oren's is like right now. 

  25. I dare staff to remove this status update

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