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Status Replies posted by NotEvilAtAll

  1. I was reading a certain post, and deemed it necessary to remind you all that this is BLOCK GAME PRETEND

  2. idk who needs to hear this but that post won't grow legs and walk off nor is it a restaurant that needs you to call ahead. You can just reply when you have an actual response instead of reserving a spot.

  3. rlly lame how the forums downplay reputation points now SMH!

  4. 1.18 experimental snapshots lookin' pretty good.


    Honestly LOTC might be able to get away with using vanilla world gen again in 1.18 if all the new world generation changes are fine tuned enough.

  5. Staff should flood AH with build mats til the resource pits can get in proper :^)

  6. does anyone else also hate that almaris cloud temple is more like a ghostly hypixel hub rather than the classic peaceful rp location other maps had

  7. Nothing will take you back to 2015-2016, not even the countless forum posts you may have posted and re-read. Nostalgia is yet another devil which may cause your suffering, yet it may still bring joy upon your face if you resist its temptations of controlling you.

  8. does anyone else also hate that almaris cloud temple is more like a ghostly hypixel hub rather than the classic peaceful rp location other maps had

  9. How do you get logs after the update?

  10. when the tough going get tough going gets the


  11. [11:21:22] [Server thread/ERROR]: Error occurred while enabling ArcheCore v3.7 (Is it up to date?)
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum constant net.lordofthecraft.arche.enums.Race.SNOW_ELF

    Update be like. I guess you can't just remove them.

  12. Haha wouldn't it be real quirky if we were forced to swap out Vortex with an updated version of Nexus?

  13. Which one of you calvinists snuck theses into the canonist libraries

  14. who is lotc's main character? (its me lmao hahaha ur all just npcs in my story haha)


    @rukio @JoanOfArc

  15. Bros... I miss Atlas so much...

  16. And I said: "Look, I just work here ok?" 


  17. "find out irp :)" 


    no thanks I dont really want to

  18. It is the height of RP gatekeeping to write out cultural documents for others to join your culture, and then, when people call you out for acting counter to those documents, go "well, you can just ignore those documents. They weren't well written and the only thing that matters is what I say because I've been around for longer than you."

    I'm sorry, but if you write out lore, then you need to follow your lore. Else it's not communal roleplay. It's a private circle jerk.

  19. tbh to get a spooky elf name just spam like 4-5 letters on ur keyboard

    jdyra (it works)

  20. i'd bet money on vortex being removed, it's prob just been a slower process due to nickrocky dippin

  21. i'd bet money on vortex being removed, it's prob just been a slower process due to nickrocky dippin

  22. favorite anime? (mine is AOT and Demonslayer as well as Jujutsu Kaisen)

  23. Ngl CT needs the wheat fields and the library again. Feels too much like a Hypixel hub

  24. I miss Arcas

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