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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by NotEvilAtAll

  1. Best run before this one: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cHnAiTbaeyK4FTZVYoJ22oVqWtUYFzuw/view?usp=sharing Current WR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbLag180N8g&feature=youtu.be How to make a run that qualifies: -build at least 3 CIRCULAR rooms -unique decoration for each room -at least one window -cover it all in dirt -make it follow all LOTC building rules; it should be good enough to fit on the server without looking out of place.
  2. Credit to Dalek348 for inspiring me to put farms near the entrance of the 8.0 village. It worked out REALLY WELL with the windmill and all that.

    1. riorr


      Bramblebury will be golden 💛🌲

  3. here before there's 30 replies, thread locked, response from admins, etc.
  4. woah epic gamer alert

  5. first frill and now you


    it's spreading

  6. Well I can't wait for 2021 when this thread will have like 80 replies to it.

  7. Sorry that I didn’t build anything yesterday. I’ve been a bit tired and it’s hard to do good builds when you lack the motivation.

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      Erm, not yesterday, the day before yesterday. Regardless, I missed a day of building somewhere.

    2. Nug


      *whip crack* grrrr

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      where there's a whip there's a way

  8. You say there to be four categories, but then you list five. Is this a typo or am I missing something?
  9. IGN: jumperhand3 Category: Build Artwork: The home of Glenda the Vile, a witch whose power can enlarge any organic material. She originally intended to use her powers for good, but it started to corrupt her when she realized she could work with the deceased....

    I’ve gone full mushroom

  11. Filibert Applefoot scratches his head ”Did yeh read t’a works o’ Bernard Oaks’ool an’ nay atttribu’e anehfin’ ter ‘im? Is t’ere ah biggun wri’er s’ealin’ all t’is lad’s work an’ republishin’ ‘t ‘er somethin’?”
  12. Now I can live in a burrow without using a single bit of wood yay

  13. Because combos are harder, getting crits is very important in Surge PvP. I’ve heard some folks complain about the huge importance of crits in the tech discord. You can’t really win any 1v1 without being able to crit better than your opponent (unless you’re a god at strafing I guess). While certain great weapons don’t do more crit damage than others, it’s still best to crit with every attack. I think a good solution would be to add in a good way to punish a player going in with a crit and making a mistake, a sort of counter play against it of sorts. In normal 1.9 PvP more people carry low-ish cooldown swords so they can easily exploit a failed crit, but the Surge weapon cap makes people less inclined to carry the lower cooldowns weapons you could use to exploit a failed crit before your opponent prepares another one. I guess you can kinda counter it with a half-timed swing just for the KB, but a lot of the time inexperienced PvPers are too focused on having good timing to try such a thing. Yeah I do agree with this. People who can time great weapon attacks, crit with them, and do decent strafing all at once are pretty untouchable in a 1v1, especially if you’re like me and have a cruddy mouse, low FPS, and high ping. Not only can they do the big burst damage, you can swing with the cooldown not at maximum to combo with the great weapon. You won’t get any special surge effects this way, but it still does good DPS and is great at doing combos still. Basically, great weapons are also good at non full timed attacks which IMO is an equally large reason that great weapons can feel so meta sometimes when used by the right people. Not only can you get shredded by burst damage, you can also get combo’d by ‘em too. Maybe a way to balance this is to increase the chance of great weapons applying surge PvP effects, but also reduce their damage slightly to compensate? This would make great weapons not as viable for combining as lower cooldown weapons if more of their utility comes from applying surge effects instead of through having all the damage it does, since surge effects only apply on full cooldown hits. IDK I haven’t done surge PvP in a bit since I’ve been busy building, I might be completely wrong and some of the newer changes to surge might’ve totally changed the overall experience. If you think I’m wrong just tell me, ok?
  14. I’ve bloody done it. I’ve made a near druid-like cottage full of nature and stuff. I love it to death.

  15. Main server down so sadly I couldn’t do anything on there for my Daily Halfling Build.

  16. Next i’ma do builds on the MAIN SERVER ‘cause Knox knows halflings could do with some more things to their own right now.

  17. Spent almost 4 hours on this.


    I should stop being so dedicated to these darned builds. The next one I make will be a lot simpler and probably way smaller as well.

  18. Guys do you think that mushroom blocks are good or nah?

    I’m personally lovin’ ‘em.

  19. I think Arcas might become the longest map the server’s ever had.

    1. argonian


      it’s the groundhog day of maps


    next I’ma try spruce and sandstone and see if it looks any better.

    then I’ma abandon sandstone for the walls and try something unique.

  21. Will you keep on doing this for Almaris when it comes out? This looks pretty darned sweet. It’s a shame I’ve never stumbled across these places before.
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvnqUP7Vra8

    woah holy crud it’s anime gurls what r they gonna do this time???

    Edited by NotEvilAtAll
  23. can we just agree that folks who do discrimination RP have to be vocal about being chill and tolerant IRL.

    1. Urahra


      and also like... maybe they should examine why they want to play that type of character.


      Are you playing a character with prejudices because you want them to learn from those prejudices and overcome them?




      Are you just looking for an excuse to be mean and judgmental to other people?


      And also like... you can play a mean and evil character without being bigoted. I have played villains before. Trust me, you can still fully do murder and all sorts of evil things without also being a bigot. 


      If you wanna play a flawed character, there’s dozens of other flaws to choose from. You could be cowardly, weak, selfish, cruel, prideful, wrathful, rude, manipulative, amoral, violent, etc. Why choose bigoted? Just my two cents.

    2. Werew0lf


      if ur racist rp ur racist irl! (sarcasm)

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      guys I’m the CEO of anti-big person racism

  24. Does anybody else remember Johannesburg being swarmed with a bunch of random chickens? Those little buggers seemed to be everywhere in the city, hiding in the random spots nobody had bothered to exterminate them from yet.
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