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Status Replies posted by Unwillingly

  1. Inactive. My magic apps should be denied at the earliest opportunity, and I want it on record that the person who's using the Draxagon username now is not me. If he's claiming to be, he's lying - I have relevant screens if staff request them. 

  2. I like to image a world where the toxic spook players get together once month, and start to sing this. It brings a smile to my face and makes it worth getting on the server sometimes. This is what I believe inflates their egos & superiority complex. (This isn't meant to be a target, just something I thought was funny and wanted to share it. It's my own head cannon)


  3. who is peter in ur banner

  4. If i see you romance rping w an orc, it’s on sight.

  5. how are you meant to make a staff report if you can't make a new thread in the subsection?

  6. Lotc sucks ur time

  7. at least type reserved and not r so I can hide it when you don't update it, people...

  8. WW3 couldve been avoided if the band LMFAO didn't break up and released a new party rock anthem.  

  9. see I shilled for child rp to be shelved and stork lore to be canon 

  10. who actually cares about the age changes what ahahahahahaha u guys are weird

  11. i've done it, i've eaten all of the aquarium gravel

  12. i can't believe i spent $79 on @sarahbarah's skin auction... 

  13. It is literally hilarious that because someone wrote rescue raid instead of wartime raid in a modreq, this has happened (and he wasn't allowed to take it back).

  14. New Conquest reforged tree blocks are nuts.. https://i.imgur.com/2JzjjvE.jpg

  15. Anyone have a spare space heater? It's so cold in my room all day and I'm going to lose my fingers.

  16. Hey Mods, how come dwarves are allowed to break a one week raid cool down in tile 91? And why hide posts calling you out on it? 

  17. People keep talking about how these letters are an outrage.


    But I'm waiting for someone to do the opposite and just send noobs letters telling them NOT to go places. THAT'd cause some real outrage. Want to do some real chaos? Rise against the armchair politicians and tell all the new players at random how much their nations bite.

  18. The hard on against Hnor right now is odd.

  19. people should learn to rp on an rp server, lol

  20. What event creature would you like to encounter most? Top 3 even?

  21. Oren or Urguan.. 🤔

  22. *Joins forums

    *receives nation invites like spam mail

    *logs off, never to return.

  23. @itdontmatta Why was I banned? All I did was @llir and tell him he and his plugins are not infallible and told everyone else to say the same. This shouldn't be classified as harassment, they should know that they're not infallible. Today's warclaim highlights this fact.

  24. @itdontmatta Why was I banned? All I did was @llir and tell him he and his plugins are not infallible and told everyone else to say the same. This shouldn't be classified as harassment, they should know that they're not infallible. Today's warclaim highlights this fact.

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