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Everything posted by Unwillingly

  1. Unwillingly


    oh my god they ******* killed frill before he could finish
  2. self explanatory, 3 2 1 go (war declarations and PK posts dont count)
  3. welcome if u enjoy military RP humans r the right place for u, hope u enjoy ur stay o/
  4. "Seems our new librarians are quick to work. Ayla! Keep at it." comments Eir'thall approvingly.
  5. so how do new players join the lotc discord if the invite on the forums is expired

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Unwillingly


      The one on the "Apply" section of the forums doesnt work for me, says the invite is expired

    3. snoopie12


      Aaaaah that one, I'll get that changed. All the others work though e.g. the one in the discord pop-up, accepted messages, etc. 

    4. snoopie12


      Im currently DM'ing a few people to see if we can get it updated. 

  6. For many of us, CRP is a controversial subject that we either enjoy, dislike, or outright refuse to partake in. With not many clear rules and guidelines for CRP set by staff, most of us have different interpretations of what should or shouldn't be, and often each individual will believe, THIS is how you CRP, or THAT'S how you CRP. Things such as, what defines your CRP ability? How should things be measured? Long and detailed emotes vs small and simple ones? We've all heard the PvP vs CRP debates in the past that are overused, toxic, and ultimately end up changing nothing. Luckily, this isn't what that is. This is a subject focusing purely on CRP methods that I haven't seen mentioned in the past. So what is this about, again? Give and Take is essentially the idea that, you give hits in exchange for hits in CRP. You allow your character to get hit, and your partner will allow theirs to equally get hit as well. It's something players may follow as a personal rule in CRP to ensure the most equal fight possible for any situation, something done to give both parties a fair chance and opportunity. On the other hand, there's raw Skill: The idea that you put your pure CRP skill and ability above the Give and Take rule. Players who will often believe in, "My attack should have hit because x, y, and z," over "I'll allow my character to get hit if you allow yours to get hit." Sometimes, players using their CRP knowledge to its fullest extent are called powergamers for simply making the correct decisions in their fight. These two aren't exactly common subjects that are compared in and of themselves, but rather subtle nuances players will prefer to follow in their CRP encounters. Between Give and Take vs Skill, which is better and why?
  7. road to 500 guys

    1. bumblefina


      one of telanir's many delusions 

    2. Laeonathan


      the "50" part was irony, that's atleats how it feels like.

  8. our CRP 1v1 led to my char being a potential cripple for life bc of the head injury but im cool with it bc this healing and rehabilitation RP ive been doing for like 6 hours with this single dude is cool asf so ty for almost beating my char to death

    1. Sykogenic


      Eirthall brain no longer go brrrrr ha ha ha

    2. Valannor


      Just get a new brain, duh. 

    3. Shezept


      Brain no work so good

  9. imagine picking a green booger nut over a visually pleasing almond
  10. how dare you infringe upon my god given right to tea party roleplay
  11. for those of u not in the tech discord: 
    (if its too small just open it in a new tab)

  12. Eir'thall spots the poster, rending his face with immediate disgust and an awful scowl. He went to rip it down, before tossing it into a bonfire near by. "Disgusting."
  13. I understand that staff are also writing a guide, but what's with the sudden decision to involve players in guide writing? I'm not complaining about that specifically, but it's the fact that this has never been done before with anything else, correct me if I'm wrong. When have staff ever decided to get players involved in guide writing with anything ever? It's always been the CT and Mods who did this stuff in the past. Staff didnt make a contest for who could write the best new player tutorial, they didnt make a contest for who could write the best shop creation tutorial, but now its suddenly "write a guide for something half of you barely have a grip on after two days of using it" If u ask me it comes off as a huge smack in the face when this has never been offered to players in the past, but now it is for something that 3/4th of the player base barely understands how to use
  14. to follow up with @rukios vortex meme post, share ur LOTC 8.0 launch memes
  15. tfw I accidentally baited the  entire server w a fake screenshot 

  16. holy **** I saw an actual opossum on the road while i was driving bacj tonight

  17. Character bio has a lot of art, I think I have more but hopefully this works o/ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1krXeLn86eu4RvNU_WXIWLmHO-GE8_AcxciL5d7hGjgc/edit?usp=sharing
  18. please check out and rep my post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


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