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Everything posted by Unwillingly

  1. I think it’s important to get players involved in RP they will remain invested in so they don’t just go to a city and log off after 20 minutes. Encourage them to become a guard, or be a tavern worker, etc. Not just “join a nation!!!1!” When I joined in Vailor, I was recruited by a Kha player into a guild, and I probably wouldn’t even be playing LOTC today if it wasn’t for that. It’s because I had something I was invested in and a reason to play LOTC. It’s important to give players a reason to log on other than “you can roleplay” because that alone is really vague and leaves someone with so many options, but most of the time new players wont know how to look for those RP opportunities.
  2. why is it so hard not to complain about something that's literally harmless jfc
  3. these “hints” are way too easy ngl, may as well just tell ppl the coords of the eggs
  4. 99% sure people will only use this to FTB in private B)
  5. what did elite do

  6. Seer isn’t really something I care abt as far as consequence RP goes, because I can understand why people wouldn’t want to RP being 100% blind, mainly for the reasons that it can be very limiting in what you can actually do without the assistance of other actual players if you’re going for more realistic RP. However its a different story with getting a hand, or your leg cut off, in my opinion. I hate the idea of magical limb prosthetics, especially with how seemingly easy they are to access and how widespread they are. If you wanna give your character a peg leg or something, go for it, but please not a ******* fully functional wooden or stone hand. It’s irritating as hell to see, especially when a character acts so casual about it or like nothing happened. just me tho
  7. as long as it isn’t given to edgelord uwu rpers
  8. I feel like people won't actually vote based off of which submission is the best, but rather which nation they like or dislike OOCly
  9. I’m sure RPing is difficult for both Telanir and Tythus because of their admin status. Ppl who dislike them would probably target, so I don’t even blame the two for not RPing as frequently as we’d all like.
  10. introducing the concept of how PvP typically goes
  11. wonks are going to be active for like the first few months then just nosedive into inactivity lol

    1. ScreamingDingo


      a bit generous, it’ll be a month tops

    2. FloralHedgehog


      Atleast it would be a few months filled with froggy fun.

    3. Archipelego
  12. the longest sh*t in the world is 26 feet

    1. SoulReapingWolf


      Thats a long sh*t, is the person that did it still alive?

    2. Keefy


      Stop doxxing me

  13. ngl I thought this was going to be another controversial thread
  14. daily reminder u can quit playing lotc at any time and it will have 0 affect on u irl. distance urself  every once n a while. i would know I’m a recovering lotc addict. its a tragic story rly ?


    1. monkeypoacher


      had a recent lotc relapse & trying to get clean. if u ever wanna talk hmu


    2. argonian


      Lotc is good for the soul

  15. should make the questions about things regarding controversy on LOTC such as pvp, staff, or general state of the server. would make for a much more interesting interview no offense tho, just a suggestion
  16. Yh basically what Squak said. Good intentions, just poor execution. Looking forward to more stuff
  17. So Tythus is basically doing all of the stuff you were doing instead?
  18. mystery ur my bud and all but if there really is some “deep” information behind why he left, just say it tbh. It just sounds like ur using it as an opportunity to boast about being one of d few people who know something
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