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Everything posted by Unwillingly

  1. I don’t know how to pronounce the name of this creature even in my head please help
  2. hey... I know some wood elves who hate gay people... and women.. hehe.. join Ilathdyn today... ehehh... ;))

  3. also nothing makes me angrier than these types of skins image.png.685451746fc0988c209e11f68a9060b4.png.
    if you have a skin with eyes 1pixel from the bottom of the head please stop 

  4. if you play a male character but use the alex model please stop

  5. why do people always confuse me with you seriously ive had maybe 3 people DM me w stuff and when im like “??” they’re like “oh u arent rukio?” like wtf help im having an identity crisis
  6. i deeply apologize for saying “lol” and “lmao” so much. please forgive me. 

  7. if you’re a new player looking to get involved with wood elven RP, consider joining my clan 🙂 we r actively recruiting
    Feel free to contact me on discord @Unwillingly#9099


  8. At first it sounds cool but the more I think about it, the more I doubt the average player’s capability to make this look good on a skin w/o contacting a god-tier skinner and getting one made for them. Ain’t rly a fault of the lore itself, but only when u consider that most players probably cant use this description to make a good skin does it get slightly concerning :// aint a major complaint tho, just thought it’s something I’d point out other than that +1
  9. Daily reminder join my Siramenor clan and play a misogynistic homophobic wood elf today ahahaa

  10. Ilathdyn Wardogs of the Mali'ame “Destructive, belligerent, and hazardous. They are no true children of Malin – no brethren of mine.” – Anonymous • History • The ancient tomes spoke of a feud, a horrible strife, between the clan and mali’ame people. “Let them burn in the fires they kindled,” the people said. Few mali’ame dared to speak to the Ilathdyn warmongers in fear of sparking hatred anew, for their anger burned bright at even the slightest of breeze. The mothers tore their children out of reach of the clan, hidden behind closed doors, whilst fathers glared with disdain. To the mali’ame they were no tribe, family, nor children of Malin. They were tyrants, blinded by a false ideology of boiling strength and providence. In only a single day were they seemingly wiped from the lines of history. One last mistake broke the barrier to the final provocation. “Aednatch, mal’onn,” spoke chieftain Ryn’thir Ilathdyn as he raised his spear, grasped by ink-marked hands, aiming it out towards the other man. “You’re making a mistake.” It was Aednatch who confronted the Chieftain of Ilathdyn. Furious — no — vindictive he was, for the terrible crime of kinslaying had been carried out by the clan. The woman, a mother and beloved sister, cut down by Ryn’thir’s own blade, his bloodthirst, in an act of cruelty and unchecked savageness. It was she, the fallen one, who justly conspired against the Ilathdyn people with those who felt aversion, who walked with fear-ridden bones in their own city. It was she who would be their downfall, even at the expense of her own life. “This is no mistake — you are your own undoing. No remorse from me, no sympathy will be felt this night by my kin — not yours. It is your own who will cry, who will scatter and disperse as we command it like the dirt-ridden rats they are. This night, you will burn, and we will rejoice as we once did before you brought your vile tongue among us, among the true children of Cernunnos and Cerridwen. Not a day after tonight will your name be spoken of again — your story does not deserve to continue in ours. Like the name if Ilathdyn, you will be forgotten as well.” spoke Aednatch. He then launched the torch which he so tightly grasped out towards Rin’thir, and quickly ran out, barricading the front door. The Chieftain was quickly set alight, and the flames spread throughout the rest of the hall. Papyrus books and cloth banners became engulfed in moments, the great juniper support beams groaning and soon collapsing as they were brought to ash. It was the smell of burning flesh, melting hair and skin that was most prevalent, however, as people watched in terror at the sight of the burning hall. With their terror, the Ilathdyn kinsmen brought down their weapons upon the horrified crowd, marking the start of a short, but bloody battle as mali of both origins were butchered on the spot. Children and adults alike screamed and ran while druidic warriors of Cernunnos fought to repel the onslaught of the remaining Ilathdyn men, albeit demoralized and scattered without their leader, their numbers were soon brought down to few — no more than a measly count of one. In his dying moments, his final minutes, he recounted the location of the destroyed hall in a vain effort to keep the name of the clan alive — to ensure it was not erased from history as was commanded by those who wished hell upon them. Centuries passed, the name of the clan soon fizzling out of existence as was meant to be. Dust and decay gathered where both the hall and city once thrived, replaced with ruins and nature that had reclaimed what was its own after the province grew to sloth and indolence. Only aged planks and stone bricks spoke of the symbolic history of the land. It was when an ex-Arvellon member Eir’thall uncovered the old tomes, was their controversial history revealed. Ash-ridden and near destroyed they were, but not impossible to decipher. He took any book in redeemable condition, and returned to his abode where he spent his nights reading and studying these scholarly artifacts. Their fate destined them to be forgotten permanently, though to Eir’thall, it was not meant to be. Instead, he tasked himself with the burden, the responsibility, of rekindling what once was of this war-tied clan. The mali’ame had grown soft, fragile and delicate, drawn away from what the roots of the people, the culture of elnarnsae’ame, was meant to be. Instead, it was heretics, inbreds, and degenerates who linger among the wilds, thus promptly took forth in his duty to bring new to the people of ‘ame blood. • Beliefs • Wrought from fire and flames, the people of Ilathdyn are proud, passionate, and hardy mali’ame. In days of yore, they were once known as Igne’sae, which refers to the burning of cities and fields in common. They find solace and comfort among flames and fire, and are most known for their worship of it and undying devotion to the Mother and Father. The Mani, additionally, are also acknowledged, but not prioritized. Upholding strength, valor, and warriorship, it is very rare that a woman would be accepted into Ilathdyn, as it is commonly believed that they are of lesser prowess and ability than men, therefore the epitome of what is unfit for the seed. However, not impossible. Additionally, homosexuals are strictly prohibited, perhaps even deplorable in their eyes, as they are referred to as a direct threat to the reproduction of the mali’ame people. While the strict and harsh beliefs of the Ilathdyn reign true among even their kin, it is no secret that they are wood elves bred of war and devotion of their people and culture, bound to their kin by ardor and persistence. • Religion • Like many other traditional wood elven seeds, the Ilathdyn also find great worship in the Aspects — the Mother and Father, but favor Cernunnos over Cerridwen. They do not worship a single Mani alone, thus any member of Ilathdyn may find worship in whoever he sees fit. To reject either the Mani or Mother and Father, in their eyes, is an attack upon the mali’ame people — wrongdoing against their kin, far more than just mere atheism. • Ilmyumier • The Ilmyumier of an Ilathdyn consists of mostly abstract designs in the form of dream-catcher patternry, usually crossing over the chest and arms. Sometimes, these tattoos may glow a fiery red if a druid chooses so. It holds no symbolic meaning, and is merely for aesthetic. Sometimes their hands may be decorated in a red gradient. • Rituals • It is no secret that, like the other great clans of the mali’ame, the Ilathdyn uphold their own cultural lifestyles as well, many of which derive from the ancient traditions they practiced before they were wiped out. To the elves of the forests, of the wilderness, it is commonplace that they comfort among the association of their respective Mani — the great beasts that walk their land. To the Ilathdyn people, however, such practices are much more than minuscule traditions or day-to-day rituals. They are the very essence of life and being — what shows them who they are to one another — what they mean to one another. They are referred to as Akal’orran. These ornamental representations typically range from things such as crow feathers to deer antlers, each bearing their own symbolic significance. It is most common for a warrior of Ilathdyn to attach deer antlers to his helm, as a mark of Cernunnos, before entering battle, or for one to wear the feathers of a crow to mourn the loss of another mali’ame. In addition, the hunting of voidal mages is also highly encouraged, and expression of hatred is not shunned, for their existence maims and scars the very land they walk on. Although, despite their views towards voidal practitioners, rehabilitation is often encouraged over punishment. Rehabilitation may often be practiced in the forms of, but not limited to, beatings, branding, isolation, and other methods of repair. If none of the prior methods prove useful, execution is near always the last resort. They also have an affinity for the craftsmanship of dreamcatchers and windchimes, both of which are intricately handmade from natural items such as bones, stones, deer-gut string, feathers, etc.. Many Ilathdyn elves find it commonplace to carry small trinkets like such on their person as good luck charms, or even hang it over their beds and in their windows at night. • Trials • Among the clan of Ilathdyn, unlike others, there is no select set of trials — naught but one, a single trial in which one must pass if they wish to take the name. It’s commonly referred to as the Trial of Rahar. However, this trial is different for each individual. Until one is ready to commit to such, the details will remain unknown until the last moment. Needless to say, the trial is most often life-threatening to make up for the singularity of the task. OOC Contact me on discord @Unwillingly#9099 if you’re interested in joining this wood-elven based seed 🙂
  11. Go collect our guest, comrade. He should arrive soon.

  12. what do you mean I can’t be an azdrazi? 

  13. dont ever expect it to change, its beyond saving, there’s no helping it
  14. that trailer was cool n all but Almaris sounds like a name someone would pick for their elven character they got from a randomnamegenerator website 



      no it’s mediterranean please understand

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      implying that every single a-name map wasn’t obtained with random name generators

  15. the more I browse the forums the more I want to play again and I hate it 

    1. Zacho


      if you look at lotc like a plague and curse you’ll always restrain yourself and not have fun, only when you look at it as a way to relieve stress and have fun does it actually become fun and can you realize to branch outwards and do stuff that isn’t harmful to you. That’s at least how I saw it.

    2. Fireheart


      don’t give in

  16. Cyrene takes note of the news, then droning out, “I am both surprised and unsurprised."
  17. lotc has solved homophobia

    1. AlphaMoist


      Kind of [redacted] for you to mention [redacted] these days Unwillingly... Do I need to have you reported to the safety team?

    2. Dreek


      Safety Admin @Cpt_Noobman will be watching this thread

  18. “Oh – oh, someone stole his magical arm and sold it for some steak once. I’ll never forget that man.” comments Eir’thall upon hearing of the news, apparently unsympathetic.
  19. he went out of his way to remove sugarcane after someone spammed it all over Siramenor one time, ne other gm probably wold have just made me do it myself FREE FRILL

  20. When it reaches a point where there was actual build up and reasoning behind getting maimed, then sure. I think that people should be encouraged to let that have a significant impact on their character, because it’s an opportunity for character development. It’s lazy RP to just instantly go get a stupid ass limb and ignore all of the buildup behind the RP. On the other hand, its understandable if someone doesn’t want to go through with getting an entire limb cut off just for being a citizen of x nation, for example, which is something we see a lot. It’s lazy RP and doesn’t actually have any meaning behind it for anyone other than “HURHUR UR PART OF NATION I DONT LIKE” or dumb **** like that. That isn’t RP consequence. That’s lazy writing. I also don’t think its outrageous to not want to RP a completely blind person after ur char gets their eyes cut out. U become helpless and can’t do jack **** realistically without getting other people to help u, which is a hassle OOCly, but then when u actually try to do **** on ur own since u cant find anyone to help u in RP, people go “wELL uR bLiND sO HOw cAN u DO THaT?” in ooc
  21. making a status update so i can finally reach 1,000 posts gang gang
    edit: i just realized it doesn’t count oh **** ufck

    Edited by Unwillingly
    1. Punished_Pup
    2. BrandNewKitten


      I feel your pain

    3. FlemishSupremacy


      just do a shitpost reply to some forum post


  22. Thank you for mentioning stuttering as a character trait. Stuttering is different for everyone, and it isn’t just l-l-l-like t-t-t-this. It can be repetition of a single word, a few words, or even an entire phrase or sentence. It’s just annoying to see people adding a dash in between every other letter, because it makes me not want to even read the dialogue. Great guide tho. Spot on 👍
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