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Everything posted by Unwillingly

  1. mina is barely worth anything anymore bc everyone and their grandmother has like, 10k+ could prob be fixed and actually made valuable if mina wasnt so easy to get by just simply voting
  2. ((its not too late to delete this
  3. player count goes up n quality of the server goes down
  4. emoting your elf’s ears “drooping” or “perking” based on their emotion is stupid and cringey

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. puffables


      elven ears perk in order to lISTEN UP or flick at screaming loud noises and you cant stop me...

      but please no ‘sad elf ear droop’, for HEARING PRACTICALITY only,,,,

    3. saint swag

      saint swag

      based and cringepilled

    4. Sorcerio


      Dark Elf blushing 😩

  5. mudkipz raging abt zach on the forums has the same energy as TheDragonsRoost raging about trolls on his stream. no1 cares and everyone just laughs abt it 

    1. saint swag
    2. saint swag

      saint swag

      maybe they’re the same person

    3. rukio


      was mudkipz serious? I can’t take him serious 

  6. why r event team interviews done in VC? it makes sense for GM apps, but not even they have to do VC interviews. They handle way more sensitive situations n would need to be able to VC more often than other teams imo

    1. Zacho


      its easier and faster, plus lets you get a good idea of tone inflection. They’re on the right path imo, i think all staff should do voice interviews.


    2. McDaedra


      as a manager I like doing voice interviews because it allows me to get to know the person i’m interviewing. its up to each management

  7. rename tokens are nice but minas are basically worthless rn, imo 10k minas isn’t much of a prize
  8. please stop the lenny im afraid and scared help make it stopmakeitstopmakeitstop

  9. i already miss atlas
  10. the “warp signs prevent road RP” argument is objectively untrue because of the fact that most of the time there is little to no road RP ever. Not once in my 4 years of playing have I just happened to stumble upon road RP. When there is “road RP”, its the same bandits doing the same copy paste emotes as they always do it isn’t “we don't want to be robbed,” its “we don't want to waste our time on a one-sided RP experience” in conclusion I think warp signs should be kept
  11. nurses n doctors b the most badass ppl out there rn get well soon friend
  12. clerics of a certain family ruined the image of clericalism for me but hopefully it’ll be better this time
  13. bro u telling me we actually gotta talk to people 1v1 in vc ?
  14. oh ok its for ur discord, kinda redundant if its posted to the forums, idk what else u expected to happen
  15. whats the point of this when theres already another thread where ppl can give their opinions
  16. no he makes a very good point leave the man alone
  17. I would have no problems if guns were added for aesthetic, bc again, that could only happen if guns weren’t super locked up by LT it just also means that the concept of firearms (in terms of actually providing unique RP) becomes redundant if every player and their grandmother has it imo
  18. guns wont add anything new to RP (other than aesthetic or sm ****) if its as easily accessible as bows and crossbows are right now on the other hand if its something super restricted among players you’ll get these ppl who go “HRUHRHUU WHERES MY GUN AT HURHUR LT RESTRICTING RP AGAIN RRUHRHURHUR”
  19. From now on my character will identify as ‘transabled’ in which she will cut out her own eyes and wear a blindfold. This way, she will no longer be a privileged able bodied scum. Please respect it. 

  20. I like the idea of having little folk in RP and I would like for one to sit on my characters shoulder or hide in her pocket while I RP tyvm
  21. My only real issue w izkuthii in general is that a lot of ppl OOCly legitimately thought they were a shelved race because of seemingly how little they were seen OOCly and RPly. I get that its supposed to be about this secrecy thing or w/e but I think its a problem when players OOCly either aren't aware of their existence as a race, or think they were shelved. It comes off as hoarding the RP to a select group of people imo.
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