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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by thesaintjaleel

  1.  - if ur interested in good Heist RP and easy money.

  2.  - Southeron Lore ;^)

  3. Why you gotta be so fake?


  4. "Death awaits you.." he'd flip around Constantine, turning around and stabbing him in the heart

  5. "Orcs used to be Elves, their minds and bodies corrupted and distorted."

  6. "we wanna war u cuz ghazrial created a meme xddd" - roleplay at its finest

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. saint swag
    3. Panashea


      I'm sorry your stuff got tainted by other people, looking at it on the forums I recognize the work and care you put in.

    4. thesaintjaleel


      @DivineJustice Its fine, realize I was taking everything much too seriously, it doesn't really matter that much.

  7. @Hyena lets play Mine Kampf

    1. rukio


      I've never been kampfing before! ! !

  8. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

    1. Pond


      Love you too

  9. Attention!




    ERP is productive and increases the overall quality of roleplay.

  10. @benjamin12231223 its ok i believe you #FreeBenji

    1. 1784


      Ya bro I mean he was just mad and having a bad day so he raped a halfling because  he "liked the joy it gave him."

      Edited by 1784
    2. Quirkyls


      happens to the best of everyone

  11. 666 reputation, this is a signal!!

  12. A R A B I C  W O R D S

    1. Inferno_Ougi


      الله ، شعب قادرسى ، كافي لروحي 
  13. Anyone interested in playing my bryochild?Would make pretty fun rp ;)

    1. rukio


      my adoptive son is having children of his own. I'm so proud omg 

  14. Anyone know a flag or sigil creator who can create something for mina

    1. _Jandy_


      I'll MS paint you whatever you need

  15. anything new happening on the server or is it still a repetitive hell

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Slorbin


      repetitive hell

    3. MCVDK


      Come back and make new, friend

    4. thesaintjaleel


      @MCVDK just for you mi papi chulo mmmmm thats my baby daddy right there

  16. Appie showed me his small peen and convinced me to rejoin

    1. Appie


      urs is smaller jamaican/african peen > somalian peen

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