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Status Updates posted by thesaintjaleel

  1. So much things going on yikes 

  2. still waiting for that child support.....

    1. senor_tortuga


      unless we get that DNA test I aint payin nothin

    2. Appie



  3. stop bullying speak up

    1. monkeypoacher


      i bully the **** out of people

    2. thesaintjaleel


      Thats not funny, bullying is not cool

    3. thesaintjaleel
  4. Stop crashing the server PVP goons!!!

  5. The age of Kingdoms is coming to an end, lets begin the age of ANARCHY!!!

  6. the fact that you have to be fucked in the ass by a nation first to be able to war them is ignorant at best

    1. TheNanMan2000


      If only the enemy being soyboys was a good enough casus belli

    2. zaezae


      OwO I-I if you wanna have a war than you can >w>;;;;;;

  7. the feeling when people keep spamming status updates about a ban but literally no one cares

    1. _pr0fit


      Image result for whip emoji


      I do it for the satisfaction that only 12 year olds can give me.

    2. thesaintjaleel
    3. overlord2305


      The feeling when you see someone that just gave up and is shambling along through life 

  8. The Ghanyah Discord is open to all ;^)



  9. There are people who go to veteran homes to light their fireworks without realizing that many of them have PTSD

  10. This is my new song, sing along if you know the weioudz



  11. This server is so funny xd

    1. rukio


      I love the drama, popcorn and wine time.

  12. Trying to reach my 500 post quota ;^)

  13. Wanna be friends?

    1. dogbew


      Absolutely not.

    2. thesaintjaleel


      That's why you're getting fuckin reported :inimical:

    3. rukio
  14. We finally have an lotc variant of the Hundred Years War ?

  15. We're friends we're friends YES WE ARE FRIENDS!!! :^D

  16. What’s the plan for your 666th annual drinking night?

    1. Trigamar


      I think they plan to drink.

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      On the 666th Annual Drinking Night, Iblees returns and kills everyone.

  17. When you get metaraided, your location discovered through matagaming, and metastalled on in one day kek

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. thesaintjaleel


      Oh what, I didn't expect to get butthurt comments on my meme post haha nice. I don't really care about it that much I just thought that it was funny and decided to post it on this forum that's based on this mineman server I play on.

      @Jahrmann2007didnt you make a post crying about how you can't get the girls you deserve so much?haha bye

    3. thesaintjaleel


      @JaedenI counted a total of two recent posts, I fail to see your point gAMe ModeRATOr



      first and only time I'm gonna say this: Yikes

  18. When you have 0 reason to vassalize but you yolo.

    1. Dreek


      The 'you' turns your sentence into 'You you only live once'

    2. thesaintjaleel


      You are right my good man

  19. When you're walking down the street as a t5 electro mage and you see a little boy so you attack him irp but he uses his 'pvp aspect' of rp to get the better of you.

    1. Show previous comments  35 more
    2. _Jandy_


      @DPM if you report powergamers then they are gone and others will not do what they had done. Just whining that powergaming exists does nothing.

    3. hexx


      @DPM tell me how it's not true instead of just saying it isn't, and i dont know where in my last reply i said that pvping makes you bad at roleplay.

      what i said was that you can pretty much pick a part in your head what a magic does by looking at the title and maybe just skim through the post if that didn't already give it away. **** like translocation, water/fire/whateverthefuck evocation, conjuration, if you know what the words mean, you can make pretty good guesses at what it does. you should only really need to give the more uncommon bullshit like some of dark and deity magics a brief read, but even then **** like necromancy, soul puppetry, clericalism and paladins are definitely not original ideas and/or dead giveaways.

  20. Why are my non-offensive comments being removed by FM?

    1. Vaynth


      Maybe because most of the FM are new and don't know better yet. 


  22. Wiki page broken?

    1. Ragnio


      We are working on it!

    2. thesaintjaleel


      Thanks Rag @Ragnio;^) sorry it closed in the middle of me making a page so pretty bumbed out

  23. www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/170413-eventlinethe-flower-raidswip/


    Leave your opinions!

  24. You guys can take your anger out on me ;^) everyones a victim today

    1. Blaqss


      stfu retard lol

    2. Inferno_Ougi
    3. Whiplash



  25. magicispowergaming.jpg

    1. thesaintjaleel


      They hated Jesus because he told them the truth

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