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Posts posted by TheIchorDruid

  1. 6SfEc-dGuVJGqH54IQKdpQ_e-xRQ_9JEdZUjA5OsaBgnudyO-H_KOENtcZ3Xrdh60Bkw84XirzIBzuPyNB1OUUhv5E6Aj3c1nTY9Ey5x_hA0tpctZM_jgT3RQ_P47OodJ8wn5sUe





    As penned by Lady Helena Charlotte Rochefort, 14th of Owyn’s Flame, 1868.



    The years amidst that Rochefortine’s life had been ever changing, lonesome and cruel - bound from one land unto the next. She recalled memories fond of the symphonies orchestrated in reverence of her Imperial home. The woman recalled the holy march against heathens that threatened the very foundations of GOD’s rightful throne. They remained vivid, lessons and teachings that had aged the Rochefortine into the fine wine her father adored. 


    Though there was one memory, one recollection that beat louder than every drum amongst her mind, that never left her as her own mind grew weary. A promise. An oath. Uttered to the very father that challenged the system, the radical Lord Robert Foltest of Helvets - a man who stood only for what he wished to see. Rather than lay idle in a time that did not befit him.


    Her promise to him: to loft their once revered house back upon the mantle it once claimed. It had been thirty years since that challenge and still, with a steel clad chest, she persevered. Even as she grew worn, her stature that of a lame mare, she plodded.  That very promise was to uphold her father’s intent - to kneel to the change he sought to see. To an Empire that would allow the House of Rochefort to blossom. 


    While the House of Rochefort had heard of the Urguani-Orenian war fought great valor beneath Emperor Philip III, with the war being ended; the time of glory had just begun. Peace was formed - but nonetheless broken. But this peace that had been broken did not harm the House of Rochefort, instead it strengthened their utter loyalty to the Holy Orenian Empire; and to the rightful Emperor Peter Augustus IV.  He who is to succeed his mighty predecessors and to lead Our Holy Empire forward into the future. 


    The time had arrived, where steel would be brandished and as the House of Rochefort had always done - to risk for the future they demanded. A future where ONE EMPIRE, ONE HUMANITY - could flourish.


    It is within this recollection, the Lady of Rochefort would kneel before the rightful Emperor, Peter Augustus IV and march against the pretender. 







    As recorded by various witness testimonies, 6th of Horen’s Calling 1867.



    It was surreal, a name I recall buried - returned to the earth. They roamed the halls, jaw agape and
    swayed in motion. The simple sight made my stomach churn, but… it was the early hours of the
    morning, perhaps I was simply sleep walking.. - The words of a disturbed maiden of the courts. 


    Amongst the prospering eighteen years of our reigning monarchs and the development of numerous historical events taking place in our very halls of Aster - a rather unsettling air has settled. There has been no rest between the ghastly sightings both amongst the prime of the day and the silence of the night. 


    At first, physicians decreed these expansive sightings as a bout of mental lapses amongst the courts though these diagnostics could only account for so many before the number of reports began to grow out of hand. Causing those of medicinal nature, left without an explanation and scratching their heads. 


    In quick succession upon the dismissing of these cases by medical professionals, the reports were taken and composed into a collection of tellings. Delivered amongst the courts in that very same hurry.







    Recorded as one of the more docile phantoms, the ‘Hushed Man’, or more commonly named amongst the palace as ‘The Librarian’ has been sighted rather frequently. Though the time of his appearance fluctuates amongst the tellings of each story, what is a common trend is his distaste for rambunctious presences and bouts of noise amidst the palace library. 


    Various accounts record that once the noise rises above the usual hushed acceptance of the space, shelves begin to quake and books often collapse from their shelves - such being the beginning of this ghastly activity. If the noise from here does not lower, accounts speak of the air feeling much heavier, almost chilling and the brief whisper of a hush echoes amongst the room. This spirit is said to be the most introverted of the number of accounts and only stirs if provoked or the arrangement of that tidy library is tampered with. 


    The appearance of The Librarian seems to be the same amongst the recordings, an elderly man roughly in his late seventies, donning an unkept beard that rests just above the belly button. His attire does not seem to host the disposition of wealth, but rather a coarse and worn robe held up by a twine belt. 


    It has not been recorded that this spirit makes physical contact with the living and the sighting of the man is rather rare. 


    - A documentation of The Librarian’s sighting -



    ‘12th of Tobias’ Bounty, 1865,

    The evening was alike most, I had concluded my night of worship within the palace’s chapel and with the evening still rather light I had decided it was a fitting end to resume some academic studies amongst the library. It mustn't have been any later than eight o’clock when I arrived in the library and all was relatively normal. 


    In total, I spent around two hours in study and I could slowly feel sleep creeping upon my senses and a lethargic ache filling my limbs. At this moment, I found myself clumsily knocking my ink pot from the desk and I let out a quite audible curse. Can you blame me! It was the most irate moment! 


    After my shout, I could feel a chill in the air and upon closer inspection I noted there were no open windows yet it felt like a cold spring morning. I disregarded the cold and began to clean the mess I had made but still rather annoyed, I continued my angered bout. It was then I heard it! A murmured, no, a groaned hush! 


    When I arrived, I was certain I was alone nor did I hear the entering of another during my reading. Rather alarmed I stood and searched those spaces, demanding the rude culprit to present themselves. But alas, I was met with nothingness. Not a soul around!


    -An excerpt from the journal of Elizabeth Schatuffen’








    Sir Otis, or ‘The Watcher’, has been recorded as one of the most malicious spirits and only presenting himself as the apparition of a floating head. Sightings have reported this phantom appearing from a certain painting amongst the Aster court - no matter where a person stands amongst the room the eyes would follow. These same accounts tell that if a person looks upon Sir Otis’ painting for too long, the painted image begins to warp and contort until this decapitated head bursts from the art’s confines and shrills in an eerie, near ear bursting shrill. 


    It is not known what causes the upset of the phantom, a man once devoted to the imperial crown, but what is known is that the activity of Sir Otis only sparks once the clocks have chimed upon three o’clock in the morning. 


    The tales tell the appearance of this spirit as long since aged, sunken eyes and a hung jaw - often sparked into anger when one invades the personal space of his painting within the early hours. 


    - A documentation of Sir Otis’ sighting -



    ‘4th of  Harren’s Folly, 1860,


    It was a horrid encounter you see, I was riddled with insomnia.. It has been an occurring issue these late months and with little aiding my venture of sleep I decided to take an idle roam amongst the palace’s halls. For some reason or another I found myself browsing the paintings, attempting to find some comfort with their timeless frames and flourishing artistic breath. It was quaint, for a time. That was.. until I found a lonesome painting - depicted as Sir Otis de Rosius and from what I’ve heard was an admirable man in his life.


    The painting was dusty, the palace staff must take more care to see the piece cared for. Though when I looked upon it, I felt an unnerving sense - like.. I was being watched. Moving from side to side, the eyes would wander the same direction as I and it was like the painting was alive. No matter how much I averted my gaze, I would always find myself drawn back upon it and.. a few minutes of staring passed before the straightened expression of Sir Otis seemed to warp in a menacing grin - his head beginning to snap in all sorts of directions. It was like I was going mad in those few short moments.


    Before I knew it, the head of that Sir burst from the painting’s confines and lunged towards me in a harrowing shrill. He came right at my face before disappearing into nothingness. I swear this is the truth, good sir! I am not.. mentally lacking!’


    -An excerpt from the journal of Pierre de Creux'









    Another report retells of a phantom maiden, hosting a swollen belly and often sighted around the fountain of the Aster gardens. It is recorded that this unnamed maiden usually appears to lonesome men and during the gardens being empty. If a man was to linger around the vicinity of the fountain they would hear a faint whaling echo - a heart wrenching sound. Upon closer inspection, the fountain’s surface would begin to ripple as if tears met the water’s depths and some even record the fountain beginning to overflow. This spirit has been spoken to be another malicious entity, that targets male presences that linger near the fountain. 


    There has been no specific telling of the time this phantom appears, only presenting herself to men. Some accounts even state that this maiden accuses them of fathering her unborn child, yet the woman’s grievances or how she came to pass remains ever unknown - most not lingering long enough to discover. 


    Most stories regarding The Weeping Mother states the spirit being a dripping opaque figure - long tresses drenched and clung to her brow. Yet the most prominent detail amongst all recollections stands as her unidentifiable features - her face remaining a blurred and featureless surface. 


    - A documentation of The Weeping Mother’s sighting -



    ‘1st of Horen’s Calling, 1857,


    Does the drink truly inhibit one’s mind, doctor? I swear, in GOD’s own name - that what I saw was as real as the bottle in my hand. What.. was it? How did I come to see her? Ah, it was during one of the many balls that is hosted amongst the palace - tedious affairs they are. You see, amidst the bellowing of violins and muffled voices of courtly gossip I found myself mind numbingly bored. I drew a fine bottle of Sarkozic vintage and wandered off into the gardens. It was around six o’clock in the evening if.. I recall correctly. There was not a soul present in the gardens, or.. not that I was aware of. 


    The idea was to bask in my own company, perched upon a bench beside that dreary fountain. I began to bask in the vintage, mulling over my own thoughts before I began to hear a faint weeping. Originally I assumed it was one of those sensitive ladies from the ball - you understand how the gossip can rile those sorts. Yet upon turning around there was no one. 


    I dismissed the thought and resumed my idle thinking but once more I heard it again! This time it was much louder, no longer something I could ignore or blame my intoxicated state for hearing. It was real! This time it was easier to source, from the very fountain that sat before me. Upon calling out for the weeping maiden, I was met with silence. That was until.. It appeared. A ghastly woman, dripping wet and slowly rising from the fountain’s depths!


    My heart almost gave in! Tears began to roll down this.. creature’s cheeks and that fountain, the water! It began to overflow, her hand's reached toward me and.. had I not bellowed for aid.. I swore it would have drowned me.


    -An excerpt from the journal of Cristoph Dulinger’








    A rather terrifying sighting reports a decaying nun that frequents the walls of the Aster chapel, though amongst the stories there does not seem to be any ill-intent granted by the spirit - the rather unnerving appearance of this phantom remains ever horrific. Bestowed with the name of ‘Sister Evelyn’ by numerous reporting accounts, the spirit seems to be one of the rarest sightings of the mass collection.


    It is said that this ‘Sister Evelyn’ appears in the early morning after the conclusion of morning prayers - when those of low mood or desperate aid of the Lord’s guidance spend a few extra moments praying. If this spirit decrees an individual in need of  faithful guidance then she will often appear in a flurry of distant, choral singing. Those will know of the quick approaching presence of ‘Sister Evelyn’ when candles begin to flicker and a vague mist begins to coat the ground. 


    There has been no tellings of malicious intent from the creature, rather it is said that she offers religious advice in a non-verbal form. Instead she eerily stares upon the beckoner with empty, skull-like hues and resorts to both body language and the forming of images amidst the mist that composes her form. 


    - A documentation of Sister Evelyn’s sighting -



    ‘7th of Tobias’s Bounty, 1857,


    O’ Lord, our heavenly father who art in heaven, watch over my mortal soul and grant me a divine light against those foul creatures o’ nocturnal! Upon making for the Aster chapel to prostrate myself before GOD in my laudes matutinas, a certain harmonial sound blessed my ears as I finished utterance of the Lord’s prayer. It sounded, at the beginning, like a thousand aenguls singing to me at once as a dozen organs rang out in glorious crescendo. Such an occurrence made me believe it could only be your presence upon Earth, o’ Lord. As though you had chosen to come before me in your heavenly form - me, your humble and devout servant? How could I be so blessed to witness such a miracle, was the foremost thought that clouded my mind. And in these trying times, your presence and your warmth, the love by which you shine upon us all. To bask in that very embrace within these trying times, it filled me with such wonder and joy beyond compare.


    But, hark! As I arose to face the sound of this beatificious and sacred music, the candle's lights flicked and waned all around me. A peculiar and eerie fog began to coat the ground all around me, like an early morning’s dew. A fear and trepidation gripped me then as I was shrouded in darkness, and I ran as fast as I could to make my retreat from the shadow. The doors handle, as rusted and in disrepair as it is, did not turn without much strenuous effort. I turned my head for a brief moment, and I could have sworn upon the names of the very Exalted themselves that I saw a terrifying face observing me from the vestige of shadow. A daunting figure in holy cloth, with greyed skin and hollowed holes for eyes. She wore a veil akin to a member of the Holy Sisterhood, yet I knew better. This was no Aengul or avatar of God - it was a trickery, a deceit! The work of the Devil himself! I managed to turn the door handle finally and bolted outside, and though I am shaken upon the ordeal, I have turned to deeper prayer and fasting in order to attempt to discern this unholy occurrence through your bountiful wisdom and providence, o’ God.


    -An excerpt from the journal of Father Humbert van Mozgus’








    Possibly one of the most approachable spirits that has been recorded, the nameless soldier is most often reported to be standing at attention before the base of the dias within the throne room and donning the plates of the Imperial State Army.  Through the recording, numerous accounts have stated that this ghastly presence would appear hours before scheduled court happenings and usually inquires if the individual requires any protective services or chaperoning. 


    Individuals have also stated the attempt at further conversing with this protector though there seems to be a lack of want or willingness to convene further than the offering of his services. Those whom have come to interact with this odd fellow recall a gentle air of comfort and safety upon his appearance. The sign of his approaching appearance is known when the thunderous, metallic, sound of marching echoes through the throne room. 


    Upon these tales, some have stated of their attempts to rouse the spirit’s presence day-to-day although all attempts falling upon deaf ears and leaving his appearance to the mentioned scheduling of court.


    - A documentation of The Stalking Soldier’s sighting -



    ‘3rd of Godrey’s Triumph, 1866,


    It was most frightful, yet exhilarating all the while. I was awaiting the court’s commencement and my dreadful carriage had delivered me to the palace hours before the court was due to begin. Though it was not much of a fuss to myself I decided to pay a visit to the grand throne room nonetheless - perhaps I might take note of recent development in the room’s construction or architecture. 


    Yet I did not truly anticipate what it actually was that I might discover - I was alone, such is the detail that is important. There were sadly no witnesses’.. that can confirm my words but as I entered that room I could sight a lonesome soldier loyally guarding the vacant dias. I must admit, it was odd for a soldier to be guarding the emptiness but I simply thought it best to spend my vast amount of time to converse before court. 


    It was the closing of distance between him and I that I noticed. I could see right through him! I blinked a few times, assuming it could be the misjudgement of my failing sight but no! Even during the correction of my peripheral, that man remained present and transparent. I broke that silence with an idle greeting, seeking his name but he did not respond. A few long moments passed with our awkward staring before a hoarse voice called to me. It was that fellow, asking if I required his service.. his protection!


    Of course, I did not require such aid - I was simply in need of hastening time and upon my denial of his offer he vanished into thin air!


    -A excerpt from the journal of Julia Vandimilion’





    A thanks to @NorthWindNomad , @Proddy & @Matheaww for editorial aid and detailing upon various aspects of the post.


    This post simply stands as an aesthetic, players are free to have rumoured sightings of these sprits but they will not be interactable as a player-ran event.


  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Darya of Caermad


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Edmond of Sava


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the feat? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:



  4. Amongst the blistering heat of the South, a parchment would be ushered to Darya of Azor, a brow perked as she glossed upon the contents of the letter before venturing to congratulate her childhood friend. "My prayers go out to the poor lass who married Nikolai, but might their future be bright. Bid farewell to your peaceful nights, Lord Othaman."

  5. Darya d'Azor glanced amongst the advertisement during one of her many strolls within the Providence streets, the girl found herself smiling and slipped the parchment within her pocket "I knew you could do it Vinny, to you and to your many years of future success."

  6. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Vyasaldris Elyra


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Wood Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Paladinism is one of the many deific magics on the server, though notably it stands apart from the rest due to being the only ‘holy’ magic in the current lore compendium. Users of Paladinism draw upon Xannic mist, an undefined holy energy akin to mana, which is stored in their soul, to cast their magic. There are five tiers to Paladinism, with each advancement giving the user more embers, or ‘charges’ of their mist with which to cast, alongside more spells. The overarching type divides into two subtypes at tier three, Wyrmstalk and Vindicator. Wyrmstalker can be viewed as more of an offensive rogue type of magic, with teleportation, summonable ranged weapons, and so on. Vindicator, in contrast, relies more on the creation of shields and imbuing allies weapons with Xannic energy, making it more so a classic defensive guardian type of magic. 


    Paladinism is unavailable for self-teaching, requiring an active TA to connect new paladins and to teach spells. Special, sacred places known as ‘Chanceries’ are required for this connection process. There are three tiers to ‘Chanceries’, known as Shrines, Temples, and Sanctuaries. All tiers enable connection and lightstone gathering. The creation of a Chancery requires a Warden and an object to imbue the area in question with Xannic affinity. Rituals to create a Chancery will often include a droplet of the Warden’s blood, a reliquary and a prayer to Xan, though they are incredibly freeform outside of that when it comes to the roleplay itself.


    Once a Chancery reaches the second tier of ‘Temple’, Holy Artificery in the form of ‘Orisions’ becomes available to those tier three and above who have been taught enchanting. Orisions, or the more combat related enchants, require a Lightforge to cast, as well as a lightstone to power the spell. ‘Blessings’, which offer more-so buffs to courage, aid in purging, etc, are able to be performed at any tier Chancery, requiring the Paladin to utter specific prayers or chants into an object. All Paladin related enchants require ST approval and signatures. 

    Unlike previous iterations of Paladinism, this version allows for chaotic disconnection. While Paladins follow ‘Creeds’, a set of conduct laid out for them by prior generations, a Paladin who goes against what the Order stands for may find themself standing trial, going through redemption or being deemed unsalvageable, and thusly disconnected from Xan, the flame in their soul smothered. To disconnect a Paladin requires two Wardens and another Paladin, as well as a chancery of any tier. The Paladin being disconnected must be bound, any resistance or struggle would cause the effort to fail. Once disconnected a Paladin would suffer a soul scar, one of the two a character can incur from deific disconnection. Disconnection also leaves a Paladin with an empty, cold, despondent sensation. Where they once experienced courage they would now only feel guilt and shame. This internal strife, however, does not fully apply to a Paladin who willingly undergoes disconnection, disappearing after a week’s time, and never as intense as an unwilling severance. 


    While Paladins are strong against those magics and entities which threaten Xan’s vision of Order and Guardianship, it does have one specific counter. The Void, the antithesis of creation and life, is a Paladin’s greatest weakness, aside from their mortality. Spells such as Vindicator’s Mantle or Xannic Fervour, for example, are broken or rendered null by the power of Voidal magic.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    There are two distinctive specializations that Paladins must choose between them after their trials. Alongside an unique enchanting facet of paladinism. 



    Vindicators follow a thematic doctrine of Guardianship and boast an array of defensive abilities in exchange for sacrificing their offensive prowess. Seen as more of aiding their comrades in battle, they have protective abilities such as Arknight’s Rally and Vindicator’s Mantle that arms and protect their comrades. 


    Wrymstalkers follow a thematic doctrine of Order and boast more ‘lone wolf’ and hunter like abilities of the offensive variety. Seen as more like hunters, they have highly offensive abilities for destructive intent towards darkspawn such as Daylight and Sunlight Spear and this persists with a unique trap ability to wrap up their arsenal. 


    Sacred Artificery. 

    Sacred Artificery, using the bread and butter of the gifts of Xan, known as Lightstones to enhance weaponry or trinkets with blessings and orifices to be utilized against the enemies of light, or ward against curses. 


    Blessings are on T3 while Lightforging and Orisons are on T4. 



    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Paladinism – Mist Healing –  


    First Emote: 


    Vyasaldris held a scornful gaze as she kept her eyes sharply upon the injured man, disdaining her features as she raised her right arm high into the air. Her gauntlet, with an ancient mantle glistened against the weary afternoon sun. The ancient paladin was an imposing, vicious presence on the battlefield but yet once more, she mulled on giving her aid, knowing of the limits of her embers. She sighs, as she shall allow her raised hand to form a verdant green glow, calling upon the Xannic mists wielded by the Guardianship of Order and Guardianship.  


    Second Emote:  


    Vyasaldris held a singular nod towards the injured soldier, as she laid on her knees, sullying it with dirt and grim as she rested her hands to be above the cut that the soldier had received in his own battle with another which was now laid dead. The feeling of warmth and comfort was extended to the soldier, the favour of Xan that few in their lifetimes ever have the opportunity to experience. Her focus remained honed, and the soothing healing shall accelerate as the Xannic magic that engulfed his injuries, stemming the tide of crimson blood.  


    Third Emote:  


    Vya persisted in her actions, electing to speak little to the man, or her being at that. Vyasaldris has always been a woman of little words, and it was shown thoroughly as she rendered aid to the wound, pouring her energies in a magnanimous will that has never betrayed her. The Xannic mists flowed, and wrapped around the wound as it shall be numbed and mended in turn, leaving behind an ugly silver scar as a distinctive reminder of the events that had transpired.


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    Daybreak Spear, akin to a Sunlight Spear, has its own unique properties and uses. Whereas a Sunlight Spear requires four emotes and is capable of tearing through the natural defenses of darkspawn such as dragonkin, disappearing immediately thereafter, a Daybreak spear tends towards serving a more utilitarian purpose. Requiring three emotes, a Daybreak spear lacks the strength ascribed to Sunlight Spear, being a painless but effective binding weapon. In contrast to a Sunlight spear, the Daybreak spear does not vanish upon contact, but rather serves to help pin whatever entity it has struck for four emotes, two if the entity attempts to pull the spear from itself.  

    First Emote:  
    Vysaldris moved across the gravel and dirt, kicking up stones and dust alike as she transverse the scenic area, poised high above the Elvenessi Highlands whilst a gentle breeze rolls through the environs. The training arena here has existed since the arrival of the descendents on Almaris and Vysaldris had taken a liking to the potential of teachings in the area. It was here that she had found her student, a stalwart young elf that bested his skills against a stump of a redwood tree. Once more, her eyes focused on him as she raised her hand, the verdant green mists forming along its form.  
    Second Emote:  
    Vysaldris in turn, stepped towards the new initiate, going to give him a demonstration proper, allowing him to witness her figure as she presented the usage of Xan’s gifts with a proper magnificence of an Embered. Adjusting her posture, her eyes peered towards the nearby target, circled righteously in red. A glance to her short nails were given, as she nodded in confidence to her aiming, allowing the mists to further grow in its malcontent in turn, coalescing easily in her hand. With a step back, she concentrated.

    ”Focus your blessings on your arm, think of the shape of a spear...” 
    Third Emote:  
    Vyasaldris raised their hand, allowing the Xannic malcontent to coalesce and grow to a cackling thunderous of energies, the holy energies churning and pulling in turn as it cackles in its place. Vyasaldris then explained, of the nature of the spear in impaling fearsome beasts as she raised the spear, its vicious powers put on display for her student to witness as it was sent whistling through the air to slam harmlessly into a nearby target. Assured as she sauntered to it, she rested her hand on the target as she turned back to her student. 

    “ It is important to halt the joints of large beasts by skewering them..”



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    There are two separate courses of action in both 'during teaching' and 'after teaching' - the two separate methods of handling the aspect of powergaming will be explained below.


    During teaching: If I find that my student is powergaming during the display of paladinism during lessons, I would pause the encounter of roleplay and explain the issues in their performance. Later then detailing how they can avoid similar issues in the future. 

    After teaching: If I find that my student is powergaming after their lessons have concluded and I have already spoken to them on multiple accounts about their behaviour and I have exhausted all point of preventing the repetitive behaviour, I would then make the Story Team aware of the student and the issues present within their powergaming. 


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  7. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Vyasaldris Elyra


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Wood Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Paladinism is one of the oldest forms of diefic magic with many years of existence on Lord Of The Craft, particularly being a distinguished core of the forces of Light in current lore. The Embered of the Aengul of Order and Guardianship, Xan, there are many spells and rituals to contest with the overwhelming covenant of darkness which convened the land.  


    Based on Bastions of Light, otherwise known as Chanceries, the alliance of Lightbringers and their allies work in tandem to overcome dangerous foes through varying degrees of power, with temples having these distinctive levels known as Shrines, Temples and Sanctuaries that grant boons and facilitate paladin rituals and quests.  


    With ritualistic purging to cleanse tainted souls, those blessed with Paladinism are governed by a strict convenient of creeds that may be freeform loosely, but large set as a governing principle for the adherents of the Aengul of Order and Guardianship, Xan and being able to wield both connection and disconnection to maintain order across the chosen few of its ranks through the distinguished Wardens which are the veteran servants of Xan. Together they shall harness their capabilities and skills together in a fluid alliance of righteousness in the realm and being an influence of goodness.  


    To supplement these powerful skills and abilities, would be Sacred Artificery, using the bread and butter of the gifts of Xan, known as Lightstones to enhance weaponry or trinkets with blessings and orifices to be utilized against the enemies of light, or ward against curses and worse twined with the potent mending of mist healing, it brings aid to the comrades of light and themselves and renders treatment and mending as well to the fortunate able to receive aid of a willing Paladin.  



    As of recently, there will be supporting changes to reflect current lore and place of Paladinism on the server, with modifications to disconnection and a few spells, and especially bringing on a new spell to strengthen the standing of Vindicators.  



    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    No. There is not. 



    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


     Paladinism Mist Healing –  


    First Emote: 


    Vyasaldris held a scornful gaze as she kept her eyes sharply upon the injured man, disdaining her features as she raised her right arm high into the air. Her gauntlet, with an ancient mantle glistened against the weary afternoon sun. The ancient paladin was an imposing, vicious presence on the battlefield but yet once more, she mulled on giving her aid, knowing of the limits of her embers. She sighs, as she shall allow her raised hand to form a verdant green glow, calling upon the Xannic mists wielded by the Guardianship of Order and Guardianship.  


    Second Emote:  


    Vyasaldris offered a singular nod towards the injured soldier, as she laid on her knees, sullying it with dirt and grim as she rested her hands to be above the cut that the soldier had received in his own battle with another which was now laid dead. The feeling of warmth and comfort was extended to the soldier, the favour of Xan that few in their lifetimes ever have the opportunity to experience. Her focus remained honed, and the soothing healing shall accelerate as the Xannic magic that engulfed his injuries, stemming the tide of crimson blood.  


    Third Emote:  


    Vya persisted in her actions, electing to speak little to the man, or her being at that. Vyasaldris has always been a woman of little words, and it was shown thoroughly as she rendered aid to the wound, pouring her energies in a magnanimous will that has never betrayed her. The Xannic mists flowed, and wrapped around the wound as it shall be numbed and mended in turn, leaving behind an ugly silver scar as a distinctive reminder of the events that had transpired.




    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    The teaching emote I shall be conducting shall be that of Daybreak Spear, a powerful ‘skewer’ like ability that is harmless to descendants, but highly destructive in a ‘knockback’ effect to darkspawn.  
    First Emote:  
    Vysaldris moved across the gravel and dirt, kicking up stones and dust alike as she transverse the scenic area, poised high above the Elvenessi Highlands whilst a gentle breeze rolls through the environs. The training arena here has existed since the arrival of the descendents on Almaris and Vysaldris had taken a liking to the potential of teachings in the area. It was here that she had found her student, a stalwart young elf that bested his skills against a stump of a redwood tree. Once more, her eyes focused on him as she raised her hand, the verdant green mists forming along its form.  
    Second Emote:  
    Vysaldris in turn, stepped towards the new initiate, going to give him a demonstration proper, allowing him to witness her figure as she presented the usage of Xan’s gifts with a proper magnificence of an Embered. Adjusting her posture, her eyes peered towards the nearby target, circled righteously in red. A glance to her short nails were given, as she nodded in confidence to her aiming, allowing the mists to further grow in its malcontent in turn, coalescing easily in her hand. With a step back, she concentrated.

    ”Focus your blessings on your arm, think of the shape of a spear...” 
    Third Emote:  
    Vyasaldris raised their hand, allowing the Xannic malcontent to coalesce and grow to a cackling thunderous of energies, the holy energies churning and pulling in turn as it cackles in its place. Vyasaldris then explained, of the nature of the spear in impaling fearsome beasts as she raised the spear, its vicious powers put on display for her student to witness as it was sent whistling through the air to slam harmlessly into a nearby target. Assured as she sauntered to it, she rested her hand on the target as she turned back to her student. 

    “ It is important to halt the joints of large beasts by skewering them..”




    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    There are two seperate courses of action in both 'during teaching' and 'after teaching' - the two seperate methods of handling the aspect of powergaming will be explained below.


    During teaching: If I find that my student is powergaming during the display of paladinism during lessons, I would pause the encounter of roleplay and explain the issues in their performance. Later then detailing how they can avoid similar issues in the future. 



    After teaching: If I find that my student is powergaming after their lessons have concluded and I have already spoken to them on multiple accounts about their behaviour and I have exhausted all point of preventing the repetitive behaviour, I would then make the Story Team aware of the student and the issues present within their powergaming. 



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.



    Milasian Circa Font Generator Preview


    Chamber music - Wikipedia





    What is the Rochefort School of Music?

    The Rochefort school of music was founded as a simple ideology in 1825 by Holy Dame Helena Rochefort, the youth an avid enthusiast of all musical and stalwart composer of various pieces since the age of twelve years old. Since her Imperial success all the woman sought was to spread the love of artistic culture amongst the denizens of Almaris. Now such a small ideology has grown with drastic support and is now reality upon its final construction on the 14th of Owyn’s Flame, 1836. 


    What does the Rochefort School of Music offer?

    There are a wide variety of artistic fields offered within the academy, open to all of any nation, nationality and race. We offer the following subjects: Music theory & Music Philosophy, Instrument studies ( Piano, Harp, Guitar & Lute), Dance (Ballet & Waltz) and Theatre ( Acting, Musical composition, play-writing). With various other potential studies in the works!


    What is the Rochefort School of Music looking for?

    We are currently seeking both Teachers (of the mentioned subjects) and students whom seek to broaden their academic ventures. 


    Where is the Rochefort School of Music Located?
    It is located in Providence, Selm 9 street!


    If you seek to either teach or learn within the Rochefort School of Music, please do send a letter filling out the following form!


    (Please simply submit the form on this forum!)

    Character Name:

    Teacher or student?: 





    Signed by,

    Head Mistress Helena Rochefort

    [Holy Dame of the Holy Mother Church]

  9. The Holy Dame Helena of Rochefort remained knelt before an alter to GOD, head bowed and longsword grasped between those plated palms of hers "In he, I am made - without he I am forsaken. Through him, I shalt prevail and without he I shalt fall. Blessed be to GOD and his flock, might his devine hand touch all those whom believe themselves damned. For light shall find them soon enough." 

  10. What is thy name? Caerthynna Visaj

    [OOC: What is your username and Discord handle?] Rae#3015

    What is thy race? Mali'thill

    From which talonii do thou hail, if mali’thill? Visaj

    Art thou pure? Yes

    If not, do thou wish to be? N/A

    What is thou age? 53

    Dost thou pledge thy troth and loyalty to the Silver Mother, Larihei, and her state? Yes

  11. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Helena Rochefort


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

     OOC Oversight


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, that you may no longer use it in character?




    Circus Font Generator Preview


    Beautiful fine art giclee poster print, A3 sizeDispatched and Tracked through Royal Mail, 3 -5 working days UK, 4-10 working days worldwide.You can return any item for any reason for up to 30 days after you receive it. Full refund given immediately upon return. Unless you have simply changed your mind, we will also pay for the cost of returning it to us. Payment via Paypal, Credit/Debit Card or Bank TransferA3 Details.

    [!] A painting of Holy Dame Helena Rochefort & Adrian de Sarkozy
    Bidding farewell to one another before the evening of their




    [!] An array of letters would be sent out - a rather formal envelope.


    After a long four years of courting, it is with great pleasure that the coupling of Holy Dame Helena Rochefort and Adrian de Sarkozy announce their union of Holy Matrimony. 


    The grand ceremony will commence in the Holy Cathedral of Providence, held by His Holiness Tylos I. 


    Once the vows have been exchanged there will be a series of events hosted within the ballroom of the Augustine palace. 


    There will be a ball amongst the ballroom hosted where the theme is that of sunflowers and yellow, there will be a prize offered to the best dressed with a sum of 50 marks. 

    A performance between both bride and groom, will then be performed where those present will be invited to dance and partake in the jovial spirits of the evening. 


    The last event, will be a boxing match for the gentlemen of the evening - hosted at the Rochefort Crescent where a grand prize of 100 marks will be offered to the reigning champion. 

    During these events, the ladies of the evening will be invited to the upper levels of the Rochefort Crescent from where a selection of wines and entertainment will be offered. 


    The Bride and Groom also ask that those willing, bring donations to Helena rather than wedding gifts where proceedings will be given to the church funding.


    OOC Information:

    Sunday 15th August at 6 EST

    Providence Catherdral, then the Augustine Ballroom

    Advised to wear yellow or sunflower themes!
    Boxing tourney will then be hosted at the Rochefort Crescent (Selm 7)



    Special invitations are sent to the following:

    HIM, John VIII & his esteemed pedigree, [ @KosherZombie]
    HIH, Amelia Margaret, [ @libbybelle ]

    HIH, George Maximilian [ @FredrickTeufel]

    His Grace, Lord Thomas Helvets & his esteemed pedigree [ @Fishy ]

    The Right Honourable, Lord Matyas Basrid & his esteemed pedigree [ @MCVDK ]

    The Right Honourable, Lord Joseph d’Azor & his esteemed pedigree [ @Taketheshot ]

    The Right Honourable Representative. Mr Tobias de Sarkozy KM & his esteemed pedigree [ @Qizu ]

    The Right Honourable, Lady Maisie d’Arkent & her esteemed pedigree [ @zuziee ]

    The Right Honourable, Lady Mary Othaman & her esteemed pedigree [ @ncarr ]

    The Right Honourable, Lord Vladislav Carrion & his esteemed pedigree [ @Hephaestus]

    The Holy Mother Gulia & the Sisterhood of St Catherine [ @Remyy ]

    Mr Olivier Renault de Savoie & his esteemed pedigree [ @Lionbileti ]

    The Holy Order of Exalted Owyn

    Lector Paco [ TBA ]

    Lector Danzen [ @Letharian ]

    Mr Dharas [ TBA ]

    Mr Daisuke [ @ClatterCake ]

    Mr Kaustantin Baruch [ @Herod ]

    Holy Sir August [ @Mykei ]

    The Holy Mother Church!

    Mr Friedrich van Haeger [ @Proddy]



    Mf Feel My Heart Font Generator Preview




    Little Lord Fontleroy Font Generator Preview






    A painting of the young Holy Dame Helena Helvets
    returning from her months of capture
    - painted by Holy Sir Edwin de Sarkozy,
    circa 1833.




    Written and composed by Holy Dame Helena Charlotte Helvets of Rochefort
    2nd of Owyn’s Flame, 1833.





    [Original song from the fantastic, Greatest Showman,
    Credits to Movie Fan for the cover]


    I saw the sun begin to set,

    and felt that south wind blow cold,

    a girl learns who is there for her,

    when the blade is pointed and the life drains,

    cause from that horror,

    what remains,

    can only be what’s true,

    if all was lost,

    there’s more I learned,

    ‘cause it led me back, 

    to home, 

    From now on,

    these eyes will not be blinded by the lies,

    from now on,

    what’s written in my tapestry starts tonight, 

    it starts tonight,

    let this promise to them start,

    like an anthem in my heart,

    from now on,

    from now on,


    I drank tea with lords and ladies,

    the crowds praised my name, 

    but those were not my dreams,

    the pitfalls of the woman I became, 

    for years and years I chased their cheers, 

    the hunger of always needing more,

    but when I stop,

    and see them here,

    I remember who all this was for, 


    And from now on,

    these eyes will not be blinded by the lies,

    from now on,

    what’s written in my tapestry starts tonight, 

    it starts tonight,

    let this promise to them start,

    like an anthem in my heart,

    from now on,

    from now on,

    from now on,


    And I will come back home, 

    and I will come back home, 

    home, again!



    From now on,

    these eyes will not be blinded by the lies,

    from now on,

    what’s written in my tapestry starts tonight, 

    it starts tonight,

    let this promise to them start,

    like an anthem in my heart,

    from now on,

    from now on,

    from now on,


    And I will come back home, 

    and I will come back home, 

    home, again!


    A piece to scribe thanks to those whom
    offered their shoulder to me during these
    trying months,


  14. Spoiler




    Reveler Font Generator Preview


    “In the heed of light and dark, sin does not await our recovery - we must keep moving forth.” - Armiger Catherine


    The late months had tested the vitality of that youthful Holy Dame - GOD had granted her no rest and thus did the duties of hers persist. Little sleep granted, Helena often moved from battle, to settling petty Cannon squabbles and as every responsibility arched full circle to battle once more. Such excessive labour began to grind down upon her persistence, her will but akin a lame horse did she plod onward. Though despite the powder added to porcelain features with hopes to disguise the dark rings beneath eyes and swallowing what pain relief she could - her exhausted and wounded frame began to catch up with her. Her frail frame slowly seeped through the cracks of false perfection. 


    During these toiling months, word had been written to her by one Lector Paco of the Owynists - parchment containing worrying details and progression of their southern menace. The Dame found this man and his brothers fond allies of her own, sharing battles and stories with each during the horrific era of Lucienburg’s collapse. Upon concluding the reading of this letter she heeded his summonings with little hesitation, despite the dangerous state of her stature she began onto the Ramsfield Camp.




    “Your anger is broiling, Helena -- when you hurt, you hurt others in turn. Utterly unaware of the harm you cause.”

    -Armiger Adrian de Sarkozy



    The journey south was unforgiving - the Holy Dame pelted in heavy hailstorms and the lack of fitting rations, she barely made it to the camp and when she had she was greeted by the usual solemn familiar face of  Lector Dante. When he did lift that head of his, he managed what smile he could firm before beckoning that Dame further into the encampment - dipping his head in fond greeting. 


    “How do you fair - Dame?” Dante spoke with a gruff tone, appearing from the gatehouse with arms folded upon his breastplate.


    Helena managed a tired smile, lowering herself promptly from the back of her trusted mount Tempest and shortly exchanged a five-fingered salute with that fond friend “I fair.. well enough, Dante - how about yourself? I have heard your southern menace has quickened his pace and thus I am stationing myself here.”


    The brows of that man furrowed, forefinger and thumb beckoning forth to scratch upon his chin “Eh? Oh, hai - Galway, I plan to duel him in the coming months.” He uttered, yet there was a dourness holding in his tone.


    “You are a kind fool whom listens to his heart over his head. Dante, you have already lost three-fourths of your lectors and people. This camp is barely clinging by a thread and you would thrust your life so willingly for a matter of pride? Look at them, they need you, Lector.” The voice of that Dame hosted a harshness in such a tone - but one due to the concern she hosted for that man. An individual she had come to care deeply for. “You spoke that a debt is due for the aid myself and my order gifted you upon our last interaction  - thus I name the price of the debt now, I shall bare steel in your stead.”


    Thus did a heated debate of stubbornness and morality occur, ramblings from either party until Dante threw his head sidewardly in some evident irritance. 


    What if you fall, Dame?”


    “There are those beneath me, awaiting ascension - if I fall, GOD does will it. You are not so replaceable, Dante.”


    “I will not allow it. It has already been decided.”


    That woman simply shook her head in some disgruntled fashion, footing angling itself toward the gates of the camp once more - Tempest in tow. 


    “Will you truly depart without wishing me good fortune?”


    “You will not be needing it, Lector.”




    “You often find yourself so lost in the concerns of others, you forget yourself Rochefort.” - Friedrich van Haeger



    Much to Dante’s unknowing, that youth did not make her way back to Providence as suspected - instead Tempest was steered deeper south with a burning intent. There was not much knowledge given to her to the location of the feared Arch Lector Galway but she was gifted with a rough understanding of the terrain, tracks and broken shrubbery. 


    Three hours it had taken that ever drained girl - her body threatened to topple from the saddle of Tempest at any given moment but as stubborn as those before her she did not relent and in the coming times of the late evening, did she stumble upon the Church of the First Ember.


    As that Dame of Owyn came to a progressive halt atop of Tempest, she shortly discarded herself from atop of him - thrusting her blade, Helena, from the confines of its sheath and with swayed footing - barely awake - did she prompt forth. 


    I may not be the smartest man - but I see your pain, Helena, why will you not share it?” - Edwin de Sarkozy



    As that Holy Dame’s footing came to peak at the borders of the Church of the First Ember she was greeted with the wary eyes of a lowly lumberjack - his work pausing as he regarded that tired youth and his hand shortly lifted the worn cutting axe in preparation for her foreign presence. 


    “Yer’ lost lass -- ah’ suggest you turn around and find t’ road again. T’ Lector Galway won’t be pleased wit’ yer’ trespassin” That man croaked out, footing guiding himself protectively about the fallen timber. 


    “Mn - Galway? Then no, I am not lost -- my business is with him.” She remarked quietly, each step that she drew onward, trembled - that young Dame swallowing the fear that riddled her. For she was always taught to keep her feelings to herself - less one sought to use it against her. “You follow a False Lector, one whom uphold the promise of Exalted St Owyn but finds failure in seeking his own redemption.”


    That peasant grasped the handle of his axe ever tightly, lofting it that bit higher as if the venom in that girl’s words stuck an ire “You best watch those heathenous words of yours girl - else it be the--” Before that man was able to finish, the hefty creaking of a door sounded and two figures slowly emerged from the confines. As this peasant regarded them with a five-fingered salute each, he recoiled and busied with his work once more. 


    “Has that wench - Seraphim - wilted so lowly as to send an assassin to my doorstep?” Spoke that Arch-Lector  menacingly, a true cruelness hosted in that tone of his as he beckoned the Inquisitor, Kappa, alongside him - that towering behemoth announcing his movement forward with each thunderous step. 


    The Holy Dame, Helena, felt herself shudder as both men closened - a fear of conflict and a terror of just how drained her stature was, unprepared and too weak to stand her ground. What was she hoping to gain in such a state? 


    Only GOD himself could know.


    “Perhaps an assassin would have been preferred, but it is only GOD himself that has placed me before you -- to uproot your false influence and turn your sheep to the true meaning of Owyn.” Helena began quietly, yet despite that feigned confidence - her stature swayed in dispute upon attempting to lift that longsword to a suitable holding “No, you know me False Lector -- Holy Dame Helena of the Order of Exalted Owyn.”


    The features of that Arch-Lector contorted into a deeper grin - positioning himself behind that towering figure of  Kappa as his maniacal lectures persisted: 


    “The scripture, the adventures, it all passes when you realize the vile nature of Descendants: The corruption, all of it matters not. For those same scriptures are read by men who sat idle as atrocity, and evil run ammock. Our world must be reborn once again, wiped clean: With Men of Owyn, the true fire-bearers, lighting the way.”


    Helena did devoutly utter in turn, 


    “The Scriptures read plain and simple: // 8. The Lord is the Lord GOD without peer, but you seek power alike to his, and even power equal. 9. This is a selfish and impossible sin, for there is no power alike GOD. 6. For I have ordered your birth and station, and I have established the order of things. // You will be judged, False Lector.”


    That Arch-Lector simply chuckled, beckoning that behemoth of a man forward - poleaxe bared in daunting preparation of conflict “I will not be judged, Dame. For Owyn has already gifted me his favour.”

    In due time a grizzly battle occur, between that Holy Dame of Owyn, Arch-Lector Galway and Inquisitor Kappa. It was one she knew she could not win, for her frame begged for rest and her wounds wept with infection.  Persist and prevail.. She did but mutter beneath a desperate breath For if I am to.. fall, as GOD does will it.


    Helena did fight as valiantly as one could, producing a Tangleroot potion in which kept that towering figure of the Inquisitor at bay for a short time - but amongst the slashes and bashes of the stronger men, her frame could not withstand and thus did she collapse...


    “We all start, as you do, dear Helena.” Galway murmured whilst a sabbaton pressed upon her rigid breastplate and the point of his carbarum blade pointed beneath her armpit “What a waste, such beauty is under the command of weak Cannonists in funny hats. But no matter!” That man did creep ever closer so his voice was but a whisper:


    “You will be weaponized, Dear Dame - re-educated through the fire of Owyn to become what that of Dante or Seraphim failed to be. You will come to know the divine truth in time…”


    “Kill me.”


    Those were the only words that youth could force out amongst the sting of battle and the tears that claimed those eyes, uttering a quiet GOD bring me to your salvation, return me to your embrace.


    But death was not granted, instead it was the cold impact of a pommel and darkness shortly consuming her consciousness. Perhaps death may have been a mercyful fate for what was to come.


    That limp frame of the Dame was shortly dragged within that church and bound by chain before the altar - left to awaken to the horrors of a new fate.






    Just an aesthetic piece of writing to the current happening of Helena, some rought explaination and reasoning to her disappearance that will become evident through the coming days. This was a lot of fun to write and the event was spectacular, thank you to Obreeni!


  15. Laurir Caerthynna Visaj beams pridefully upon the printed text her spouse had extended over to her, reading the lettering with a firm nod of approval "My Haelun and Maln were both arranged to be wed and they produced a progressive legacy after them, lust is unbecoming of any 'thillen and entrusting our elders to know the best for the blooming future allows for such a future to remain ever progressive."

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