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Everything posted by lemonke

  1. Discord: Fooldude#7120 Skin: RED FUR DRESS. Bid: 1150 Skin: PLATE ARMOR bid: 1500
  2. "We would have caught him if he hadn't used the ability of double emoting and running away from rp." a Guard grumbled.
  3. [!] Posters with a fairly elegant calligraphy would be attached in every neighborhoods of Ves [!] A drawing without color is painted over the posters. Name: Haedir Ithilien/ Illiran. Reasons: Warlock(Dark mage), Resisted arrest from the guards. Location: Last seen in the city of Ves, has escaped inside the city. Probably even Llyria. Rewards: if dead 250 minas, if alive 450. Bring a proof of his death or himself to a member of The army of Kaedrin Warnings: He’s a dangerous high elf warlock with a psychopath mentality, he usually goes around adorned in a plate armor and armed with a longsword. Approach him with caution and not alone. [!] A seal of Kaedrin's Army is placed upon the posters.
  4. This ^ you don't even need to shelv. everything
  5. Y'know, instead of doing a such abrupt action, which that not everyone will like, you could consult the community or even the owners of a Braduk's character, find a fair point that everyone could like, limits and etc.. ... idk why make such reckless decision. community exist.(and yes, i had problem with some Braduks in the past).
  6. Toodles WHY. Tbh, it is kinda cool.
  7. “I've seen you wandering for so many years, Wild man. I hope you will find your place on the other side and finally finish your wanderings, Take care.” A halfling muttered to herself
  8. lemonke

    The Swamp

    Raviolino the fat Gobbo goes in stealth mode.
  9. You aren't in the discord of celestialist, the guy a few days ago gave to 'us' the link, saying if it had any error or something, so I just commented to reviewed it.
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