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Creative Wizard
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Status Replies posted by Sorcerio

  1. What would you guys want to see added to the forums? LMK!

  2. What would you guys want to see added to the forums? LMK!

  3. do people prefer skin auctions to be in USD or Mina??

  4. so excited to be unbanned soon. cant wait to roleplay!!! huzzah!

  5. We are beginning the 3rd week on a BRAND NEW map. There are under 200 players on a Saturday afternoon. Vortex is TRASH GET RID OF IT

  6. Anyone know of any Alchemy teachers? Willing to pay.

  7. did you guys know that in real life we (read: adults who still play minecraft) pay taxes to the Man to maintain our countries and keep them from falling into disrepair? wild concepts, i know. sometimes it works.

  8. Please just make common resources more obtainable. It's extremely inconvenient and frustrating to have to hop between nodes as opposed to just using a simple resource pit. 

  9. How we doin lads and lasses.

  10. I'm about to say the D word

  11. Modular mineshafts have been added to all hubs. Will be adding more cobble, some copper, and various other nodes tonight and tomm.

  12. wanna get married?

  13. Did a piece of writing for Norland's ending event. Bit proud of it! 🥰

  14. LotC Daily Trivia: Which race(s) have been known to grow tusks?

  15. we don't, do the same drugs no more

  16. With the mess that is post-loremag magic hoggers & item hoarders, 8.0's road & travel Roleplay is going to be chaotic...

  17. Hyped for 8.0? Check out the new Urguan Capital guide to sate that hunger, at least for now;) 


  18. Over 200 people on the forums rn and not one of y'all can reply to my status update alright 

  19. Wouldn't it be nice if common sense was actually common.

  20. LotC Daily Trivia: What are the individual names of the Golden Relics' original form? (Urguan's hammer, Malin's falchion, Krug's axe, and Horen's broadsword.) Bonus point for stating what their original form was.

  21. Finally free from my content moderation - **** Mod Team all my homies hate mod team

  22. @Augustine


    happy to see u back

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