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Status Updates posted by ferdaboy

  1. id like to thank those who consistently upvote whatever i post, no matter the quality. you know who you are.

    1. Dyl


      No one cares loser

    2. greisn
  2. im confused if joel cried to staff or if staff are scared of conflict please tell me which 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MunaZaldrizoti


      but im flattered you spend so much time throwing hate at me, you must have a lot of free time ?

    3. Bhased


      49 minutes ago, JoelTheGinger said:

      but im flattered you spend so much time throwing hate at me, you must have a lot of free time ?

      Yeah he quit his job now he spends his time playing csgo, stellaris, and whinging on mineman. The old Alex is gone

    4. ferdaboy


      i quit because i wanted to keep my scholarships to uni

  3. just clogged it will keep u guys updated

  4. just sat here in the library thinking abt thedragonsroost. a pillar of our community gone.

    1. jdesarno


      Atlas was a fun time yes.

    2. tasty_cheesecake


      i almost totally forgot abt that guy

  5. just turned 26 today wish me a happy birthday xx

  6. just wanted to wish my followers a good fruitful day love u and i will remember u guys when i make it

  7. LOL imagine deleting a status about a gm making a roast me thread and calling u out for deleting it @ToxicApple1 

    look if ur going to be this sensitive about things u dont belong on gm team 

  8. looking for rp family looking for someone to play their daughter (no incest rp)

    1. KaiserJacobII


      Why do you have to specify no incest?

    2. squakhawk


      5 star general (alex)ferdaboys69...? 


      I'll hook you up with an inbred room-temp-iq bastard, mayb familiar to an old friend ...

    3. monkeypoacher


      looking for rp family looking for someone to play their daughter (incest rp)

  9. looking to roleplay as a royal's bastard with severe disabilities. the disabilities i can roleplay well are, and not limited to, autism, dementia, schizophrenia, trisomy and pancreatic cancer. lmk my discord is on my profile

  10. lotc a gateway to noncing apparently 

    1. frill


      what have you done

    2. ferdaboy


      realization i made on the toilet 

  11. mains unbanned ?


  12. need someone with high botany to make some crack. my persona has high gathering and my alt persona has high glassworkign to make the pipe. the ones on the global auction house are too expensive so id like it discounted. 

    1. rukio



    2. frill


      didnt know u was an egirl alsx

  13. need writers for my milk bending lore submission

    1. TeawithFrisket
    2. greisn
    3. Onnensr


      Blood magic + tawkins your blood white

  14. new crp weapon unlocked 

  15. nobody


    me : serving my empire faithfully 



    1. Ford


      Cursed image 

    2. ferdaboy


      u comment but u wont even upvote *** u

    3. Ford


      upvote this **** you ******* ***** ass incel

  16. nobody :


    me : running into blob ready to die for my emperor dewper & dpm




    1. Vege


      u are a noble warrior 

  17. omg people r mad they cant say pvp wait till they find out they cant say the nword

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      slippery slope fallacy


      nobody is arguing for zero restrictions on what can be said in chat, only that "PvP" being word filtered shouldn't be one of those restrictions.

    3. Laeonathan


      4 hours ago, Harfleur said:

      Who let you access the internet.


    4. ferdaboy


      guys i took an L today

  18. on the toilet taking a fat **** feel 10lbs lighter 

  19. plz look at my blacklist appeal thanks

  20. pray for my boy trump he going through tough times ?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ryno2


      the main outcome of the trial is itll be a talking point in the future where someone from one side shits on someone from the other for having been for or against impeachment. “you voted to keep trump in office after everything he did,” and “you took part in the partisan witch hunt against a president who did nothing wrong” etc, so it wont mean anything and bringing it up wont change anybody’s mind about whoever is being accused of misconduct because everybody has already chosen a side on the issue and their minds wont be changed by bringing the trial up 

      Edited by ryno2
    3. BardMainHere
    4. KaleyKitty


      Bro he's just eating a peach??? Like who even cares??

  21. rdy to fight..


  22. real recognizes real. fire rep farm. wp.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sam33497


      @ferdaboyhow much rep did i get before it was hidden i was sleeping

    3. rukio


      2 less than me at 31 and 33 respectively @sam33497

    4. ferdaboy


      i upvoted at 29

  23. screw u hunwald my content mod didnt change me

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