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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by JoanOfArc

  1. Been a while man. Hope you doing well. In my prayers with Anton again and lighting a candle for you. The guys wish you the best always.


    I got into a book series I thought you would have been interested with your bard. There is a gleeman (singer, musician, story-teller, juggler, etc) in Wheel of Time named Thom Merrilin. Every time I listen about him, I always think about the bard you have. It's how I imagine he would have played and been. Here's a song he preforms in the show. Think you would like it.



  2. Thank you Beamon4

  3. >I hate the Novellen Empire because they have no vassals >I hate Haense because they have no vassal autonomy >I hate Veletz because you need to be friends with leadership for land >PLEASE NO MORE REALMS DUDE THE SERVER DOESN'T NEED IT YOU REALLY NEED TO RP IN AN INACTIVE RP CAPITAL MANAGED BY A GROUP YOU ARE NOT APART OF!!!!! let the barclays have their land they literally rp more than most of the people complaining on the forums
  4. Saskia van Aert, after having a spending the day wasting away after her family came home empty from Balian (more so from drinking thirty bottles), receives a copy from her friend Markus about this Stassion. She read it over, and felt like strangling Markus to death. Perhaps cutting off his fingers one by one, then eating them in front of him. She thinks she might just do this the next time she has her meaty hands in the proximity with his giraffe neck.
  5. "Let me ask you something."


    "Just one last thing."


    "It won't hurt, I promise."


    "What was I, to you?"


    "What do you mean?"


    "You're a soldier."


    "A soldier with a promising future ahead of you."


    "You're a soldier."


    "And you're a ghost, aren't you?"




    "Feelings pass right through you, don't they?"


    "So cold and unforgiving in every choice you made in battle."


    "Pure soldier."


    "I think that's what let us trust you-"


    "Don't talk, save you strength."


    "I don't need it."


    "I need you be strong."


    "Strong enough to do what you've never done in your life."


    "Can you be strong enough to allow yourself to be...."


    "Can you just be human?"


    And that's when it happened. That's when I truly became a ghost. Just a shadow, surrounded by death.




    Look at the moon.

    I never noticed how beautiful the moons are here.

    1. Andustar


      Halo Legends is an underrated gem

    2. UnusualBrit


      Let me tell you something Rick *rubs head*

  6. When the War of the Hundred Years ended, a man rode from one nation into another without end from the Blight to the Sea of Storms. Now we can ride through wilderness claimed by no nation for almost the whole of the land. We in the Borderlands have our battle with the Blight to keep us strong, and whole. Perhaps they did not have what they needed to keep them strong.


    You say they failed, Builder? Yes, they failed, and what nation standing whole today will fail tomorrow? We are being swept away, humankind. Swept away like flotsam on a flood. How long until there is nothing left but the Borderlands?


    How long before we, too, go under, and there is nothing left but Trollocs and Myrddraal all the way to the Sea of Storms?

  7. Sadie de la Cruz skimmed through the text then clicked on the upvote. She was really proud of her boyfriend's good work! Wow, what a stunning man and great scholar!
  8. JoanOfArc


    While we did not speak a lot, I appreciate speaking to you while we did. I hope you do well and God watches over you brother.
  9. The ideal embodied in Launcelot is “escapism” in a sense never dreamed of by those who use that word; it offers the only possible escape from a world divided between wolves who do not understand, and sheep who cannot defend, the things which make life desirable. There was, to be sure, a rumour in the last century that wolves would gradually become extinct by some natural process; but this seems to have been an exaggeration

  10. Christ is born! Merry Christmas!

    1. tcs_tonsils_


      Whilst most likely sometime in early April, this is the day we celebrate!

  11. you should ask for a MA wipe and only grandfather yourself and me
  12. “The best of men are not much better than housebroken.”


    Nynaeve paused, and added half to herself, “But then, the best of them are worth the trouble of housebreaking.”

  13. Samurai Eren of Kato read over his uncle's work and offered a slight smile in the foreign land of Haelun'or, searching for something at the request of his grandfather. While he didn't agree with most of what his uncle wrote (as he was a mix between Owynist and Kamist), he hoped his uncle would find the peace he needed and deserved. He felt the same about his uncle in that regard on his own quest—to become kind. One wishing to become kind, the other wishing for peace. "You inspire me to be better each day, uncle, even if I have never told you," he spoke softly, letting the wind carry the words. He hoped they would reach his uncle.
  14. Surprisingly, Stannis smiled at that.


    “You’re bold enough to be a Stark. Yes, I should have come sooner."


    "If not for my Hand, I might not have come at all. Lord Seaworth is a man of humble birth, but he reminded me of my duty, when all I could think of was my rights. I had the cart before the horse, Davos said. I was trying to win the throne to save the kingdom, when I should have been trying to save the kingdom to win the throne.

    1. M1919


      “A sacrifice will prove our faith still burns true, Sire,” Clayton Suggs had told the king.


      And Godry the Giantslayer said, “The old gods of the north have sent this storm upon us. Only R’hllor can end it. We must give him an unbeliever.”


      “Half my army is made up of unbelievers,” Stannis had replied. “I will have no burnings. Pray harder.”

    2. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      When yall gonna kiss? :x

    3. UnusualBrit


      Stannis is so ******* cool ☺️

  15. "A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies" was a quote that stuck with me from Jojen after reading through ASOIAF. While it sounded very robotic, I realized it is a beautiful representation of the lives we take over while reading stories. The confusion of entering a world that leaves you behind, like Scipio Aemilianus; the depression of seeing your wife grow weaker and weaker until she dies, like Jiro Horikoshi; or, despite not knowing if it is your purpose, fighting for a brighter future for your people, like the Nerevarine. Yet, when darkness approaches at night, I cannot help but miss some of the stories or think more about them. How is Violet in her happy ever after, or Sulla and Caesar, did you believe your deaths were in vain? I felt your deaths sting despite them being two thousand years ago.


    We live a thousand lives, but in these glass lenses that start at the time of their story and end at the time of their victory or death. Like you told me once, Crusader Kings showed how men, who die so young, might still have fulfilled their purpose where the player fulfills. But I cannot help but want more. Even the humble Rand Al'Thor, in a series of books that go on and on, I cannot help but fear it. Frodo only wrote so much. There is a finite amount of books, yet here my life will still go on. If I wish to revisit them, I watch the movie again, through their same glass lenses.


    The dreamer in the White Nights, after learning to love and losing that love, finally awakes from his dream. He understands the world better through that fiction played in his head with his beloved Nastenka. But when he awakes, he also sees the wrinkles of his maid and how he may never learn to be together.


    Perhaps it is like the dreamer thinks. He had a moment of bliss awakening from the daydream of another life. And it meant all the world to him.

  16. Johannes van Aert, brother to Gustaf, upon hearing the news of his brother's death and seeing a betrayal caused by his sister by marrying the traitor King of Aaun, decides to finally choose for the first time in his life, to make a decision of his own. He hangs himself on the field of Brasca.
  17. Priestess Milena cried over her great and wonderful, strong, and beautiful bishop. The western bishopric will suffer from this surely... "There was no greater man, no greater saint, than he."
  18. After countless attempts, Johanes and Saskia had found it. The true cow of cows. The best of the best that any land can offer. All pale in comparison to those "animals" (Haensers) in their west .... "Perfection." Saskia van Aert stated plainly.
  19. Priestess Milena fawned over the great Bishop of the West and Auditor of the Tribunal (platonically). How can one man’s muscles be so refined and yet he be so pious against the evils of the Heartlanders. “Curse be the Veletzian and the Petrean who harbor those of Iblees.”
  20. "What are you saying to me! I don't understand you in the least. But tell me, what's this for; I don't mean what for, but why are you . . . so suddenly. . . . Oh dear, I am talking nonsense! But you . . ."


    And Nastenka broke off in confusion. Her cheeks flamed; she dropped her eyes.


    "What's to be done, Nastenka, what am I to do? I am to blame. I have abused your . . . But no, no, I am not to blame, Nastenka; I feel that, I know that, because my heart tells me I am right, for I cannot hurt you in any way, I cannot wound you! I was your friend, but I am still your friend, I have betrayed no trust. Here my tears are falling, Nastenka. Let them flow, let them flow—they don't hurt anybody. They will dry, Nastenka."


    "Sit down, sit down," she said, making me sit down on the seat. "Oh, my God!"


    "No, Nastenka, I won't sit down; I cannot stay here any longer, you cannot see me again; I will tell you everything and go away. I only want to say that you would never have found out that I loved you. I should have kept my secret. I would not have worried you at such a moment with my egoism. No! But I could not resist it now; you spoke of it yourself, it is your fault, your fault and not mine. You cannot drive me away from you. . . ."


    "No, no, I don't drive you away, no!" said Nastenka, concealing her confusion as best she could, poor child.


    "You don't drive me away? No! But I meant to run from you myself. I will go away, but first I will tell you all, for when you were crying here I could not sit unmoved, when you wept, when you were in torture at being—at being—I will speak of it, Nastenka—at being forsaken, at your love being repulsed, I felt that in my heart there was so much love for you, Nastenka, so much love! And it seemed so bitter that I could not help you with my love, that my heart was breaking and I . . . I could not be silent, I had to speak, Nastenka, I had to speak!"

  21. May your sky always be clear,
    May your dear smile always be bright and happy,
    And may you be for ever blessed for that moment of bliss and happiness
    Which you gave to another lonely and grateful heart.
    Isn't such a moment sufficient for the whole of one's life? My God, a moment of bliss.
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