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Everything posted by ThatFunkyBunch

  1. Question for those able to answer. In the case of Witch Doctor, Farseer, Animisim. Which I imagine are going to need to be made in accordance to these submissions, is fine. That I get making them in accordance to here. But what about existing magics that contradict the information outlined here, as reading Ability types magics that go against these already come to mind? TDLR for this comment: Is this going to kick off a new Lore Games?
  2. Short and Sweet they said. Quick read in and out they said. Time to scour this and slowly absorb the changes made in each sub-forum
  3. A void mage crawls out from a crevice in the under ground of Celia'nor to look at the discarded paper. "The buyers didn't even list what skills these women have. I'm not paying for a woman that can't make a chair. Outrage fills me at their poor selling tactics."
  4. The aged shaman, puts this one up on her wall as well. "Fine and dandy, ******* hate blood magic."
  5. The Porobmôg of Nor'asath gives a low hum as she slides the strange ceremonial helm over herself and looks back to the other Ker with a firm nod. "Did someone say road trip?"
  6. A Shaman scours the Deep Caverns of Nor'asath. Hunting for the heretical shrine not of the spirits, made in violation of Temple Law. "My distain for this beast is growing, and who ever made this shrine in the Spiritual land of Nor'asath "
  7. The Azulite: Event Creature/Event Line {I said I was gonna do it. I did it} {Yes I am aware I am bad at formatting :P} “There was a time, in which no gods were held as our masters. They sink their grubby, grotesque fingers into us. They make us fight, they make us serve. If it was not for us Mortals. What would they have? Nothing, they would be left without meaning. Which begs the question. Are they the gods, or, are we the gods?” Primarch Azul, addressing his followers in Magara’lin The Azulite, a modern-day wives' tale. Wayward Ker of the dark path. Ker cast from society often claim the mantle. Knowing, nothing of what they claim. The true Azulite has been waiting for eons to prepare. Silence met only with desire. Bring back Primarch Azul, and destroy the gods of the mortal races. In the depths of ancient Axios, they have waited. They have prepared. Hiding from the Remnant of Magara’lin. Their scouts have placed themselves close, ready to strike. A plan is set in motion. Tormented Azul The Dread Primarch Azuls soul resides within the Bûrgulumokh. A prison created by ancient Maehr shamans to punish Azul for his crimes. A pocket carved out of Stargush by Kor, and sealed by the ancestral spirits of the Maehrs wrath. For eons, he has waited and prepared. Whispering in the dreams of his followers. Who enslaved shamanic mortals with their vile art of Biomancy. A gate was made, communion was gifted. As Dak’ir Des'nox spoke to Velulaei. Another champion spoke to Azul. Haeil. Azul gifted them knowledge and creatures of the Bûrgulumokh, to torment and experiment. Flesh and bone bound by hate became the anchor to empower the Azulite. Grafting these creatures to act as new organs. New limbs, new sight. They are the last salvation, in their eyes. Azul, heralds change. An age where mortals do not bind themselves to the service of gods that care only for power. An age of freedom and grace. : The Great Plan: It is simple, truly. A full body's worth of blood from every mortal species. The bone of the grandfather, taken from his ancient throne. Malin, father of the elves. His ancient crown, taken for Azul. The right hand of the father, who could not save his wife or son. Uradus, founder of the Vindicators. The left hand of the mother, who so foolishly enslaved the Maehr. Velulaei, herald of Luara, first Ker shaman. A living Ker, to steal the divinity granted of Luara. Taken to the ruins of Magara’lin. Brought together in a metallic cauldron, before the mummy Azul when the stars align to return him screaming to his mortal form. The ker, will be bled dry, and their shamanic slaves will pass over the touch of Luara. The blood of mortals, the bone of those that came before. The Grandson of Malin, Primarch Azul will return. With the full might of his mind, sanity stolen by Luara ages past, regiven to him. To wage a crusade against the very gods that pitted mortal races against each other. He will be the eater of gods. All that follows will be their denouncement. For eons they have prepared. In silence, they will strike before any are wiser. : The Azulite: Passive Abilities: : Azukmae: : The Kaur: : Biomancy: : The Haemak: Active Abilities :Velqu: :Urmakia: : Azulian Bloodbending: :Necrotic Azulian Arts: : Azulian Singers: : Biomancy Grafts: The following is privy to the ET in question but serves as a general idea page for them to pick and choose grafts when making an Azulian Event Persona. : Wings of the Beast: : Eyes of the Beast: : Limbs of the Beast: : Eldritch Organs: : Living Armorment: :Example images of living weapons: :Example Images of beings grafted to an Azulites liking: :Example Imagine of an Azulite in Living Armor: Haeil. Champion of The Dread Primarch, Voice of Azul. Haeil is a cruel Mali’ker of six hundred years. Though as fit as he was when he was fifty. With a heavy diet of the gray matter of mortals, hearts, and livers. He maintains perfect health. Cunning, deceiving, and perspective, Haeil when he so desires appears as a perfectly normal Mali’ker, eager to learn and explore. Beneath the clever guise. Haeil is hateful, towards any that would give power to a god regardless if they invoke them in this mortal realm, or worship them. Inferi, Dark Shamans, outcasted Druids, Frost Witches, Seers, Cruel Paladins, Azdrazi lacking honor. None could ever call Haeil a friend, for he seeks the very end of their existence. Those unwilling to bend the knee and forsake their path for Haeil rarely survive an encounter with the Voice of Azul. Those whose goals align with Haeils are welcome as a family-member in his concord of divine hatred. In his favored garbs, Haeil has custom-made the clothing and armor to function perfectly with all grafts done to him. : Abilities: : Azulian Grace: : Perfected Azukmae: : Perfected Velqu: : Perfected Kaur: : Perfected Urmakia: : Perfected Biomancy: : The Jar of Souls: : Vocals of the Hyfowl: : Muscles of the Thorqal: : Lurker Limbs: : Skelt Wings: : Eyes of the Crowdrake: : Deepsnake Toxin: : Azuls Blade: :OOC NOTES: The purpose of this is to give ET a slight guide to Roleplaying an Azulite, as a few ST have said that they would RP an Azulite antagonist. These effects should give guidance for an interesting Event Persona and make an ST played Azulite a lot more than a typical ‘Luara bad’ Dark Elf. As with everything, ET is more than welcome to change effects, and get creative with their Azulite Event Character! Haeil is made as an example of what a High Ranking Azulite may appear, and function as. I deeply encourage ET that are interested to design and craft their own Azulite! From basic grunts to ranking Officers in Haeils cabal. The inspiration for the Azulite came as a bit of a love letter to the Yuuzhan Vong of The Star Wars EU. I welcome feedback, and changes to this idea! Artist Credit I COMPLETELY FORGOT TO GRAB THE NAME OF THE ARTISTS IN PICTURES THAT DO NOT HAVE THEIR WATERMARK SO I AM DEEPLY SORRY, NONE OF THIS ART IS MINE. Music Credit. Can be found in the description of the songs linked above. Each are Alex Roe originals inspired by Fromsoftware games
  8. The Ker sets down the missive on a frame. Placing glass over it, and hanging it in her office. She takes a step back, smiles and stares at it for a moment longer. The newly appointed Porobmôb. "Praise be Krug, first of the shamans. Finder of the spirits. Praise be Velulaei, herald of Luara, savior of Maehr."
  9. A ker shaman, puts the missive in a frame, and glass over the frame. "Ya know. Ya can't just get thrown into a portal by a daemon, almost forced to serve a daemon, escape a daemon. And go try and warn everyone you can without getting close to these people... To those that were their to witness this horror...we, will be friends for decades to come. We went through this. Together. And I hated every second of it, but atleast. We were united."
  10. Some Ker shaman shakes her head slowly. "******* Azulite. Out of the pan, and onto the flames."
  11. [Looks like Djhins back on the menu boys]
  12. Do it for that Mudflap elemental. You know the one.
  13. A letter finds its way to shamans. [Only shaman characters may receive this letter] Dear, shamans. To many of you, perhaps I was someone you barely knew. Perhaps I was once your teacher. Or perhaps you and I, did not get along all to well. Regardless of who I am, to you. I, Qudlia Jusmia plead to you. Return to the realms of the spiritualist. Or simple surface once more. Ibless has returned, and your skills are once again required. Some of you, I call by name. For those I do not, I beg you to return as well. For those already here, I thank you. Fiil'Yar, return to bestow your guidance in a lost age. Shanka'Yar, return to bestow your wrath to those that would threaten reality itself. Tedyn Isilioleth, aid us in the times to come. Murdok'lak, though I likely need not ask. Return, in the greatest of battles of your age. Slayer of Aenguls Yarrow'Lur, return to help us secure our realm, and perhaps put Ibless to final rest. Turk'Ram, though you may go by a different name now, this is who I first met you as. Return, and help spread your bravery to others. To any I missed, or failed to mention, I am sorry. Heed the call, maketh Exodus back to Almaris. We need all the aid we can get, I beg of you, heed my call. Their shall be a meeting, this up-coming Cactus day of the Sun. [OOC: Sunday, meeting, time to be established later] The Letter is signed.
  14. A Ker shows off the paper to another dark elf. "See, Netseth, we are correct. They would have never knowingly done such a thing. It is as I told Ilira. Willy would never have made a direct pact with Ibless. I had hoped that such could have been spoken openly. Just today we have a training session in the pit near the square. Ibless is a known liar and manipulator. I can only hope that going forward, we can all remember to speak face to face. These letters and writings of paper. Offer to little feed back."
  15. [!] A massive is pinned to every door in Nor'asath A spiritual shrine has be defaced. Matum'Lur, ferryman of the dead. The punishments for this crime will vary dependent upon the amount of time the culprit does not confess. Within the first elven day, a fine of hundred mina, or materials given in an equal amount. Within the second elven day, a fine of a two hundred mina, or materials given in an equal amount. Within the third elven day, a fine of a four hundred mina, or materials given in an equal amount. In addition: the creation of an approved Spirit shrine and one offering to said Spirit. Within the fourth elven day, a fine of six hundred mina, materials given in equal amounts. In addition: The creation of an approved Spirit shrine and three offering to said Spirit. Within the fifth elven day, a eight hundred mina fine, materials given in equal amounts. In addition: The creation of an approved Spirit shrine, three offerings, and ritual sacrifice to said spirit. Within the sixth to twelfth elven day: If found the culprit is found, A court will be held to decide the fate and punishment. In addition to a fine of one thousand and two hundred mina. Beyond the twelfth elven day: If the culprit is found, said culprit will be ritualistically sacrificed to Velkumezt, in addition, the mina debt will be accrued to their direct next of kin, parents, or lover. High Priestess
  16. What do you wish to hear? That I once believed in the code of the Jedi? That I felt the call of the Sith, that perhaps, once, I held the galaxy by its throat? That for every good deed I did, I brought equal harm upon the galaxy? That perhaps what the greatest of the Sith Lords knew of evil, they learned from me? What would it matter now? There is only so much comfort in knowing such things, and it is not who I am now. Know that there was once a Darth Traya. And that she cast aside that role, was exiled, and found a new purpose. But there must always be a Darth Traya, one that holds the knowledge of betrayal. Who has been betrayed in their heart, and will betray in turn. Perhaps you were expecting some surprise, for me to reveal a secret that had eluded you, something that would change your perspective of events, shatter you to your core. There is no great revelation, no great secret. There is only you.What do you wish to hear? That I once believed in the code of the Jedi? That I felt the call of the Sith, that perhaps, once, I held the galaxy by its throat? That for every good deed I did, I brought equal harm upon the galaxy? That perhaps what the greatest of the Sith Lords knew of evil, they learned from me? What would it matter now? There is only so much comfort in knowing such things, and it is not who I am now. Know that there was once a Darth Traya. And that she cast aside that role, was exiled, and found a new purpose. But there must always be a Darth Traya, one that holds the knowledge of betrayal. Who has been betrayed in their heart, and will betray in turn. Perhaps you were expecting some surprise, for me to reveal a secret that had eluded you, something that would change your perspective of events, shatter you to your core. There is no great revelation, no great secret. There is only you.

  17. A note is pinned to every door in Nor'asath A citizen of Nor'asath or a trusted visitor has violated Temple Law: Article C. The creation of a non-spiritual shrine without the approval of the Maehr Clergy. To an acclaimed 'Great Sage equal to Mani' The punishments for this crime will vary dependent upon the amount of time the culprit does not confess. Within the first elven day, a fine of fifty mina, or materials given in an equal amount. Within the second elven day, a fine of a hundred mina, or materials given in an equal amount. Within the third elven day, a fine of a hundred and fifty mina, or materials given in an equal amount. In addition: the creation of an approved Spirit shrine and one offering to said Spirit. Within the fourth elven day, a fine of two hundred mina fine, materials given in equal amounts. In addition: The creation of an approved Spirit shrine and three offering to said Spirit. Within the fifth elven day, a three hundred mina fine, materials given in equal amounts. In addition: The creation of an approved Spirit shrine, three offerings, and ritual sacrifice to said spirit. Within the sixth to twelfth elven day: If found the culprit is found, A court will be held to decide the fate and punishment. Beyond the twelfth elven day: If the culprit is found, said culprit will be ritualistically sacrificed to Scorthuz. High Priestess
  18. The nature of sending someone a box of gore with only a face in it or an urn that easily shatters seems more complex than simply placing the urn to be picked up at a later time.
  19. Stools are just poor excuses of being chairs. 

  20. [!] A missive is sent to Krugmar, Celia'nor, Elvenesse, Vortice, across Nor'asath and in addition to members of Clan R'ikarth. A mark of death has been placed upon an estimated six-foot elf in dark robes adorned with golden face tattoos. His weapon of choice is a katana. Guessed to be a vampire based on a previously claimed sighting in Nor’asath years pass. Where he attempted to feed on a child. Guessed to be a blood mage by the Ker who encountered him at the scene of the crime. Morgana R’ikarth is slain. Mutilated a horrific display. Only her head was displayed and serves as the body identifying mark. To her family and friends. We will cremate the body, and place the ashes in an urn within our temple. Members of Clan R’ikarth will be allowed to take this Urn if they so decide. To the settlements around us, we offer a reward for his death. To the Mali’ker across the lands. Keep an eye out for this Azulite. This slayer of kin. If spotted by the Maehr Clergy or citizens of Nor’asath. He will be slain. To the Uruk of Krugmar, I, Qudlia Jusmia, personally will be debted if you capture this Azulite. If you do not bring him to Nor'asath. I ask only that you sacrifice this bastard to Luara, so he may serve some use in his putrid life.
  21. "Yes. The tree. That weird tree. It will rise in the swamps of the north. We have, a buffer. Hopefully by the time it is done we can be at sea, eating crabs."
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