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Everything posted by ThatFunkyBunch

  1. THIS POST IS NOT PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE. ONLY AZULYTES AND MEMBERS OF THE LEGION OF IBLEES MAY RPLY KNOW ABOUT THIS POST. IT IS META GAMING OTHER WISE. In the dark walls of the Dread Fort, stood Azulytes anew. Their praise given to the newly fleshed Warlock Prince. Of the ancient blood of Velulaei'onn. Such hallow matters met. Soon others gathered round as the Warlock warped flesh and bone. Twisting the form of the rodent. Given putrid wings and wit, the demonic imp created for the machinations of Azul. A wonderous day, this Capybara made hallow in the infernal fire. Those within the Dread Fort would notice an increase of these imps flying around. Joining the demonic hordes.
  2. A dark elf returns from her trip away. And, pauses. Double back at the notice. Taking it down from the board and mouthing silently. 'what the ****'
  3. An Azulyte stares at the artifact. In their fleeing, they did not think to grab the massive thing and drag it down to the depths. They had no time, for the moment they left the throne for the library. An army came swiftly. The Lords issued no such command. No true feelings for the departed. Their thoughts towards the Maehr that brought them in. How deep did the rabbit hole venture? Cowards they may be. But cowards that could fight another day. Given the chance to discover what was really going on, and who had sent the undead.
  4. An Azulyte beings to maliciously waggle her fingers until they form a natural triangle. "Oh really?"
  5. Some dark elf sits by her printing press and looks up. "Ya know if a voidal entity as detailed in Genesis, created reality. Does that make voidal magic Deity magic?"
  6. "Nub Wae" States a massive bug creature that once called Krugmar home. It looks over towards the vast east. Antenna rising and falling. "Perhaps.."
  7. Within the depths of Goth'stroh. An old woman sits by a deep aquafer. Staring down into the water with a faint smile. Before she casts her gaze around the dark caves. Grasping her spear and rising up from the stone. ~ Atop a towering spire of stone. A shaman stares out across the land, and looks back down. Slowly, he begins to loft his pack back onto his shoulder. "Give it another try eh? Why not." ~ Atop a the walls of a monolith fortress. An Azulyte begins to release a bubbling cackle with mania laced in her voice. "Power Is Truth, Luaranyte."
  8. An warrior of Iblees releases a maddening cackle at the posters. She tears it down and begins to take it to the fort.
  9. An armored woman stands atop dark walls. Un-rolling the simple parchment with a twisting smile beneath metallic plate. Offering it to one of the many legionaries within the Ibleesian Keep. "Trozet asath ygne."
  10. The National Elven News Association. {N.E.N.A} Issue #1: Reporter and Editor: Ke’makia WORLDLY AFFAIRS: National Politics Urguan and the Iron Horde enter a defensive alliance The War of the Poppies between The Serene State of Luring and Sakuragakure ends. The United Kingdom of Aaun and the Principality of Celia’nor entered a defensive military alliance. The Union of Gotrek, The Grand Kingdom of Urguan, and The Principality of Celia’nor entered a non-aggression pact. The League of Veletz and the Principality of Celia'nor entered a defensive military alliance. WORLDLY AFFAIRS: National Concerns The Legion of Iblees has been spotted moving across the lands in mass droves. Mortal Kind is suggested to report sightings to their city officials, and if need be. Confront or hide from the droves of Darkspawn. This legion displays ruthless hit-and-run tactics to achieve their ends. AFFAIRS OF STATE: The Divadris’ are recruiting noble citizens to defend the country and state. With the rampant rise of the Legion of Iblees and growing tension in the world, now is the perfect time to take up arms. Learn to fight and defend your country and kin against the darkness. Led by Sylvir Cerusil. Contact this noble Maly for more information. (Contact _duckstep_) NOTE-WORTHY QUOTE: Illarion Ibarellan: A wiser Maly than he lets on? I was on the palace steps when I heard him say. “I think every elf, Thill, Ker or Ame, all share the belief to respect our ancestral and parental wishes.” A wise and noteworthy sentiment. Our ancestors are a binding force for us Maly. THE TEA: Raziel Amethil, Misogynist? Having been heard speaking of an acclaimed woman. Which he said he hated. He then went on to state rather boldly. “I hate women.” Upon spotting this reporter he armed himself with an axe and chased after me. I escaped unscathed. (I too, am a woman.) A guard was seen breaking into Ibarellan 6. The home of Aywinn. Yelling at the top of his lungs. “Celia’norian Intelligence Agency, open up!” He was able to make it through the first door. But was unable to get into a trapdoor. Giving up soon after. Why are the CIA banging on Aywinn's door? We don't know but we will find out. And speaking of Awyinn, perhaps finding love at long last? The alcoholic was spotted near a stairwell, receiving compliments and appearing flustered. Ava can't dance? I think we all knew this. A Maehr (which is Ve’luah for Dark Elf) A founder of a Paladin chapter, has been seen on the streets of Celia’lin. This pacted of Xan stated he is one of many that roam the content on patrol for Darkspawn and Azdrazi. More than polite, he expressed that overall Darkspawn activity has increased across Braevos. He departed after our conversation about his order. Which is stated to be composed mostly of Dark Elves. Carrying on the ancient Maehr task of protection from Divinity in his own way. His Xannic Chapter, as he expressed knowingly, fights a war they may never see the end. Exclaimed by himself, “We will fight until we are dead, or they are dead.” Our conversation ended with an interesting touch. The Maehr in question is one of the many grandchildren of Dak’ir Des’nox. Former Primarch of Ker’nor and founder of the once Onyx Sanctum. Will this Maehr lay claim to his grandfather's title as his Maehr chapter of Paladins grows? Out beyond the walls, is a small cathedral. Where the councillor A’eollaja Ibarellan hosts a score of scholars. It appears to be a small university of sorts. Its design implies mass lectures will be held within its walls. However, speculation has been expressed by some locals as to what the Ibarellan wishes to teach the residents of Celia’in. The topic of the Elven Week: Business in Celia’in SILVERSTONE, THE CELIA’IN BRANCH Aluthshae owns a shop beside the local tavern. It's one of many in a chain of stores called Silverstone. A part of the Forsythe Company, owned by Aluthshae. It is offering clothing, giftware, accessory items, and jewellery for both men and women. In addition, he hopes to source a number of paintings in the branch store. He states any item which bears the parent company name, Forsythe, has been hand-made by the owner himself. Making a distinction between Silverstone crafts and Forsythe crafts. Which are announced by plaques in the shop itself. Aluthshae stated he has also thought about opening a coffee shop. Lastly, this successful and wealthy businessman is a bachelor. Though he doesn't wish to cling to this mantle. THE POTION DEPOT. Owned by a bright Maehr, Knox, this shop provides potions and services of an alchemical nature. Simply ask for it, and he'll either have it, or he can get it for you. He says some of his biggest exports are Null Arcana, Auric Oil and Hounds Howl. All useful for fighting magi and Darkspawn. All he had to say to the citizens of Celia’in? “If you need something alchemically, come to me and I can provide such.” THE DRUNKEN SAILOR TAVERN Owned by Slyva Cerusil. It provides a comforting area for any weary travellers or bored citizens to relax and have a drink or two. Of course, it goes without saying it can get quite rowdy at times, but the owner believes that is part of the charm. Lliran can come together and bond whilst getting merrily drunk and forget their worries for a short time. She left the short but sweet interview with a simple “Invite your lliran to a night of singing, dancing, and booze! Perhaps you may even witness a fight or two.” A CELIAN’IN THERAPIST: (The only Therapist in all of Braevos?) Destiny Gurth is an Aheral. Head Practicing Resident Psychiatrist of Destiny's Therapy. Dark hair and scars reflect a hardened life. This may be why she offers her services to help mend the mind and emotions of others. Her office is located in Ibarellan 11. However, she informed me that she is in the practice of visiting her patients' houses for sessions if they feel more comfortable in that setting. In a light of humor she told me. “The practices used to be called a Touch of Destiny: however I thought that would be misconstrued into something I really didn't intend. So it's just Destiny's Therapy.” A choice, likely for the best. People are animals. The first question. How does one sign up for these services? “It's relatively simple. They could drop a session request in the office mailbox. Or, if they preferred to remain anonymous; they could send a personal note by a bird in which case prying eyes wouldn't be an issue.” Curious about how she planned to keep her practice afloat and pay for rent and food I pressed deeper. “So how does one pay for these services? Do they pay? Would members of the Military get discounts or have payments null and void?” To which she said “First session is free; I always like to get an understanding as to exactly how much therapy the client needs and what different avenues and methods are to be used.. Not every case has a one-size-fits-all solution. Of course, payments can differ. Again depending on the method or extent of the services rendered.. Typically I would charge per session, but at first glance if it seemed they were unable to afford it; then we’d work something out later. Military members would be considered a civic duty, in which case I wouldn't bother charging them. “ I asked if she had any closing statements. She smiled leaving me with a simple sentence. “All are welcome. My services do not discriminate”. THE GENKO APOTHECARY: Owned by a short human woman. Polite and respectful. Watanabe Akemi runs the Genko Apothecary. A quaint little shop right off the edge of the city square, beside the bank. This adorable little store has an ample amount of sitting space. Offering both Teas, food and other drinks to its patrons. In addition to medicines, it sells many spiritual items to ward off foul darkspawn. Such as Salts, incense fashioned in stick form, and the Omamori. Described to me as a very small bag, servicing a variety of purposes. A token of good luck meant to ward off negative things and bring positive things to the holder. Though be warned. Opening an Omamori relinquishes all the good luck gained. The shop, as stated, offers a variety of teas. Hojicha, Macha, Sencha, and Sakuracha. Macha and Sencha are both Green Teas. Offering energy. Hojicha helped relieve me of stress when I drank it at the shop. The Sakuracha has yet to be imported from the Oyashiman islands. This will be the first time it has ever been brought from their homeland to the rest of the Descendant kind. Watanabe stated at the end of our interview. That she would have more food soon. But didn't know what they would be just yet. An open invitation As the N.E.N.A gets up onto its feet, it will house more stories and information. The objective of this paper is to establish a streamline of information to the population of Celia’in, and in time, the populations of all Maly. We welcome personal birds about eye-catching news and events around the world and beyond. To any local or foreign shops that wish to be recognized or have advertisements displayed in the paper. A standard charging fee of 20 Mina will cover an advert in the paper. As we intend to open up our own office within Celia’in soon. Though this will not be free. We are currently one printing press strong in the attic of the Maehryan Manor. Editors, and Reporters or open to apply via bird or by placing a resume in the Maehryan Manor mailbox upon Celia 7. As we are ever wishing to expand our range of view. The more reporters and editors we gain, the more in-depth our paper can be. Allowing us to cover news on a continental scale. (Contact FunkyMaehr)
  11. An Azulyte sits by one of the many campfires. Retiring her axe after she had cleaned it with a low and soft hum. "Power is truth."
  12. An Azulyte tends to her wounds. They fought bravely. Though they were no match for the legion in the end.
  13. Your writing is still within it and it would be plagiarism to claim it as my own.
  14. TEACHING CLAUSE: Kûdagronk: Creation is an FA obtainable through a FA teacher or A Spirit Walk {Self Teach FA}. Spiritwalking alternatives like an Animist’s Commune are also sufficient in allowing a shaman with knowledge of the creation of a Kûdagronk Pylon. This allows the [FA] holder to create the Muyakelg Construct of yore. An FA Holder is REQUIRED TO POSSESS At Least ONE OF THE FOLLOWING MA'S, FA's, or CA's. Lutuamancy Farseer Witch Doctor Animism. Haruspex. [CA] Muyakelg PROGRESSION: T1: Able to utilize and create Small Pylons and Small Muyakelg. T2: Gained three weeks after acceptance. Able to create Medium Pylons and Medium Muyakelg. T3:Gained seven weeks after acceptance. Able to create Large Pylons and Large Muyakelg. Compatibility: Feats/Misc: All that are compatible with deific magics Void magics: Incompatible Deity magics: Shamanism, Seer Dark magics: Blood Magic FA holders are incapable of directly using the magic of other Aengudaemons like Druidism, Templarism, or Paladinism, or magics incompatible with deity magics like Heraldry. Important Terms [Kûdagronk] Pylon: A shamanic structure that allows shamans to create Muyakelgs. Each type of Pylon requires different rituals to create each respective Muyakelg type. The Pylon is bound to a Muyakelg upon its creation through an Infuser. If the Muyakelg’s Pylon is destroyed, the piloting* spirit will be severed from the physical body. *piloting is an OOC description of a Spirit’s power inside of a physical vessel rather than a manifestation onto the Mortal Plane. In the same way Spirit Shrines are empowered by shamans and latent influence/worship, Muyakelgs are born from this same connection. Pylons are typically an object embedded with shamanic power. While they only possess mundane durability and effect, they are the source of power and necessary component for Muyakelgs to function.All Muyakelgs possess a pylon. Infuser: A Lutaumancer, Farseer, Animist, or Witch Doctor that infuses a physical vessel with a Pylon for a spirit to pilot. Infusion: A ritual required for imbuing a physical vessel with a Pylon to create a Muyakelg. Crucible [ST SIGNED]: An item empowered with a blessing or curse to be placed into an Immortal Muyakelg. This allows the construct to bestow curses or blessings. CRUCIBLE CREATION and MECHANICS: Muyakelg: The Muyakelg is a shamanic construct piloted by a Spirit. A Spirit tethers to their construct through the use of Pylons. Pylons function akin to totems, allowing the Spirit’s power to influence the Construct.A Muyakelg may be made of any mundane materials, allowing Shamans to create many identities and aspects for their patrons. Muyakelgs are capable of synthetic speech through any haruspex artifact or shamanic artifact capable of sound that they can hold.For example, a Muyakelg of Freygoth may speak through a swarm of bees, a constant buzzing and shifting of insects to form speech. An elemental Muyakelg of flame, whilst holding an Animist’s tooe, will speak through the crackling fire. Whilst an Ancestral Muyakelg will typically speak from a maw fashioned to their form. Shamans can always craft a mouth for a Muyakelg to speak through during Pylon creation. Ascended Muyakelg: A Muyakelg that has gained enough Spirit Champions to empower them in the Spirit Realm. This is reflected by greater abilities in the Material World. Kûdagronk Pylon Mechanics The Infusion ritual to create a Pylon requires a Shaman to Spirit Walk (or Pilgrimage for Animists) to visit a Lesser Spirit and obtain some indicator of the Spirit’s will. This indicator could be a sigil, a phrase, or the designs of an effigy described by the Spirit in question upon the Spirit Walk or Pilgrimage. Once the Shaman has gleaned the machinations of their craft, the Shaman is able to freely create a Pylon. During this process, the constructor must commit six [6] emotes to forge a body. Once done, the shaman creates a Pylon. Pylons are freeform items of an FA holder’s design. They then embed the Pylon into the body of the Muyakelg. Imbued with a spirit's influence, the Pylon that a spirit piloting the Muyakelg may alter its vessel's body to their own whims. The material of the Muyakelg is not altered, but its appearance, hue, and texture may be augmented. To merge the Pylon with the body, the Infusion ritual must take place at a T1 Shrine in accordance with Spirit pacting lore, where anyone with the Pylon Feat may call upon the Spirit via a ritual of six or more [6+] emotes in which the power of the Spirit is bound to the physical vessel. The Infuser of this ritual is not required to have the Pylon Feat. But the FA holder is required to oversee the ritual. Kûdagronk Pylon: Small The weakest form of Pylons, a small pylon is capable of creating a Small Muyakelg (NPC) through an Infusion ritual. The Infuser is usually a Pacted Shaman, but is not required. Small Pylons are Player Signed items made by an FA holder. They can make one [1] of these per day, and hand them out as they wish. Small Muyakelg [NPC] No Pact Required. Small Muyakelgs serve as minor Spiritual assistants and ornamental objects, only capable of Spirit Walking and returning to their bodies. Small Muyakelgs often speak in broken common, but primarily muse about their Spirit or their conflicts with other Spirits. They serve no combative purpose. They obey the commands of the shaman that they are bound to. Small Muyakelgs can be made by any T3 Shaman after visitation to the spirit realm they wish to draw upon. Lesser spirits bound to small Muyakelg are extremely weak spirits, which is why they are willing to listen to a shaman's commands. Small Muyakelgs can be made from a plethora of materials, such as bone, flesh, stone, wood, and woven fibers of plants. A small Muyakelg can perform mundane acts such as helping craft alchemy potions if directed. Small Pylons creation is a simple free form six emote ritual at any T1 shrine. Small Muyakelg Abilities These small spiritual beings can assist shamans in Spirit Walking, bringing an additional +2 souls with a shaman to the spirit realm so long as the Elemental or Immortal realm it is visiting does not directly conflict with the realm of the spirit piloting the Muyakelg. Additionally, Small Muyakelg can serve as means to wake a shaman up from the spirit realm in the case of danger in the Material Realm. Though the shaman and spirit walkers awaken in a daze. If the Small Pylon is destroyed, the Small Muyakelg must be re-created. Alternatively, they may be re-summoned at any Large Muyakelg or area of Hallow Ground, by at least 1 T4 shaman. Small Muyakelg are NPCs incapable of any magic beyond Spirit walking. They do not exceed the shamans tether limit for Spirit Walks. Small Muyakelg can not be used in combat to any degree. Muyakelg are played by the created shaman or the persona they are gifted too. Small Muyakelg, if they are not partaking in a spirit walk, can forcefully 'Eject' a shaman from the spirit realm in the case their material form is in danger. They offer no benefit or awareness, giving no warning as to why or what has caused the Muyakelg to plunge the shaman from the Spirit Realm. Small Muyakelg do not offer any mechanical benefits for potions or other FA rituals/creations that require /d20 rolls to be successful. No larger than 4 feet tall. Can lift only 80 lbs. Can weigh only 140 lbs. Can only be Immortal Or Elemental Spirits. Kûdagronk Pylon: Medium The Medium Pylon can create a Medium Muyakelg (CA) through a process of Infusion and can be with the aid of a shamanic Infuser. An Infuser will always be a Pacted Shaman. A Lutaumancer is required to be the Infuser for Ancestral Muyakelg. A Farseer or Witch Doctor is required to be the Infuser for Immortal Muyakelg. An Animist, or a Farseer or Witch Doctor with an Elemental pact is required to be the Infuser for Elemental Muyakelg. And must be corresponded to that Elemental type. Fire can only make fire, Water can only make water, etc etc. Each FA holder can only 3 Medium CA Muyakelg active at a time. Once a Muyakelg Ascends, they are independent from this maximum requirement. Medium Pylons must be located somewhere on or inside the Muyakelg and are vulnerable to being destroyed. Medium Muyakelg [CA Required] [Crafting Requirements must be met] Medium Muyakelgs are the most versatile of the Muyakelg types. They serve as mobile Tier 2 Shrines, capable of creating Spirit Champions and performing the cleansing ritual described in Spirit Pacting should they choose to work with 3 T5 Shamans. Spirit Champions can be made by performing the same adherent ritual as described within Spirit Pacting lore, though the Muyakelg is substituted in the place of a Shrine. These actions are recorded in the Pacting section of the forums. Medium Muyakelg are classified at Three Types of Spirit: Ancestral Muyakelg (Ancestral Spirit), Immortal Muyakelg (Immortal Spirit), and Elemental Muyakelg (Elemental Spirit.) While a single Pylon creator [FA] does not “control” the Muyakelg or hold any sway over them, they are only able to create a maximum of three active Mediums Muyakelg at a time. The infusion ritual will always require 2 T3 Shamans with at least one Infuser pacted with the respective realm they wish to make a Spirit from. As a Muyakelg gains Spirit Champions, followers and resources of worship, they gain access to more abilities, eventually being able to Ascend once they reach five [5] Spirit Champions. Each Champion is logged in the Spirit Pacting Subforum. MUYAKELG SPIRIT CHAMPIONS MECHANICS MEDIUM MUYAKELG REDLINES MEDIUM MUYAKELG GENERAL ABILITIES These are abilities shared across Elemental, Immortal, and Ancestral Muyakelg. Each ability requires the Muyakelg to have collected a certain number of Spirit Champions. At the beginning of each ability, is displayed the required amount of Spirit Champions to access it. [0] Mind of a Spirit: All CA Muyakelg possess the ability to receive prophetic visions and can view prophecy posts. Due to their Spiritual affiliation, they are innately capable of speaking Old Blah. They require Two OOC weeks to learn any new language. [0] Incitement: Muyakelgs are able to use Incitement up to a seven [7] block radius around themselves. This effect appears in a variety of ways, from smoke-like mists erupting from their form to harmless flames which reflect their aura and the spirit domain they are bound to. The ground around the Muyakelg may turn vibrant colours, and emblematic faces or other shapes appear from auras or materials generated from the Incitement. In some instances, crackling ethereal energy in the colour of their aura may rumble around them like lightning in a storm. Incitement serves a shamanic casting tell for other abilities. Incitement can be cast indefinitely so long as it is for aesthetic purposes. Muyakelg can not cast Incitement aesthetically then have it be used for spell uses. [1] Hallowed Ground: The Muyakelg is able to create a 10x10 meter stretch of spiritually attuned land that will serve as means to infuse their forms with spiritual energy to prolong their existence in the mortal world. If their Pylon is destroyed and no one chooses to reforge it, they would resummon here in accordance with their death rules. Hallowed Grounds are capable of being created through a freeform ritual by the Muyakelg. This ritual requires [5] Emotes, where the Muyakelg speaks Old Blah, performs a ritual sacrifice, or exchange their power into their earth through Incitement. Hallowed Ground is empowered through an active sacrifice. This sacrifice must be performed willingly, performed by willing participants. Participants must be a pacted shaman or a current Spirit Champion. Each tier of Hallowed Ground requires a certain number of adherents to perform a ritual, refreshed every month to continue the advanced effects. This refreshing ritual can be conducted early, allowing for the Muyakelg to upgrade their area once the conditions are met. Muyakelg may also use this site to reform their bodies, acting as a revival point should no one reforge or summon them. HALLOWED GROUND FURTHER MECHANICS HALLOWED GROUNDS REDLINES AND MEANS OF PURGING [2] Reprisal: This graven act requires the Muyakelg to subdue their target, branding them through prolonged contact for four [4] Emotes. Each emote would bring on gradual levels of pain., Should the target be within a Muyakelg’s Hallowed Grounds and subdued, they may perform a freeform ritual where their aspects transform the target. Reprisal can only be performed twice a month. This spell serves for cosmetic purposes and may create alterations to the body that do not give any additional arms, legs. Or any combative advantages or effects. The effects of this reprisal can be removed {if the target is willing OOC} by any means that purge soul afflictions. [2] Pry: [IMMORTAL/ELEMENTAL ONLY] Muyakelgs can peer into the domain of the realm of the Spirit they were carved from. By entering a stance of meditation, the form of the Muyakelg begins to 'open'. Their spiritual energy pours out from within. Allowing the Muyakelg to create a 3x3 meter 'orb' of energy which reveals the contents of the domain. With OOC consent, Muyakelg may use this spell to invoke visions and emotion, creating false fantasies or stories from which to entice or frighten viewers Pry serves as a storytelling means that allow Muyakelg to show their spirit realm to others. Outside actions do not affect the orb. The Muyakelg is required to stay still for as long as Pry is active. Pry can not be used to Metagame. MEDIUM MUYAKELG [CA] Weaknesses and Revival Muyakelgs are uniquely weak to magics of the soul and their alteration. While Muyakelgs lack souls themselves, these magics wound the connection between the mortal plane and the spiritual plane. Soul Afflicting Spells and aurum do not bring true pain to a Muyakelg, but is capable of disrupting a Pylon, stunning them for a single emote should their Pylon be struck with aurum or the aforementioned magics. This cannot happen more then four times per combat encounter (Without OOC Consent). This does not mean a Muyakelg is immune to the concussive, cutting, or piercing force of spells, merely their soul-harming effects. Should a Muyakelg’s Pylon be destroyed, it must be reforged by feat holders, or resummoned through Large Pylons by fellow Muyakelgs. Muyakelg may also make land from which they can reform their Pylon through the spell [1]Hallowed Ground. The way by which the Pylon is destroyed would affect the time in which it takes to recreate the Pylon. If destroyed by mundane means, meaning the Muyakelg is rendered lifeless by its form being obliterated. 3/4s of it being damaged, or the Pylon is destroyed. The Pylon can be reformed within 2 OOC DAYs. When destroyed by Thanium and other mana/magic nullifying forces, the Pylon can be reformed within 4 OOC DAYS. When destroyed by aengudaemonic or dark magics capable of harming the soul, the Pylon can be reformed within 8 OOC DAYS. Large Pylons possess a unique ability for [CA] Muyakelgs. These constructions act as a hub for Muyakelgs, allowing them to resummon their fallen kin through a collective ritual. Any Muyakelg who has been resummoned in area of the Large Pylon in the past, or has collected a count of Spirit Champions is capable of being resurrected through a freeform ritual by three [3] Muyakelgs or one [1]Ascended Muyakelg. At Large Muyakelgs the Pylon can be reformed within 1 OOC DAY. If destroyed by Thanium and other mana/magic nullifying forces, the Pylon can be reformed within 2 OOC DAYS. If destroyed by aengudaemonic or dark magics capable of harming the soul, the Pylon can be reformed within 4 OOC DAYS. Remaking the Muyakelg’s Pylon will always require the infusion ritual. If the Muyakelgs Pylon is destroyed, the Muyakelg is no longer able to be piloted by the Spirit. 'Killing it's until it can be revived or recreated. Muyakelgs lack a soul and are unable to learn additional MA's beyond the abilities they are created with. Meaning no, they can not LEARN SHAMANISM.Even by MARt means. MARts for Muyakelg may however give them unquie abilities should it BE APPROVED. Upon Ascending, Ancestral Muyakelgs may learn and utilize feats that are compatible with Shamanism Tenets and do not require a soul, such as Alchemy, Haruspex, and Animii, and No Muyakelg is able to use Aurum weapons or wear Aurum. TYPES OF CA MUYAKELG ABILITIES Ancestral Muyakelg Abilities [1] Ancestral Pry[Non-Combative]: Ancestral Muyakelg gain Ancestral Pry instead of the standard Pry. To glean insight into Stargush'Stroh and locate Lesser ancestral patrons. Pry serves as a storytelling means that allow Muyakelg to show their spirit realm to others. Sound does not escape the orb, nor enter it. The Muyakelg is required to stay still for as long as Pry is active. Ancestral Pry allows the Muyakelg to help shamans or mortals to bypass the requirement of a relic or extended searches to find a specific spirit. [2] Ancestral Strength[Combative/Non-Combative]: Ancestral Muyakelg possess the strength of a grown Orc. The Ancestral Muyakelg is physically the same as a grown Orc. They follow all mechanical movement requirements of the server. And can still be susceptible to magical effects that sappen strength. Immortal Muyakelg Abilities [2] Spiritual Authority[Combative/Non-Combative]: After three emotes of incitement, a Muyakelg may project the aura of their domain into the material world in a 5 block radius for three emotes. These effects bolster willing mortals within the area to be more adept in the domain they are tied to. Example, A Muyakelg bound to the realm of Genthuraz, will help smiths with their creations. A Muyakelg bound to the realm of Votar will imbue hunters in the area with keener senses for the hunt. These effects last up to 2 narrative hours. These effects do not apply to player CRP and only work out of combat for minor effects. In the event of ET events, or player run events, the ET may decide to let the Muyakelg invoke this ability for certain effects [3] [Combative] Invoke Crucible: IMMORTAL MUYAKELG CRUCIBLE CURSES: IMMOLATE: ENSNARE: AILMENT: IMMORTAL MUYAKELG CRUCIBLE BLESSINGS: MEND: SHIELD: INFLUENCE: [5] Immortal Ascension: Upon Ascending, Immortal/Elemental Muyakelgs are capable of creating their own Crucibles, forging curses and blessings at a Large Muyakelg. Elemental Muyakelg Abilities [1] Elemental Influence: Elemental Muyakelg serve as a powerful ritual catalyst. When utilizing Reagents enchanted with The Blood of Two created from an Animist, they are capable of making larger structures and objects beyond an Animist’s simple trinkets. This extends to small buildings and objects like shrines, boats, small rooms, and weapons. These places and objects are permanent areas from which the elements can freely be manipulated by Animists, and must be recharged once a month by a Muyakelg. An Animist or Muyakelg may expend one Fruum to activate these effects for three narrative hours. Rooms and Objects are limited by a space of 5x5, and their design is at the discretion of the Muyakelg. A Muyakelg may make a room so long as they perform a freeform ritual of [5] emotes with an Animist’s reagent that has been enchanted with Blood of Two, or the Blood of Two itself. The Elemental aesthetic effects have no use in combat in the case of small buildings and shrines. Objects made and elemental manipulation serve no combative purpose and cannot be used to harm others. Utilizing the tools made by Muyakelg will still invokes the negative effects of Fruum. Player should use /rpsigns to describe the appearance or aesthetic of the object. [2] Conduit of the Elements: Depending on the Elemental domain they are bound to, the Muyakelg can act as two T3 animists for Animism rituals. In addition, Elemental Muyakelg carries 12 counts of Fruum. In addition, the Muyakelg may let compatable mortals Aninism of their own type. A Fire Muyakelg teaching Fire, Earth Teaching Earth. And all follow the rules and regulations of MA teaching, The Muyakelg must follow all emote requirements and Fruum costs in these rituals. Muyakelg may help in conflicting rituals so long as they spend an additional count of Fruum to perform it. [3] Elemental Well: Animists pacted to the elemental domain of which the Muyakelg is bound are able to use its Fruum as their own casting resource. This is done over the course of Six emotes with Incitement from the Muyakelg. This Fruum can only be recovered twice a day at a Hallowed Ground so long as it is not bound to the Elemental Muyakelgs Elemental Enemy. This Cycle is as follows: Fire is displeased by Water for extinguishing. Water is displeased by Fire for evaporating. Earth is displeased by Storm for eroding. Storm is displeased by Metal for enduring. Metal is displeased by Air for rusting. Air is displeased by Earth for not moving. Earth is displeased by Fire for burning. Can not be done in combat. [3]Invoke Fruum [Combative] : [5] Elemental Leech: The Elemental Muyakelg can pull Fruum from other willing Animists, or forcibly steal it through performing a modified version of Reprisal, specifically for Animists. This requires the Elemental Muyakelg to be incontact with the Animist, and requires Three Emotes [3] of Incitement to perform. Can only occur once per combat encounter, unless in ET events with permission of the ruling ET. Can not forcefully push an Animist to be knocked out without OOC consent and can not be used to kill an Animist. Muyakelg Ascension Muyakelg Ascension allows Muyakelg to self-teach themselves Kûdagronk Pylon Creation and create more Muyakelg on their own. To Ascend, the Muyakelg must maintain Five Spirit Champions for Four OOC Weeks [4], documenting such, and then making a ticket to have this fact added into their CA for public record. {In addition the Muyakelg should update their Spirit Champion Pact Forum frequently to maintain transparency.} Ascended Muyakelg are capable of PKing and becoming Large Muyakelg should they willingly choose to end their life via ritual. This germination would require the Muyakelg’s Pylon to remain untouched within an area capable of utilizing Shamanism for two weeks, from which it may unnaturally germinate and affect the area around it. [5] Ancestral Ascension: Upon Ascending, Ancestral Muyakelgs may learn and utilize feats that are compatible with Shamanism Tenets and do not require a soul, such as Alchemy, Haruspex, and Animii. [5] Elemental/Immortal Ascension: Upon Ascending, Immortal/Elemental Muyakelgs are capable of creating their own Crucibles, forging curses and blessings at a Large Muyakelg. Ascended Immortal and Elemental Muyakelg are capable of using Crucibles and Invoke Fruum through a ranged tether. [5] Ascension Abilities: Ascended Muyakelg are capable of creating Large Muyakelgs atop their hallowed ground once it has been active for two weeks and a ritual performed to it, allowing the building to be erected. Ascended Muyakelg are capable of learning [Kûdagronk Pylon Creation] and create 3 more of their kin. [5] Thy Will Be Done: Ascended Muyakelg are able to submit posts that can be seen by their spirit champions, in addition to other CA’s and MA holders that can view prophecies. This can be done once a week. Kûdagronk Pylon: Large The Large Pylon is a ST Signed area that allows Muyakelgs to ascend and for holders of the [FA] to share the process of construction of Muyakelgs so multiple people may usher in the same Muyakelg should it perish. The infusion ritual of Large Pylons will require three [3] T3 Shaman Infusers. Large Pylons possess a unique ability for [CA] Muyakelgs. These constructions act as a hub for Muyakelgs, allowing them to resummon their fallen kin through a collective ritual. Any Muyakelg who has been resummoned in area of the Large Pylon in the past, or has collected a count of Spirit Champions is capable of being resurrected through a freeform ritual by three [3] Muyakelgs or one [1]Ascended Muyakelg. Small Muyakelg may be re-summoned here by any T4 Shaman. Large Muyagkelg {Non-player: NPC} Buildings Large Muyakelgs are buildings that have been infused with a Large Pylon. These shamanic constructs bear the most influence on the material world. Unable to move, they possess other means of interaction with the realm. A Large Pylon warps the minds and sensations of the Muyakelg around it. Like a proxy to the Spiritual planes, some level of reverence and symbiosis is exchanged between Large Pylons and their smaller kin. [CA] Muyakelgs are uniquely capable of “feeding” from these Large Pylons, and should they maintain one for a month (performing regular ritual, roleplaying in the area, etc), they’d be capable of gaining a count of Spirit Champions, encouraging them to protect these monuments. {Each CA Muyakelg can only do this once per Large Muyakelg} Medium [CA] Muyakelgs, should they have [5] counts of Spirit Champions, would meet the requirements to ‘ascend’ inside one of these large Muyakelg. Large Pylons possess a unique ability for [CA] Muyakelgs. These constructions act as a hub for Muyakelgs, allowing them to resummon their fallen kin through a collective ritual. Any Muyakelg who has been resummoned in area of the Large Pylon in the past, or has collected a count of Spirit Champions is capable of being resurrected through a freeform ritual by three [3] Muyakelgs or one [1]Ascended Muyakelg. At Large Muyakelgs the Pylon can be reformed within 1 OOC DAY. If destroyed by Thanium and other mana/magic nullifying forces, the Pylon can be reformed within 2 OOC DAYS. If destroyed by aengudaemonic or dark magics capable of harming the soul, the Pylon can be reformed within 4 OOC DAYS. EFFECTS OF LARGE MUYAKELG Outside a simple Shaman’s understanding, Any Muyakelg is able to resummon other Muyakelg who have already entered the world from these pillars. Any Muyakelg who has been resummoned in this area in the past, or has collected a count of Spirit Champions from a Large Pylon is capable of being resurrected through a freeform ritual by 3 Muyakelg or one [1] Ascended Muyakelg. This ability can only be performed by Muyakelgs. The mental effects on mortal beings begin to manifest after coming in-contact with a Large Muyakelg. Whispers of Old Blah ring out the closer they get to the structure. Around it, often prone to auditory hallucinations. Progressing into manifestation of visual hallucinations around the Pylon after twelve days of exposure. {Getting within 15 blocks of the Large Muyakelg}. After a month of exposure, the mind is warped to such a degree that visual and auditory hallucinations appear consistently. Around 10 blocks of the location, after the first week of creation, the land begins to alter itself, plant life adorns eldritch shapes beyond their natural form, though bear, on a material level, the same effects they always had. After three weeks of creation. Grass, or lack of it, takes on strange hues and textures. Patches of dirt may float off the ground, their shape defying the known material world. After six weeks of creation, the land itself in a 25x25x25 block area fully changes. Stones and crystals protrude from the earth in bizarre shapes never seen in the material world, and non-euclidean spaces and structures may form within these enchanted spaces. These effects have no impact on combat and can be built overtime as the location grows.. Large Muyakelg possess the ability to speak verbally through other Muyakelgs. Beyond this, they can only inflict emotions in their territory as means to convey conversation to mortals. Though mortals must be touching some part of the Muyakelg (standing in one does not count). Within the large Muyakelg, this construct can inject esoteric visions to mortals to help convey its will. Large Muyakelg speech is abstract and cannot be used to meta-game, warn players who aren’t currently present, or exchange information between players. Large Muyakelg speech cannot be used to teach or learn magic or feats. The magical effects on the land are purely aesthetic and can be purged by any magic with the ability to cleanse Magical afflictions on land The offer no boons or banes in combat. The Large Muyakelg is able to be destroyed as one would any T2 Shrine, or other magical relic akin to Sunwells and Menrir. Requiring an Sreq, or PRO permission. Credits Artist Credit: Magic the Gathering Eldrazi Artist. Pathologic Two: Orderly Cosplay [Ancestral Muyakelg Reference]. World Of Warcraft Shaman Totem. SCORN Concept Art. Music Credit: The Mark Moderat Writer Credits: Astrophysical,FunkyMaehr, Panashea, Bokonice. Peer Review: DrunkPapaBear, ClassyDryad, ColonelKuehl
  15. Omg it's us. /Azul. Good job on not metagaming and leaving it a topic to be discovered.
  16. A ker smiles. Then slowly pans over to the window. Staring down at the Low In-come housing. As a steward. She knew this meant more work. "****."
  17. Delf stuff will be hard, alot of people that use to know no longer play.
  18. A Dark Elf sits on a long sofa. Leaning back, as he glances to a paper tossed onto the table by his son. He reached out to grasp it. Reading it over with a raised brow. "Who the **** is Madoc? Actually. Know what. Good for them. Good for them."
  19. Harzkhep The Blood Moon ☾༻⸻⸻⸻☾ꈊ☽⸻⸻⸻༺☽ https://www.artstation.com/blindvoid ☾༻⸻⸻⸻☾ꈊ☽⸻⸻⸻༺☽ A pact of ichor stained hands. It always began with the plummet. From his earliest memories of this practice. When Vira’ker crumbled, only sped forward by his own abilities to keep the cities heart beating. When Tedyn’Yar and Dak’ir Des’nox told him to travel to the far west. When his son, Gusmia Jusmia was barely years old. To a narrow cave far beneath the sands of Krugmar. Where he met a shaman, and members of Clan Shrogo. He remembered the silver halls of Luaras’ domain. Great banners forming a trial. To their climb upward. Beyond the clouds. Where twelve figures stood atop ivory pillars. Twelve figures mocked and praised all in one fell swoop. They were not worthy of meeting Luara then. Driving the Shrogo to rage, ending in an escape from scorned spirits. The first, but far from last encounter with Luaras’ Council of Moons. Now he fell once more. To a land of red sand and orange spires. Crimson orb eerily close. Looming over the landscape. Watching, waiting. Two Maehr stand alone. Father, Son. Across the barren land they wander. Across silent dunes. The Father reflects on his youth. The Dark Elven blood that stained his hands. The war and terror he inflicted upon his own people. In the name of Luara. A past he could leave behind. Never forget, for it was a vital lesson. He had been trained as a weapon against that which he called ‘Heretic’. Now, he could rest. His journey began anew. Reborn, as was his gift from Luara for his faith. Only when they found a lone rusting bell, affixed between a crumbling archway did the two men pause. Taking up a small stone, Daichia beat upon the bell. Once, twice, thrice. To welcome the rumbling that came after. Sand rose in the air, far far away. Spines of bone breached the surface. Deep red skin followed in a weaving motion. A spirit swam through the sand. Shaking the realm to its core, circling the bell in a winding pattern until it breached the surface. A towering chitin of red, putrid maw wide with its ethereal screech. Rising from the sand like a great serpent from water. Form surrounding the two dark elves. Head turning down. Breathe pressing upon each. The flaps of its maw shuddered as it opened and closed. Tongues lashing together to create a voice. The exchange was simple. It was there in these moments Daichia made a vow. Beyond the simple creation of a shrine. Of gifts and offerings. Of sacrifice and service. To turn his pact on the other members of the Moon Council. To not give offerings at their shrines. To serve only Harzkheps seat on the council. As spirits are greedy things. To kill where he must, apply caution and salvation where he must. To change. He had amends to make. Wrongs to account for. To those which still lived, for many subject to his wrath had been killed. It was time to be better. Start anew and constantly grow. His service was not over yet. From its maw, it drowned them in crimson blood. Until they awoke in the Material world once more. ☾༻⸻⸻⸻☾ꈊ☽⸻⸻⸻༺☽
  20. The National Elven News Association. {N.E.N.A} Published 155 SA. / 1951 IA. By: Ke’makia Greetings and Salutations, fellow Maly! This is a simple call to those that seek the truth. To gleam knowledge and share it! I am proud to state, my days as a simple palace worker has elevated me. From crawling around in the back rooms, to owning a printing press! I, Ke’makia, invite fellow writers to join me in an equal employment opportunity! Until we are able to afford our own offices. We shall be using Celia 7, or the Maehryan Manor as our temporary headquarters! Feel free to drop off your applications at this location! Or mail myself your application in any form! To become a Reporter, Editor, or both for the National Elven News Association. Covering the latest stories domestic and foreign! Any applicant that smells strongly of sharp cheddar will be denied the privilege of employment upon the spot. Any applicant understands that it may be some time until they receive any form of payment until such a time that the N.E.N.A has spare funds. Any applicant understands that injury upon the job, reporting or whilst using the printing press is not the legal responsibility of N.E.N.A. The N.E.N.A will offer you food for long trips and if you are adept you may be provided with a self defense stick.
  21. IF YOU SEEK TO CREATE AN AZULYTE CONTACT @ThatFunkyBunch OR @ColonelKuehl1. ༒☬Azulysm☬༒ "Our cousins speak of us like plague rats, yet they know nothing of us, of our struggle. The high elves, who indulge in their silver, their spires, their arcane hedonism. The wood elves, who fled to the deep woods, debasing themselves to be little more than savages. The other elven races embrace their nature. Why shouldn’t we? Why must we, the ashen kin, the pariah folk, fight against what we truly are?” ~Primarch Azul Azulysm was born in the Era of Magara’lyn, shortly after Azuls diplomatic missions to the Maly’Aheral and Maly’Ame. The Aheral drowned themselves in arcane hedonism, whilst the Ame debased themselves like savages in their forest. What of the Maehr, The Ashen Pariahs? They had adopted a perverse mockery of their original intent, drawing in from the Ame, the Aheral, the Uruk, and Dwed. The quest for knowledge bled into religious zeal and fear. Turning their backs upon Malins plan to defend the mortal races from the games of the Gods high above and upon the world. Prompting Azul, son of Velulaey, grand child of Malin to create the Azulyte order. Were they not entitled to their birth-right? The throne of Malin himself? Why must they hide themselves in the earth and stare up at a cruel, unpitying moon? Created during the age of Magara’lyn, the Azulyte was both an advancement and mockery of Velulaeys’ order of Velulytes. Priestess with fanatic devotion to the Spirit Luara. The Azulyte would embody the original intent of the Maehr. Research, and study of the divine, the arcane. For the continued combat of their machinations upon the material realm. ༒☬Azul Enagok☬༒ ‘Reborn of Ash and Crimson’ When Velulaey refused to see reason and a means of freedom. Azul took the burden upon himself. Killing his mother and beating the drums of War. Crops were the first to go, hungry people are needy people. Next city blocks were taken, true violence only began when the Azulytes were attacked in cold malice. There had been no need to draw Maehr blood. But as is common in Maehr history, they turned upon each-other. Rage drove the Azulytes, who sought only freedom from a pact made on their behest. They would lose the first war, the Vindicators proved to overwhelm them. Many fled for the surface. Others took to suicidal rampages to burn books and tomes upon the Maehrs new founded religious devotion. Fighting down to the last, until Uradas stormed Azuls keep. Dragging his son to a cruel fate. Though once again, Azul did what others could not. A final piece of the puzzle was granted. When Luara revoked her influence upon Azul, insanity shattered Azuls mind. From the curse Luara held at bay. If the Maehr needed Luara to remain sane, time was required for the Azulytes to find means to revoke this curse themselves and remove their shackles to the Gods. Luara had given them but one gift. All Maehr now shared the same appearance. Ashen skin and eyes of gemstone, allowing the Azulyte to blend into the crowds of Luaranytes. They fled to the cities of their cousins. As the Maly fled their homeland, the Azulytes broke off. Finding refuge upon one of the many uncharted islands in the chain of islands around Malins domain. An isle of crimson rock and sands. Salt flats and geysers of sulfur. Upon ancient Azhl, the Maehr found doom. Thus the Azulytes named their new home Azul Enagok. Roughly translating to : To Fall Beyond. Upon Azul Enagok, the Azulyte is educated on the true nature of their condition. Their curse must be honed. True serenity lies in acceptance and utilization. It is a blade, which must be trained to serve its wielder. The brain is like any other muscle, neglect will see it grow frail. The true Azulyte only recently begins to emerge from hallow Azul Enagok. Connecting with the discarded Maehr and those which hold Luara in contempt or social rejects which claim the name Azulyte as means of rebellion against Luaranytes. Re-connecting them with their roots. They lost their battle before, because they were weak. Believing open war was the only way. The Azulyte re-engages their ancient feud. Their Luaranyte kin are not the foe, Luara is. Physical conflict must be avoided, for the war they battle is one of mind and soul. The very fate of their people hangs by threads. Submit and be slaves, or revolte and gain freedom. ༒☬Cultural Beliefs☬༒ Contrary to the propaganda which arose in Ker’nor before and after the distant Maehr relearned of Magara’lyn, Azulyte society is not one of rampant murder and debauchery. History has shown the scattered Azulyte to be one of violence and evil. Lacking proper guidance from Azul Enagok, (which remains hidden on charters and maps to avoid the wrath of the Remnant of Magara’lyn or modern zealot Luaranytes.) The wayward Azulyte is left with no defense, spurned by an ancient curse and Luara. They are doomed to wander the world, inflicting pain for they know no other means of expression. Azulytes from Azul Enagok spread their beliefs of the Three Truths to these wayward Maehr. Akin to Luarnyte culture. Azulytes place heavy praise on their Ancestors. Most within the Moz Strima now, wandering the Soul Stream or worse, trapped in Gundar Broshan. Worship of ancestors ranges from Pre-Magara’lyn, to the area of Maehr that were sent from Malins Empire with a divine purpose to travel the world and arm the mortal races with the knowledge to defeat Gods. Azulytes place heavy emphasis on the Ancient Maehrs duty to Maly kind. The Ancient Maehr failed in this task, cursed to insanity for their actions. The modern Azulyte picks up the mantle where their progenitors left off. Equipping themselves to not only save their fellow Luaranyte Maehr from their enslavement, but further expand this freedom of power to the rest of the mortal races. Offering salvation to those that do not realize they need to be saved. The Three Truths. Aeylul Aher Ylarya: Knowledge Gives Power. Knowledge is the root of all Maehr culture. The Azulyte praises knowledge of the world above all else. Knowledge grants power. Ylarya Har’luth Uhv’lye Kathir. Keraak Maluan Ygne: Power Conquers the Foe. Peace Forgives War. Power is required to grant freedom to the Maehr and mortal races. Few paths offer true power to challenge the divine. Peace Forgives War. This is to say, the actions and cruelty of war are forgiven once peace is achieved. Keraak Sau Zkora: Power is Truth Rather simple. Power is equal to truth. As Power is the ruling authority of the cosmos. Chitin: Chitin holds an important value to the Azulyte. To them, it represents the ability to adapt and overcome. Rarely will an Azulyte utilize metal or stone if they can afford to avoid it. Ichor: Blood is the true currency of life. Nearly all living things bleed, and even the Gods are said to have blood when manifested in the physical form. It is the great equalizer, and reminder that the Gods are not beyond morality. As most beings bleed red, Azulytes tend to favor the color over all others. They are to be like the Ichor of the world, in constant motion. Shrines: Be it to serve a means to an end, to honor an ancestor or make physical representation of an event. Shrines are crucial to the Azulyte, serving as psychic mediums that allow the mind to move beyond it’s norm. A beautiful or horrific shrine invokes emotion. These emotions are proof that one is truly alive. Even the most jaded of beings display some range of emotion. It is another great equalizer. Magic: Deific Magics, Material Magics. Power is power, to be gained by any means. The Azulyte is not one that can afford to be ‘A Picky Eater’. Any weapon and tool available to be utilized shall be utilized. Though use of Deific magics that does not directly scorn the Gods is seen as taboo, some Azulytes still utilize these tools on the Material Plane. ༒☬Moz Strima☬༒ The Realm of Power Cursed and forsaken, the spirits further pushed their ire upon those that dare sought freedom from their ways. As Gods are ought to do, they created a prison for these mortals. Azul and his followers were casted into this dark hell, to await the end of time in suffering. Seldom, a shaman would venture into this dark land whilst it was still apart of Stargush’Stroh. Trading pacts for knowledge. The Azulytes of Azul Enagok were no different, using deific pacts to gain communion with their ancestors. All this was to change, when Yxul and Ykara made a pact with Xenu. The Moz Strima was ripped from the clutches of Kor. The Inferi could run free and wage their divine war in the heavens. No longer would they need to lie to Spirits to gain access to the ancestral domain. Now they could summon forth their ancients to once more serve the Divine Plan of Azul. Fallen Spirits given naught a chance for salvation. If the Aenguls, Daemons, and Spirits would not grant a chance for paradise in their temporal realms. The Azulyte would force their hands to create one. More than aware of the violent nature of the Moz Strima, it’s undeniable right to rule the material and ethereal. The Azulytes seek ascension with their Ancestors. To raze the gods and create a new order. Power remains absolute, power grants freedom. Where others see a desolate dimension of torment. The Azulyte see’s the true nature of the world reflected clearly. A weapon aimed at the divine, for even the rulers of Moz Strima are never safe. The Moz Strima does not lie of its nature, whilst Inferi may, akin to their mortal counterparts. The realm itself displays the true nature of the gods and mortal kind. There is only one true authority of the world. Power. ༒☬The Szyr’moethe Lunytaro☬༒ 'The Ascended Azulyte' With the Moz Strima free from Kors gaze, Azulytes imprisoned since the fall of Maraga’lyn saw a means to be free of Shamanic needs and regain contact with their descendants. Whomst they knew would make eager servants for their machinations to climb the Inferinal Ladder within the Moz. Making deals with mortal Azulytes. The fact that their ideals align so made the process far more simple. As the past centuries has seen Azulyte Inferi revered as Fallen Spirits to be praised. Worshipped for the burden forced upon them for seeking freedom from Luara. Where Luaranyte Lutuamancers see Muyakelg as beings of awe, wonder and divinity. The Azulyte views Inferinal Azulytes in the same fashion. Calling them Szyr’moethe Lunytaro. Translating from Vel’luah to Ancestral Architect. Where sacrifices will be gathered, feasts prepared, prayers, and festivals are hosted in honor of the Szyr’moethe Lunytaro. (Szyr for short.) The process of becoming one a sacred privilege to Azulytes of the modern age. Where death is welcome if it means they can begin their own climb upon the Infernal Ladder. Non Syzr-Inferi are disregarded, treated poorly by both Azulyte and Szyr’moethe Lunytaro. The Syzr’moethe use this to their advantage when dealing with Azulyte Princes, as it means the Prince will rarely seek the summon or create Inferi that are not adherent to Azul. At near constant war with each other inside the Moz, these Inferi releash a unique chance to rebuild upon their late masters work or usurp him. Seeking one day to bring the Dread Primarch himself, Azul, into the Material plane. To either consume him, or see if Azul has the mettle to command the respect of all his Azulytes once again. If Azul is devoured, the victor shall lead forth a Holy War upon the material plane to shake the foundations and tempt the divine to interfere. If Azul remains upon his seat of power, he will lead the charge himself.
  22. Looking at the drunk forum posts I made got me cracking up. 

  23. I ask for a simple ruling at T5. Animist are able to invoke old blah to move their pacted element over the course of three emotes. One chant being 5 blocks for a 1foot by 1foot element. Two emotes for a emote 8block range by 1foot by 1foot. Three emotes for a 12 block range of 2 feet by 2 feet. Give our Elementalist a bit of punch. Call it 'Calling upon element's
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