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Everything posted by SimplySeo

  1. The Adunic King of yet-to-be-founded Númendil squints. "They sent us an ambassador...? Also, who told them I was considering that name?!?"
  2. [music] Upon the beaches of Failor, the Adunic Monarch looks out as the sun began to set over the sea, watching as the waves danced shades of gold and orange. Far away heading out towards that Great Sea, a lone ship departs. Uriel reclines back 'gainst the driftwood he leaned against and took a long draw from the pipe 'tween his lips. "God bless you, young Vesta, may your feet find their way, here, or wherever you find your peace."
  3. By Decree of the Exiled Kingdom of the Barrowlands To all the honorable monarchs, esteemed nobles, and cherished citizens of the Kingdoms of Failor, We, the ruling sovereigns of the Exiled Kingdom of the Barrowlands, rise today to proclaim a momentous occasion that shall forever shape the future of our united lands. In the wake of our glorious victory over the abominable Redclyfian Baby-Eating hordes of the north, we gather with hearts brimming with pride and gratitude to introduce a new era of prosperity and unity. Henceforth, we shall inaugurate a new currency, forged in the fires of our triumph and blessed by the auspices of fortune, bearing the name "Failorian Penny." With unwavering confidence, we decree that the Failorian Penny shall replace the outdated "UnderMinas" as the standardized currency for all the Kingdoms of Failor. Through this currency, we seek to bind our realms ever closer, forging an unbreakable bond that transcends borders and strengthens our shared identity. The Failorian Penny, a gleaming testament to our collective resilience and unity, shall be minted in pure gold and infused with the profound symbols of our shared history. Adorning one side of this precious coin, you shall find the resplendent sigil of House Arthalionath, a noble lineage that exemplifies the valor and unwavering dedication to our cherished lands. This sigil shall stand as an emblem of strength, growth, and prosperity. On the reverse side of the Failorian Penny, we proudly depict the countenance of our beloved Crown-Princess Caraneth Aryantë Arthalion, the epitome of grace, wisdom, and unwavering leadership. Her face, sculpted with the utmost artistry, serves as a reminder of the visionary path we have embarked upon, guided by her sagacity and unwavering commitment to the welfare of our people. The Bank of Minas Amath, a paragon of financial acumen and custodian of our economic stability, shall be entrusted with the minting, distribution, and regulation of the Failorian Penny. Its esteemed keepers shall ensure that this currency flows seamlessly through our markets, fostering prosperity, and fueling the growth of our kingdoms. From this moment forth, let it be known that the Failorian Penny shall be accepted as the sole medium of exchange throughout the Kingdoms of Failor. Its use shall bring forth a new era of economic stability, facilitating trade, and enhancing the harmonious cooperation between our realms. We extend an open invitation to all our cherished subjects and esteemed allies to embrace the Failorian Penny as a symbol of our shared victory and boundless potential. Let its golden gleam illuminate the path to a future where our kingdoms stand united, unyielding in the face of adversity and thriving in the embrace of shared prosperity. Together, let us celebrate this momentous occasion and the dawn of a new era for the Kingdoms of Failor! His Royal Majesty by the Grace of GOD, Tar-Uriel, King and Protector of the Adunians, Lord of the Barrowlands, Chieftain of the Faithful Harren’hil, Templar of the Archangel Michael, Knight of the Realm
  4. "Sometimes a jolly man must do unjolly things." Says the elder Harrenite Warlord, adorned in the Crown of the Barrowlands and a Hawaiian t-shirt upon the banks of the Great Sea, pina colada in one hand, carbarum broadsword in the other.
  5. I want to play an Artic Lagofyn!!! Please please please please please please please please please! I want to be a succubunny

    1. Eldritch Lagomoprha

      Eldritch Lagomoprha

      Sorry but Succubunny is not a race being submitted to LOTC

  6. Deep in the Underdark, the aging Starbreaker Lord pauses from his laborious task- the mining of Thahnium, to receive the news of his nomination. He pauses in surprise, utterly confused for several moments. "Ye mean t'tell me- That aftah'r ah' hundred ah'n thirteh years, ah'n Ireheart is givin' me the recognition my own kinsman wouldn't...?" Jorvin is silent for a time as he contemplates this- As much as the news has made his century, it also leaves him confused... He would've never expected that much recognition from an Ireheart. Perhaps, he thought- He treated Sigrun too harshly.
  7. My sincere condolences for your loss, mourning is a difficult process, and grief can really destroy a person if you let it eat away at you, make sure to reach out to those you know, don't try to grieve in silence. I hope for you and yours the best in these difficult times.
  8. enable conflict I'm a dwarf again for 2 weeks i need to kill elves

  10. [MUSIC] Following the exodus into the Underdark, expeditionary forces from the Urguanite Remnants have unearthed a Dwarvish Hold, wherein it appears sons and daughters of Urguan fought to their last to defend their mining colony against Mori'quissir invasion. On behalf of the Grand Kingdom, I claim this land as a territory of the Grand Kingdom, and petition the Dwarven Clergies (however many of them there at the moment) to declare the fallen denizens of Tal'Yrro as Martyrs of Grimdugan, in honor of their ultimate sacrifice to satiate their greed. As the first to organize the securing of the hold, I claim Lordship of the hold, and submit myself to the authority of the Grand King. Furthermore, as Hold-Lord, I name Dor'Nal Hammerfist ( @Charles The Bald) as Expeditionary Marshal, and Eldi ( @Mirvam) as Forgemaster. Let all surviving sons of Urguan come forth, so we might claim and repair this place. NARVAK OZ URGUAN, KAVIR OZ DA ELGI-KHOROK'ARAKRUMM
  11. Holy shit tales of alera finally dropped
  12. The Chicoms are at it again.

  13. The gaze of the Harrenite King is cast towards the north, as the battle and disheveled Crown and Radiant Star rises above the Savoyard ramparts. Vengeance of his Kingdom, he swore, e're the world's ending...
  14. Farewell to Barrowton 127th year of the Second Age Joy and mirth filled the air of Barrowton a final time as the concert began in the ruins of Juli’el’s Temple of the Burning Bush, a building which, despite its ruined nature, had seen constant use ever since the founding of the Kingdom of the Barrowlands. One last time, the pious Barrowlanders gathered about their Cardinal Antonius for a sermon unlike any other. Guitar in hand, and flanked by his bandmates, the Hyspian priest began to sing… [MUSIC] De signs are all around us, we're living en de end times De world es getting darker, et's harder to keep strong en mind Pero we know that our God es faithful, He'll be with us to de end Y even en de chaos, we can trust en Him again et's de end of Almaris as we know it Pero we'll be just fine, with DIOs by our side et's de end of Barrowton as we know it Pero we'll be just fine, with DIOs by our side There's wars y rumors of wars, y nations rising up The earth es groaning for redemption, y we're waiting for that day to come But en de midst of all de turmoil, we can have peace within For our hope is en de One who saves, y en His victory we'll win et's de end of Almaris as we know it Pero we'll be just fine, with DIOs by our side et's de end of Barrowton as we know it Pero we'll be just fine, with DIOs by our side So let us stand firm en our faith, y let our love abound For de end es just de beginning, of de glory that we've found Y though Almaris may shake us, we will not be doomed For we know that our God es with us, y His truth will see us through et's de end of Almaris as we know it Pero we'll be just fine, with DIOs by our side et's de end of Barrowton as we know it Pero we'll be just fine, with DIOs by our side As the singing concluded, the King of the Barrowlands, Tar-Uriel felt tears well in his eyes, a not infrequent occurrence ever since his Kingdom began to fall into disrepair courtesy of the Mori’quissir, but unlike times previous, these were not tears of mourning. He did not weep for his people, nor his lands- He wept with pride swelled in his chest, pride for their perseverance, their defiance in the face of the enemy. As Tonito’s song concluded, and cheers rang out among the crowd gathered, he realized that others wept too, for they too were consumed with pride and faith. It was then he knew, one day they would defeat their insurmountable foe, even if it was not today, and even though Barrowton was going to fall, he and his folk would survive it all and would come out better for the trials had reforged them. But that thought was interrupted with another…. Barrowton didn’t have to fall to the Mori’quissir. With that thought in mind, and joy in the hearts of him and his community of misfits, the Harrenite Warlord ascended the stage beside the Cardinal and his band, he cleared his throat… And spoke. Thus, in the flames of faith, not war, did Barrowton burn, and the Barrowlanders who settled that land, and claimed it for Canondom, concluded their mission, and marched for refuge in the south. And as they did, it was with a new song on their lips... Flame would cleanse the Barrowlands
  15. Jorvin Starbreaker rolls in his proverbial grave (he isn't dead)
  16. Someone, somewhere bought another round of drinks about the local pub.
  17. In the west, the Adunic Warlord, Tar-Uriel brushes many spiders off his desk before writing a missive... FROM THE KINGDOM OF THE BARROWLANDS Hark and let it be known that the wretched blackguard, Fritjof Maor holds no kinship with the Adunians of the Barrowlands. He was, and is, of Celia'nor, having attempted to usurp the rulership of the Harren'hil from their rightful Chieftain, Oliver Black, at the command of the False-King and Necromancer, Aurelion Marsyr, and his then-collaborators within Celia'nor. He was and is a foe of our godly folk, and his fate is justly deserved for the slaying of a priest. The hearts of me and mine bleed for what has become of the Heartlands, and I pray this is the last-such atrocity to occur. His Majesty by the Grace of God Tar-Uriel King and Protector of the Adunians, Lord of the Barrowlands, Chieftain of the Faithful Harren’hil, Templar of Archangel Michael, and Knight of the Realm
  18. Extremely tense, mostly. One might even say anxious.
  19. I can't believe Madone would do this

    1. Sarven


      How could the fidei defensor allow this

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