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Everything posted by Kholibrii

  1. A bar-hopping 'ker would see the notice hanging on a bulletin board of one of the many bars she frequents, ordering a large cup of mead before taking a seat and swiftly writing a letter. "Dear Vulln'maelu, I am in dire need of a teacher in the voidal arts, I've already developed a somewhat weak connection to the void and gained a grasp on the basics of Air Evocation, but I would love to dive deeper into the world of the arcane with a well-studied teacher. -Meorise" Upon finishing the letter she'd send it off toward the estate of Vulln'maelu, a large wax seal holding it shut.
  2. I don't know if this is actually my most rep on a post, but it's a great shameless promo.
  3. Desired’s First Skin Auction A few months ago I picked up skinning as a hobby and I've been doing my best to improve and get to a point where I like what I make and I'm finally close to that goal, so I decided to do a skin auction to get my name out there! This is a "mini" skin auction as it only has 6 skins in it, but if it ends up going well I'll most likely do a much larger one in mid-January. All of these skins have been made by me, There is a mix of Human and Elven skins in this auction so go at it friends! All of these skins are Female skins, sorry guys, I just don't feel comfortable enough with male skins yet! https://www.planetminecraft.com/member/desiredbreakfast/ Rules -If you have any questions please DM me on discord at Desired#2831, do not fill the comments with questions. -Do not edit your comments, if you are outbid create another comment, any edited comments will not be counted. -You must be able to pay at the end of the Skin Auction via PayPal. -Bidding starts at $3 USD. -Bids increase at a minimum of $1 USD per bid. -Bids over $12 dollars get a free head or reshade of a head(Idea from Clonky!). -You may not repost or resell any skins you buy in the auction! Rules Discord: Skin Title(s): Bid(s) AUCTION ENDS 12/26/20 @ 8PM EST A Pirate's Life for Her: Adventurer's Dress Blue Lady Fancy Lady Fighting Woman Simple 'ame
  4. I'd like to preface my message by saying I'm not an avid CRPer and instead tend to do it whenever it seems fun or I'm pushed into it, so my opinions might be different from someone who has been doing it for years. I personally believe that CRP should be based of the Character's Skill. @iMattyz's comment went over what Character skill would be, and I agree with all of it. My main character doesn't have much combat experience or knowledge and shouldn't be able to get a ton of hits in on most battle hardened soldiers. The way you describe "Give and Take" is not a method of CRP that should be on the server unless it's a fight where both sides are completely equal(which is like never). Another form of "give and take" is important though, making sure you and your opponent are doing the same amount of actions within an emote, just because your character is well versed in combat doesn't mean they should be able to pull off multiple major attacks in one emote, for example, just because you play a 300 ear old elf who's been a warrior for his whole life doesn't mean you can stab your opponent while also bashing their head into your shoulder and kneeing them in the crotch all in one emote.
  5. Skin: Princess of Roses Bid: 60 Minas Discord: Desired#2831 (Sorry Jester lmao) Skin: Slavic Horseriding Bid: 60 Minas Discord: Desired#2831
  6. I got a couple families that could possibly use a new member and some Ideas, if you want to talk you can hit me up on discord! Desired#2831
  7. I don't see anything wrong with conflict, it's usually what drives a story, and as you said it isn't something that has to be combat or bandits, it can be something as simple as a disagreement(which I personally think drives a story better than a good bit of combat). Getting into some non-combat conflicts is important to RP, because if you avoid every situation where a conflict may occur, then you are avoiding like 90% of RP. When it comes to avoiding combat based conflict or certain players is where I think our views differ. As someone who doesn't really enjoy CRP a great amount, I do my best to avoid any stressful combat situations by not traveling on the roads, avoiding areas where my characters may get attacked, etc. I also just don't usually have time to deal with a drawn out conflict. I tend to hop on and look around for RP for a few minutes, then both RP and do OOC stuff at the same time, which you can't exactly do in most combat/conflict situations. In the case that I do get drawn into combat I do my best to be polite because having to call in a mod only causes me to lose more time that could be spent on Homework or non-RP related things(like stewardry work and helping new players with questions). I've been in a couple conflict incidents where I've just flat out said "I can only be on for like 45 more minutes before I need to go do X thing, can we take this at a fast pace?" and if it's a good RPer, generally the response is "Yes" or something helpful and positive because we both want a good experience, but there are also incidents where you get a person who will just flat out say "Too bad, you're here till this conflict is finished, deal with it" which can be extremely annoying, and these also tend to be the situations where RP is sub-par. I don't really avoid certain players that often, but there are a few people who I will just flat out not RP with or do my best to stay away from. Generally these are the people who RP for the sole purpose of causing drama, which is driven by OOC issues or as a way to annoy people. You can tell who these people are after a short period of time, from my experience they tend to be the same people who incorrectly RP mental illnesses or physical injuries, become upset of you call them out on anything, or just provide sub-par emotes. If the person is causing issues purely ICly for the purpose of group IC growth then I'm all down for it, it's usually fun, but when it's driven by OOC issues it's a no from me. An additional note that I think is worth mentioning-- a large majority of the people on the server use it as an "escape from reality" and a stress reliever, so if someone is having a bad day or week, I completely understand not wanting to get involved in conflict and just wanting to chill, because I'm like that every once and a while too, but it shouldn't be on the other people involved in the RP to cater to what you want, if you don't want conflict, then avoid it, don't force others not to create it.
  8. ((IC)) Name: Karnath of the Taliame'onn Race: Mali'ame Applying For: Librarian Age: I'm in my early 70s Experience: I'm an Avid writer and enjoy reading, while on Arcas I managed my own personal, yet quaint library which housed many books of mine and my loved ones. Citizen of Elvenesse: Obviously Yes, I'm one of the stewards. ((OOC)) Time Zone: CST IGN: Kholibrii Discord: Desired#2831
  9. Thanks for giving us all a chance! I'm attaching my character's Bio page, it has most of his references on it, but the first image you see(on the first page) is the main reference! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nINB5dTp8-Q3Z4KTvC26e4rkVupAE6zlib5pXA8lK-8/edit?usp=sharing
  10. [!] A Red-winged Blackbird would arrive at the Wandering Bazaar with a letter in its claws which was held shut with a beautiful wax seal that had the shape of a hibiscus imprinted into it. "Dear Brother Aaliyah, I wish to accompany you on your travels, it has been a long time since I've been able to travel and I'd love to get the chance to see new places. Please write back to Karnath Taliame'onn if you are willing to allow me to join your expedition. -Karnath Taliame'onn of Siramenor"
  11. Let me know when we get some Self Teaching books! ❤️
  12. I’d rather get the death penalty than let people in my life know I do mineman roleplay🤢
  13. Come make a voidal tear in the middle of CT
  14. Finally, we can leave this hell hole
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