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Status Replies posted by TreeSmoothie

  1. what are some good nations/settlements/groups/recruiting noble families/guilds to join rn?

  2. mfw I hear about an appeal where my name is dropped more times than fifty cent says "fitty."

  3. mfw I hear about an appeal where my name is dropped more times than fifty cent says "fitty."

  4. unfortunately cannot access discord or Minecraft anymore (at least until January), if you really really REALLY (like REALLY) need to contact me then message me on snap at td4084084

  5. We should make ban appeals be public again and they have to be a voice recording of the player reading an apology poem

  6. Kekekeing in your forum report against stuff that we are going lax on now isnt as funny as you think it is. It is Seinfeld-tier humor:


  7. what would your mother think if she saw you protesting the ban on ftbing with corpses??????

  8. Need 2 go 2 store, I will return in 2 weeks, does anyone need anything else from the store?

  9. If anyone is into Fear and Hunger pls dm me i have big brain ideas.

  10. the "dont start your forum post with 'THE'" challenge

  11. I absolutely hate to complain, but I'd hope to expect some kind of feedback to the Varg Rewrite after 143 days since its submission. It has been far too long, nearly 5 months, and this can't go on any longer. 

  12. congratulations LOTC now with over 99,000 forum accounts

  13. Don't really get being so upsetti spaghetti at a group trying to get their realm somewhere. 
    Don't try to stop people from trying to branch out and set up their community somewhere, even if the result is another Elysium. 

    1. TreeSmoothie


      Idk much of what happened, but the Vikela allegedly kicked everyone out of their discord over the lurin incident after trying to pvp them & failing 

      That, and I've never seen Vikela with more than 3 ppl at a time


      It'd be better for them to vassal under another place, because they don't seem to have the unique culture nor playercount to really justify a whole tile to themselves- nor do I think they have the maturity to lead a nation, based off that discord thing & them reporting comments critiquing the realm app


      this isn't just my opinion on vikela but all of these realms (esp human ones) that're more or less the same & don't seem to have the unique cultural identity & playercount to rationalize them not just being another vassal

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  14. Hey Tythus LTD, when are you gonna unban the Russian IPs?

    I've been on lotc since 2014,  but I can't open the forums for more than two years now. Same goes for other russian players I know.
    I understand there was some issue with forum spammers having russian IPs, but why tf you do this to me.
    The only way to use the forums is through hooking up a random VPN app that doesn't work well.

    1. TreeSmoothie


      Same. My Russian friend wasn't able to join with me and gave up after a few days:(

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  15. chinese reached taipei this morning but they forgot to modreq first

  16. I believe true RP should be nothing more than [8m] « Eam pregnant. » rp 

    1. TreeSmoothie


      Riddle me this, ST. I cast Darkening on a pregnant woman. What happens?

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  17. they ******* killed satinkira

  18. Mages spending hours debating crp balance just to get banditted by 5 13 year old who had a bad day at school

  19. Im looking for old elves players in a sense of spaning a few irl years.. theres a project that i think would be cool

  20. who here would want to join a posh aristocrat guild w/ focus on economy, betting and gambling and fun

  21. I am not a prophet for I do not guess the correct path, I am the correct path.

    I have partaken in bargains with the occult spam posters to secure my future as Moderation Administrator.

    I am coming for you, itdontmatta.

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