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  1. As the early sun rose upon the Reza gates, the slight sounds of wheels rolling shakily across the dirt road accompanied by the sounds of horses calmly clicking and clacking around the sleeping city would be heard as the Haense people woke from their homes expecting another regular day of Haense life. As they left their homes, they were met by an unexpected sight as they left the city gates. to the side of the city stables, would stand a mysterious looking man in robes. As he sat next to his wagon, he would smoke a pipe as he watched the passing townsfolk. As they passed, no one could really distinguish the man’s features because his face was covered by cloth. As the unknown wanderer would sit, it would almost seem that he was waiting for someone or something to meet with him. As the people of Haense would finish their cautious glances and worried looks toward the drifter, the people would notice a wagon assumed to have supplies within it. after hours of sitting and waiting, Amelot would walk up to the suspicious fellow. Though as he approached he’d let out a puff of smoke, setting the fine wooden pipe down on a little stand. His head would slowly look toward the Haenseti soldier as he would ask in an offsetting, dark raspy, voice the drifter would ask a question to the man clad in armor. ”Say...sellsword. Ya ever hunt a monster before?” the man would lean back against the wagon as he spoke, somewhat calmly though in a dark ominous tone. Amelot would jump a bit at the question, replying in a confident happy voice ”Well, I’ve never hunted them though I have fought them before!” Amelot swung his arm up as he tilted his gaze for a moment to examine the heads and skulls paraded out on the drifter’s set up barrels. As Amelot looked at the skulls in amazment, the drifter would let out a little forced chuckle as he’d pull out and hold a golden wolf medallion the size of a coin up toward the soldier. “Then I think you’d be cut out for a certain line of work sellsword...” the man would speak in an off setting voice still as he continued, flipping the medallion onto the table “see, I plan to set up a bounty dealing here. If ya do Enough bounties, this bounty hunter’s medallion will be yours lad...” Amelot watched as the coin landed, smiling a bit underneath his helmet as he responded in his same happy tone and posture “ That sounds like a bit of fun sir, I suppose I’ll have at it.” At hearing this, the drifter would pause for a moment, taking a long hit of his pipe as he looked at the happy man. After a moment, the tense quietness would be broken by a few simple words as he let out some smoke, Standing up and crossing his arms toward Amelot. “Then I welcome ya into the season of the great hunt young sellsword...” And so, the drifter’s career as a bounty dealer had begun with his first season of bounty hunting. With his only hope being that Haense would adopt this culture into their own so he may become a wolf in the hunt. Welcome to the season of the great hunt. may you become a master hunter. Rp location: Haense, Reza gates next to the city stables.
  2. You wake up with something in your mouth. You open it, and pull out a crinkled up piece of paper that tastes like dirt and grubs. You wonder who it could possibly be from. And what ever the hell this is
  3. GRAND KINGDOM OF URGUAN Urguan Discord [Click Here] [[Disclaimer: This is a private discord server that is not sponsored by LotC. You are not protected by any rules of LotC on this discord, nor do LotC rules apply.]] NATIONAL ANTHEM THE CAPITAL: KAL’EVRAAL Kal’Darakaan, or the City of the Ancient Might is a subterranean dwarven metropolis that serves as the capital of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. Kal Darakaan is the most populated and largest dwarven hold and is the symbol of dwarven culture and power. Want to live in Kal’Evraal? [Click Here] IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS Articles of Urguan Civil Codex of Laws The Book of Grudges History of the Dwarves Kings of the Old Realm Language of the Dwarves Constitution of the Hefrumm Dwarven Family Tree GOVERNMENT LEADERSHIP GRAND KING Jorvin Starbreaker KING'S HAND Dain Metalfist GRAND MARSHAL Dimlin Irongut CHIEF JUSTICIAR Dwalin Irongut HIGH PROPHET Norli Starbreaker GRAND MERCHANT Dhaen Grandaxe YEMEKAR’S PICK Dorminur Goldhand GRAND ARCHITECT Vacant THE LEGION OF URGUAN The Legion of Urguan is the military force of The Grand Kingdom of Urguan and is the backbone of dwarven society. Almost every dwarf who has risen to greater power has done so through the ranks of the Legion. The Legion’s mission, to defend the Grand Kingdom and protect the dwedmar from all evil is of utmost priority. To join the Legion of Urguan, enlist here; [Click here for Legion Post] Grand Marshal: Dimlin Irongut [Beamon4] DWARVEN GUILDS DA KIRKJA DVERGA The Religion of the Brathmordakin is the ancient religion of the dwedmar. Its teachings are recorded and taught by the Kirkja Dverga, or Dwarven Clergy. The Clergy’s mission is to enforce the will of the Brathmordakin, uphold dwedmar to their honor, and purge evil and heresy from the dwedmar. [Click here for Clergy Post] High Prophet: Norli Starbreaker [Noobli__] THE WORKER’S GUILD The Worker’s Guild is the industrial hand of Urguan. Through the means of smithing, mining and artistry are the dwarves known for their craftsmanship and quality of goods, and the Guild ensures the people of Urguan are well equipped to supply the needs of their city. The Guild provides an entrance into a stable life in Urguani society, giving dwarves a structure for their everyday lives. [Click here for Worker's Guild Post] Yemekar’s Pick: Dorminur Goldhand [BDanecker] THE REMEMBRANCERS The Remembrancers are among the most esteemed and long-standing dwarven guilds. Originally founded during the First Grand Kingdom of Urguan in Aegis the Remembrancer’s goal is to preserve and expand dwarven wisdom & knowledge, keep a record of historical events, and pass down the learnings to younger dwarves. To join the Remembrancers speak to High Remembrancer Kazrin Starbreaker [DrHope] High Remembrancer: Kazrin Starbreaker [DrHope] THE OMITHIEL INSTITUTE That is the purpose of the Omithiel Institute, to help ensure that the dwarves maintain their reputation with the world and its gods as the greatest architects, to make our halls grand and ornate. The guild requires not only great skill in design but the ability to manage and organize great works to be accomplished. [Click here for Omithiel Institute Post] Grand Architect: Vacant THE HEALER'S GUILD Anbella’s Grace is a medical institution based out of Urguan and independent of the outside world tasked with ensuring medical care for dwarves and its quality. The dwarven race being a hardy folk, the medics of the guild (ironically enough) prioritize efficiency over grace in their medical treatment, trusting in dwarven fortitude to bear through any discomfort so the treatment may be done swiftly. [Click here for Healer's Guild Post] First Medic: Mica Grandaxe [sciencepants2] THE BREWER'S GUILD Those who have been to Urguan’s taverns, The Queen’s Bounty and Sugary ***, know the drinks of the Dwedmar well After continued successful maintenance of the bars during the transition from Arcas to Almaris by The Iron Baron Levian’Tol Grandaxe and The Grand Queen Dhaen Grandaxe, I’d like to announce the revival of the previous Brewing Guild. I recognize the talent of our current dwarven brewers and would like to offer an opportunity for new dwarves and friends of Urguan to learn about the proper way of brewing and managing their own taverns as well as spreading their brews across Almaris. [Click here for Brewer's Guild] Grand Brewmaster: Levian'Tol [willstertheking2] DWARVEN CLANS CLAN STARBREAKER Kornazkarumm An Elder clan of Cave Dwarves mostly consists of smiths, miners, and Golemancers. They are known for their scholarly pursuits and their smithing ability, capable of creating weapons and armor of masterful skill. [Click here for Clan Post] Clan Lord: Jorvin Starbreaker [DixieDemolisher] CLAN IRONGUT Khrorul Irongut Clan is an elder clan. This clan is most notable for its line of ascended blood and accepted use of magic within the dwarven society. Since their creation in Aegis, the Ironguts had held much influence within the dwarven timeline, presenting their own multitude of Grand Kings. [Click here for Clan Post] Clan Lord: Falk Irongut [TheFirstShroom] CLAN IREHEART Kravamoruk An elder clan known to be ferocious warriors that fear little on the battlefield. Irehearts are a mountain dwarf clan, though their physical features tend to be variant they are differentiated by their numerous tattoos. [Click here for Clan Post] Clan Lord: Axel Ireheart [Lefty_Bojengles] CLAN GRANDAXE Kathaikaz An influential clan of mountain dwarves that has stood the test of time. Grandaxes are known to be noble warriors; equally skilled in both battle and politics. Most Grandaxes are distinguishable by their fiery hair, though not all of them carry this trait. Above all else, Grandaxes adhere to a code of honor and hold the rest of their kin in high regard. [Click here for Clan Post] Clan Lord: Brynaelda Grandaxe [Miss_Confined] CLAN FROSTBEARD Azwyrtrumm The Frostbeard Clan, an Elder Clan of Urguan, are a group originating from the treacherous mountain sides of the world's tallest mountains. Focused on the upholding of their ancestors traditions, members are historically seen as hunters, diplomats, craftsmen, and warriors. Unwilling to let a rebellion of traitors destroy their name, the Clan continues to persevere, proving themselves once more to be an invaluable part of Urguan's community. [Click here for Clan Post] Clan Lord: Azkel Frostbeard [Treatycole] CLAN METALFIST Ithorrym A clan of Mountain Dwarves known to be impressive fighters and their pivotal role in the reunification of the Dwarven Nation. They are also distinguished by their beady eyes known to strike fear into the hearts of their enemies. [Click here for Clan Post] Clan Lord: Dain Metalfist [Endershadow292] CLAN GOLDHAND Aurokanarkazamar The Goldhand Clan is at its core a family of merchants. Those with Goldhand blood have long been amongst the best and most successful vendors in the Dwarven realm, but the clan is not limited to just merchants. The clan includes accomplished architects, soldiers, political leaders, and treasure hunters. Distinguished as a Noble Clan for their economic accomplishments [Click here for Clan Post] Clan Lord: Dorimnur Goldhand [BDanecker] FOREST DWARVES Hefrumm The Forest Dwarves community, known for being very religious, druids, and great chefs. That community consists of the Cottonwood, Treebeard, Emberhorn, and Blackroot Clans. [Click here for Hefrumm Post] High Chief of Hefrumm: Yazmorra Blackroot [Lady_Dietz] CLAN IRONGRINDER Khroneknazkarum Founded on the principles of honor and duty to Urguan’s legacy, some of the greatest engineers and runesmiths of Dwarven kind carried the name Irongrinder. [Click here for Clan Post] Clan Lord: Darek Irongrinder [sneakybandit] CLAN HAMMERFORGED Ordkadrel A prosperous clan of Mountain Dwarves descended from the Clan of Grandaxe. Hammerforges cover a wide range of professions and vocations. Ultimately they are known to be skilled miners and crafters. This clan is one of the founders of the Confederation of Hammers. Clan Lord: Redwin Hammerforged [overlord8000] CLAN DOOMFORGED Dorkadrel The Doomforge Clan are a group of seclusive mysterious dark dwarves, borne of the Paragon Urir Ireheart, bearing his sign of sacrifice within their very visages, the glow of hellfire pon their sight. One may spot a Doomforged sporting intricate runic designs into their very bodies. unexpected and as unruly as fire; the Doomforged’s reputation precedes them. [Click here for Clan Post] Clan Lord: Draakopf Doomforged [hotboss_monk] CLAN GRIMGOLD Korodaurok The Grimgolds are an orthodoxy of religious Dwarves found in coastal mountains with strong opinions on the Brathmordakin and Honor. They are most recognizable by their distinctive masks and love of high-grade military weaponry. [Click here for Clan Post] Clan Lord: Alaric Grimgold [Hrokaz]
  4. ~Prologue~ One cold day, the drifter sent out a group of Sellswords to check out a small cave, and none seemingly returned. As the days went on, Bounties would be handed from one hunter to another. Months later, the Drifter wouldn’t know of what had happened to his hunters as none of the parties who got involved in his bounties to search for the missing hunters would find them. As the year would conclude, the Drifter finally decided to stop sending hunters aimlessly out into recon after recon the wick wood to search for what could be deemed as a myth or tale. What really had happened that day in the cave would spark a dark ominous threat, leading people into its grasp of death. This story went a bit as follows... the four brave hunters ventured into the unknown dark cave expecting good pay from a run in the mill bounty, as it was for some reason a tier 3 bounty. The group would find that inside of the cave lied simple traps and other mechanisms to be all over the cave. About an hour would pass as the four struggled to get through trap after trap placed by someone who obviously didn’t like visitors. reaching the lower cave, the four would come across the recover mission that they were tasked with. retrieving one of the Drifter’s supply crates that was stocked with food and stolen by the unknown. Concluding someone probably just left it here to either grab later or leave to rot the group started their walk back up out of the cave as they would be met by a towering figure, that stood 4 meters tall, upon reaching the front of the entrance/exit. The hunters would prepare themselves as they knew they were about to die. After a few moments of the hunters drawing short swords, bows, and mace, the cyclops had already thought up a rather simple plan. Whilst the four brave hunters stood to fight the cyclops, the egotistical giant would pridefully spout out ”Rigut is prop’et...great sav’or to hum’e race” while speaking these words, the 4 Sellswords would look to eachother rather confused as one of them would ask cautiously, still gripping their weapon ”Porphet to our race?” . Rigut would give them a small nod before speaking in a sly Cavemanish tone ”Rigut wont sav’ humee’s unless humee’s help me”. The hunters would watch the prideful one eyed man spout this off, not believing him for a moment. ”Give Rigut meat, and Rigut might help humee’s” the Cyclops went on as the hunters still were quiet unbelieving of the giant as they gripped their weapons not wanting to help this obvious liar. Seeing that the humans still resisted his offers, the cyclops would simply walk out of the way from the cave’s entrance. Though as the hunters left the cave, they would meet the same grizzly fate as just about anyone else who ventured out into that cave and didn’t join this Cyclop’s cult. They would all be struck down , later being used as the Cyclop’s breakfast, lunch, dinner. With this tale ending you might be asking, just how did the Drifter know where to send Sellswords on this first bounty? Well, its quite simple really. The Drifter had heard reports of local people in the Wick wood going missing, and so he sent out one of his Sellswords all on his lonesome to search and find out what has been taking people. After a few months passed, the Drifter grew restless, awaiting for the man’s return he would go out to search himself. Unfortunately the man couldn’t find really anything as he searched through the woods, eventually reaching the bandit camp finding corpses to be missing from the camp, shown by the trails of blood exiting it. Upon finding this, the Drifter would then have a bounty prepared and ready for the next group of Sellswords that came along to his wagon. ~The Two Bird’s Camp~ As the day went by, and Haense Duma would end, Haense soldiers would flock to the Drifter’s wagon expecting a hard bounty based off of what they had been hearing for the past few days. Approaching the wagon, the group of 6 would stand by the Drifter’s wagon awaiting his debriefing. The Drifter would wait until he had took a long puff from his pipe before speaking in his low raspy tone, though anyone could tell whatever was wrong was clearly troubling the man as all of his movements seemed tense and forced. ”Right, I guess this should be enough of you lot.”. The Drifter spoke, leaning back into his wagon before he continued onto the debriefing, ”There have been recent local reports of people going missing near the Wick wood. I sent out one of my sellswords about a month back and he has either failed and is to ashamed to bring himself back here, or he was likely dead because of whatever he found. I sent him out to go near that bandit camp your men sieged a while back. Since he never returned, I decided to go do it myself. Though as I looked around the camp, I only found trails of blood exiting the back of it. I want you lot to go search the area and find some conclusion of what happened to my man.”. And so, the Sellswords were off on their bounty. They found themselves in the camp that had previously been sieged , now becoming a corpse dump it would seem as the group of HRA would see a few men covered in one eyed masks dragging carcass’s of half eaten, rotted humans/animals into the camp and leaving them around the area. Trying to be silent, the HRA hid to the sides of the gates as Ruben Var Ruthern would practice his acting skills and start screaming in pain ”AAARGH, AHH NO NOT MY.” . Ruben left off as the three body dumpers would send out a single one to go over to him. As the man reached him, he drew his knife readying it behind his back as Ruben stood in front of him, towering over the man in his plate as the cultist would ask ”Whats wrong friend?” the cultist asked, prepping his dagger behind his back assuming Ruben was hurt. Tough before the situation escalated any further, Astoro would slit the man’s throat trying to be stealthy as the other two noticed. They would run screaming ”ALERT ALERT, RUN!!” . The HRA would chase down 2 more men killing one of them as they question another that had rolled violently down a hill. From what they could draw from the questioning is that the men of this cult would most likely rather die then reveal their burnt skinned faces to anyone else, and that there was a nearby camp just down the pathway to the left. Going down that road the HRA would start to smell the putrid, stench of rotting corpses that the camp gave off. As the group would start going toward the camp, a few men would be visible behind the small wooden defenses they had though they were very unmoving. as Astoro ordered a few seperate groups to loop around the camp, they would find themselves being ambushed by a giant outnumbering force of the cultists as they were all separated. Astoro and archer would hear their comrades engaging in a fight as they started into the camp and discovering that the men behind the defenses were indeed a trap. though without any second to respond, Astoro and Archer would find themselves ambushed from behind. As the long hard fight went gruesomely on, the HRA would gain the upper hand as they slowly but surely scraped along killing the cultists throughout the fight. As the battle had finished, or so they had thought, the group would then be attacked by a hedge knight as he challenging anyone who wished to step up and fight. His opponent, Astoro, would hold his own against the knight. Though the duel would not end how one might think. It would be rudely interrupted by Archer as he stabbed into the back of the man’s neck. The long hard fight now being over, it would be followed by a big sigh of relief being there no injuries as the HRA went along to search bodies and the camp. They would that every one of the dead cultists held a bottled eye as some sort of ID? They would also find a map locating what seemed to locate 4 other cultist camps. The 6 made started their long walk back to the drifter, once returning would offer the drifter the map and one of the cultist’s bottled eyes. The Drifter would seemingly except this as enough for their payment as his stress and curiosity only grew. The Cultist Camps -In depth- The first one the two bird's camp. Its called this because the cultists that had lured people into the camp would hide in the tree's as the unsuspecting men would wander in as they thought they saw cultists standing behind defenses as when they wandered into the camp, they would find the bodies to be dead as the cultists would come out from the surrounding forests, and kill those who wandered in. The second one is known as the Boiling Pot because the cultists themselves had taken up eaten humans and animals as so did the cyclops. the made a camp for the cooking of the Humans/animals in the wick wood as they had a giant pot underneath a campfire to boil dead creatures. This camp would be somewhat defensible as it's their main point of food making for the followers. The third known as the house of darkness. this house would be placed as a decoy cave to the cyclop's home. upon entering the cave, it would be seen that it is littered by traps of all kinds. It would also hold cages holding bears, wolves, and boars (not greymanes just regular ones). there would be beast handlers that set off cages as well as a few people guarding them. The fourth would be known as the cannibals commons camp. this camp is one based by the Cyclop's cave as it holds a lot of the followers. It would be seen as there main home if they were not staying in the cave with the Cyclops. The fifth camp is known as the burner. known as the area where the skinning and burning of faces happens. It is heavily guarded by some hedge knights and a few others as this camp houses all of their medical cultists. The main Base of Operations is known as the One Eyed Kingdom. the most fortified. known as the Cyclop's main home, there would be walls set up outside of the cave as the inside would be disorienting to those not wearing masks because the moss would cause disorientation -2 to all rolls to anyone inside EXCEPT for the Cyclops. the cave would most likely have traps in it as he was known as a more intelligent Cyclops. a trickster. let me know what you think, its my first time making a forum post for eventlines. 😃
  5. The men of Haense trudged through the muddy streets of Reza in search of a bounty. They would find themselves sitting a front the Drifters cold, unwelcoming wagon. Of course as aspiring bounty hunters the Drifter wouldn’t decline them a bounty when they asked for one. Though what happened in the bounty was a horror that would leave a young Scyfling by the name of Throm in the seven skies, and the Drifter would seemingly pass it off as a regular occurrence. The job that the HRA men were tasked with was not one that was simple. They were sent on a recovery mission of one of the Drifter’s MIA sellswords. As they fought, the fight would be going well as out of no where Throm would stealthily kill on of the bandits, as another warrior stood aside the deceased corpse that Throm had just impaled. Though the Scyfling had fought his opponent valiantly, death would over take the young lad. His last sight’s being the man who had dealt him death, his final weak mutters being “I’m sorry father”. One could say he died ever so nicely on the field of battle. Surrounded by the ones he called friends, and those who say that would be correct. Though if you thought he had died in vain you would be wrong. His opponent would be brought down onto his corpse by the swing of two allies, Astoro Jovanovsk, and Leonid Amador. Upon the completion of the mission, the group would find the man they had been sent out to look for scarred by burns, cuts, bruises, etc. as his frail slender frame limped out of the cage shouting for food and water. The men brought him back to the drifter as they also took Throm’s corpse along with them. At sight of the young one’s body, the drifter seemed sad as his tone became quite melancholic. After their job would be settled, the Drifter would hand Astoro Jovanovsk a Medallion of the great hunt as he spoke to him in more of a sad stature, his voice sounding troubled as he spoke ”Place this with the young sellsword as a small tribute to the lad.” The Drifter would say as he slowly walked back to the cold grip of his wagon muttering ”That’s part of the job, though its a shame seeing everyone go before me...” Right before heading into his wagon he called home, calling it a night.
  6. This takes place in Amber Cold, 1780. [!] The wind whips a cold breeze through the streets of New Reza, the winter month is not forgiving. In the month of Amber Cold, a small woman hurries from a shop back home. Walking as fast as she could to relief herself from the freezing cold inside her warm house. Althea held onto her stomach, being 9 months pregnant did not help her movements. Thankfully she got back inside her home, quickly closing the door as soon as both feet were inside. Shivering slightly, she places 5 logs into the small stove stoking a flame to life. “Demetre no one has entered the house right?” She asked the dog that mauled on a bone, cringing at a small snap. The dog looked up giving a bark at her turning back to the chewed bone. Althea sighed, “I wish Darien would come back, I don’t know when the little one will pop out.” Rubbing her stomach slowly, she pulled out a small pot to cook some stew in. Bustling around the small kitchen she worked, cutting up potatoes and carrots, de-boning a rabbit before cooking it above the slowing fire. As she finished stiring the stew, a knock came at the door. Silently, she hoped it was her husband returning from his trip. When Althea opened the door there stood her friend, Elizabeth, in her casual outfit. “Hello Lizzy, care to come in?” Althea asked, being polite and letting the girl walk into the home before closing the door behind her. The hour soon passed, both bowls lay empty. “I hope I find Darien before the baby arrives.” Althea spoke, resting her hands on top of her stomach. Lizzy comforted Althea, talking for another few hours lifting the worries of her shoulders temporally.
  7. THE LEGION OF URGUAN The Dwarven Legion, defenders of Urguan, protectors of the Faith, guardians of the people. The sole purpose of the Dwarven Legion is to protect and serve the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. It is the main military force underneath the Grand Kingdom, and also one of the most prestigious and oldest military guilds. The Legion is known for its notable order and discipline, excessive training and precise execution. Notable Battles Battle of the Ugluk Fort The Legion siege the Orcish fort of Clan Ugluk. The result is a Legion victory and the land is claimed for the Grand Kingdom. This particular land would become the site of Storm’s Crossing and eventually Kal’Ithrun. Battle of Indagolaf The Legion, pushed back from the trenches surrounding the remains of Thoringrad, entrench themselves in the depths of Fort Indagolaf, an underground superfortress. After a lengthy siege, the Legion forces emerge from the fortress in a charge that would route the human, orc, and elven forces Battle of Kal’Azgoth The Legion forces alongside their allies, led by a dwarf freed from the clutches of Ondnarch, make their way through the deeproads and into the sealed city. It is here that Igor Ireheart, wielding the Hammer of Baradin, sacrifices himself to destroy the essence of Ondnarch and free the trapped Aengul Wyvern. Battle of the Dreadfort Human forces backed by the Legion siege teams attempt to retake the Scourge-held fortress of the Dreadfort. With brilliantly engineered weaponry and the precision of the siege teams, the dwarves blast a path for the human infantry to retake the Dreadfort with their very own Commander Borin Grandaxe killing the Harbinger of Conquest. Battle of Vengeance The Legion and forces of the Treaty of Zion participate in an open field battle in the Orcish sands against the Orenian forces.. After the magic of the realm failed and many persons being teleported across the realm and the Zionists dominated the remaining human forces. Battle of Hiebenhall The forces of the dwarven legion defended the Irongut hold of Hiebenhall against the Kingdom of Oren. The fort was unable to be breached because of its strategic location and the might of the dwarven crossbowmen who kept the human forces at bay. Orenian forces eventually retreated for their inability to conquer the hold and their massive loss of numbers. Battle of the Grass Nearing the end of a bloody war, Grand Marshal Jorik Grandaxe and Grand King Balek Irongut led the first defense of their homeland against an Orcish Horde. With overwhelming numerical superiority, the forces of Urguan forsook their keep and charged the horde head on slaughtering all who sought to endanger their people. The battle marked the end of the war and a lasting peace for the people of Urguan. Battle of Khro'Nogaak The Legion, supported by the Horde of Dunamis and men following the good Faiz Kharadeen, banded together to protect Fort Khro'Nogaak from the Holy Orenian Empire. Pushing the human empire out of Urguan while the fort crumbled around the defenders leaving a mere hill to defend on. Fili Grandaxe and others descended down the mountain pouring alchemist’s fire on the attackers and repelling them decisively while outnumbered. Battle of Kal’Ordholm During the peak of the 18 years war, the dwarves had been driven from the isle of Avar and were fighting back on the mainland. After sustaining significant losses in each of the battles on Avar, the dwarves’ morale was faltering. The Empire of Oren sought to claim the Fort of Kal’Ordholm on the coast of the mainland. Grand Marshal Jorik returned from his injuries and took command at the fort. With the help of allies from Vandoria and Dunamis, the dwarves held a staunch defense and, under the lead of the Grand Marshal, charged out eliminating the remaining attackers and forcing the Empire out of Urguan lands. This battle is cited as a key turning point in the war and caused the Empire to entirely rethink their method of attack. Battle of Fort Dunamis After the brutal loss at the Battle of Kal’Ordholm, the Empire of Oren shifted its fronts to attack the stronghold of the dwarves’ trusted allies at Dunamis. Dunamis fort was then defended by the Legion, Orcs, and Dunamis. In a surprise attack, the defending forces sallied out from the keep surrounding the Orenian forces and absolutely decimating them on the field. In the fighting, both the Emperor of Oren, as well as its marshal were killed and the war quickly came to a close. Battle of the Bloody Brothers After the election for a new Grand King, Verthaik Frostbeard and his followers broke apart from the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. Following the rebellion, the Legion, still highly trained from the 18 years war, met the rebellion in the valley of flowers, slaughtering the traitors decisively. Although this would not mark the end to the Frostbeard’s attempts in the future. Battle of the Gorge With the Orenian Empire once again at the borders of Urguan in Vailor, the Legion was once again spurred into action by Grand Marshal Jorik Grandaxe. With their allies in Courland, Urguan in an unprecedented manner, repelled the Orenian invaders by taking advantage of the sheer walls of a valley. This marked the first time the Orenian Empire lost a field battle in many years. Battle of the Goldfields In arguably one of the largest battles in the history of the descendents, nearly 200,000 men on both sides from the Coalition, to the Empire of Oren met in the field outside the Barony of Cantal. The Coalition won a landmark victory which would eventually lead to the dismantling of the Empire of Oren and a clear victory for Urguan from the oppressing force that had plagued them across many lands. King Algoda Frostbeard followed by King Bastion Ireheart oversaw the collapse with help from a strong Legion led by Jorik Grandaxe. Ever since this dismantling, the Kingdom of Urguan has had remarkably better relations with any human empire that formed thereafter. Military Ranks Grand Marshal The Grand Marshal is the Leader of the Dwarven Legion, second only to the King. He is at all times expected to be an example to those under his command, to lead with gallantry and devoid of cowardice. Everything he says, everything he orders, will be upheld. Disobeying the Grand Marshal comes with terrible consequences. Commander Commanders are exemplary leaders and confident brave soldiers, they take commands directly from the Grand Marshal and convey them to the lower ranks. It is the Commander’s duty to manage the Legion in the absence of the Marshal, as well as organize training and manage patrols. As well as keeping the entirety of the legion functioning, they are also tasked with leading their own personal divisions. There can only be two commanders at any point in time. Legate The lowest officer rank within the Legion. Thane’s have proven both marital ability and the prowess to lead. Responsible for leading soldiers when a Commander or Marshal isn’t present. Typically, Legates lead their own centuries in their corresponding divisions while being overseen by their respective Commanders. It is the Legate's duty to ensure Legionnaires are consistently working to protect and serve the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. Pridebearer Pridebearers are the most skilled warriors and hardened veterans of the legion. Extremely competent in the field, they have proved their worthiness time and time again. Pridebearers are dedicated members of the legion and generally are first to be picked to become an officer within the legion. The Pridebearers are derived from their ancient duty of wielding and defending the banner of Urguan. Longbeard Longbeards are proven soldiers and are amongst the most experienced and disciplined within the legion. Longbeards are chosen from to become officers if there are no suitable Pridebearers ahead of them that can be chosen. Former officers or those who have held the Longbeard rank and above within the legion can return to this rank if they decide to re-join the legion either after retirement or if they were previously an officer who has been demoted. Ironbreaker Ironbreakers are experienced soldiers in the legion and have proved their battle prowess and loyalty to the Grand Kingdom. This is generally the lowest rank from which an officer can be appointed and is done under very rare circumstances as there must be no other higher ranking legionnaires worthy of the position. Stoneguard The Stoneguard are the core of the Legion, who have been placed into their division of interest. They have been trained to the point of competency in their position and are on the path to hardened warriors. These legionnaires are expected to carry themselves with more composure and dedication than the common Castakvel. Grunt A Grunt is the beginning rank within the Legion. All Dwarves can sign up at any time to start their progress within the legion as a Grunt. These beginning soldiers will be taught all the basics they need within their military career. Promotion Requirement Grand Marshal: Selected by the Grand King. Commander: Selected by the Grand Marshal, must be a Lieutenant. Thane: Selected by the Grand Marshal, must be an Ironbreaker or above. Pridebearer: 600 Honor, with the assent of the Grand Marshal Longbeard: 400 Honor, with the assent of the Grand Marshal Ironbreaker: 150 Honor Mountainguard: 50 Honor Grunt: 0 Honor Organization The Legion acts as a singular fighting army though it’s organization is split into a series of divisions who compose the military structure of the legion. The entirety of the Legion is led by the Grand Marshal, who is advised by his two Commanders. The divisions act under their respective Commander and are made up of a series of centuries led by Legates. Divisions The entirety of the legion is made up of a number of divisions. These divisions hold a large number of legionnaires who are grouped into smaller centuries. A division is led by a Commander who is helped by his commanding Lieutenants. Divisions may have established cultures and fighting styles or specializations as they grow in development. Centuries Within the grander and bigger divisions, co-inside the smaller detachments of legionnaires called Centuries. Centuries are commanded by a Legate and have their own individual Pridebearers who act as the Legates second in command. A sense of camaraderie is present between this tightly knit fighting group, along with a developed culture that can distinguish them from the other centuries. 1st Infantry Division: Century ΣI Century ΣII 2nd Ranger Division: Century ΩI Century ΩII Honor System In the Legion, prowess and competency can be displayed through the gaining of honor. Honor is gained by completing set tasks and reporting it to an officer. To achieve a higher rank, a certain amount of honor must be reached. If a Legionnaire is inactive, their honor will begin to decay. Honor can also be lost for foolish activity and disobedience. The ways to achieve Honor in the Legion are: Gate Duty: 5 Honor per hour (Max 2 hour a day) Patrol: 5 Honor per hour (Max 1 hour a day) Meetings/Feasts: 5 Honor Completing tasks assigned by officers: 5 Honor Saving a fellow Legionnaire: 5 Honor (Risking your life to save them 10 honor) Attending a Training: 10 Honor Guarding an important figure within the Kingdom: 10 Honor Being critical to a successful mission: 10 Honor Recruiting a Dwed into the Legion: 15 Honor Winning a Legion organized tournament: 15 Honor Raids: 20 Honor Skirmishes: 30 Honor Battles: 50 Honor Honor through craftsmanship: Donating a double chest of cobble to the legion: 5 Honor Donating a chest of food to the legion: 5 Honor Donating a double chest of stone brick to the legion: 10 Honor Donating a double chest of lumber to the legion: 10 Honor Donating a stack of Iron to the legion: 10 Honor Honor can also be rewarded for other exemplary actions. Dishonor: Dishonor occurs when a soldier in the service of the Legion refuses to do certain actions or shows disrespect to individuals of the Legion, in the event this occurs the Dwarf is to be stripped of hours and if the Dwarf is to drop below the requirements of the ranks he or she has earned then they shall be stripped of their rank and medal. Failure to complete mission: -10 Honor Cause the mission failure: -20 Honor Misuse of Legion issued equipment: -20 Honor Speaking against the Grand Marshal or Commander: -30 Honor Harassment/Assault of fellow Soldiers: -50 Honor Disobeying the orders of the Commanding Ranks: -50 Honor Going Stark Raving Mad: -100 Honor OOC: Spamming and trolling in discord or in game (oocly) during legion activities: -50 Honor Provoking legionnaires in discord or in game (oocly): -50 honor Attempted pugsying/actual pugsying: -150 honor Training Practicing or Training one’s combat skills and labor talents is an important factor within the Dwarven Kingdom as well as the Legion. Formations and discipline are often the most stressed subjects as the Dwarven Legion is well known for its organization and discipline. Combat Training Military practice is often done multiple times throughout the stone week to hone the skills of both recruits and veteran soldiers. It is also to ensure that siege weaponry is in working order. Practice also allows the legion to plan for their battles, and also to give newer recruits a chance to gain experience. Group Training Drilling (Training one’s fighting prowess.) Combat Practice (Fighting in Formations in Combat Scenarios.) Discipline and Order (Training soldiery) Trial of Combat Before a grunt may obtain the rank of Stoneguard, there are specific objectives he must complete to show his fitness, temperance, and obedience to his superiors. These are known as the Trials of Combat. Stage One: Training The legionnaire will be led through the default training program that all go through. The legionnaire will experience crucial fitness testing through long-route running and swimming, as well as lifting and throwing various objects. Then, the legionnaire will be given basic weapons training without person-to-person combat. Finally, the legionnaire will participate in basic fist-fighting with his fellows. Stage Two: Discipline The legionnaire will be tasked with remembering various codes, phrases, and rules that are associated with being a legionnaire. This is to ensure that all new bodies are appropriately educated in the ways of the Legion. Stage Three: Tactics The legionnaire will now be forced to learn the different formations, commands, and tactics employed by the Legion. This includes the various Vel, Dree Vel, and Aemiz formations. During this time, legionnaires will be able to finally participate in group v. group fighting. After their successful integration, they are considered Stoneguards. Duties Gate Management Is the duty in which a Legionnaire is to protect the mighty stone gate way of the capital. In order to promote camaraderie it is recommended that more than one guard is on duty during shifts. During shifts legionnaires are expected to keep the gate open for Dwarves to pass freely in between, but be alert enough to shut the gates for outsiders. When an outsider approaches the gates, the guard on-duty is expected to ask their Name, Race, Reason for Visiting, Where they’re from, and if they have any weaponry/magic). If they are wearing any face-covering masks, helmets, or hoods they must be removed. If the outsider refuses or fails to answer any question or comply with commands then they shall not be granted entry past the gates. Patrol Patrolling is vital to the Kingdom’s well being be it either; tunnel clearances (when a guard goes into the deep mines and disposes of creeps and critters who may harm the miners) or doing surface checks (where the militant will do tasks similar to the tunnel clearance but on the surface. This is usually the job of a ranger.) Any peculiar sightings are to be reported to the Legion Officers for further inspection. Surface Checks The Guard is to wander about the perimeter of the capitol where he or she will be charged with examining the wall that protects the Hold’s border as well as slay and critters who threaten travelers, any peculiar sightings such as wall breaks, mysterious structures, or brigand presence, is to be reported. Construction Should the nation undertake vast projects, it is the duty of the Legion to offer their assistance, be it in the actual building, or in obtaining the resources to do so. Formations Vel - Vertical line. - Formation always has the leader in front - Line must not pass leader or break form during march - Not default stance when inactive Dree Vel - Multiple vertical lines. - Formation always has the leader in front - Line must not pass leader or break form during march - May be default stance when inactive if numbers exceed 8 soldiers - Continues going down in rows to accompany all soldiers Aemiz - Horizontal line - Formation always has the leader in front - Row will not be used during march - Default stance when inactive if number is less than 8 soldiers Tekom - Box - Formation has leader in the center - Important individuals will be hosted on the inside - Line must not pass leader or break form during march - Rarely used during march due to difficulty to maintain - Not default stance when inactive Thrimmek - Arrow Head - Formation has leader in the centre - Is shaped like an arrow head - Officers form the outer points of the crescent - Used to absorb charges, primarily infantry charges Payment and Legion Bonuses The Dwarven Legion is paid on the representation of active service that is done per year, (weekly) the wage increases as one's rank increases as well thus allowing for a higher income on the well performing soldier's behalf. For legionnaires to receive their payment, they must attend at least 2 practices, 2 officer lead patrols and perform gate duty 2 times throughout that year. Wages Grand Marshal: At the discretion of the Grand King Commander: At the discretion of the Grand King Legate: 24 Minas Pridebearer: 20 Minas Longbeard: 16 Minas Ironbreaker: 12 Minas Stoneguard: 8 Minas Grunt: 4 Minas Legion Bonuses: While the Legion itself is an entirely selfless organization, focused on the protection of Urguan without expecting reward, there are nevertheless several benefits which come from joining the Legion. Equipment: Gear for combat and traversing the land is available to the forces of the Legion. Upon reaching a new rank a legionnaire will be given a brand new set of armour alongside a weapon, shield and ranged weapon of their choice. Gear is obtained from an officer and a member of the Legion may use his armor and weapons in whatever manner they wish after it has been provided for them. During times of war, equipment will be handed out on the eve of a battle if a legionnaire does not have any, however bonus honor will be given to legionnaires who bring their own gear to battle. A member of the Legion is entitled to keep whatever ‘spoils of war’ are obtained during battle. Free Barracks Housing: A new recruit may gain free housing within the barracks for two stone weeks, the recruit that partakes in this bonus will lose their lodging after purchasing a home of any type within the capital or in the kingdom’s surrounding lands. Legionnaire of the Week Legionnaire of the month is a rank granted down by either the Commanders or the Grand Marshal, such ways to obtain this honor is by acting appropriately and showing discipline ((both rply and oocly)), whilst performing diligently and accordingly within the Legion. Legionnaires of the week will be granted double their wages for the duration of the following week. For instance, if you are awarded Legionnaire of the Week you will get double pay for the next pay day. Legion Games The legion ‘games’ is like any other traditional practice, however, not involving any real goal for the Legionnaires to obtain other than simply having fun. Dwarfball Dwarf ball is a game which consists of two sides, each team has 3 players, the goal is to knock the opposing 3 players off of their pitch without crossing the middle line. The Dwarf Sprint The Dwarf sprint consists of a race between all of the legionnaires, the dwarf sprint can take place anywhere, however it is most notable for the mountain races. Beard Wrestling Beard wrestling is a game which consists of any number of Legionnaires (as long as it is an even number) and the way this game is achieved is by tying two legionnaires beards together and beginning a ‘tug of war’ with their beards. ((Each dwarf has to /roll 10, and the side getting the bigger overall number, wins.)) Legion Hall of Fame The most decorated Legionnaires will have a chance at earning a spot in the Hall of Fame, located in the Legion’s Grand Hall. This is no easy feat, for a spot in the Hall of Fame is extremely difficult to obtain. A soldier who accomplishes something worthy of such an honour must receive a unanimous nomination by the Grand Marshal and both Commanders. Afterwards, the Grand King himself determines whether the achievement is considered legendary and historical. If successful, the legendary soldier will be granted a spot in the Hall of Fame. Traditionally, a ceremony is held in the Legion Hall to initiate a legend who will be eternalized in the Hall of Fame. Uniform All Legionnaires are required to wear the uniform suitable to their rank. ((If you need your head placed on one of these skins, ask the officers or fellow legionnaires)) Skins can be found HERE: Enlistment Legion Application Form Legion Roster
  8. You open up Althea’s diary scanning through the pages absentmindedly, till you stop on a page with a drawing on it. [!] You look at the drawing, trying to figure out if Althea drew herself or if someone else had doodled her.
  9. Kings of the Old Realm Recorded herein are the transcribed oral traditions and histories of the dwarves that lived under the first sky, uncovered first by my grandfather, Valen Grandaxe, and now completed and issued for public scholarship. While its record likely remains incomplete, it preserves extensive knowledge of the old Aegian kings, the details of which were previously thought lost. May it act as a chronicle to future generations on the tales of our forebears and of the struggles they overcame to carry on the legacy of Urguan’s folk. Through the knowledge of Ogradhad, may we be ever knowing. The Age of Stone Advancing from early runic and stone working practises of the proto-dwarves, this era marked the beginning of the great masonry projects which ultimately culminated in the construction and development of the subterranean metropolis of Khaz’Urguan, known in the common tongue as the Halls of Urguan. King Urguan Silverbeard - Arising from mysterious origins at the dawn of the mortal races’ great ascendancy, Urguan and his three brothers battled the Archdaemon, Iblees who had first attempted to deceive them in the form of a kind and benevolent old man. For their role in his banishment, Urguan and his followers were cursed with short stature and were issued a warning that their greed would one day be their undoing. After the defeat of Iblees, Urguan and his kin retreated to the deep underground caves of the world where they eventually began carving great stone structures and edifices into the rockface. Through years of rigorous perseverance and zeal towards the task set before them, the Halls of Urguan, known as Khaz’Urguan in the dwarven tongue, were constructed. As the most seasoned and wisest among his kin, Urguan assumed the mantle as their natural ruler and was crowned king of all dwarves, his followers collectively becoming known as ‘Urguan’s Folk.’ For three hundred years, Urguan ruled fairly and justly over a people who largely looked to each other as equals. Together, they delved deep into the depths of the world unknown beneath their feet, uncovering vast knowledge and wealth which in turn facilitated great leaps in their technological and magical prowess. Endeavouring to shield their people from the dangers of the outside world, they harnessed this new understanding to erect great runic behemoths which stood watch at the city’s gates, keeping guard on the valley below. Taking great pride in their accomplishments, they celebrated their act in defiance of the Archdaemon’s words, looking hopefully on towards a bountiful and more prosperous future. Soon, however, Urguan desired to share this world with another and married a she-dwarf by the name of Yudora. Between them, they sired eight sons, each as unique and exceptional as the last. While all of Urguan’s offspring were tutored in the ways of their father’s learned kin, some grew curious of the world that stretched above them, untamed and ripe for exploration. As time passed, Urguan granted these dwarves his blessing to leave the city and many ventured north with their followers, some choosing to settle among the clouds on high mountain peaks, over time becoming known as the mountain dwarves. A small few, meanwhile, found peace in the dense woodland groves of the great forests, and became the forest dwarves. Finally, for those of his kin who had refused to leave Urguan’s side and remained living in the deep underground dwellings of their father, they called themselves cave dwarves. Over time, each of these communities formed families of their own and as they became acclimatised to their new environments, their differences grew starker. For Urguan himself, however, more pressing matters lingered on his mind. Strictly ordering that he not be disturbed and locking himself in his chamber for what seemed like days and nights without end, he toiled in secret on matters that have been left unknown to history. For a time, the dwarves of Khaz’Urguan grew fearful of what had become of their king, yet none wished to defy his will. After a full year had passed, Urguan finally emerged, clad head to toe in cloth and furs, asking only that he be left without question to depart the city’s gates. With his kin adhering to his final command, he left his suit of armour behind, venturing alone into an oncoming snowstorm, never to be seen or heard from again. King Barradin - Upon Urguan’s sudden disappearance, a succession crisis ensued. It was determined from then that all future Kings of Urguan would be appointed from among the clans of Urguan’s immediate offspring and would adopt the name ‘Silverbeard’ upon their coronation, after which they would forgo all ties to their blood kin. Barradin was the first to be chosen, a proud and long-reigning dwarf who presided over the nation's new social order in the immediate aftermath of Urguan's reign, sharing power across the clans of Urguan's sons. This had the unintended effect of leaving their low-born kin with little say in how they were governed and most were forced to toil day and night in laborious conditions in order to sustain the nation's economic growth. This fact was mostly forgotten, however, as the new threat of Ondnarch's terror from the north became clear. Battling against the fallen aengul's minions at all corners of the realm, Barradin’s host and his runic behemoths were soon routed and for years, the King struggled to preserve the unity of his people locked tightly behind Khaz’Urguan’s great gates. What became known as the 'eternal cold' was left to ravage those who remained outside, while the dwarves within struggled for warmth, their survival becoming dependent on the heat of the city’s great magma core. Barradin's perseverance paid off, however, and he was later able to push back the hordes at his gates and with the help of the Triumvirate of Runelords, used his hammer to banish Ondnarch atop the summit of the highest of the northern peaks, Mount Arvas. The Age of Gold Emerging from the brink of extinction during the eternal cold, dwarven society was reformed around trade and the mercantile classes, with the guilds emerging to rival the powers of the nobility. This helped to inspire a new era of exploration and discovery, alongside the development of numerous technological and magical innovations. King Thulgrim - Bearing the responsibility of rebuilding the kingdom after the end of the eternal cold, he set about lifting the dwarven spirit by reforming the social hierarchy of his predecessors. Forest dwarves who now controlled most of the kingdom's outer farmland and crop supply, sought to enshrine better protections for their woodland groves and demanded that higher prices be paid in exchange for their produce. These terms were met by Thulgrim, but not without significant unease from the predominantly cave dwarven nobility of the time. Meanwhile, the common clans who had mostly acted as labourers during the crisis, saw this and issued calls for greater power in government. Thulgrim responded by reforming the city’s industries around the guilds, better reflecting the old social order present under Urguan's reign. King Hrolfgar - Over time, the minerals of Khaz’Urguan’s deep mines ran dry and in order to maintain trade with the outside world, it became necessary for the dwarves of Urguan to seek new veins of ore elsewhere. King Hrolfgar, an ardent adventurer himself, set about leading an expedition west in search of new ore deposits. Travelling by land and water over many perilous months, he soon discovered a low lying region of dense woodland. Within this forest, he found that many of the ilk of Urguan’s brothers had already settled there, choosing to form their own homes amidst its wild flora. After five further days of searching, the dwarves finally discovered that nestled beneath a tear in the landscape, a great subterranean network of caves stretched deep into the ground, its sprawling tunnels inlaid with vast deposits of glistering ore. Heralded first as a gift from the gods, the dwarves soon found their hopes in peril as lingering deep within this subterranean underworld rested a great beast of unspeakable horrors. Hrolfgar and his company descended into its depths, and legend has it told, he personally bested the beast before it let out a final flail of its razored tail, slicing him in two. The colony and its surrounding landscape would later become known as ‘Aurok’Wiker,’ the ‘Golden West’ for the great wealth its minerals would bring to the dwarven realm. King Magnis - Carrying on the economic reforms established during the reigns of his predecessors, his rule at first proved immensely successful and a brief golden age dawned as dwarves from all walks of the city embraced trade and began living better off. By this time, the mines of Aurok’Wiker had grown into a sprawling metropolis, with an ever rising population of newcomers from the capital. Artisans set about producing new and more extravagant wares, attracting traders from all across the mortal realms, while the kingdom’s vaults overflowed with gold and expensive jewelry. However, this prosperity was mostly felt by the kingdom’s inner territories, leaving the mountain holds with a deep sense of neglect. Mountain dwarves became increasingly distant from the kingdom and calls for the independence of their northern holds persisted. While long suspected of corruption by his opponents, Magnis was able to weather these criticisms and served a long and stable reign. King Rumli - Known as the 'scholar-king,' he extended the prosperity of his predecessors and channeled it into the pursuit of knowledge, discovering new metal-working technologies and more effective methods of ore extraction. Tales of legendary dwarves such as Urguan and Barradin were not just vocalised but henceforth became memorialised through great feats of stone inscription, carved into the inner walls of their holds and cities. Aurok’Wiker became the new centre for this cultural revolution and it was endowed with a new name by Rumli, one more befitting of its size and status. The glorious new city of ‘Kal’Urguan’ flourished and within its subterranean tunnels, the ancient runic behemoths were used to carve out and erect the body of its main hall. Not wishing to see their powers harnessed by any of his successors, however, it is said that upon Rumli’s death, he ordered that the behemoths would stand dormant, calcifying into the great stone pillars many dwarves would later come to live under. The arts of magic and runecrafting also increased significantly beneath Rumli’s reign and it became less unorthodox for dwarves to practise them in public. In dealing with the mountain clans, he was largely amenable in negotiations and chose to appease their demands for greater influence in the government, while offering the division of some resources into their holds and villages. However, this created mounting opposition from the kingdom’s powerful new class of mercantile elite who believed the mountain dwarves had overplayed their hand. The Age of Iron After a period of economic boom, successive dwarven governments looked to further embolden the realm, by strengthening the bonds among dwarven kin. Often, the price of unity was seen to be dealt through force and so this era became marked by the vast production of largely iron weaponry, born from the deep mines of Kal’Urguan. Disorganised clan militias became a thing of the past and the first uniformed armies were created. King Agrund - A veteran commander of the war against Ondnarch and political opponent of Rumli, he was nominated to power on the promise of creating a united dwarven realm, by ordering the return of all mountain dwarves to the halls of their forefather. This, however, had the effect of angering the mountain clans who soon grew embittered by his rule. They opted to make a joint declaration of independence, giving Agrund the excuse he needed to wage a bloody campaign to reclaim the kingdom's lost territory. Taking a strategic decision to operate out of Kal’Urguan for the duration of the war for its abundance in iron, what Agrund foresaw as an easy victory slowly evolved into a protracted and bitter contest. Inspiring fervent nationalist movements on both sides of the conflict, he expanded the dwarves' military might to levels never before seen but by the end of his reign, had exhausted the kingdom's coffers and was later forced out of power by his own council before the war had met its end. During the course of the conflict, Khaz’Urguan had seen its supply lines cut-off as the mountain clans raided its various trade routes through the narrow mountain passes. With a lack of support from the rest of the kingdom, famine quickly took hold and as the war neared its end, much of its populace chose to abandon the city in search of greater fortunes elsewhere. King Barrus - Son of Barradin, he was seen as a unifier, ending the war with the mountain clans through a treaty that enshrined autonomous rights, but set about formally reintegrating mountain dwarves back into Urguanite society, though tensions continued to persist. Barrus looked to further secure the kingdom’s economic prosperity by officially declaring Kal’Urguan its new capital, leaving the Halls of Urguan to be left as a site of pilgrimage to their holy father. In reality, with little reason for dwarves left to venture there, the walls of their ancient capital soon began to crumble and its streets became lifeless and derelict. Meanwhile, amid Kal’Urguan’s new boom in population, Barrus found himself having to find means of accommodating the need for greater food production. Pasturelands and other fertile plains for crop harvesting were settled along the kingdom’s outer borders, where its farmhands increasingly came into conflict with the orcish clans that dwelled in the arid deserts to the south-east. Seeing this incursion as an opportunity to unite his kingdom further and put its new military infrastructure to good use, he grew determined to rally his people around war with this new orcish menace. Though Barrus commanded immense popularity at the time of his reign from commoners and nobles alike, depicted as a semi-legendary figure to those at home, the war grew long and bitter, with any territorial gains being largely offset by losses elsewhere in the orcs' favour. Barrus himself was later slain amidst the heat of battle by a stray arrow from a common goblin archer. With their former king's inglorious demise, and the nation's pride left in tatters, Barrus’s remaining councilors retreated into isolation, barring shut the stone passageway into Kal’Urguan from all outsiders and prohibiting its common citizenry from leaving. King Aldrek - Presiding over a kingdom engaged in a strict policy of enforced self-isolation, he set to work on ensuring the city could suffice its own needs. Following demands from the wealthy mercantile classes, the kingdom’s mines, which had formerly required only a small city tax to enter were placed beneath the direct supervision of the guilds, who reserved exclusive mining rights for their own members. These guilds which consisted of both aristocrats and aspiring commoners, would frequently come under the dominance of wealthy trade magnates. Farms previously owned and harvested by forest dwarves were seized by the King’s hearthguard and handed off to their cave-dwelling brethren who in turn, established farming guilds to manage and benefit from their output. Most forest dwarves were made to continue working the land for only a fraction of their previous income, though a minority chose to reject this affront to their ancient way of life and fled south, hoping to find better lives among the deep forests of Malin’s children. With less experienced farmhands brought in to replace them, harvest yields began to slump. Although Aldrek still attracted great support from many of the well-to-do in his kingdom, others vehemently criticised the disaffection he’d presided over, the city’s political climate becoming more embittered and divided with each moon that passed. In the city’s poorer districts, low-born clans resorted to organising smuggling rings to deliver food, trade wares and other illicit goods from the outside world. The King quickly attempted to stamp these out by demanding that the Brathmordic clergy condemn any such action to undermine Urguan’s regime, which after some under the table inducement, they soon obliged, distributing pamphlets throughout the city bearing foreboding warnings of the sins of gluttony and excess avarice. Meanwhile, paying off informants to reveal the identities of their ring-leaders, Aldrek ordered his hearthguard to conduct numerous raids into the poor district’s cavernous dwellings. When they arrived, however, they found themselves pelted with rocks and mining tools from homes and shop windows, and in a direct affront to the King’s authority, they were soon forced to withdraw. Seeking means to lay down his rule and reassure his supporters that he remained firmly in control, Aldrek organised a grand procession to be held through the streets of the city’s great hall. It was here that a lone assailant is said to have drawn a crossbow from underneath his cloak, letting loose a bolt which flew directly towards Aldrek’s throat, leaving the usually stoic and unperturbed dwarf gasping in a pool of his own blood. The perpetrator swiftly had a spear driven through his gut, but with no disclosed motive, Aldrek’s death was used largely for propaganda purposes by political actors seeking to point fingers at their rivals. King Glorvin - Glorvin spent the majority of his reign battling political elements within his own government as he struggled to arbitrate the disputes brought before him. Overpopulation in the city proved a persistent issue and guilds took to hoarding precious minerals and crop yields, leaving little for the rest of dwarven society to benefit from. Perceiving that this inequity had led their affluent paymasters to prosper while they struggled to put food on the table, the common clans laid down their tools, making a final demand that their king act to curb the guilds’ rising influence. Although seeking an honest solution to the crisis, Glorvin was impeded by his council, from whom he commanded neither the respect, nor political support he needed. Meanwhile, corruption had grown wildly during the reigns of previous kings and many of these council dwarves now found themselves on the guild masters’ payrolls. Strikes quickly turned into riots, and then to violent brawls, cementing tensions from noble to commoner, soldier to civilian, and cave to mountain and forest dwarf. In a last desperate bid to resolve the crisis, Glorvin ordered his hearthguard to reopen the city’s main passageway against the will of his council, allowing trade to flow in from the outside world. It was too late, however - Many dwarves, already having lost faith in the nation, decided to take their chances and leave the city, while those who remained soon found themselves engulfed in a whirlwind of political disorder. Having defied his council’s will and hearing whispers of a plot to oust him from the throne, Glorvin embarked on a secret pilgrimage to the ancient capital of Khaz’Urguan where he sought to beg spiritual guidance from the kings of ancient times. There, it was revealed that his location had been betrayed by one of his own and rival dissidents soon surrounded him in the city’s inner chamber. His last remaining allies were cut down in the ensuing fray, desecrating the halls of their ancient city with their kinsmen’s blood. Led back to the capital in chains, Glorvin was greeted by his treacherous councilors, who forced him to relinquish the throne at sword point. The Age of Blood A period marked by violent and sudden upheavals in dwarven society, resulting in the ascendancy of the Ironborn dynasty and the formation of the Khorvadic Empire. Now viewed by modern dwarves as an era of depravity and sin, society faced sweeping and radical changes which ultimately buried the old system of government and wiped out all but a few of the generation of dwarven lawmakers who had come before. King (later Emperor) Velkan Ironborn - With Glorvin's ousting, Velkan took advantage of the disarray that followed and before a new king could be officially appointed, he led his followers in attempting to seize the throne through force, in what effectively amounted to a popular uprising. He bore the promise that he would re-unite the dwarven realm and vanquish those who sought to do the kingdom ill by ridding it of its corrupt council and decadent priesthood. This he certainly achieved and in the early years of his reign, many affluent aristocrats, clerics and guild masters were put behind bars or otherwise dispensed of. He readily set about reducing the rights of non-cave dwarves, with many of the mountain clans fleeing to their northern holds for refuge, while the forest dwarves were largely persecuted and shunned, most being forced into hard labour. Seeing the situation seemingly deteriorating and seeking to break away from this newfound state of affairs, the mountain clans once again declared their independence. For dwarves living in the capital, however, not all lost out from Velkan’s rise; many would make their own fortunes amidst this changing order and in place of the old, a new social elite began to form. Velkan would later make radical changes to the dwarven faith, outlawing worship of the Brathmordakin in favour of a monotheistic devotion to Khorvad, formerly the Brathmordic god of ambition. With popular support, he went on to greatly expand the kingdom's borders, subjecting many minor realms to his bloody conquests and declaring the formation of the first Khorvadic Empire. In his old age, he was eventually driven to madness, raving of his god’s might and the coming of the great apocalypse of the mortal races, words which soon led many nobles and clerics of the new Khorvadic temple-establishment to begin viewing him as a hindrance. He was likely put to silence by these groups before he met his natural end. Emperor Khrallax Ironborn - Regarded as a lazy and an ineffective ruler, whose power was mostly competed over by his brothers, clergy and councilmen, he continued the persecutions committed under Velkan's reign though largely held back on territorial pursuits. He was known for being overly gregarious, hosting lavish banquets for his favoured courtiers and while generally seen as indolent, many preferred this state of affairs to the secretive nature of his father’s reign. This was not to last, however, as he and his sons were later assassinated by his younger brother and High Imperator, Thorgarn. Emperor Thorgarn Ironborn - Seizing the throne by force and cementing power even further into Ironborn hands, he sought to reimagine dwarven society around his own image, erasing all knowledge of the time before his father's reign by burning ancient texts and conducting blood sacrifices of old clergy dwarves and scholars in an event that became known as the ‘Great Collapse.’ Runelords who had previously guarded the dwarven realm from threats of an arcane nature were forced to smuggle themselves into the city’s outer wilderness. Even Urguan's name was put to the periphery as a venerated forefather but not one who had much implication on the present state of the nation. Those dwarves who had fled his father's reign looked on in horror, while forest dwarves, by this time in a state of enslavement, suffered a massive reduction in population due to exhaustion and disease, driving them to the brink of extinction. A personal witness to many of the atrocities committed at the hands of the Ironborn rulers, a dwarf of low-birth by the name of Simppa fled the capital following the brutal execution of Dwain Irongut, seeking refuge among the halls of his kin. He found them in a deep state of mourning at the loss of their clan father, vowing to do all he could to avenge his death and restore justice to the halls of Urguan’s sons. From there, he reached out to the clans of the old mountainous north, the Grandaxes and Frostbeards. At the summit of Mount Arvas, they reached an agreement with the clans of Irongut and Treebeard - Thorgarn must fall. Clans of all creeds descended from the north, all bound in opposition to Ironborn rule and united beneath the banner of the Remnant of Urguan. Seeing their chances of success growing as they closed in on the capital, other clans flocked to their cause and following a series of bloody clashes along the King’s Road, they succeeded in overthrowing the Ironborn dynasty and putting an end to their years of infernal rule. The shrines to Khorvad were quickly torn down, his name branded synonymous to the Archdaemon, Iblees, and his worship outlawed on pain of death. Any and all of Thorgarn’s surviving kin who could be found cowering in the city were brutally put to the axe. The Age of Fire In the shadow of the Ironborn, the burgeoning Kingdom of Urguan was forced to begin afresh, accommodating the vast spread of new freedoms and ideas. Various projects were created to accommodate the city’s rising population and the heralding of a new and more prosperous era. Just as they reached the pinnacle of their achievements, however, the dwarves faced their greatest challenge yet in the face of oblivion from the nether realm. King Simppa - Worshipper of the Archaengul, Aerial, and Urguanite exile, Simppa led his people in overthrowing the Ironborn dynasty and was placed at the forefront of forging a new future for his people. Emulating the scraps of knowledge he had of Urguan’s original kingdom, he greatly improved the living conditions within inner Kal’Urguan, and set about accommodating numerous professions to take to selling their wares in the city’s newly rebuilt districts for commerce. He reopened the city’s mines to the common clans and enacted justice on lawbreakers through the authority placed in his council and advisors. In seeking to better organise the dwarven military for future conflicts, Simppa issued decrees for the formation of the first dwarven Legion, which he placed under the marshalship of Hiebe Irongut. Its first task came swiftly as along the King’s Road, word soon reached the King that caravans of dwarven traders had been ambushed by orcish clans, sparking a conflict which became known as the ‘Caravan War.’ Simppa’s legacy was never fully realised, however, as he soon grew ill beneath the grip of a mysterious sickness and was forced to relinquish the throne in favour of his chief advisor and overseer, Charles Grimlie. King Charles Grimlie - A divisive ruler, his reign was marked by the rapid expansion of dwarven territory and the settlement of new holds including Kal’Alras, Kal’Bryst, and Kal’Himmilen. Just as the dwarves looked close to reforming a de facto empire over their lands, portals from the nether realm opened in the northern reaches, spewing vast hordes of hideous demonic creatures from their gates. Pulling at their strings and shrouded under black robes of darkness loomed the undead, corrupt and twisted beings from the nether who at their coming, would envelope the land in night, summoning great bolts of electricity down from the sky. Viewing this as Khorvad’s retribution for their toppling of the former Ironborn empire, free dwarves from across the realm pledged their axes and marched north to defend the kingdom from invasion. The dwarven hold of Kal’Bryst was the first to succumb to these attacks after a valiant last stand by its inhabitants. Later in his reign, views of Charles’s autocratic style of rule became increasingly polarised from within his own kingdom, seen as a tyrant in the same vein as Emperor Velkan by some and a conquering hero by others. Tensions came to the fore when a lone human thief broke into the King’s private vault, casting the dwarven king into a furious fit of rage, leading him to lay siege to the Orenian capital of Al’Khazar. The Goldhands, who now resided in the hold of Kal’Alras chose to declare their independence from the kingdom while the Grandaxe clan splintered into two halves, the Braveaxes choosing to remain serving in the dwarven Legion while their Blackaxe kin ventured north as mercenaries, constructing the great citadel of Kal’Domhain in the northern peaks of their forebears. King Belin Irongut - Seeking a change in their ruler’s style of leadership, the high council opted for a more compromising dwarf by the name of Belin Irongut. In contrast to his predecessor, he ruled largely through his council, negotiating trade agreements with other realms and granting the guilds some of the powers they had once possessed. He led a largely peaceful and stable reign, with focus scaled back towards ensuring the continued prosperity of the kingdom’s home territories. Nearing the end of his rule, he would order the construction of outer Kal’Urguan, erecting great walls around its farmland in preparation for the rising threat of invasion by the undead. King Algrim Irongut - His reign was marked largely by the descent of the undead hordes into the lowlands of the south, where Kal’Urguan quickly became a prime target for attack. After completing construction on the city’s outer defences, he ordered the Legion to begin working alongside the other descendent races to hold back the tide from his kingdom’s borders. Meanwhile, having become increasingly isolated in the north and looking to restore their honour in the kingdom’s eyes, it was during this time that many Blackaxes returned to Kal’Urguan to aid in the defence of the city. With the help of allies from the descendent races, Kal’Urguan was able to withstand numerous attacks on its walls and the dwarves were successful in driving the undead from their lands for a time. However, following an assault on the Khorvadic fortress known as Wrath’s Clutch, bitter tensions were fermented between the Legion and the elven Wardens of Malinor, both taking credit for their successful defence of the south. The Lord Marshal, Thorik, subsequently ordered his elite legionary units known as the longbeards to begin hunting down Wrath and his remaining followers. Paranoia quickly spread throughout Kal’Urguan amid fears that worshippers of Khorvad or even the undead themselves could have embedded themselves among the ordinary dwarven populace. Numerous raids were conducted in the city’s inner housing districts, with the Legion uncovering a number of hidden shrines in dedication to their dark god. In a great shock to the nation, however, King Algrim himself was revealed to be among these agents of Khorvad following interception of his communications. At the Lord Mashal’s behest, he was quickly arrested by the dwarven Legion and removed from power. King Gotrek Firemane - For a time, the undead threat had seemingly subsided and in Algrim’s place, a dwarf by the name of Gotrek Firemane was appointed to succeed him. He was notable in dwarven history for having spent more of his reign outside dwarven lands than within them. An ardent pursuer of knowledge and a popular dwarf in all walks of the city, he immediately took a band of his brethren soon after his coronation, and led them on an expedition westwards into uncharted lands, leaving rule of the city in the hands of his high council. In his absence, many of these council dwarves grew indolent and greedy, much of society being effectively governed by the Lord Marshal, Thorik, and other high ranking legionary dwarves, the longbeards. They decried their king’s absence in the face of a potential threat of invasion by the orcs and their elven allies. A war council was quickly established by the Lord Marshal, initially to prepare the realm for conflict, but its authority soon expanded to encompass other areas of the city. The two councils wrested for control until Thorik and his longbeards took the ultimate decision to lead a military coup against the throne, crowning himself and establishing the first Grand Kingdom of Urguan. Gotrek would later offer Thorik his blessing upon his eventual return to the city. Grand King Thorik Grandaxe - The first of the Grand Kings of Urguan, he radically reformed the kingdom, with the Legion and his closest supporters placed firmly in control of government. When the Great War of the four mortal realms finally came, Thorik used his military cunning and his advisor's political astuteness to not only prevent the dwarven homeland from falling to the conquering armies but he was able to press the warfront into the lands of his enemies in Krugmar and Malinor, whilst gaining a valuable ally in the human Kingdom of Oren. His victories during the war meant he was able to dramatically expand the kingdom's influence in foreign lands and for the first time, the nation of Urguan would play a much greater role in the affairs of the other races, mediating peace in some instances while continuing to combat the re-emerging threat of the undead in the north. Worship of the dwarves' ancient religion of the Brathmordakin was reestablished and became the driving force for change in dwarven society. As the fallen Ironborn emperor had spoken in his madness, however, these good-times were not to last and the lands of Aegis were soon engulfed by the fires of Khorvad, the world-devourer and his demonic horde. In this final advance by the undead, cities across Aegis fell before his wrath, first in the north and then to the south until Kal’Urguan itself was lost to the encroaching inferno. Three champions of the dwarves ventured into the nether in an attempt to halt the invasion and secure the descendents’ retreat, but it was Urir Ireheart who cast the Axe of Krug into the nexus, sacrificing his life to close shut its gates and seal Khorvad’s undead minions within. It was too late for the realm of Aegis, however, and its lands became quickly consumed by what remained of Khorvad’s horde. Thorik led his people in the great exodus from their homeland and on to the new realm of Asulon where the stories of his people would go on.
  10. Hello, I’m currently opening commissions for busts. I can do waists, and full body commissions at this time, but this is mostly for people who want character art in busts or headshots. Cheers! ( Discord: bb zoë#3737 )
  11. [!] A letter has been sent to you detailing the events of the 200th anniversary of the Kingdom of Haense and the days forth coming. Dear friend, I am writing to you to tell you of some very happy and strange events that have happened to me. On the day that I send out this letter these events have already passed, but for me they are still ever fresh in my mind. Yesterday was the day of the 200th anniversary of Haense. With that I had hoped that I could enjoy it with friends. That part had fallen short, and I was left to watch everyone enjoy the day spent. Suddenly, a new face showed up in front of me. His name was Lynx, and almost immediately he flirted with me. Though I pushed passed the flirting to just chat with him, he ever continued to persevere a love that wasn’t for him. After taking me to the tavern to grab a drink, to which I didn’t care to drink at the time, he lead me outside of the walls and to the bridge to the left of the entrance to New Reza. There was where he confessed that I had a great beauty, and to which I told him I already had a lover. Lynx soon left me alone, and went about to his own devices. Later, when I came back into town and groomed my pets I saw one of my friends chatting with a HRA soldier. I gave him a friendly smile and motioned for him to come inside the tavern to have a chat. And to which we did, Corann and I talked about the happenings of earlier that day. As I talked about my lover he used the word future-fiance. To which I continued to tell him that it was Darien’s choice as to if we would get engaged. After some friendly banter back and forth, I heard Darien’s voice from outside the tavern. I got excited, cause my friend Corann has only heard of Darien and never met him. So after speaking to Darien and taking him inside, I introduced him to Corann. I prayed silently that they would be friendly to each other, and they did. For a few good hours, we sat and chatted with each other. Twice Darien was called out for some work, which I didn’t mind. After Corann and I said our parting goodbyes Darien approached me and told me to go wait at my house for he had a few items to pick up before he took me out on a picnic. This I didn’t mind so I went back to my home and switched my clothing and took off some of my jewelry. I waited for Darien to show up, and in no time he did. He took my hand and led me out to a small boat. Darien rowed us out to the middle of the large lake. There is where it happened, he got down on one knee and took out a small box. My eyes started to water, for I knew what it was. And to me he said, ”Althea Tozzer, since I first laid my eyes on you I have loved you. Ever since we have started dating I have seen myself become a new man.” I already had small tears trickling their way down my face. ”I wish for us to grow old together, so would you marry me?” I had said yes almost immediately, he had picked me up and spun me around as my head was nestled into his shoulder crying tears of joy. Darien placed me back onto the boat, throwing a fur over my shoulders before rowing us back to the shores of New Reza. He soon lead me back to my home before asking, “Which house should we move into, yours or mine?” To which I said mine, since it was his childhood home but I told him about the fault of the basement floor feeling hallow. So we agreed that I would move into his home. Then while he was checking out my pets, I was collecting a few items to bring to his house first. For the next few days that is what it consisted of, bringing my items into his home. While I was bringing things back to Darien’s home he asked if I could do interior decoration. I told him I could, so he left me with the job of re-decorating the house as well as reorganizing it all. That is just what I did, now the house feels like a home to me. I hope to start planning the wedding soon, but I also want to have Darien’s agreement on it all. Sending many blessings your way, Althea Frostfire
  12. You wake up wearing a messily folded paper hat, you open it to a new buck news.
  13. Althea leaves the tavern after a day of work, walking through New Reza’s square and unto her street. Upon reaching her door she can hear her cat’s soft meowing from inside. “Hello Bob, how are you doing? Do you miss Demetre as much as I do?” She asked the small cat that rubbed against her legs, another meow came out. Althea nodded her head, pretending that her cat was talking back to her, “I’ll go see if he wants to come back home. At this point he should have gone through most of the bones in the tomb.” Walking upstairs to her small bedroom she reached into her dresser and grabbed a less formal dress. “This should do it for where I am going.” Quickly she changed her clothes and took off her jewelry. Looking over at Bob who had plopped himself onto her bed, “I’ll be out for a while, but when I come back I promise Demetre will be with us.” And so she departed from her home, out into the plains where a small creek laid. “Demetre! Oh come out please!” She called, though she believed he voice didn’t reach the dog a hearty bark came back to her. Following the sound into a tomb hidden in the side of the hill, there he laid smiling with happy eyes. “Demetre there you are honey,” She would call out to the dog, “Come on now let’s go home I have a nice steak that you can eat.” And with the promise of food the dog got up bounding happily besides his master. Althea returned back to her house, letting the dog run inside and sniff the few new smells that laid in the air. Demetre ran up the stairs while Althea made dinner for herself and her pets, soft purring an the sound of a tail hitting the floor echoed through out the home.
  14. The Introduction The Uddad -a Farfolk sub-culture & tribe of Qalasheen peoples, being mainly Desert Dwellers & Nomads, Craftsmen, Philosophers, Artists, Musicians, and great Warriors. Some live in Tent camps in the middle of a Desert, herding ram & sheep - travelling around on a mount & trading, others found joy in crafting complex art, with colours & sciences.The Uddad, commonly referred to as "Beni Uddad" in the Qalasheen tongue, are a tribe of semi-nomadic herdsmen that roam deep within the Korvassa desert, grazing their cattle and patrolling the edges of the Sultanate's borders. History Little is fully known of the origins of Uddad, however according to Oral tradition, the founder of the tribe was a man by the name of Abd Al Tandir-A Warrior who gathered his brothers to form a Tribe. According to ancient texts found within the Grand Library of Al-Faiz, it is mentioned that there was a man of the same name that existed around the time Uddad claim their tribe was founded (thus adding some weight to scholarly claims), Tandir was on a Dune with his white horse, Baobul-upon the other side of the dune, there was a fresh piece of land-with grass perfect for herding & setting up a camp-though protecting it was a Lion named Mihran, he rode into the sands with spear in hand, stabbing the beast before it could attack him-with it then he set a stick upon the ground, marking it the new homeplace for his Tribe. Uddad had been a nomadic herdsmen known for his breeding of exceptional Rams, they were shown to be larger, stronger and faster than the average of their species.The Herdsman's children would come spend most of their days herding and taking care of the livestock, and in time, they had come to take on some of the bear's qualities, namely their stubborn nature and unrelenting behavior. Current conditions After decades of roaming around aimlessly, the chief of the Uddad, Badir Yahya, led the tribe to the desert of Korvassa, seeking an audience with the ruler of the land, Sultan Al-Mujaddid, soon after this audience, the Uddad were formally granted permission to around around the desert, as vassals and and tributaries of the Sultan. Society Society Uddad Society is quite Democratic, in each tribe there is a leading council of 9, known as the Jamelzih-the Jamelzih have one leader inwhich is the Chieftain/Chieftess of the tribe-who would sign off on the Council’s decision-they deal with Social, Economic, and Political issues amongst the tribe, along with crime & punishment-all who commit the crime of Banditry is sentenced to death. Uddad women have much freedoms in the tribe unlike other culture, they dont wear veils-they could pick their husbands, and they could even become the tribe chief. Uddad Chiefs rule as Monarchs, their known as “Amenkl”-most often then not their women, or sometimes men-to become a Chief one must belong to a family known as the “Aitzigh”, being the descendants of the very first Uddad-once born into the Family you are sent into one of the 4 main Uddad tribes, the Dorduga-The Urzil-The Langtazigh-or the Hassanir. The Dorduga being the main leading tribe of Uddad, ruled formly by Badir Yahya, until he was beheaded after he was caught in the middle of selling slaves. Now being ruled by his son, Aderfi Yahya. For Uddad marriage rituals, it often follows the same as those who follow Al’ Rashidun Faith, however-due to the Uddad’s past traditions, theres a twist. Once the marriage ceremony is completed, the Imam would carry out a Uddad ram from the herdsman-the couple must then put their hands on the ram for 1 saint minute, as they recite prayers, after that they kill the ram through a slit of the throat, however the Imam would measure the amount of blood droplets from the ram, putting the blood onto the couples hand-the couple must then mix the blood around their hands as they recite more prayers, then they will interlace their hands with the blood, this symbolizes how Uddad society is based upon the ram, the ram’s blood means how they are connected to eachother through a common thing-Even if the Uddad was a upper class Helenian Noble, or a Wealthy merchant-the ram is always a reminder to all Uddads around the realms, that they started off as Shepherds in Korvassa. Uddad men are allowed to have as many Wives & Concubines as they wish, most often then not the frist & primary wife would belong to the Uddad Culture, and her children will hold their father’s claims to whatever the family owns, however the Concubines & other wives would be Foriegn, such as Ruska & Lech Women (being the most popular concubines of Uddad men), or even elven women-reasoning behind this being unknown for now. Clothing Uddad clothing mainly consists of wear well suited for desert climates-made up of linen & wools (the wool made from the Uddad Ram of course) being wrapped around their heads, only showing some of their face-to protect them from the sands of Korvassa, one might say they've never seen a Uddad man without his Turban on. Men Men’s clothing is often wrapped around the head to form a Turban, most often then not its in Black, Dark Blue, Orange, or Purple-this part of the Uddad’s wear is called the “Talgult”, a Uddad Turban. Another inside clothing, mainly for Uddads living in cities & such, being known as the “Llamba”, a long robe like clothing, most often being topped by a Fez-the fez is a red/black fur/linen cap worn on the head. Women The clothing of a Uddad woman involves large amounts Jewelry, made from Qalesheen steel & golds, and a heavy interest in blue rocks, these blue rocks would be dug from the sands & smithed onto a set of Jewelry, the larger the rock the more power you have in Uddad culture, along with this the woman would wear dress with complex detailed geometric designs on the wool (made by Uddad sheep of course). Its common fashion to see Uddad women wear black tattoos around the upper body, reasoning behind this go back to the early Uddad Spiritual beliefs. Festivities & Cuisine The Uddad enjoy the same Festivities as the Qalesheen, however they have one unique holiday known as “Ram”, Ram is a day of feasting on the well known Uddad Ram, being some of the best Mutton in the World-the entire day & night each Uddad must only eat the mutton of Uddad Ram & their other productions, whilst dancing & colourful outfits are being worn. While the Uddad are well known for their Mutton, they do have another dish thats not as well known, yet still tasty-”Garmok”, Garmok is a type of hard cheesy bread made from flour, grain/wheat, and of course Uddad milk, being mixed together & put in the oven for 2 days, its quite crunchy in the outside, however in the inside its cheesy & milky, a savory taste that anyone could enjoy! Along with this, Uddad Milk, known as Blue Milk is quite popular amongst the Uddad, for some reason, all Uddad ram that have black wool produce a strange blue milk, when you drink it, it tasts like any other milk, however its very sour & creamy, if one were to put some water in a cup with blue milk, itll bubble up-making it even more creamy, however it becomes very sweet instead of sour. Most Uddad women enjoy a rare type of Tea known as “Ulik”, its made from 15% blue milk, 10% normal Uddad Ram milk, and the rest is grass taken from deserts, mixed together along with some water, heated up-surprisingly its quite nice, especially when warmed. Religion The Uddad religion is Al’ Rashidun, followed by most Qalesheen-however before then they followed a Pagan Pantheon. Not much is known of their old ways, however what is known is there was 3 gods, formulating 3 forms of life-with it then each tribe of Uddad (still being tribes to this day) Would follow, along with 5 other minor gods-there was 1 god leading all the other ones, with it then all Uddad folks worship him. During the time of Al Rashidun’s early foundation in the worlds, the Uddad converted willingly. Architecture Due to the Uddad mainly being desert dwelling nomads, it only seems fit for them to live in Tents, Uddad tents are often black, or white-with complex designs sown on the backings of the tent, being made from Uddad sheep wool, however-those Uddad who live in Cities or have access to large buildings, take great joy in Tilework. Uddads are probraly the greatest tile workers of the Human realm, they create complex geometric design, adorned with colourful hues of Blue & orange, yellow & red-etc… it is truly a wonder to look upon such detail into art. Most Uddad buildings feature a inside open area known as the “Riaad”, the Riaad would serve as the primary meeting place of the home, most often then not it’s floors have tilework, along with a good amount of flora, and in the very center is a Fountain. The Outside of Uddad housing is mainly made up of Red Mudbrick, having simple yet detailed designs carved into the hardened wall-some of these houses are fully whitewashed, red washed, or made completely blue. Military Still being Written, however heres a traditional Uddad War song. Language Ntaughzigh is the language used by the Uddad, sounding similar to Qalesheen & Original Uddad delelects. --- Amenkl - Chief/Monarch/Sultan/Emir Jamelzih - Council Aitzigh - Uddad ruling family Iqqifar - Sand/Desert Ayyour - Sun/Moon Yeurmih - Sea Tatuich - Tree Zamil - Man Zamal - Woman Baba - Grandfather Yima - Grandmother Tamgarth - Wife Tamgiral - Husband Khalu - Father Kuaal - Son/Daughter Names Male Badis Badir Aderfi Brahim Gwafa Idder Iken Izel Izil Imersan Sufian Ridha Uada Wangu Warani Yedder Ziri Zdan Female Yimul Basil Illi Kahina Lalla Lunja Safiyya Sekkura Thiyya Sakina Tadla Tagweran Tafara Notable Uddads throughout History -Badir Yahya, Former Chieftan of the Dorduga tribe of the Beni Uddad -Aderfi Ibn Badir Yahya, Former Chieftan of the Dorduga & Urzil tribe of the Beni Uddad -Alib Kemish, ⅓ Uddad, due to him being more Kalamite, Uddad/Kalamesh Polymath & Poet -Mohammad Ibn Badir Al’ Fujadeen, ‘Chieftan’ of the Uddads as a Whole, however mainly a Poet ((If you wanna be on this list, I suggest making a Uddad character!)) (( OOC ENDING NOTE : As you could tell, the Uddads are inspired by the Amazigh of North Africa, or known as the Berbers. If you wish to play a Uddad character, feel free to contact me. Still writing the Military Section! Also, I would like to thank @AquaticWolf for helping me write this to fit in with the current lore! Discord Seus#4667 IGN CatalanSupremacy Planet Minecraft Teseo ))
  15. Original song by: john denver Parody by: Limo_man, Cheezzy_Garlik Haensetti Mothman: Almost to Reza gates, ruben bridge, hangmen river, helena our neighbor Life is german there, older than the Dwarves Younger than the buck, happy like Amelot Haensetti mothman, take me home To the gates, where I belong Back to reza, mothman noises Take me home, Haensetti moth All my memories gather 'round ‘em Mini’s single, though he’s married, To saint karl, wait that is homo, Dead volik children, painted on the field Sweet taste of carrion ,we all die at the siege Haensetti mothman, take me home To the gates where I belong, Back to reza, mothman noises, Take me home, haensetti moth I hear it’s noise in the mornin' hour it chirps, the late nights with lick remind me of my horrible life (IRL) walkin’ down the road, I get a feelin' That it was watchin’ me yesterday, yesterday Haensetti mothman, take me home To the gates, where I belong Back to reza, mothman noises Take me home, Haensetti moth Haensetti mothman, take me home To the gates, where I belong Back to reza, mothman noises Take me home, Haensetti moth Take me home, mothman noises Take me home, mothman noises
  16. You wake up this morning, no buck news in sight. With a sigh of relief you slip your shoes on. There’s an odd crinkle coming from underneath your feet. And one of your shoelaces are missing.
  17. Now that it's always night, buck doesn't quite know when to sneak into your house anymore. It gets slingshotted at you in a crumpled ball from the roofs.
  18. Buck news has been nailed to the ceiling over your head, so you can read it as soon as you open your eyes in the morning! How convenient(?)
  19. This buck news has been just tossed at your doorstep. Buck just doesn’t seem to be in the mood tonight.
  20. You wake up this morning.. no sign of buck news. you check your pantry, all of your food is there. No more holes in your window, all of your possessions intact. Not even a single smidge of mud tracked on your floor. You breath a sigh of relief, opening your closet for you morning coat when 50 MORE COPIES OF BUCK NEWS SPILL OUT ALL OVER YOU AND THE FLOOR
  21. You wake up with a buck news in your bed, and more food missing. For every food item missing, there is another buck news left in it's place. Unfortunate(?)
  22. A new buck news has been glued over the hole in your window in an attempt to cover up the damage done by the previous buck news outing. Also more of your food is gone. He just couldn’t help himself.
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