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  1. Sup gamers I bought a new ipad for uni and art - super cool whoop whoop, but also super expensive so I’m spitting out commissions like I’m santa on the 25th of December right now What can you commission you may ask? Hoh hoh hoh do I have some super cool wow spectacular art for you! Super cool and wow, I know. Now, you may be asking : but Grandpa, how do I commission you, and do you do any other art? But fear not my sweet summer child for I have answers: Information on other commissions (like maybe a SICK nation wax stamp) and my gallery (which has a lot more than just chibis): https://grandpablue.weebly.com/ Contact me on discord!: Grandpa Shay#1084 I asked my mom to rate my commissions but she said no (she didn’t actually say no, she’s asleep right now but we’ll look past that) - I still think they’re super rad and cool and can be finished in a day!
  2. Tigers Outfit Auction 。☆✼★━━━━━━━━━━━━★✼☆。 Heyo, so I’ve recently been seeing a bunch of these on the forums and I thought why not? All of these skins are either brand new, never used, or used maybe once. The categories will go as followed: Elvish, human, bundles and Miscellaneous. Please excuse some of my older works their shading is a bit wacky. None of these skin have been uploaded to pmc. If you later down the road upload it after being bought please remember to credit me!! ❤️ ゚+*:ꔫ:*﹤RULES﹥*:ꔫ:*+゚ Once you post a comment, do not edit it! Please add a new comment to up the bid. You must be able to pay the full amount once the auction is over. Bidding starts at 500 minae, and the minimum it may increase by is 100. There are a few ones with recolours those come together and start at 800 mina Increase of bid by 100. Bidding will on end Saturday, August 8th. So you may bid properly it goes Spoiler, underneath it the name of the skin. BID FORMAT: Discord: Skin Name – Bid (List multiple separately please!) No editing your comments! 🙤 · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ꕥ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · 🙦 Elvish ⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆ Mani Eagle Golden Beach Purple Party His sunlight Human ⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆ Rouge Court Babushka’s Festival Watermelon Sugar Prince Edward Daisy Princess Navy Dream Morsgrad Child Ruska Violet Helena Magenta Magic Student Miscellaneous ⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆ Desponnia Autumm Wedding Peach Hanbok Forest Gladiator Bundles (skin with recolours) ⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆ Gothic & BabyBreath Druid Houzi Hanboks Dusk & Midnight To the dudes im sorry there are like 3 male outfits in here. sorry boys
  3. Hello! I have tons of skins and am willing to auction them off so they are being used and not just taking up my space on my computer and so you can enjoy them just as I did! Here are the rules. Once you post your bid, do not edit it! Please only comment to up the bid and no spam. You must be able to pay the full amount once the auction is done. Bidding starts at 800 minas, and the minimum it may increase by is 100. The auction will last until 8/9/2020. Skins Format Skin Name: Bid: Previous Bidder:
  4. You open up Althea’s diary scanning through the pages absentmindedly, till you stop on a page with a drawing on it. [!] You look at the drawing, trying to figure out if Althea drew herself or if someone else had doodled her.
  5. Hello, I’m currently opening commissions for busts. I can do waists, and full body commissions at this time, but this is mostly for people who want character art in busts or headshots. Cheers! ( Discord: bb zoë#3737 )
  6. You wake up wearing a messily folded paper hat, you open it to a new buck news.
  7. Original song by: john denver Parody by: Limo_man, Cheezzy_Garlik Haensetti Mothman: Almost to Reza gates, ruben bridge, hangmen river, helena our neighbor Life is german there, older than the Dwarves Younger than the buck, happy like Amelot Haensetti mothman, take me home To the gates, where I belong Back to reza, mothman noises Take me home, Haensetti moth All my memories gather 'round ‘em Mini’s single, though he’s married, To saint karl, wait that is homo, Dead volik children, painted on the field Sweet taste of carrion ,we all die at the siege Haensetti mothman, take me home To the gates where I belong, Back to reza, mothman noises, Take me home, haensetti moth I hear it’s noise in the mornin' hour it chirps, the late nights with lick remind me of my horrible life (IRL) walkin’ down the road, I get a feelin' That it was watchin’ me yesterday, yesterday Haensetti mothman, take me home To the gates, where I belong Back to reza, mothman noises Take me home, Haensetti moth Haensetti mothman, take me home To the gates, where I belong Back to reza, mothman noises Take me home, Haensetti moth Take me home, mothman noises Take me home, mothman noises
  8. You wake up this morning, no buck news in sight. With a sigh of relief you slip your shoes on. There’s an odd crinkle coming from underneath your feet. And one of your shoelaces are missing.
  9. Now that it's always night, buck doesn't quite know when to sneak into your house anymore. It gets slingshotted at you in a crumpled ball from the roofs.
  10. Buck news has been nailed to the ceiling over your head, so you can read it as soon as you open your eyes in the morning! How convenient(?)
  11. This buck news has been just tossed at your doorstep. Buck just doesn’t seem to be in the mood tonight.
  12. You wake up this morning.. no sign of buck news. you check your pantry, all of your food is there. No more holes in your window, all of your possessions intact. Not even a single smidge of mud tracked on your floor. You breath a sigh of relief, opening your closet for you morning coat when 50 MORE COPIES OF BUCK NEWS SPILL OUT ALL OVER YOU AND THE FLOOR
  13. You wake up with a buck news in your bed, and more food missing. For every food item missing, there is another buck news left in it's place. Unfortunate(?)
  14. A new buck news has been glued over the hole in your window in an attempt to cover up the damage done by the previous buck news outing. Also more of your food is gone. He just couldn’t help himself.
  15. You have waken up this morning with a buck news issue on your face. If you have a partner in bed, they also have their own on their face. Your window has been broken into with mud footprints in your house. Also, your cookie supply is gone.
  16. babyluxx

    Lacies music.

    “SHEET MUSIC” Lacie Lyons This isn't the ‘actual music’, this is what Lacie is envisioning. This is what she hears inside her brain, the textures of instruments. Synths aren't actually synths, they're written as strings. The drums are written as orchestral drum sections, but this is just what she hears when she's composing the music.100 Percent original songs. Written, recorded, and produced by my roommate and I. I play doublebass, he plays violin, we both play piano. this is inspired by a roleplay experience in lotc. Est-ce une erreur https://www.indiesound.com/index.php?a=track&id=84564 Journey to Helena, First movement. https://www.indiesound.com/index.php?a=track&id=84565
  17. a crinkled up “news” paper as been thrown at your door
  18. This form is for any requests for character art! How this works: 1: First, send me a request on discord. My account name is StarrGazer#5601 2: I will send you a sketch of what I could do. If you like what you see, we can decide on a commission that you’d pay once I finish the piece. Note: I will charge a modest fee for art that I make. If you don’t like the art though, I won’t require that you pay. I like to keep the commission cheap but any donations are greatly accepted (as I am saving up for a better drawing tablet). I will do my best to get to everyone who would like to request and would like to make sure everyone has an enjoyable experience! Thanks!
  19. Name: Lysander Elme Race: Human Age: 20 years old Gender: Male Physical Description: Lysander wears a long robe in a dark blue color, adorned with three broaches. He wears it to hide his boney and scrawny body from others. He has long blonde hair, which is usually really messy, but he has it stuffed in the hood of his robe ususally, since he is a bit embarrassed about his hair. Under his robe he wears baggy brown pants, a beige shirt and brown suspenders with a belt. His boots are the color of his robe while his gloves are brown like his pants. Lysanders eyes are a gentle hazel color, but due to his hair falling over his right eye, only one of them is usually visible. He usually has heavy eyebags. He‘s about 5‘8“ and a little underweight. Character Description: Lysander was born in Helena, the capital of the Holy Orenian Empire. His parents were both middle class citizens with his mother being an aspiring author and his father working as a merchant. They had most of their wealth due to inheritance. He grew up an only child for 8 years until his younger sister Rosetta was born. He didn’t really like her or interact with her a lot, but he had a soft spot for his younger sister nonetheless. Up until his 16th birthday he’d been a child that was very closed off and mostly hid in his room to read. He spent a lot of time inside, avoiding his peers and other people in general. In his Adventure books he found solace and purpose, later wishing to go on lots of adventures himself. He was homeschooled due to his refusal to leave his house. After his 16th Birthday, Lysander began to question his belief and came to the conclusion that the only Person who is superior to him was himself. As he was already considered an outcast by most that knew him, he was shunned for rejecting the Church of Canon on top of his antisocial behavior. His parents threatened to kick him out three 1/2 years later, as they were unable to keep up their reputation with him in the house. Though Lysander decided that he’d leave on his own to go on adventures and travel the world, which he did. Due to being so closed off all his life, he now has Trouble opening up to others and trust them, though he can also be very naive as well, since most of his knowledge about the outside world comes from books and no experience, he often compares reality to the stories in his books and assumes that the fiction he reads is what reality is like. It can be hard for him to accept a reality where what he supposed would be doesn‘t come true or is vastly different. Since Lysander was inside his house and very sheltered for most of his life, he doesn‘t know how to do very basic things like how to use a sword or hoe. He‘s not very physically strong due to that as well, but his enthusiasm usually makes up for his lack of strength, as he often tries very hard to learn and will go all out on even the simplest tasks. He‘s an adventurous and very curious person who loves heroic stories and experiencing new things. But due to being closed off from society for such a long time, Lysander is easily scared as well and his cowardice often wins against his curiosity. He comes across as rude and unsure, since he can‘t handle talking to strangers. If he is being talked to and manages to get used to the person he‘ll be a lot more open though, even clingy. In front of strangers he gets very anxious and can‘t handle big groups of people either. This and the fact that he tends to hide and watch people can make him seem raher suspicious and weird. Even though Lysander acts rudely when talking to people he doesn‘t know, he has good manners and respects people who are older than him if he trusts them. He sees himself as a realist and doesn‘t like his own weakness. He often feels as if he‘s bothering people and has a hard time reading others, since he‘s just never had a chance to learn it. Lyanders favorite thing in the world is reading. He loves books and will spent all his money on them, even if that means he won‘t be able to eat. He writes down his adventures in a journal as well and someday would like to write books of his own. Until then books are his escapism and the way he learns best, next to practical experience. He can read for hours and often tries to find similarities between the stories and reality. Even though Lysander is not a big fan of religion, he is interested in learning about it. As such, he loves to read almost every genre (Adventure, History and Fantasy being his favorites).
  20. Although it would be incredible; I’d just like to say now that I’m NOT expecting this to be accepted. I just had the idea not too long ago and wanted to share it. Basically a throng of lunatics led by Mr. Beautiful completely take over the city of Helena. The guards are imprisoned; criminals are set free. The gates are shut; no one comes in and no one gets out. The town will be in a state of unqualified pandemonium; everyone is on their own. Trapped in this engirdled mobocracy swayed by a psychopathic begetter who will be sitting in his chair; laughing his ass off until somebody stops him. Discord me if you’d like to hear more.
  21. Hi guys! As some of you may know I do skin, however shading the colour black gives me migraines and I’m feeling lazy so I’d love it if I could commission one of the many talented skinners LOTC hosts! The skin(s) would be for this character: https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/klara-isolde-galgenfels/ As you can see it’s a pretty gothic vibe, so any dresses created would need to be primarily black with other more gothic colours to accent. I am looking for medieval – renaissance themed clothing. I don’t have any references or specific requests so feel free to use your own creative vision, as long as it captures a regal vibe! That being said and without sounding harsh, I’d like to skin to be of similar quality to my own work or higher. I would also like to pay with IRL money via paypal as I have no mina haha! If you’re interested in taking on the task feel free to reply here or contact me on discord @Imi#0276 Thank you all and have a lovely evening! ❤️
  22. Commissions “Coolest art on the block.” To everyone watching over this thread currently, I am going to be selling animated pixel art of any character, as given an example below, for 10$. Non-animated is $7. The animation can be anything: running, walking, casting magic, slashing your weapon and so on. It can also simply be you standing still with your head bobbing up and down. The preference is yours! I am easy to work with -- if I make something you do not like, I will be able to rework it, make the animation smoother, and so on. As soon as the artwork is done, I will call you and stream my screen to show you the animation (stream-quality is good). Upon you liking it, or wanting fixes, you will pay first before the art is sent over. OFFER / DISCOUNT: ANY URGUAN PLAYER + SUPPORTER OF HOUSE BREN GETS A WHOPPING 50% OFF! HOW DO I GET THIS ART? Pm me on discord @Mickaelhz#1445 Also leave a review below this post after or i am going to be very sad. REVIEWS: Junar: [✦✦✦✦✦] “Holy f***, worth the money lol, only took an hr to get art and changed anything I asked, what a god” Werew0lf: [✦✦✦✦✦] “thanks for the art n**b, he called me cute at the end so i kinda blushed and left vc in embarrassment” Shinjiru_ [✦✦✦✦✦] “Who wouldn’t buy this?” d0ghz: [✦✦✦✦✦] “10$ for animated art might seem like a scam, but it’s cute and is worth.” Alfomos: [✦✦✦✦✧] “the art was cool but he bullied me afterwards, though i always get bullied so nvm.” antwrp: [✦✦✦✧✧] “10 dollars is a bit much, i offered him 5$ and my onlyfans and now i’m here.” i’ll add more later.. PREVIOUS WORK:
  23. A Map of The Sovereign Realms of The Arcasian Peninsula Compiled and created primarily by Abram Stalistena, with the support of the Northern Geographic Society. – – – The creation of a comprehensive map of the sovereign realms of Arcas has truly been a collaborative effort. This project never would have approached completion if it were not for the contributions and aid given by the various stewards, local cartographers, travellers, traders, and government officials from all the sovereign lands of our realm. The purpose of this work is to reflect the real authorities over lands throughout Arcas, along with those territorial claims laid by nations and states claiming sovereignty as equals. Though there may be inaccuracies in the initial release of this map, future versions will reflect both changes in the de-facto control of various lands, and increased accuracy of existing claims. The process for submitting such claims will be outlined below. Other versions are available below, for use in any kind of geographic and ethnographic study and use. The process for requesting an amendment to this map is outlined below Credits and acknowledgements are contained below
  24. During your travels, you may happen across this most trashy of novellas. At first glance, it would seem quite ordinary, until one took a look at the cover art and title. A Kharajyr maid would be on the front, with a title that ought to shock even the most liberal of readers: THE LUSTY KHARAJYR MAID, PART 3: ROUGH WOOD, BRIARWOOD. The seediness of the novella is apparent... Note from the author: I have been informed the original pieces of literature for The Lusty Kharajyr Maid, Part 3 were suddenly gone from the shelves overnight, while I was still asleep. As I am quite sure it was merely a tragic accident by the librarians and recordkeepers of Arcas, I am once more releasing this rewrite of a classic for the sake of Art, Creativity and Loneliness. And worry not, dear reader. If anything like this ever happens again we have plenty of ways of spreading this piece in the form of books, performances and word of mouth! Without further ado, “The Lusty Kharajyr Maid”. THE LUSTY KHARAJYR MAID, PART 3: ROUGH WOOD, BRIARWOOD Written by T. Brock Hauss It was a baffling day inside the Grand Palace of Skravia’s kitchen, a place with absolutely no trouble, strife, or unemployment. The grand city of Oren readying itself for yet more war- But also, and perhaps more importantly to some, a Royal Ball! The glorious Vassal, Gawain Briarwood entered the cooking area, already smelling the flavourful aroma coming from Khat En’Heet’s wide oven. “Good day, sir! Whatever brings you into the Kitchen?” The Kharajyr maid questioned, sporting a sweet smile to accompany her baking’s fragrance. “I come under King’s Orders, maid.” The man said, thumping his heavy load onto the table “You are to bake this loaf. At once.” “My goodness, that's quite a loaf!” The girl broke a sweat, wiping her brow with a sigh “How ever shall I get that baked in my oven in time for the Ball?” She promptly went to work on it, getting on her knees to manage its size. Gawain tugged on his belt, pulling out a long shaft of hard wood “Mind if I practice a few strokes while I watch you knead?” The man’s hand strummed his instrument fast, producing loud chords one could hear all over Skravia. “Sir, you mustn't distract me!” She moaned, soaked in sweat. Her mouth wide open. “Your fingers pluck it too much, we’ll get in trouble if you keep making noise!” “Tell me about it.” He hissed, stroking the neck of his instrument as he paused his tune “-The other day I got arrested for fingering A-minor in this very kitchen. The cries of my lute are forbidden here!” “I must have everything in perfect order for the King’s Ball, sir!” The maid snarled, squeezing the dough tightly as she worked it good. “I never could see a single one of them! Now- It’s my chance to be more than just the King’s pole-polisher! I’ll be his Ball-baker too!” “You’ll have plenty time to work your way up, maid.” The man stepped behind Khat En’Heet, his muscles reaching around her to help knead her loaf as he smirked. “But if knowing what Balls need provided is what you want... I’d be glad to show you a taste.” The maid turned her head, her eyes glancing up to meet Briarwood’s. “Then show me how you dance, big boy!” She smirked back, her fur once more covering her blushing cheeks. Little did they know, the Wise King Rocco watched on from afar, still picturing Khat En’Heet’s soft peaches on display the day before, for a curious Oscar Lancefield. Oh, but his revenge was yet to come. Soon- In his great Royal Ball. TO BE CONTINUED...
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