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Found 13 results

  1. Adventure is out there! Thank you in advance Much like the escapades we’ve had within the past few years. Those who live in The Unified Domain of Vortice extend an invitation to the residents of Aevos to join us on a spelunking expedition into the Caverns below the towering karsts of Talon’s Roost! We will be going diving through an underwater tunnel, so be sure to bring water-breathing potions to help your fellow explorers out as we can only supply so many We will provide medical kits, adventuring packs, and various other necessities. That is; while supplies last for we can’t predict the outcome of those that wish to join us. There is no guarantee that there will be enough for everyone. A depiction of the tunnel’s entrance has been included. We shall be gathering in three months time Warning: There is a chance that you may perish during this expedition. Vortice does not hold responsibility for any of your actions leading to your demise or trauma. You have been warned
  2. beetle


    THREE EVENTS & TIPS YOU CAN DO FOR YOUR COMMUNITY A QUICK GUIDE ON HOW TO SPICE UP YOUR EVENTS ♪♫♪ INTRODUCTION Hello friends, This post is here to help give you some ideas of possible simple yet fun events to create roleplay for your community. I wrote three events with examples, hoping it inspires someone to pursue event hosting or even encourages players to go to the next event. This is part one of many guides to come, enjoy! EVENT NUMBER ONE - TAVERN NIGHTS What’s a settlement/nation without a tavern? It’s the prime key to generating roleplay and keeping things pleasant. Or unpleasant if you watch a six hour crp fight go down in the middle of the night… QUESTIONS TO ASK FIRST Before we get into hosting tavern nights, we must discuss the interior/layout of the tavern Is the layout good for roleplay? Is the menu visible? Is there art? Is there another area for bigger events? Is there a fight pit? Is there a small store so people can buy drinks? Does it flow naturally? Do quiet emotes overlap? Are there different options for seating? These are important questions to ask when creating a tavern. Why? Because every detail will matter and create roleplay scenarios and opportunities. People will notice and praise the hard work you put into it. BRAINSTORMING IDEAS Now, the big question - what is a tavern night? It can be anything from a drinking game, or crp/pvp fights in the pit, or free drinks night. Mina or item prizes are a big bonus, who doesn’t want free mina or items? You need to create an event where it’ll engage players constantly, keep them entertained even if they leave mid event. EVENT NUMBER TWO - FESTIVALS A simple but yet a lighthearted event, creating tons of opportunity for roleplay. It can range from a snow festival to a fish one. Be as random as you can be with it, the more strange the better! QUESTIONS TO ASK FIRST Jumping onto the boat of festivals - we need to figure out a theme, ideas, etc If you have a theme, has it been done before? If yes, how could you make it different? If not, how could you make it super unique? Are there decorations matching the theme? What games will be hosted? CRP/PVP? Will there be small shops? Tents? Stalls? Is it an open area? If so, is there enough space where rp can flow well? If not, how can you make enough space for attendees and shops/etc? Hosting festivals can be a bit harder to host since you’ll need more people and help, more numbers the better. Don’t do this festival alone, it will be stressful. Trust me. However, the questions above can help you figure out how to sort it out. BRAINSTORMING IDEAS This is an opportunity to be as random as you can be (I’m not kidding). The funniest, strangest, wildest theme attracts more people. The reason for it is because people want to see something different - be different! For the games and stalls, reach out to people. Even from other nations (allied or not). It makes people feel included and appreciated, making them want to do more in the future. Two of my favorite festivals were the 100th year anniversary of Haense and one in Celia’nor. I got to be a part of it for both, selling items on my Kortrevich Countess. The reason why these two festivals stood out to me the most was because I got asked to be a part of it and was able to host some games - enjoying my time there! EVENT NUMBER THREE - BALLS Another simple but yet a lighthearted event. It’s something everyone looks forward to, it’s an easy way to get to know more people within the community. If you’re a new player, I highly recommend going to one of these. QUESTIONS TO ASK FIRST The questions are going to be similar to the ones from the festival section, with a bit of a twist. If you have a theme, has it been done before? If yes, how could you make it different? If not, how could you make it super unique? Are there decorations matching the theme? Is there a dress code? Is there a big open area for dancing to be allowed? Will there be players emoting music being played? How about food and drink items? Will that also be given out? Is there any special effects someone can do? Just like festivals, they are a bit difficult to host due to how big the event can be. Do ask for help, get a group of players to assist. BRAINSTORMING IDEAS My favorite thing about hosting balls is going out of the ordinary to do them. One of them was a part of a three day festival, another one was to celebrate the stars, and the other was for the social season. Don’t limit yourself to a basic theme, go further than that. Add activities to it, emote music and people serving drinks, give out party favors. Dress code is a big hit, allowing players to get creative with their skins and accessories. The small things like that make players feel more welcomed and comfortable. TIPS AND RESOURCES Here’s some links that could be helpful for your event If you need materials or other resources, here’s a guide to nodes By WestCarolina Almaris Resource Node Allocation If you need special fonts and characters, here’s some sites (note not all of them will work, you gotta figure which one works) Special Fonts Symbols Use signs to enhance the event and roleplay By E__V__O RP Signs Guide For organization, I highly recommend making another Google Account or using Google Drive to keep everything in a folder. Make a Google Doc for items, emotes, signs up, etc - it will help you in the long run! CLOSING THOUGHTS In the end, don’t feel limited. Be creative, go crazy with your event. If you have any questions or want to help out with the next post, please send me a message on the forums or on discord (dove#8701)!
  3. [!] A note is pinned to the Bywater notice tree! Events 'n Bywater! ~Malin's Welcome~ ~Ploughing the fields~ Planting o' the wheat fields o'er with new grains! This is vital for our village economy, for obvious reasons! ((8 PM EST, Thursday the 2nd of February, 2023)) ~The First Seed~ ~A totem to the Frog Spirit~ Weeding the seedlings o' the fields so as to make for a better harvest! What good is a field if all it grows is weeds, after all? It is to take care of the weeds before they grow to large. ((7 PM EST, Friday the 3rd of February, 2023)) ~The Grand Harvest~ ~A feast in the Applefoot Burrow~ Harvesting the fields! This will coincide with threshing, milling, and other vital tasks to ensure for good quality grains and flours! ((3 PM EST, Saturday the 4th of February, 2023)) ~Sun's Smile~ ~Adventurers dealing with a rather peculiar situation~ We must secure the safety of our village as well this year. I expect new enemies to rear their ugly heads. These enemies of Bywater will surely be put to justice by the loyal Adventurers of the Adventuring Guild. Of that, I have nay doubt! ((4 PM EST, Sunday the 5th of February, 2023 This will be a HalflingQuest eventline, expect action and excitement! Link to HalflingQuest rules in the spoiler below:)) Knox bless Bywater! Glory to the Wee! ~Mimosa Applefoot, local halfling and Mayor of Bywater.
  4. [!] A new board appears besides the entrance-path of Bywater. It seems as though the halfling adventurers are back in business! [!] Within the Village Hall, an old counter sees a new sign hanging above it, just barely visible with the faint light of the crackling fireplace nearby. Adventure awaits you....
  5. Painting in the Park Issued 10th of The Deep Cold, Year 72 of The Second Age Cerin Amroth in Lothlórien, Ulla Thynell Creatives of Elcihi'thilln, On The First Seed of this elven week, a session of painting in the square will commence! For the innovative minds of Mali'thill are not limited to any kind of study; there is much value to be found in artistic fields. All are encouraged to come explore, practice and enjoy. There will be three categories of painting, which will we run through, in the following order: Still life Model Free form For each category, the object of your painting will be up to choice! Nevertheless, should you find trouble within the vast beauty of our State, finding just one matter in your surroundings to focus upon, there will be a selection laid out as an aid. You may find a model in any other willing participant. No need to bring your own brushes - all equipment will be provided by the State! OOC: Friday 22nd, 3pm EST/9pm BST May your paths be safe, your floors unbroken and may Elcihi'thilln fill your eyes with beauty. Okarir'mali Elarhil Sullas MAEHR'SAE HIYLUN'EHYA
  6. From the penmanship of the Koenas Council… A PARTY OF TEA-PETS & CAKES [!] In a series of fine brush strokes and bright colors, a portrait is attached of the many cats to appear at the party. [!] A flock of silver-tailed doves soar over the city’s rooftops dropping a missive with a golden leaf seal to every person on the street, every mailbox, every doorstep, and every dinner table. It would read as follows: “To all pet lovers alike… A tea party is being held in Karosgrad’s fine palace, all those who are invited to attend should arrive in their tea-ready outfits and bring along their most dignified pets of all kinds! But fret not - for those who seem to be lacking pets of their own, you have the chance to find your most favorable and furry animals. Displayed at the tea party and for all to see will be stalls to buy pets of your own. Ranging from little fish and hermit crabs, to the larger cats and dogs- these pedigree animals are the finest in the entire Kingdom! If you find yourself reluctant to buy one, a petting zoo shall be set up - to allow the opportunity for guests to caress and bond with an assortment of animals, bred in our nearby Karosgrad farms.” The activities for the day… I. Tea is Served! An arranged assortment of Karosgrads finest and most delectable tea will be served out in the royal garden, guests can drink tea and mingle with fellow lovers of animals. II. Pet N’ Pat This part of the event guests will be able to show off their furry friends and even get to meet other lords and lady's most fabulous pets, the Fakhr Oasis will be proudly presenting their finest of exotic animals to mingle with, Camel rides will be a fee of two mina, however the petting pen will be covered by the crown. The Oasis will also be sharing for sale their finest animal’s of the southern region at this eventful gathering. III. Buying A New Best Friend For our guests that have arrived without an animal of their own or are seeking a new companion to bring home. Now you have it! Vanir Variety will be presenting a variety of animals for sale: big and small, fluffy or scaly. IV. The Grand Race Our final event will be a Grand Race, all manner of pets will line up at the starting line and it will be a race to see who meets the end first! First, second, and third place winners will receive a prize. Signed, Her Royal Majesty, Emma Karenina, Queen-Consort of Hanseti-Ruska Her Ladyship, Analiesa Vasila vas Ruthern, Event-Collaborator of Hanseti-Ruska OOC:
  7. Hope you enjoy the small video <3 please visit us sometime. More videos to come. and updated as time passes by. The white Marble Building Company's news shop
  8. Basic Blacksmith Tutorial in Selestia [!] A small steel sheet bearing neat engravings upon it would be sent randomly around the entirety of Almaris, appearing to be a sort of invitation for an event. Basic Blacksmithing Tutorial, hosted by the ‘Koi Commodities’ Forge in Selestia. A small tutorial on how to forge a basic item using Oyashiman style blacksmithing, occurring at 7pm this Elven day, all are welcomed. If you are to join, please be fully ready to follow the smithery’s traditions, and if not, expect to be escorted out from this event. If you have any following questions once the event is over, you may feel free to ask. - From, Tenebris. [!] in the bottom left of the metal sheet is the touchmark of Tenebris, looking like a snake curved around a pinecone in the center] (For OOC information contact: Papi Shmeat Cleaver#9996) (( OOC INFO )) DATE: Today! TIME: 7PM EST! DIRECTIONS: Travel to West hub, from there continue with the path until you get to the sign towards Krugmar or Elvenesse. Take the Krugmar road and continue with it until a sign that points to Krugmar or Talon’s. Take the road to Talon’s and continue with it, staying only on that path until you end up right by Talon’s Port’s front gate then turn left and follow the path until you reach Selestia.
  9. Welcome to the ⋆✧Selestia Wine Festival✧ [!] An artistically written poster would be sent out and put everywhere throughout Almaris. It would be depicted as an invitation for all who see to come. Welcome to the Wine Festival hosted by The County Of Selestia The County Of Selestia formally invites all who see to the Wine Festival. During this Festival there be a large array of drinks mostly wine but there are other drinks available such as whiskey, medley, Mulled Wine, Spiked Tea, and Flavored Vodka (And much more). The Festival will be a night under the stars where there will be lots of drinking and dancing till the night ends. There will also be a drinking contest that you may partake in, it only costs 3 mina to enter, with a prize of 20 mina. All taverns across all of Almaris are invited to partake and sell their Booz at a stall that will be provided with a small reservation fee (1 mina). (Please contact me Oh_Ontario#4000 to get a stall ) (( OOC INFO )) DATE: Saturday, April 10th TIME: 4 pm EST DIRECTIONS: Travel to West hub, from there continue with the path until you get to the sign towards Krugmar or Elvenesse. Take the Krugmar road and continue with it until a sign that points to Krugmar or Talon’s. Take the road to Talon’s and continue with it, staying only on that path until you end up right by Talon’s Port’s front gate then turn left and follow the path until you reach Selestia! To get more information contact: Oh_Ontario#4000
  10. The Silver Calendar of 9 S.A. 20th of the Amber Cold Throughout the city of Silver and the children of the Pure, the denizens of the State would find that they would receive an ornate scroll at their doorstep. The scroll would be on a black parchment with silver lettering and detailing with splashes of color lining the page. Mali’thill Wine and Tea Kaliri The Deep Cold “A long drawn out debate between Mali’thill has been between the preference of wine and tea, so it has been seen fit to host an event revolving around both which the ‘thill enjoy. The wine and tea afternoon shall be hosted in the Silver Stag Tavern on the Deep Cold of 9 SA. ” Signed, Okarir’hiylun Valyris Wynasul [[OOC: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2ND @ 5:30 PM EST // 10:30 PM GMT]] Mali’thill Yoga Snow’s Maiden “The citizens of elcihi’thilln are invited to attend a class of Mali’thill Yoga! The class is intended to assist teaching one to increase their dexterity and flexibility. Yoga is meant to help teach one focus and mental fortitude. This class is especially recommended for young mages to help learn control over their mana and connection to the void. The class will be held in the park in front of the Silver Stag Tavern and afterwards, there shall be a breakfast bar and smoothies. ” Signed, Okarir’hiylun Valyris Wynasul [[OOC: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3RD @ 5:00 PM EST // 10:00 PM GMT]] Painting in the Park Malin’s Welcome “ In the park of the citadel, there will a painting class to help encourage artistic creativity amongst the Mali’thill. No experience is required to attend and it is meant for the enjoyment and entertainment of the Mali’thill. Afterwards, it will be followed by a brunch themed picnic.” Signed, Okarir’hiylun Valyris Wynasul [[OOC: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4TH @ 4:30 PM EST // 9:30 PM GMT]] Snail Race The First Seed “ A staple of Haelun’orian society is the highly vetted Snail Races. With the recent years being oh so busy, it has been seen fit to host one on a larger scale within the Silver Stag Tavern. All are invited to bring their speedy gastropods to participate in the snail race of the century! One may review the rules of snail racing attached to the back of the calendar. ” Signed, Okarir’hiylun Valyris Wynasul [[OOC: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5TH @ 4:30 PM EST // 9:30 PM GMT]] Constellations Festival Grand Harvest “ On the night of the full moon there will be a festival themed around the stars, held in front of the city between the gates and the newly established public farms. There will be several telescopes available for one to gaze out at the night sky, bards will be hired to play music, and there will be games of all sorts of variety, food, and more! This festival is meant to represent Mali’thill returning back to the Motherland, hence it being held outside of the gates. ” Signed, Okarir’hiylun Valyris Wynasul [[OOC: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6TH @ 5:30 PM EST // 10:30 PM GMT]] liewyn'Larihei eltaeleh walehe ohn vallein eltaliyna walehe
  11. "Be wary of their true intentions." (The Realm of Clouds) The individual realms of the Immortal Spirits are vast and overwhelming, the perfect representations of their respective dominions. However, it is not simply a world upon which the Spirits themselves recline in omniscience. In most cases, intelligent life swathes through these dimensions; fragments of the Immortals, that live to serve and sate their insatiable lust for power. The Spirits remain in these realms because they are perfect environments for them, and to venture out of them would be incredibly dangerous. If an Immortal Spirit were to materialise on the lands of the Descendants, they would be exposed to irreversible damage. For this reason, they send their loyal children unto the worlds of the Brothers’ children. These beings serve, for all intents and purposes, as conduits through which Spirits may influence the Mortal realms. Personifications of what their creators represents, they venture out into the world in search of ways to enact the will of their masters. When an Immortal is worshiped, or if their dominion of existence is prevalent on the Descendants Realms, their influence and power over that aspect of existence grows. For instance, with the growth of the plague on Vailor, and the land that has succumbed to decay and despair, the Immortal Spirit of Disease, Orgon, has grown significantly in his influence over the land. The bidding of these Lesser Spirits varies according to what their Immortal Master represents. For instance, a fragment of Enrohk (The Spirit of War and Bloodlust) may not necessarily seek those that would worship him, but would instead manipulate nations in order to war among themselves. Bloodshed and War feed Enrohk; in all forms. It is not always worship that Spirits seek, but only that their influence on the land be maintained. However, this can usually be upheld by the efforts of the Shamans, and for this reason they are the Mortals most aware of the Spirits and their will. However, in their wisdom they attempt to maintain a healthy balance between the power of all Immortal Spirits. These Lesser Spirits, whilst serving the will of the Immortals, have their own, unique personalities, appearances and approaches to the world. There can be multiple lesser Spirits aligned to one Immortal, and all can have their own idea of what enhancing their reign looks like. I will describe several of these beings below, though there are myriad more. Fragments of the Spirits Spirit: Ixli, the Immortal Spirit of Spirit of Knowledge, Truth, and Judgement, appearing as a giant staring eye. He provides knowledge at the cost of sanity. Avatar: Ziileny (sandara) Form: Appearing as an extremely long and slender Wyrm, Ziileny has a permanent fixture of insanity imposed on her face. Her large, toothy grin seeps a terrible stench as her overwhelming and fixed eyes stare into the minds of those she communes with, searching their souls for their deepest secrets. She has pale, purple skin with a sickly green line of gnarled hair running along the center of her spine. Dotted in scars, her body also appears to host several sets of teeth and arms. Her numerous teeth are most often grinning alongside her, though open occasionally to cackle for sometimes no apparent reason. The arms that run along her body allow her to scurry along the land in a terrifying slither. Personality & Approach: Ziileny actively seeks out those within the Mortal Realm that aspire to Magick, offering them the knowledge they seek in return for their sanity. This is often left out of the equation until after the ritual takes place, when the victim has already fallen into a precarious state. She is quick witted and conniving, and prefers to work alone. She does not trust the competency of others, and revels in outsmarting the students he hunts for. Ziileny will often become distracted from topics of conversation as she spouts nonsense about the intricacies of very specific sciences. If one were to engage her in the subject of learning Magic, she may suddenly teach you about photosynthesis as her form writhes in seeming agony. Spirit: Enrohk, the Spirit of Bloodlust, Savagery, and War, appearing as a berserker covered in blood. Avatar: Klin (maciejkuciara) Form: Klin appears as an unusually tall and strong Barbarian woman. Her hair falls around her face as a brunette drape, often covering her eyes, giving off the impression of savagery. Her body seems to be covered in tattoos of red, that almost seems to swirl around her limbs as if there were blood coursing on the surface of her skin. She carries two long blades, with which she quickly dispatches her enemies. Personality & Approach: Klin is seemingly incapable of speaking. Her communication mostly consists of grunts and roars, which pierce through the air, much like the blood from her enemies, as she fights vigorously. In her reticence, she is an intimidating figure, often towering over Adult Male Humans. Due to her reluctance to speak, she is not often fond of conversation. When she materalises upon the land, it is for one purpose only. To murder. Spirit: Ghorza, the Spirit of Travel, movement, and fortune both bad and good, appearing as an old traveler with a walking stick, with various fetishes attached. Avatar: Pizrak (matchack) Form: The appearance of Pizrak is an unusual one. This lesser Spirit does not materialise as a living entity, but instead chooses to comprise as a ship, which is capable of sailing on its lonesome. Interestingly, Pizrak may materialise as one of two forms. It will either form as a decrepit ship that maintains its ability to sail upon the shores, or an intact variation of its counterpart. Purpose: For obvious reasons, Pizrak does not have much of a personality. However, it has been known to course those that seek only to spread misery into tides of doom. Generally, Pizrak will appear on a coast somewhere, and guide those that venture on board into places of intrigue. Those that have set foot upon Pizrak have noted the uncomfortable sight of the ship sailing itself. Many references to Ghost Ships in the past have in fact been spurned from sightings of Pizrak. Spirit: Freygoth, the Spirit of the wild, nature, and animals, he takes any natural form he may desire. Avatar: Maabin (monikapalosz) Form: Maabin materialises as a pale, hunched creatures which seems to resemble an Ape in many ways. He is adorned in white cloth, with small piecings of armour. He carries around a carved wooden staff, and uses it to smite those that disturb the balances of Nature. Personality & Approach: This Spirit appears very disinterested, which is a stark contrast to his fighting style. He is very nimble and powerful, and can easily best most of his opponents in single combat. Maabin cares greatly for the nature around him, even if his facial expression would denote a nonchalant aura. He will often visit damaged areas in an attempt to restore them to their back to their natural state, and will hunt those that wreak despair upon the world. Spirit: Krathol, the Spirit of Pain, suffering and starvation. Appears as a skeletal vulture picking at its own bones. Avatar: Uzkost (Mavros-Thanatos) Form: Uzkost appears as a humanoid with rotten and patched skin, draped in a surgical gown with white gloves. A large piece of cloth is wrapped around his head, tied in place by several strings of barbed wire. Personality & Approach: Uzkost walks the earth in a languid movement, wailing often as he searches for those he can pass on his despair to. In many cases, he will torture those he can come into contact with. If a Cult to Krathol exists on the land, Uzkost may pay them a visit, demonstrating methods of torture on himself. He has a strong distaste for the smell of food, and will flay out in a burst of bloody mess if he catches the scent of it. This Spirit partakes often in chat-chat, in between screams of pain. He will occasionally materialise in protected areas so that he may chat with the denizens there, striking an intense fear into them as he picks a target for torture. Uzkost has a particular interest in Halflings, as he has a strong hatred for positivity. He will hunt them very specifically, in order to create a more dystopian land. Spirit: Akezo, the Spirit of Health, Vitality, and Healing. Appears as a winged and feathered serpent with a blue aura. Avatar: Lekeni (Marcodalidingo) Form: Lekeni often appears as a short, blonde man draped in grey robes. He carries around a staff as equally small as his stature, and traverses the world in an upbeat fashion. Personality & Approach: This Spirit is tasked with expanding the knowledge of healing upon the land, and will often enter settlements in order to teach citizens about basic healing and sanitation. It is said that Lekeni is the reason that healthcare flourished, and is the cause for cleaner living conditions across the land. Occasionally, he will heal people himself in the need is dire. Lekeni is quite often seen as a cheerful man, keen to communicate with others and impart some of his wisdom upon them. Spirit: Wodanaz, the Spirit of magic, the arcane, and mystical energies, appearing as a swirling vortex of purple energy from which he takes any form. Avatar: Nakov (AldemButcher) Form: Nakov appears as a cluster of large, pearl-white mushrooms. Purpose: While Nakov does not inherently have a personality, the influence it has on the realm is as substantial as the other Lesser Spirits. Its presence in the land creates a magical aura in the surrounding area, allowing the power of Wodanaz to seep into the environment. The plantlife surrounding Nakov quickly take on magic properties, creating an Arcane environment within which apprentices may wish to study. It is said that such spots are the perfect environments for magic users to meditate, as it is said to make the process of connecting to the void a lot easier. OOC: The Spirits have always been something of an untapped resource. It is my hope with this thread to allow a more dynamic series of events to be held through the ET. These Lesser Spirits have the potential to traverse the new map in an unimaginable numbers of ways, creating events and developing characters in a way the original lore was intended to. I intend to write more on these Lesser Spirits as time goes by. There are a plethora of Immortal Spirits to choose from. Thank you for reading.
  12. THE DAWNSTRIDE VOYAGERS "We ain't no damn pirates!" THE CREW: The Dawnstride Voyagers were established in 1539, the Deep Cold, as a means to unite the budding sailors of Vailor under a single banner, and is currently one of the most powerful and influential crews in Vailor. The crew revolves around expeditions, and adventures - it being the heart and soul of the organization. The crew will often partake in said expeditions for rare, and/or magical artifacts and treasures; as well as going on explorations for lands afar -or hunting for dangerous bounties, and great beasts. Loot, and treasure can be easily acquired during these voyages. Crewmates may opt in and out of hunts, and expeditions as they please. As well as hosting voyages, and expeditions, the Dawnstride Voyager aims to provide an escape from the strict, draconian procedures of military guilds: allowing members of the crew to belong to other factions, and guilds; as well as having the freedom to pursue their other careers, and lifestyles. All crewmates are considered equal, though some are more equal than others, of course. It is the currently one of the most influential and powerful crews in all of Vailor, owning three large warships, and having a number of smaller vessels constructed. As well as that, it also owns various port towns, and cities: once having owned the ports of Seahelm itself. HISTORY: The crew of the Dawnstride Voyagers originally started as a naval division for the Courland military, however after numerous disagreements, it was disbanded. However, this spurred on the idea of a crew - and a few years later, the Dawnstride Voyagers was set up in the city of Felsen. It proved to be hugely popular, and soon expanded to other cities. After that, a ship was promptly acquired: "The Tailor". However, this was sunk after a conflict with ghost pirates, and for a while the crew were without a proper ship. Though, another bigger, and better ship was built, thus restoring a proper central headquarters for the crew. The Dawnstride Voyagers have experienced many expeditions that some people cannot imagine. During our time we have fought Captain Skal Limlock and his ghost pirates twice. The Dawnstride Voyagers have also killed a giant spider, Kraken, and a basilisk. The group plans to claim bounties, and deliver cargo throughout Vailor. RULES: ((WIP)) APPLICATION FORM:
  13. In the dawn of the eerie night, a figure steps aside to you, a reddened hood covering their face, the massive figure stands at an amazing nine feet tall... as he steps over you can't help but feel a chilling aura of suffering cloaking the edgy figure. They simply extend their hand to you, handing you a paper. Do you accept? Application/Scenarios: [Your name] slowly walks down the road, and as you walk, a ruin is seen nearby, with a cleric peacefully praying and gathering strength from whatever patron, inquiring to yourself, do you decide to kill the cleric, or instead tell your leader? [Your response] You step towards the leader, as the leader extends them the robes of an Acerbus, a mask plopped atop of it, remembering your training deep within your mind, you without vigor nor emotion extend your hands to grasp them, what do you say/do? [At least a paragraph, do your best!] You begin to write your application with a calm upon you, answering all the the following. Name: Race: Age: Purpose: Skills: [[OOC: from now on at this point]] Do you agree to joining the cult for the benefits of players, realizing we create events and not further our own character's goals? Do you agree to willingly participate in these events? Did you meet me IC or were you linked by an already existing cultist? Do not act as a stereotypical character that can be considered extremely "edgy" we don't murder children, we're basically terrorists who spread fear. Your bans, and for what reasons? Do realize if you do anything that suggests you are doing this for personal benefit, you shall be promptly removed. Same if you power-game, meta-game, cyber in chat, link inappropriate material, and break any form of rules. Any form of immaturity will get you removed. Also realize our guild information will be shared IC once you are fully initiated. PS: Making new character's specifically for this purpose of being a cultist here is allowed, but if you go inactive we may remove you from our chat. Event Leaders include GrimReaper98 and PiercingDarkness, pm them with any inquiries.
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