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  1. REXDOM-LURAK UPON THE OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT With this DECREE the REX Rue’Lur orders the assembly of a new government. ON THE KLAMOR The KLAMOR, or assembly of the CLANS is called to create a new and stronger bureaucracy from which the URUKS will govern REXDOM-LURAQ. The KLAMOR will exist as both advisors and minor administrators of the kingdom. AUTONOMY will be LIMITED by order of the AUTARCH Daahd’Lur. Each WARGOTH deemed fit to lead their clans will be granted land from which they will siphon income generated. Additionally, vassals not of any particular CLAN will be granted different rights and responsibilities. ALL URUKS are allowed to witness the KLAMOR unless an explicit call for a WARGOTH KLAMOR is made, which will be held privately; these are the exception NOT the rule. The KLAMOR may be called at any time but in times of peace usually only occurs once a year or so. ON THE WAHG IN GOVERNMENT A WAHG, or more simply, war, is a special season for the Uruk. During the time of WAHG all functions of government aside from KLAMOR called for by the REX or AUTARCH are put on hold. While the government will still operate in collecting tithe for payments of debts and treasury, the government will shift into something more akin to a DICTATORSHIP. The codes of KRUG will still be followed as normal but will be enforced more harshly. Descent is not tolerated during WAHG. Descent can be any of the following: Secrecy Disloyalty Disrespect of OFFICE Doomering Any action thats disrupts the WAHG in meaning to harm the Government. During the WAHG season, respect, trust, and faith is placed within the REX and AUTARCH. Whilst fraternization with the enemy is allowed and even encouraged so that combat may be carried out with HONOR betrayal of kin and country is an offense worthy of execution and OSTRACIZATION. ON THE RIGHTS OF WARGOTH The WARGOTH functions as a chief of their tribe and kin; they are expected to be able to raise levies, collect taxes, and participate in the structure of government: The KLAMOR. While the KLAMOR is not a democratic institution the opinions of the KLAMOR are highly valued by the REX and taken into account. Voting may be held by the KLAMOR if given the option by the REX. Some reasons for this are as follows: Votes on War Votes on Ostracization Votes on new WARGOTHS Votes on removal of WARGOTHS Votes on establishing new infrastructure (keeps, prisons, wharves, etc.) WARGOTHS reserve the right to enforce KRUG’S LAW on their territories unless intervened upon by the REX or AUTARCH in matters of importance, but will be left to their own devices unless there is an explicit exception. WARGOTHS reserve the right to enlist soldiers into their LEVY at any time. WAR MATERIAL will only be provided however for training and during times of WAHG, unless petitioned for by the WARGOTH to the REX or AUTRARCH. WARGOTHS act as representatives of their CLAN at large. Actions taken by the WARGOTH are actions taken by the CLAN. This means that victories attributed to the WARGOTH are attributed to the CLAN, but blunders are attributed as well. WARGOTHS do NOT serve as representatives of the REXDOM LURAK. Any action taken by the WARGOTH which cause diplomatic incident will be punished unless those actions were ordered by the REX or AUTARCH. WARGOTHS who fail to meet expectations will be subsequently removed from their station. ON THE RIGHTS OF TARGOTH TARGOTH serves as a military commander of REXDOM-LURAK. While in the past only one TARGOTH served the REX, there is now a demand for greater leadership within the HOST. The TARGOTH is given command over CENTRAL URUK warriors at all times, and during times of WAHG command over ALL URUK warriors including the WARGOTH LEVY. A TARGOTH is granted a place in the KLAMOR regardless of whether they are WARGOTH, however, their opinion upon matters of state is regarded less and their opinions on matters of WAHG more. Additionally, it is possible to be WARGOTH and TARGOTH at once. A TARGOTH is the deliverer of justice. If KRUG’S LAW is broken by any within the REXDOM LURAK the TARGOTH is required to deliver swift justice to the one breaking the law. A TARGOTH however is overruled only when a WARGOTH whose land the law was broken upon intercedes as to deliver the punishment themselves; this may be however halted should the TARGOTH petition the REX or AUTARCH to allow them to deliver the punishment instead. A TARGOTH is granted the right to freely demote and promote soldiers of the CENTRAL URUK FORCE at any given time. To punish or reward as they deem fit. ALL OTHER FUNCTIONS AND RIGHTS OF THE TARGOTH ARE RELAYED VIA THE DECREE OF THE MILITARY. ON THE RIGHTS OF THE AUTARCH The AUTARCH is an office only granted to URUK with exceptional ability; usually a previous WARGOTH or TARGOTH who has resigned in favor of being the primary advisor to the REX. AUTARCH serves as minister for DIPLOMACY, WAR, and TREASURY when not overruled by the REX. The only force from which the AUTARCH is required to answer to is that of KRUG’S LAW and REX. The AUTARCH is granted ABSOLUTE POWER when the REX is not present to deliver their will. The AUTARCH is granted the right to approve of new infrastructure and the demolition of old. Along with this AUTARCH might evict citizens of the REXDOM-LURAK at will with the exception of WARGOTHS from which they must consult first the REX upon their removal. (This only applies for non-CLAN-owned properties, as CLAN-owned properties must follow prior DECREE or will be freely removed at will by the AUTARCH.) The AUTARCH reserves the right to freely enter into diplomacy with all nations. As head diplomat and advisor of the REX the AUTARCH is effectively given the function of the REX when they are not present during diplomatic meetings. The AUTARCH reserves the right to call and lead the KLAMOR should the REX not be available. The AUTARCH reserves the right to take control over the HOST and all LEVY during times of WAHG when not in the presence of the REX. ON THE RIGHTS OF REX The greatest title a Uruk can hold is REX, it is absolute. It is respected. When speaking with a REX absolute respect is required of citizens of LURAK. During KLAMOR disagreement with the REX is allowed but only if no insult is given. The REX is POWER, the REX is STATE, and the REX is LURAK. The REX holds absolute control, bowing only to KRUG’S LAW.
  2. REXDOM-LURAK Artwork by @thequeennadine Centuries have passed with Uruk under the banner of the Iron Horde… Centuries of war, bloodshed, and destruction. The question posed to the Wargoths and their Clans: What good have we accomplished? What purpose did those wars serve? The Northern Tribe of the Swiv, driven by two great Warlords, the culmination of their lessons and interactions with the other races has left them with the experience and innovations needed to bring about a new age of Uruk. The Age Lurak. THE AGE OF LURAK The Rexdom was found in rags, their funds spent upon infrastructure and aiding in wars that ultimately doomed their economy. No longer could this be permitted. Was it truly the Lurak who stood alone in the disappointment of the previous administrations? The very culture itself? For years machinations, and manifestations drew closer to the crowning achievement of AUTARCH Daahd’Lur: not ruination of fleets, theft of flagships, slaying of saints, the slaying of Gods, but the crowning of his daughter. REX Rue’Lur. It was in secret that the REX was brought up, and in secret until the day of transfer when Rex Klog’Akaal did cede the crown to REX Rue’Lur child of Daahd’Lur-Targoth. With the transfer; the Horde is mutilated, to be torn apart for only the useful pieces. The bickering tribes and clans forced to conform to form a proper state. Not an Iron Horde but a true state, REXDOM-LURAK. THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE REXDOM, THE AUTARCH, THE ABOLITION OF THE HORDE. With THIS DECREE the HORDE is ABOLISHED. The rise of something greater, a stronger state, not one of weak leadership but one of ABSOLUTE POWER. The REXDOM is established with ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY invested into the REX-LURAK and AUTARCH who alone reserve right to call KLAMOR. REX RUE’LUR @thequeennadine is henceforth given dominion over the lands of the HORDE, THE HORDE will subsequently be referred to as REXDOM-LURAK. TARGOTH DAAHD’LUR @Sean_VEVO will serve as AUTARCH, GENERAL, and ADVISOR to the REX. REFORMATION OF CLANS, REESTABLISHMENT OF WARGOTH, KLAMOR CENSUS will be carried out across LURAK in order to establish an ACTIVE CABINET of WARGOTHS, advisors, and subservient cheifs of the REX. IF CLANS FAIL TO MEET THE CRITERIA DECIDED BY THE AUTARCH THEY WILL BE CONSIDERED MOOT AND ABOLISHED. LAWFUL LEVYABLE LOYAL WARGOTHS MUST ALSO BE REQUIRED TO OWN ONE HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND WITHIN LURAK SEPARATE FROM ROYAL PROPERTIES FROM WHICH THEY WILL PROVIDE FUNDING TO THE STATE VIA THE TAXATION OF THEIR CITIZENS. DECREE UPON STATE RELIGION The RELIGION of THE REXDOM-LURAK is decreed to be reverence of the SPIRITS and ANCESTORS, primarily AZTRAN: SPIRIT OF THE SUN. MAY HE BRING BACK LIGHT INTO OUR DARK WORLD. Other faith and worship is ALLOWED, with the exception of IBLEESIAN WORSHIP. IT IS DECREED THAT GENERAL RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE IS TO BE FOLLOWED. DECREE UPON FOREIGNER FOREIGNERS are permitted within the REXDOM-LURAK so long as they do not break REXDOM LAW or disrespect the WILL of the REX or AUTARCH. Trade is to be managed by the TREASURER and AUTARCH. At any point, the crown may choose to exile foreigners for whatever reason deemed fit. REGARDING “WHITEWASH” WHITEWASH is hereby ABOLISHED. Should URUK prove worthy of OSTRACIZATION to the REXDOM-LURAK they will be punished through LAW and either EXILED or EXECUTED. Being FOREIGN URUK is no grounds for exile, instead, the criteria for exile will be as follows: DISGRACEFUL WEAK WILLED CONNIVING SLOVENLY DISHONORABLE DISLOYAL OTHER APPLICABLE REASONING BY THE REX OR AUTARCH
  3. The Line of Succession Clarity of the Royal Line Issued by the Sovereign Crown 12th of Cesar’s Gift, 103 D.R. Present version by Ramona I, 103 D.R. The Line of Succession Her Royal Highness, Sovereign Ramona I Her Royal Highness, Crown Princesa Santana de Pelear Her Royal Highness, Gran Princesa Xiomara de Pelear His Royal Highness, Principe Inigo de Pelear Her Royal Highness, Princesa Solana de Pelear His Highness, Principe Arman de Pelear Her Royal Highness, Princesa Blanca-Francisca de Pelear The line of Princesa Frisketa de Pelear is removed due to her patrilineal marriage. The line of Princesa Lucia de Pelear is removed due to her patrilineal marriage. The line of Princesa Sofia de Pelear is removed due to her patrilineal marriage. The line of Princesa Veronica de Pelear is removed due to her patrilineal marriage. The line of Principe Alejandro de Pelear is removed due to his treason and disownment. The line of Princesa Renata de Pelear is removed due to her Baronial ascension. The line of Infante Rafael de Pelear is removed due to his Baronial ascension. The Royal Titles 1. Duque de Paraiso (Duke of Paraiso) Currently held by Santana Leya de Pelear 2. Duque de La Dorada (Duke of La Dorada) Currently held by Renata Alba de Pelear 3. Marqués de Chalibre (Marques of Chalibre) Currently Vacant 4. Conde de Vicisco (Count of Vicisco) Currently held by Arman Lorenzo de Pelear 5. Conde de Macaguiri (Count of Macguiri) Currently held by Inigo Andres de Pelear 6. Conde de Dureno (Count of Dureno) Currently held by Solana Aracely de Pelear 7. Conde del Carmen (Count of El Carmen) Currently held by Blanca-Francisca Narcisa de Pelear 8. Conde de Caño Raya (Count of Caño Raya) Currently held by Xiomara Aracely de Pelear 9. Conde de Rosario (Count of Rosario) Currently Vacant 10. Conde de Capazón (Count of Capazón) Currently Vacant The Royal Lines of de Pelear Viceroy Cesar I The line of Cesar I and Laurelie Henrietta de Pelear née Vuiller, and spouses married into the de Pelear line. FRANCISCO JAVIER DE PELEAR [deceased] His Royal Highness, Viceroy Francisco I Born in 1886 to Viceroy Cesar I and Vicereine Laurelie I Married to Amity Ioanna Morovar - born in 1889. AMITY IOANNA DE PELEAR NÉE MOROVAR [deceased] Her Royal Highness, Vicereine Amity I Born in 1889 to Baron Leopold-Sigmar Morovar and Baroness Maeve Morovar. Married to Francisco Javier de Pelear - born in 1886 SOFIA CAMILA BARBANOV-BIHAR NÉE DE PELEAR [deceased] Her Royal Majesty, Queen Sofia of Hyspia of Hanseti-Ruska Born in 1887 to Viceroy Cesar I and Vicereine Laurelie I Married to King Georg I of Hanseti-Ruska - born in 1872. ALEJANDRO ARMAN SANDS [deceased] Mister Alejandro Sands Born in 1887 to Viceroy Cesar I and Vicereine Laurelie I Disowned for treason. Formerly Alejandro Arman de Pelear. His Highness, Principe Alejandro de Pelear VERÓNICA FRISKETA WEISS NÉE DE PELEAR [deceased] Her Highness, Princesa Veronica Weiss Born in 1892 to Viceroy Cesar I and Vicereine Laurelie I Married to Viscount Audo Weiss - born in 1892. Viceroy Francisco I The line of Francisco I and Amity Ioanna née Morovar, and the spouses married into the de Pelear line. ESPERANZA ALBA DE PELEAR [deceased] Her Royal Highness, Gran Princesa Esperanza Alba Born in 1911 to Viceroy Francisco I and Vicereine Amity I. Unmarried CESAR FRANCISCITO DE PELEAR [presumed deceased] His Royal Highness, Viceroy Cesar II Born in 1913 to Viceroy Francisco I and Vicereine Amity I Married to Karyna Rezalin Colborn - born in 1913. KARYNA REZALIN DE PELEAR NÉE COLBORN [deceased] Her Royal Highness, Vicereine Karyna I Born in 1913 to Sebastien de Savoie and Countess Anabel Colborn. Married to Cesar Franciscito de Pelear - born 1913. FRISKETA MEDINA VILAC NÉE DE PELEAR [presumed deceased] Her Highness, Princesa Frisketa Vilac Born in 1913 to Viceroy Francisco I and Vicereine Amity I Married to Baron Casimir Marius Vilac - born 1896. JAVIER RAFAEL DE PELEAR [deceased] His Highness, Principe Javier de Pelear Born in 1914 to Viceroy Francisco I and Vicereine Amity I. Unmarried. LUCIA RAQUEL GALBRAITH NÉE DE PELEAR [deceased] Her Highness, Princesa Lucia Galbraith Born in 1920 to Viceroy Francisco I and Vicereine Amity I Married to Baron John Augustus Galbraith - born 1920. NACIO KARYNA DE PELEAR [deceased] His Highness, Principe Nacio de Pelear Born in 1920 to Viceroy Francisco I and Vicereine Amity I. Unmarried. Viceroy Cesar II The line of Cesar II and Karyna Rezalin de Pelear née Colborn, and the spouses married into the de Pelear line. RAMONA MAISEL DE PELEAR Her Royal Highness, Sovereign Ramona I Born in 1936 to Viceroy Cesar II and Vicereine Karyna I. Married to Dimitri Otto Kortrevich - born 1933. DIMITRI OTTO DE PELEAR NÉE KORTREVICH [deceased] His Royal Highness, Sovereign-Consort Dimitri I Born in 1933 to August Vilac and Baroness Ileana Kortrevich. Married to Ramona Maisel de Pelear. ARMAN LORENZO DE PELEAR His Highness, Principe Arman de Pelear, Conde de Vicisco Born in 1938 to Viceroy Cesar II and Vicereine Karyna I Married to Harmen Carmen Denodado - born in 1938. HARMEN CARMEN DE PELEAR NÉE DENODADO Her Highness, Princesa Harmen de Pelear Born in 1938 to Viscount Demitrey Denodado and Viscountess Annika Denodado. Married to Arman Lorenzo de Pelear. LAURELIE LEONA DE PELEAR [deceased] Her Highness, Princesa Laurelie de Pelear Born in 1938 to Viceroy Cesar II and Vicereine Karyna I Unmarried. BLANCA-FRANCISCA NARCISA DE PELEAR Her Highness, Princesa Blanca-Francisca de Pelear, Condesa del Carmen Born in 1938 to Viceroy Cesar II and Vicereine Karyna I. Unmarried. Sovereign Ramona I The line of Ramona I and Dimitri Otto de Pelear née Kortrevich, and the spouses married into the de Pelear line. SANTANA LEYA DE PELEAR Her Royal Highness, Santana Leya de Pelear, Duquesa de Paraiso Born in 1957 to Ramona I and Dimitri Otto de Pelear. Married to Luis Emilio Murietta - born 1955. LUIS EMILIO DE PELEAR NÉE MURIETTA His Royal Highness, Luis Emilio de Pelear, Duque-Consort de Paraiso Born in 1955 to Vicente Murietta and Mariposa Murietta. Married to Santana Leya de Pelear. INIGO ANDRES DE PELEAR His Highness, Inigo Andres de Pelear, Conde de Macaguiri Born in 1961 to Ramona I and Dimitri Otto de Pelear. Unmarried. SOLANA ARACELY DE PELEAR Her Highness, Solana Aracely de Pelear, Condesa de Dureno Born in 1964 to Ramona I and Dimitri Otto de Pelear. Unmarried. Present as of 106 D.R.
  4. [i] The Seal of the Judiciary could be seen here PREAMBLE The office of the Judiciary shall be the administration that tasks itself with the interpretation of the law, registering of lawyers, and the prosecution of accused persons within the law courts of Brabant . This office requires an understanding of the law and an education of state, law, and government and in so doing, the greatest asset of anyone wishing to join this office shall be one’s merit and willingness to learn regardless of class or race. This office shall hold itself to a meritorious standard. Furthermore, the earning of positions shall be decided based upon the merit and the upright behavior conducive towards proper and good actions while in service. OFFICERS OF THE JUDICIARY The Chief Justice The Chief Justice of the Judiciary shall be the second highest authority of the Brabant law, second only to that of the Duke himself. His responsibilities are that of the state and the proper functions of the office of the Judiciary. This includes the training of judges and prosecutors, handling of misconduct of judges and prosecutors, and signing off on bounties and warrants of arrest. The Chief Justice shall report directly to the Duke himself. Judges A Judge’s job will be to convene a civil or criminal court when it is necessary. All judges shall report to the Chief Justice. As judges, their job will be to use and interpret the law to apply to the case that has been convened before his court and rule in that court regarding the guilt or dispute between two or more parties. They shall to their utmost act unbiased as judges and act in proper and good faith for the sake of both parties in any trial. No judge may use or abuse his position of power for any personal or financial gain. Any proof that a judge has acted in bad faith or in breach of conduct can lead to disciplinary decisions left under the purview of the head lawmen and the Marquis himself . Lawyers / Prosecutors Lawyers or prosecutors shall act as the legal force upon which the state shall seek to accuse and determine guilt of the accused in the criminal courts of Brabant. All prosecutors in the office of the Judiciary shall report to the Chief Justice. Prosecutors can not act as judges during the case and must have had training in order to successfully become appointed to this esteemed position. While all judges are allowed to be prosecutors, not all prosecutors are allowed to be judges due to the higher standard and meritorious rigor involved to be a judge in this office. Associates Associates are the first steps into entry into the office. An associate shall be trained into knowing and understanding the laws of Brabant and shall also be taught of the legal courts that reside within it. Once an associate has demonstrated a certain level of understanding deemed adequate to progress as a prosecutor, they shall then be promoted to prosecutors. Associates who by their own will, dedication, and proven mastery of the law by their superior may also be promoted to judge. POSTAMBLE The Chief Justice, Judges, Lawyers/Prosecutors, and Associates shall compose the Judiciary of the Duchy of Brabant, all sworn in by the Oath of Officers, as per the Scroll of Oaths. They must work tirelessly to pursue the correct and proper justice for the realm and through their work may they punish criminals and solve the disputes of the realm. And through their service, may Brabant have within itself a fair and well-working justice system that seeks fairness to all under the law and promotes the God-given rights of all its citizens. Signed by, Firr Stefan Starling Chief Justice of the Duchy of Brabant
  5. EL COMITÉ DE EMBELLECIMIENTO THE BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE Issued by the Sovereign Crown 14th of Owyn’s Wake, 99 D.R. Introducción The Office of the Interior pens this missive today to call upon those with green-thumbs and architectural minds to join the Beautification Committee within the Sovereign State of Hyspia. After greenery has spread amongst Hyspia, taking place after the planting of the community garden, it aided in giving it a more lively appearance. This was met with positive response from our citizenry, inspiring the beautification project, so as to further our home we live within. The goal of the committee is to improve upon and not destroy. This will mainly take place by the planting of gardens and crops in empty spaces, setting up proper roads to vassalage and the repair of what has been broken. For those interested in taking part in this project, they may contact Senora Mariposa Murietta, Canciller de la Patria. Signed, HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Ramona de Pelear, Sovereign Princess of Hyspia, Duchess of Pacazu, Baroness of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lady of Ladorada, Lady of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestress of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk, Matriarch of House de Pelear HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Dimitri Otto of Korvia, Sovereign Prince-Consort of Hyspia, Duke-Consort of Pacazu, Baron-Consort of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lord of Ladorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestre of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk HIS HIGHNESS, Rafael Arsenico, Infante of Hyspia, Ward to La Patria HER EXCELLENCY, Mariposa Murietta, Canciller de la Patria
  6. A NEW MASTER OF COIN On Treasury and Taxes Issued by the Sovereign Crown 8th of Francisco’s Resolve, 95 D.R. It pleases the Interior Office to announce the appointment of a new Master of Coin within the Sovereign State of Hyspia, charged with the handling of the treasury and the collection of taxes within our fair state. Their face has come to be known amongst the populace and we believe wholeheartedly Mona de Hyspia will make a great fit under our office and we look forward to the work she will showcase in the future. @minarichankun Signed, HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Ramona de Pelear, Sovereign Princess of Hyspia, Duchess of Pacazu, Baroness of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lady of Ladorada, Lady of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestress of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk, Matriarch of House de Pelear HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Dimitri Otto of Korvia, Sovereign Prince-Consort of Hyspia, Duke-Consort of Pacazu, Baron-Consort of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lord of Ladorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestre of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk HER EXCELLENCY, Mariposa Murietta, Canciller de la Patria
  7. THE HYSPIAN CENSUS Of D.R. 93 Issued by the Sovereign Crown 6th of Horen's Calling, 93 D.R. Introducción As is the will of our Soberana, Ramona I, a census is set forth by the Ministry de la Patria as she begins her reign over the Sovereign State of Hyspia. The forms of which are sent to every family and individual within Hyspia, young and old, to fill out as seen fit. Section One: The Hyspia Census A} This census will last a total of twelve [12] Saints weeks before it is considered expired. B} To be considered part of the census, you must hold a permanent address within Hyspia. C} All heads of households will have one [1] Saints week to fill out a separate form, detailing who lives in their household. Each individual is required to fill out the census, even those part of a household. Section Two: Citizens Rights and Duties Code IIa; The rights of Hyspian citizens §1 Each and every citizen of the Sovereign State of Hyspia has the right to move freely within the territories and borders of the Sovereign State of Hyspia. §2 Each and every citizen of the Sovereign State has the right to defend themselves against unprovoked attacks. §3 Each and every citizen of the Sovereign State has the right to own land and property within the Sovereign State of Hyspia. §4 Each and every citizen of the Sovereign State of Hyspia has the right to a due process of law before a Judge of the Sovereign State of Hyspia. §5 Each and every citizen of the Sovereign State of Hyspia has the right to not be bound in shackles to another person. Code IIb; The duties of Hyspian citizens §1 Each and every citizen of the Sovereign State of Hyspia has the duty to support and defend the Sovereignity from internal or external threats. §2 Each and every citizen of the Sovereign State of Hyspia has the duty to respect and obey the laws of the Sovereign State of Hyspia. §3 Each and every citizen of the Sovereign State of Hyspia has the duty to never take up arms against their homeland and stand loyal with the Sovereign family. §4 Each and every citizen of the Sovereign State of Hyspia has the duty to answer a call to defend their homeland during times of war. Closing Thoughts The Hyspian Census will last for twelve [12] Saints weeks, before expiration and be open to responses for up to one [1] Saints week from now before being closed. Upon closing, contact will be made with those interested in work and the removal of citizen keys will take place for non-citizenry. Individual Census Form Head of Household Form Signed, HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Ramona de Pelear, Sovereign Princess of Hyspia, Duchess of Pacazu, Baroness of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lady of Ladorada, Lady of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestress of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk, Matriarch of House de Pelear HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Dimitri Otto of Korvia, Sovereign Prince-Consort of Hyspia, Duke-Consort of Pacazu, Baron-Consort of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lord of Ladorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestre of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk HER EXCELLENCY, Mariposa Murietta, Canciller de la Patria
  8. THE WARFORGE OF KRUGMAR _______________________________________________ The sounds of hammering can be heard from the center of Krugmar, heat blasting out the door of the forge. Grunting and singing can be heard, going beat or beat with the hammer. The heart of Krugmar is beating. Whenever war rages, we can see the demand for tools, armor, weapons, cannons, ammunition, increase tenfold. As the cannon fodder rides into battle with glory and honor, we want them to have full trust in the blade in their hands. Even out of wartime, we prepare our soldiers for their next WAGH, as Krugmar is an armory in practice.This story has been told many times, by many mouths, heard by many ears. We must produce. We must create. We must prevail. What The Warforge Provides From the warforge, quality items will be supplied by our manifold smiths. Our job is to take care of all gear needs of the Horde and its close allies. An Uruk asking for gear will not be charged by any means. Our forge will supply any new smiths with quality metals, with many opportunities to learn arts, some examples being Warforging and Haruspexy. We will not expect you to use your own resources to build, but we expect that any Horde resources must be used for bettering the Horde, one way or another. We are an open forge, therefor other bruhdahz will be wurkin in it. SIGNED, BRUNLE KRUGMA'GORKIL [The symbol of a scorpion riding a toad would be stamped here]
  9. EL MINISTERIO DE LA PATRIA “THE MINISTRY OF THE HOMELAND” (Otherwise known as the Ministry of the Interior) Issued by His Excellency the Canciller de la Patria, Sir Laurens Halcourt On the 5th of Carlos’s Strength, 161 S.A. Section I: PURPOSE: The Ministerio del Patria of the Viceroyalty of Hyspia is responsible for ensuring that all Hyspians find their way to the Hyspian lands and promoting residency uptake in the Capital. They are also responsible for maintaining architectural standards in and outside of the Capital city, throughout the Crownlands. Through the use of immigration initiatives, they are to be the face of recruitment and act as secretaries of great prowess concerning growing our populous. The office shall also be responsible for conducting and maintaining the Hyspian census. Section II: RANKS: The Canciller de la Patria, also called the Ministro del Patria is the head of the Ministry. They sit on the Viceroy’s Consejo ultimately concerning themselves with matters of border security, infrastructural improvements, and recruitment as well as running the Hyspian Census. The Deputy Canciller is the second in command to the Canciller de la Patria and acts with their command when they are not present. They aid and advise on the administration of the Ministerio. Agentes de Immigracion are charged with the recruitment of citizens and the security of the Hyspian borders. Arquitectos are builders hired by the Ministerio to aid in infrastructure improvements and other building tasks. Signed, HIS EXCELLENCY, Sir Laurens ‘the Unwavering’ Halcourt d’Artois, Canciller de la Patria, the Barón du Campagnon, Patriarch of the House of Halcourt, Cabo del Regimiento de Hyspia, Chanzlé-Emeritus of the Commonwealth, Hero of the Petra, Knight of the Hawthorn, Protector of the Auvergnians
  10. PROCEDIMIENTOS JUDICIALES The Judicial Process of the Viceroyalty of Hypsia Issued by the Office of the Justiciero 15th of FRANCISCO'S RESOLVE, 80 D.R. Procedimientos Judiciales [!] Court underway in the courthouse of Hyspia, where a defendant pleads their case. Judicial Proceedings Legal Practices and Ethics The Legal Practices and Ethics of the Viceroyalty of Hyspia have a complex and hierarchical system of governance and justice, based on a series of reciprocal rights and obligations between individuals, with the structure of the overseeings of judicial proceedings. The Rights and Duties of the Viceroy The rights and duties of the Viceroy are as follows: Preside over legal proceedings; ensure fairness; appoint the Gran Canciller and Justiceiro; maintain law and order; adjudicate disputes; protect his subjects regardless of their social status. The importance of the Viceroy is to ensure that justice is accessible to all. ---- The Rights and Duties of the Gran Canciller The rights and duties of the Gran Canciller are as follows: Act on behalf of the Viceroy in his absence; provide legal advice in accordance with the law; preside over trials in the absence of the Viceroy or Justiceiro; advise the Viceroy; uphold the law, ensuring fairness and justice and protection of the Viceroy’s interests. ---- The Rights and Duties of the Justiciero The Rights and duties of the Justiciero are as follows: Preside over trials by ensuring fair conduct in line with the law; interpret and apply the law; issue rulings; control court proceedings by ensuring fairness and impartiality; weigh and evaluate evidence; instruct lower judges; render judgments, sentencing, and remedies; record court proceedings; apply precedent and uphold the Law and the Viceroy’s interests. ---- Manorial Court of the Viceroyalty of Hyspia A manor court with a local judicial and administrative institution held by the Viceroy of Hyspia to settle disputes among the citizens of Hyspia. Decisions of this court are based on local customs and traditions, typically used with the purpose of local justices, land tenure and property matters, collecting dues and fees, administrative functions, enforcing customary law, mediating disputes and documenting trials. The Burden of Proof Burden of Proof is a fundamental principle in the legal system of the Viceroyalty of Hyspia, The Burden of Proof refers to the responsibility of a party in a legal dispute to provide sufficient evidence to establish their case. Different stands of Proof depend on the type of legal proceedings, detailed below. Civil and Criminal Cases apply to the Burden of Proof with different standards. In both criminal and civil cases, the plaintiff bears the burden of proving the defendant's guilt. In criminal cases, the prosecution must prove their case ‘beyond a reasonable doubt.’ This is the highest standard of proof in the legal system and means that the evidence must be so strong that there is no reasonable doubt about the defendant’s guilt. ‘Preponderance of the evidence’ is typically identified as the burden of proof. This means that the prosecutor must show that it is more likely than not that their claims are true. The evidence provided must be clear and convincing, especially so in cases of fraud or civil liberties. In cases of bigger crimes, this form of evidence may fall between the preponderance of the evidence and beyond a reasonable doubt standard, requiring a higher level of proof than standard civil burdens. The Legal Proceedings of Hyspia may employ legal presumptions that can affect the Burden of Proof. These are assumptions made by the court unless proven otherwise. The role of the Justiciero has a significant role in determining which party carries the Burden of Proof and instructing the Viceroy on the applicable standard of proof. The Justiciero’s responsibility is to evaluate the evidence presented and determine whether the Burden of Proof has been met. Consequences of failing to meet the Burden of Proof may be decided in favor of the opposing party. If requested, another trial may be presented or a Trial By Combat may be pleaded, but can be rejected by the Justiciero or Viceroy of Hyspia. Pre-Trial At the beginning of a trial, a case initiation will be instituted upon arrest or filed complaint of the accused. This will conduct a charging of the defendant and will initiate a lawsuit or prosecution. ---- The parties involved have the right to exchange pleadings. These documents outline the allegations and defenses in the case. ---- Both sides will engage in the discovery process, where they gather and exchange evidence. This will involve dispositions, interrogations, requests for documents, or other means of obtaining information. Other means may involve testing of darkspawn and other warrants of arrest from other cities. ---- Parties may file pre-trial motions to address legal issues or seek certain rulings from the court. These motions can include motions to dismiss, motions to limine or motions for summary judgment. ---- Parties often engage in settlement discussions or negotiations to resolve the case without going to trial. Settlement can occur at any time during the pretrial process. ---- Pre-trial conferences can be informal meetings between the presiding judge and the parties involved to discuss the status of the case. The judge may also address procedural matters and evidentiary issues. ---- Motions of Limine are requests that the judge exclude specific evidence from the trial, typically for legal or evidential reasons. ---- Preparing trial exhibits is not mandatory but is preferred for each party to prepare physical evidence, documents, and exhibits they intend to present at trial. These exhibits should be organized and labeled for easy reference during the trial. ---- Parties identify and prepare witnesses they plan to call at trial. Subpoenas may be issued to ensure the attendance of witnesses who may be reluctant to testify voluntarily. ---- Trial briefs will be conducted before the trial to help the presiding judge understand the case better. These will be outlining the legal and factual issues, arguments, and case law relevant to their positions. ---- Any unresolved pre-trial motions may be argued and decided by the Justiciero or Viceroy. Trial Opening Statements The plaintiff or prosecution will begin their opening statement that will be followed by the defense. During opening statements, each side provides an overview of their case and what they intend to prove. Presentation of Evidence The plaintiff of the prosecution presents their case by calling witnesses and introducing evidence. The evidence provided may include documents, exhibits, and witness testimonies. The defense has the opportunity to cross-examine the witness. Direct Examination The speaker presenting their case questions their own witnesses. The goal is to elicit information and testimony that supports their side of the case. Cross-Examination The opposing party’s speaker questions the witnesses called by the other side. The purpose is to challenge the witnesses’ credibility and the evidence presented. Rebuttal and Surrebuttal After the initial presentation of evidence, there may be a rebuttal phase where each side can call additional witnesses to respond to points made by the opposing side. Closing Arguments Once all the evidence has been presented, both parties make closing arguments. These must be summaries of the case and a final opportunity to persuade the judge or jury. The prosecution goes first, followed by the defense. Verdict Once the presiding judge reaches a verdict, a decision will be announced.. The verdict can be “guilty” or “not guilty.” This decision is based on the evidence presented and the law. If not enough substantial evidence is presented, a second trial or a request of a Trial by Combat may be put in motion. Post-Trial Motions After the verdict or decision, either party may file post-trial motions to challenge the outcome. These may include motions for a new trial or motions to set aside the verdict. Appeals Once the trial is over, either the prosecution or the defendant can appeal to the Viceroy, Justiciero, or Gran Canciller to take a second look at the trial. All citizens of Hyspia, and those prosecuted, are granted the privilege to Appeal. Appeals are not a new trial, and no new evidence can be submitted. Submitting Appeal To submit an Appeal for a trial, either the Prosecution or Defendant must submit a formal Letter of Appeal to the Viceroy, stating the reasoning for why an appeal should be heard. Those that submit appeals without proper grounds will be fined 50 mina. Preparing an Appellate Argument Before the actual in person oral Appeal, both the Prosecution and Defendant submit a written argument in which the sides lay out their side of the case. The Oral Argument After submitting the written arguments, the Viceroy, Gran Canciller, or Justiciero will summon both the Prosecution and Defendant to court, where the Appellate argument will begin. Both sides will plead their case. The Opinion of the Court A verdict will not be announced at the time of the oral argument. Rather, the Viceroy, Gran Canciller, and Justiciero will meet and vote on the outcome. The Viceroy or Gran Canciller will then write the formal opinion of the court, which can be published if the Viceroy sees it fit. If the vote is 2-1, the person in the minority of the vote may choose to write a dissenting opinion explaining their reasons for disagreeing. 5. The Verdict The Court of appeals, in their opinion, may: -Uphold, or affirm the decision of the Viceroy. -Reverse, or overturn the decision of the Viceroy. -Remand, or retry the case. 6. Closing. Once the Court of Appeals gives their verdict through their vote, the decision is final. Another Appeal cannot be made, and the decision of the Court of Appeals cannot be overruled. Sentencing A sentencing phase will occur where the Justiciero or Viceroy will determine the appropriate punishment. Type of Punishments will be the following determined based on the Justiciero or Viceroy. Corporal Punishment Capital Punishment Exile and Outlawry Mutilation Fines and Forfeiture Public Humiliation Imprisonment Trial By Combat Trial by Combat are only subjected if a trial has no proper verdict of the first trial. This may be requested in order to avoid a second trial; a judge or the Viceroy has a right to reject this request based on their own jurisdiction. Combatants will be a Champion chosen by the Viceroy or the prosecutor and the accused. A divine judgment based on the belief that GODAN would favor the innocent or just party and grand them victory in battle. A trial conducted in the presence of clergy and legal authorities, who would oversee the proceedings. Outcome will determine the guilt or innocence of the accused. If a combatant is incapacitated or yields, it is considered a judgment in favor of the opposing party. If both combatants are severely injured or killed, the case may be considered inconclusive and alternative legal methods may be employed. CON DIOS AVANZAMOS, HIS HIGHNESS, Cesar II de Pelear, Viceroy of Hyspia, Duke of Pacazu, Baron of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lord of Ladorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestre of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk, Patriarch of House de Pelear HIS VICEROYAL EXCELLENCY, Sergio Harold Othaman, Gran Canciller de Hyspia, Lord Minister of His Highness’ Government HIS EXCELLENCY, Demitrey Denodado, Justiciero de Hyspia, Baron of Sevilla, Oficial de Imigracion
  11. EL CONSEJO THE VICEROYAL COUNCIL OF HYSPIA Issued by the Viceroyal Crown 2nd of Owyn's Light, S.A. 150 Introduction The Viceroyal Government of Hyspia stands as a royal council of ministers, each with their respective obligations and duties, appointed by the Viceroy of Hyspia through viceroyal decree. They are foremost in resolving any issues that may affect the state. The history of the Consejo stems from Francisco of Hyspia’s reign as Viceroy. As he planned the blueprints and foundations for La Dorada, he realized that Hyspia will require a larger council for its ever expanding population. Thus, with assistance from his son, Cesar II, he produced a plan for a council dubbed “El Consejo”. This plan for a council has thus been recognized and enacted by the current Viceroy Cesar II. The Consejo shall be the main governing body of The Viceroyalty of Hyspia. The Crown The Viceroy The Reigning Viceroyarch, His Viceroyal Highness Cesar II of Hyspia @WaveLincoln His Highness, the reigning Viceroy of Hyspia, stands as the head of state and as the absolute monarch of Hyspia. It is through his Viceroyal decrees, which constitute laws, that the Viceroyalty is led. All final decisions on law, policy, military and other essential matters come down to the Viceroy. The Vicereine Consort The Reigning Vicereine-Consort, Her Viceroyal Highness Karyna of Malkovya @JuztLizzy The Vicereine consort is the position held by the spouse of the currently reigning monarch. They hold no direct government position but act as an advisor. They are similarly tasked with overseeing the Palatial Courts and appointing the varied leaders of the Palatial Courts. The Crown Princesa The Reigning Crown Princesa, Her Highness Ramona Maisel of Hyspia @_mady07 The Crown Princess within the Viceroyalty of Hyspia is the eldest daughter of the currently reigning Viceroy. While they have no direct governmental involvement, the Crown Princess has an indirect advisory position as heir to the Viceroyalty, so they may learn. The Possionary Councilors Gran Canciller The Gran Canciller de Hyspia, Señor Sergio Othaman. @Nilyeet The Gran Canciller within the Viceroyalty of Hyspia is the second highest authority below only the reigning Viceroy or Vicereine. They are tasked with upholding the Viceroy’s government, aiding in the appointment of new ministers, and maintaining the Viceroyalty in the absence of the Viceroy. The Gran Canciller is also considered the default acting regent of the Viceroyalty unless stated otherwise through the Viceroy’s decree. Colonel The Colonel de Hyspia, Señor Jose Fuentes @Pancho The Colonel within the Viceroyalty of Hyspia is the commanding officer of the military of the Viceroyalty of Hyspia. They are tasked with securing peace and order within the Viceroyalty of Hyspia, defending Hyspia and her citizens from both internal and external threats, and the enforcement of the law within the borders and territories of the Viceroyalty of Hyspia. The Colonel is also tasked with formulating defense plans and war plans and shall brief the Viceroy and Gran Canciller on all matters pertaining to the military and defense of Hyspia. Justiciero The Justiciero de Hyspia, Señor Konstantin Novikov @PuddinHolidays The Justiciero within the Viceroyalty of Hyspia is the head of the Ministry of Justice and is tasked with organizing the justice system, overseeing the appointment of judges, and maintaining the legal system and public order. They furthermore stand as the appellate court and directly overview verdicts and punishments given. The Justiciero, when required, shall act as the head prosecutor for Hyspia. Gran Mayordomo The Gran Mayordomo de Hyspia, Her Highness Lucia Raquel of Hyspia @stickyhon The Gran Mayordomo within the Viceroyalty of Hyspia is tasked with overseeing and organizing the housing structure and taxation within the Viceroyalty of Hyspia, as well as the sale of houses within the Viceroyalty of Hyspia and the enforcement of evictions. Furthermore, they shall oversee the state’s funds and trade agreements with third parties. Ministro del País The Ministro del País of Hyspia, Señor Erland Maor @RedResult The Ministro del País of the Viceroyalty of Hyspia is tasked with shaping Hyspia’s diplomatic paths and managing her channels and communications with the international community. The Ministro del País assists the Viceroy in all diplomatic matters to ensure Hyspia’s relations remain consistent as the nation perseveres. Canciller de la Patria The Ministro de la Patria de Hyspia, Señor Laurens Halcourt. @Chorale__ The Canciller de la Patria of the Viceroyalty of Hyspia is responsible for ensuring that all Hyspians find their way to the Hyspian lands and promotes the uptake of residency in the city through the use of immigration initiatives. They are also responsible for maintaining architectural standards both in the capital city and outside of the city. Furthermore shall be responsible for the conducting and maintaining of the census for Hyspian citizens. Signed, His Highness, Cesar II, Viceroy of Hyspia, Baron of Arenisca, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Protector of the Hyspian People, Patriarch of House de Pelear His Viceroyal Excellency, Sergio III Harold Othaman, Gran Canciller de Hyspia, Lord Minister of His Highness’ Government
  12. [!] The missive is posted upon the noticeboard of San’Briu, with spare copies freely available in the Library of Barbog. Dense sheets of pressed papyrus lock vivid and aromatic floral inks into blocks of large and formidable common script. [!] Rulings of the Horde - 139 D.A. With Kor’garr’s return to writing after a long period of imbalanced humours agh soul-seeking, recent declarations must be made public as the duties of Skriptgoth demand. Ash: On Housing agh Rohauric The Horde has decided with the vassal of Rohauric’s loyalty they will claim authority over constructing a coastal port settlement upon Horde Lands, to gather greater amounts of tribute and coin from exports of Orc Kulture. The Yazgurtan agh Motsham will oversee this process to ensure the movement between settlements isn’t the cause of a displeased spirit or otherwise zkah’d up by nub-uruk foolishness. Their weekly Tribute will become 10 minas for small blargs, 20 for medium, agh 30 for bub’hozh buildings. Also, let all be reminded that lessers must reside in Kinul’s sewers, and not be given Blargs meant for Honorable Orcs. Dub: Potential Whitewashing As of this Kaktuz Day, the Motsham agh protector of our culture Gormohk has commanded an investigation into the Talar’norian citizen agh nub-uruk raised goblin called Vilmia Parish. The goblin, who has refused previous chances to seek understanding of Krug’s blessings or solace amongst her kin, instead clings to the institutions of Nub-uruk orphanages and the trickeries of Albai voidusers. If one Kaktuz Week passes without further notice of her rising the honorable path of Krug, she agh her kin will be DECLARED WHITEWASH, an affront to our very blood agh people to be torn apart on sight. Gahk: On Ashtkaar Several concerns have been raised on the legitimacy of clans and Ashtkaar, to which Kor’garr will alleviate such confusion. A Clan seeking authority in the ROTHOB MAZAUK must have honorable standing agh no fewer than 3 clan members alongside them RESIDING IN TAXED HOUSING OF SAN’BRIU to obtain or retain Ashtkaar. Failing to meet those numbers, failing to regularly pay Tribute to the Horde for blargs whether in a taxed clan hall or not, or failing to regularly attend Klamors and otherwise contribute to Krug’s people are all recognized causes for the Ashtkaar agh council positions to be stripped. Said decision will be made in a Klamor, as usual. Similarly, those on the ROTHOB GOTHIM must attend their responsibilities agh reside in official blargs of the Horde, or be challenged for their position. Futh: An Honorary Joins, Another’s Path Begins Let it be known to the Spirits agh all our brethren that the former halfling known now as Minto’Lur of clan Lur has risen past weakness or dishonor, becoming a true Orc and brother in mind, body, agh soul. He stands above lessers alongside us, and his actions from this day forward will be judged as those of kin. The pathwalker known as Siriky Yamashita is also beginning the arduous trial of claiming Honorary status. Test them, teach them, punish them if needed, but know they are claimed by the Horde. Do nub demand tribute in excess, nor mutilate or flat them recklessly, as doing so would be like maiming an unaware cub. H’: On Tribute agh Lessers For too long have lessers been given accolades agh privilege above their station. Those who are nub vassals of the Horde or true Honoraries are expected to give tribute when visiting our lands. This is nub robbery - while any orc can demand such Tribute as one higher than the lesser descendants, to seek unreasonable amounts or confront a foreigner multiple times over a single visit would spit upon Krug’s honor agh make us no better than the greediest of dwarves. In addition, do not let nub-uruks sully the blessed Blah with their untusked, weak jaws, or indulge in their fantasies of superiority agh ‘civilized manners’. They are meek and feeble, agh should act accordingly within the lands of their betters - our lands. May all know these decisions to be the true statements of the Iron Horde, as recorded by the Skriptgoth in year Azh’kint Gakhty’H’futh of the Dubth Age. (CXXXIX D.A.) One Voice, One Blood, One Horde Kor’garr, Skriptgoth of the Iron Horde
  13. The Search for a New Secretary of the Interior 16th of Sun's Smile, 65 B.A. A Decree from the Crown To the citizens of The Kingdom of Balian, Upon His Lordship, Franz Arthur Sarkozic’s passing, it became necessary for the Duana to look for candidates for the position of the Office of the Interior. To my fellow Balianese citizens who hold expertise in writing, public relations, and electoral matters, I ask for you to apply to become the new Secretary of Interior for The Kingdom. The Secretary of Interior is tasked with managing the various holdings of Balian. They are responsible for the Ecumene, or land survey of Balian, ensure that the land as a whole is held to royal architectural standards, and approve new constructions made by the private efforts of noble and commoners alike. The Secretary of Interior is also the chief immigration officer, and is expected to maintain an immigration office and organize events and programs to help recruit new subjects into the kingdom. The duties of the Secretary of Interior pertains to managing and surveying land within the Kingdom of Balian, inspecting and approving architecture within Balian, managing immigration to Balian, and hosting events for visitors and citizens alike to promote Balianese culture and patriotism. Requirements Those who may wish to apply must send a letter to the Amiratus including an introduction of your character and experience. It is also important to note that the Secretary of Interior must accommodate the following criteria, Be at least sixteen summers old. Have a permanent address in Balian. Have previous work with architecture, Immigration and events. Signed, HIS ROYAL EXCELLENCY, Gaius var Ruthern, Baron of Marsana, Amiratus of the Kingdom of Balian, Lord Seneschal of the Crown and Chief Minister of the Duana.
  14. The Search for a New Secretary of Civil Affairs 12th of Owyn’s Flame, 63 B.A. A Decree from the Crown To the citizens of The Kingdom of Balian, Upon Her Royal Highness Lydia Antheia’s departure from His Majesty’s Government and subsequent role as diplomat to Ba’as, it has become necessary for the Duana to look for candidates for the position of the Office of Civil Affairs. The Royal Duana is sincerely grateful to Her Highness Lydia's contributions and work within His Majesty's Government. Her work ethic and dedication to the betterment of Balian and its culture is held in high regard amongst her fellow colleagues. To my fellow Balianese citizens who hold expertise in writing, public relations, and electoral matters, I ask for you to apply to become the new Secretary of Civil Affairs for The Kingdom. The Secretary of Civil Affairs is tasked with the matters of government documentation. They take minutes of important meetings, organize the government press and the Royal Balianese Academy, push initiatives on government literacy and transparency, and maintain the census in order to administer effective elections. Their goal is chiefly in documenting and relying the efforts of the government outward, and ensuring that the Balianese are regarded as a literate and educated people. The duties of the Secretary of Interior pertain to documenting important government meetings, preparing government press, administering elections and being the academic liasan to the people of Balian. The Secretary of Interior is seen as the written voice of the Duana and the Royal Balianese Academy. Their duties pertain to developing the culture of Balian. Requirements Those who may wish to apply must send a letter to the Amriatus including an introduction of your character and experience. It is also important to note that the Secretary of Civil Affairs must accommodate the following criteria, Be at least sixteen summers old. Have a permanent address in Balian. Have previous work with public relations, elections, documenting, etc. Signed, HIS ROYAL EXCELLENCY, Gaius var Ruthern, Baron of Marsana, Amiratus of the Kingdom of Balian, Lord Seneschal of the Crown and Chief Minister of the Duana.
  15. THE ROYAL DUANA OF BALIAN THE GREAT ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES OF THE BALIANESE The Royal Duana is the administrative council of the Crown. Each member of the Duana-besides the Amiratus-heads a specific office within the government. The members of the Duana are also considered the closest advisors to the Crown. Founded by King Alexander and his council, the Royal Duana is the petrine perversion of the eastern Diwan that was known to rule in states such as Ba’as. The Diwan and the Petrine council of the Holy Orenian Empire were considered one of the most advanced, efficient and effective systems of government known throughout the modern world. The Royal Duana is considered the spiritual successor to those great government systems. The Royal Duana’s success in efficiently governing the Kingdom’s realm, established the council as the final institution of authority within Balian. Under the blessing of His Majesty King Adrian, the Royal Duana continues to govern Balian on behalf of the Crown. Like the Petrine governments of old, the body is made up of various secretaries that head government offices. However, the Duana itself maintains some cultural distinction by utilizing eastern titles such as Duana, Amiratus, Procurator, Legate, and more, along with adding a ministry devoted to maintaining positive relationships with the clergy. AMIRATUS OF THE ROYAL DUANA The Mesa of the Crownlands, 109 SA Heading the Duana is Balian’s Amiratus, who serves as penultimate authority in the realm. They can appoint a Vice-Amiratus to serve as their deputy, and are in charge of staffing the Duana as well as leading the executive government of the country. The title of Amiratus is notably found in the east, filling the role of Chancellor often found in the Wilvenland human kingdoms. However, it is also tied to the history of the Balthalites, or the people of Old Balian. The first recorded Amiratus in history was Edgar of Jrent, a priest who served as chief minister to the mythic hero Balthier, founder of Old Balian. Their legend can be found in the Second Tablet of the Lothar Stones. The office of Amiratus is the most prestigious and influential political position in the Kingdom of Balian. They are responsible for the maintenance and governance of the realm, wielding penultimate authority and tasked with the preservation of the Balianese Crown, including in matters of succession. Colloquially, the Amiratus can be addressed as Chief Minister of Balian, and he or she also maintains the honorary title Seneschal of the Crown. The current Amiratus is Gaius var Ruthern, who presides over the 1st Ruthern Duana. THE FIRST RUTHERN DUANA —-Lord Amiratus Gaius var Ruthern—- "The shoes of the Amiratus are no small shoes to fill, yet we are certain Lord Gaius will fill them well." - King Alexander I on the appointment of Gaius var Ruthern as Amiratus. "Gaius is a trustworthy worker, who will involve himself in all necessary aspects of the King's government to work for a better Balian." - Ser Ledicort Vuiller Much akin to his mentor Ser Ledicort Vuiller, Lord Gaius Ruthern’s presence in the Duana was as constant and prominent as his predecessor. Gaius began his service to the Kingdom of Balian at the age of eleven, when he began his squireship under Lord Commander Peter of Arkent who inducted him into the Company of Balian, the standing military of the Kingdom. Whilst in the Company, Ledicort took him in as his ward in which the young Ruthern-under the guidance of both Ledicort and Peter-honed his political aptitude and his military prowess. Ledicort appointed Gaius Ruthern to the Secretary of the Interior at the age of sixteen, subsequently followed by his promotion to Corporal by Peter at the age of seventeen. As Corporal of the Company of Balian, Gaius followed in the footsteps of his Ruthern ancestors, where he continues to serve diligently in the defense of the Kingdom. His stalwart defense of the city of Atrus during the siege of Cloudbreaker and the undead, and his commitment to battling the Mori’Quessir in Norland and throughout Almaris displayed his bravery and loyalty to Balian, and his comradery to his fellow descendant-kind. As Minister of the Interior, Gaius oversaw an influx of new immigrants into Balian soil whilst also overseeing and contributing to the beautification of the Balianese Crownlands. Gaius was also known as the right hand to his predecessor Ledicort Vuiller, assisting him in his duties as Amiratus. As the youngest Amiratus in the history of Balian, Gaius has dedicated himself to the betterment and expansion of Balian’s culture, education, economy, and military whilst using wisdom from the empire of old and through expanding the ideas of the new age . With Gaius Ruthern at the helm of the Duana, the Kingdom of Balian hopes to be led to a new age of prosperity and influence in the known world. “I take pride in the fact that I am the first Amiratus who was born on the soils of Balian. My roots are not in the old Petrine Empire, yet, I still take wisdom from my elders to help advise me as I navigate the waters of politics and foreign policy. It is without a doubt, however, that Balian’s future does not rely on copying the old, but rather focusing on the new and solely on the new. As Amiratus I aim to rediscover what it means to be Balianese; and focus on the new age whilst guiding my generation and the generation after me to take the lead as we shape this great nation into an era of prosperity and hegemony.” - Lord Amiratus Gaius var Ruthern OFFICES OF THE DUANA LEGATE SECRETARY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS The Secretary of Foreign Affairs is responsible for the world view of Balian as well as the pacts and treaties that the nation holds. It is their job to foster goodwill and relations with any other nation or settlement. They accomplish this namely by appointing ambassadors, organizing events, and attending diplomatic meetings. They maintain the title of ‘Legate of the Crown’ in their styling from the old chamber. The current Secretary of Foreign Affairs is Princess Royal Elena Casimira “As a young girl I have always been fascinated with different lands and cultures and traditions. Growing up I had the opportunity to travel and experience these cultures that once seemed strange to me. Through an open mind and understanding I grew my network of acquaintances into unforgettable friendships that will surely last me a lifetime. Warding under the previous Legate, I was given the freedom to explore and create connections and contacts which would eventually lead me to becoming the youngest ever ambassador in Balianese history. Through this opportunity I focused on creating peace and encouraging treaties which I will continue to implement as the Royal Legate.” - Princess Royal Elena Casimira, on her process of becoming Legate of the Crown. To those interested in aiding the Duana in matters of Foreign Affairs, reach out to Princess Royal Elena Casimira or the Legate’s Office. The Office of the Legate CONSTABLE SECRETARY OF WAR The Secretary of War, foremost among the officers, is responsible for the maintenance and command of the national army. They supervise all military personnel, auxiliaries, and mercenaries in the country. They also are tasked with protecting the lands from invasions, raids and rebellions in times of peace and war. They maintain the title of ‘Constable of the Crown’ in their styling from the old chamber. The current Secretary of War is Dante DeNurem “My experience sums up to constantly defending the Crown of Balian. In my time I’ve been sent on missions all over Almaris to further the objectives of Balian, my most notable mission being involved in the assault on Vienne, in which alongside our former Comrades in Acre, we ended the reign of King Frederick of Oren. But now we’re in a time of peace. The Kingdom of Balian works to continue building itself up, and towards a proper military force if necessary. Our people have suffered many hardships. But through our perseverance, we will succeed.” - Peter d’Arkent, on his tenure as Constable of Balian. “Forever Golden” - Dante De Nurem To those interested in aiding the Duana in matters of its national army, reach out to Dante DeNurem or the Company of Balian. [Maur#1123] The Company of Balian DOMUS MINISTRI SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR The Secretary of Interior manages the various holdings of Balian. They are responsible for the Ecumene, or land survey of Balian, ensure that the land as a whole is held to royal architectural standards, and approve new constructions made by the private efforts of noble and commoners alike. They also control the immigration into Balian, and are expected to maintain an immigration office and organize events and programs to help recruit new subjects into the kingdom. The current Secretary of the Interior is Franz Sarkozic To those interested in aiding the Duana in matters of land management, traffic, and immigration, reach out to Franz Sarkozic or the Office of the Interior. The Office of the Interior PROCURATOR SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY The Secretary of the Treasury is the chief financial minister, entrusted with all of Balian’s financial matters, procuring more money for the Kingdom and looking over any spending of the nation. They ensure any debts paid, taxes collected and that all ministries are funded accordingly, along with organizing civil servants known as clerks that help them in these endeavors. They maintain the title of ‘Procurator of the Crown’ in their styling from the old chamber. The current Secretary of the Treasury is Sir Ephrem Kervallen, Baron of Tuvia; “Sir Ephrem became Secretary of the Treasury after having served in some other ways for the Kingdom. His office is one of great importance, the one in charge of the economic well-being of the Kingdom and the proper taxating and use of said money. Sir Ephrem’s office is one of mixes, introducing new ways of generating income while established on the base built by the previous Procurator, the Kingdom is eager to flourish once more like a flower on Spring.” “I was tasked with one of the most important jobs in the Kingdom; Balian’s economy was left at a good state by the former Procurator yet I am a firm believer that things can always be better. My wish is to establish fair taxation, to generate events that will increase not only the name Balian has formed for itself during the years but also the economy; auctions, fairs and guilds. ” - The Procurator’s Office, on the character of its captain, Baron Ephrem Kervallen. To those interested in aiding the Duana in matters of its trade and finances, reach out to Baron Ephrem or the Procurator’s Office. Recruitment from the Procurator Office CENSOR SECRETARY OF CIVIL AFFAIRS The Secretary of Civil Affairs is tasked with the matters of government documentation. They take minutes of important meetings, organize the government press and the Royal Balianese Academy, push initiatives on government literacy and transparency, and maintain the census in order to administer effective elections. Their goal is chiefly in documenting and relying the efforts of the government outward, and ensuring that the Balianese are regarded as a literate and educated people. They maintain the title of ‘Censor of the Crown’ in their styling from the old chamber. The current Secretary of Civil Affairs is Princess Lydia Novellen To those interested in aiding the Duana in matters of improving national literacy and census-keeping, reach out to Princess Lydia Novellen or the Department of Civil Affairs. The Censor’s Office: Department of Civil Affairs MAGISTER SECRETARY OF JUSTICE The Magister is the head of the Magisterium, the Balianese Judicial system. They shall organize the Lawyers - both prosecution and defense, Legal Scribes, and Investigators (or Qaestors) of the Magisterium of the Crown. They shall administer and help oversee any legal cases and investigations that may come up, oversee and judge trials, cooperate with and advise the other Chambers of the Duana on legal adjacent affairs, and advise the Crown on the appointment of judges and on legal matters. The current Magister is Robert Joseph de Lyons “From my youth in the Petran Civil War to today, I have sought to apply myself to ensure the greater stability of the realm and the victory of impartial and fair justice over the corruption and violence within the world. To ensure the circumstances that claimed my father’s life and drove me from my old home to my new one do not happen to another generation. Through the office with which I was entrusted, I seek to foster vigilance against crime within our Kingdom, to assure it is tried and punished swiftly and properly when it occurs, with a firm but thoughtful hand. To amend the laws as needed, to take on and train Lawyers, Scribes, Investigators, and Wards, and to work with the Crown and Duana to foster cooperation between chambers and to ensure the law is considered in our governance. The Magisterium grew small and ineffective in the time when the position of Magister was vacant, and I hope to do my best to regrow it and ensure its continued stable and effective operation in the years to come.” - Robyn de Lyons, on his goals for the Magisterium To those interested in aiding with Balian’s legal system, as a lawyer, scribe, or investigator, contact Robyn de Lyons or inquire about the Magisterium. The Office of the Magister: The Magisterium PRINCIPAL SECRETARY The Principal Secretary is tasked with collecting intelligence and making internal reports within the Duana on potential improvements that may be made within the Kingdom of Balian. Regarded often as the left-hand of the Duana, they follow up on particular departments for the Amiratus to ensure that the administrative offices are hard at work and initiatives are being adjusted and met. They also drive innovation within the kingdom by brainstorming new and novel ideas across departments, and hold the responsibility of declassifying government documents for public consumption. The current Principal Secretary is Sarson Halgrim. “I’ve spent decades in the east hunting plots, treasures, and beasts for a living. Besides the wretched paperwork, this isn’t so different yet. Anyone who’s got the guts to make a nation out of this little finger of God in the wretched desert - join me, and learn what it takes to be the sort of professional the world needs.” - Sarson Halgrim, on his new station in the Duana. To those interested in learning about the organization of the Duana, or the various plots and initiatives the Duana is to pursue as a whole, reach out to Sarson Halgrim or the Office of the Principal Secretary. AGENT-GENERAL OF THE CLERGY The Agent-General of the Clergy is tasked with promoting religious and cultural institutions within the realm. They help ensure that the Kingdom of Balian acts with the interest of the state faith of Canonism, as well as maintaining relationships with the High Pontiff’s Curia. They also help build relations with religious minorities and religious communities within the realm, ensuring their rights are protected. The current Agent-General of the Clergy is Teodosio Cardinal Tyria. “While having no formal government experience, I have experience within the church and hold positions of Cardinal Tyria, Bishop Tyria and Interim Auditor of the Tribunal. My goal is to make a more robust church within Balian that is not confined to the existing Highlander and Heartlander traditions, and is instead able to make its own traditions that better reflect the piety of our people” - Cardinal Tyria, on his appointment to the Royal Duana. To those interested in supporting faith and culture in Balian, reach out to Cardinal Tyria or his agents of the clergy. PALATIODORA OF THE ANDROMEDAN COURT GOVERNESS OF THE QUEEN’S COURT The Palatiodora of the Andromedan Court is charged with the management of the Palatio Arancione. The Palatiodora and their staff tend to the private matters of the Crown and Royal Family. They are also the executive of the Andromedan Courts of the Palatio Arancione, overseeing all revelries, publications of the Andromedan Court and maintaining the Court’s Public image. Unlike the other positions of the Duana, the Palatiodora may only be appointed or dismissed by the Sovereign or Consort and answers directly to the Crown. The current Palatiodora of the Andromedan Court is Serena Viviana d’Arkent. To those interested in helping manage the Palatio Arancione and tend to its events, reach out to Lady Serena Viviana d’Arkent or the Palatiodora’s Staff. The Andromedan Court HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, Adrian I, by the Grace of GOD, King of Balian, Count of Monteres, Viscount of Eflen and Anatis, Baron of Brucca and Valens, Lord of Portoregne, Ruby Coast, Lord of Atrus and Monterosa, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera. HER ROYAL MAJESTY, Andromeda Ester of Ba’as, Queen-consort of Balian, Viscountess of Eflen and Anatis, Baroness of Brucca, Valens, Malenos, Goza and Ciavola, Lady of Portoregne, Ruby Coast, Lady of Atrus and Monterosa, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera HIS ROYAL EXCELLENCY, Gaius var Ruthern, Baron of Marsana, Amiratus of the Kingdom of Balian, Lord Seneschal of the Crown and Chief Minister of the Royal Duana.
  16. Edict of Legatorum Temporalis 16th of Godfrey’s Triumph, 57 B.A. A Decree from the Crown The Kingdom of Balian, by and through decree of the Amiratus of Balian and assent from His Majesty King Adrian, hereby appoint Her Royal Highness Elena Casimira d’Atrus Novellen as the acting Legate of the Kingdom. This temporary Edict shall be in effect until Her Royal Highness Persephone Maxima Novellen-Vilac can be found. A search party has been dispatched by the Company of Balian to find the missing princess as of this edict. The Royal Family of Balian and the Royal Duana pray to GOD that Her Royal Highness Persephone Maxima may be found safe and sound amid this ensuing war against the Mori-Quessir. Until Her Royal Highness Persephone Maxima’s return, Her Royal Highness Elena Casimira shall be conducting the duties of the Legate from hereinafter. Signed, HIS ROYAL EXCELLENCY, Gaius var Ruthern, Baron of Marsana, Amiratus of the Kingdom of Balian, Lord Seneschal of the Crown and Chief Minister of the Duana.
  17. Appointment of a New Secretary of Interior 4th of Lothar’s Gift,53 B.A. To our fellow citizens of the Kingdom of Balian, After a screening and interview process with many candidates for the position of Secretary of Interior, and after much discussion amongst the Duana; a decision has now been made. It is with great pleasure to welcome Viscount Franz Sarkozic to the Royal Duana as the new Secretary of Interior. We trust that he will do well and serve our citizens with utmost diligence and integrity, whilst also upholding our public image and infrastructure. IN NOMINE DEI, HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, Alexander I, by the Grace of GOD, King of Balian, Count of Monteres, Viscount of Eflen, Baron of Brucca and Valens, Lord of Atrus and Monterosa, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera. HIS ROYAL EXCELLENCY, Gaius var Ruthern, Baron of Marsana, Amiratus of the Kingdom of Balian, Lord Seneschal of the Crown and Chief Minister of the Duana.
  18. The Search for a New Secretary of Interior 20th of Peter's Glory, 52 B.A. A Decree from the Crown To my fellow citizens of The Kingdom of Balian, Upon my ascension to the position of Amiratus, it has become necessary for the Duana to look for candidates for the position of the Ministry of Interior. To my fellow Balianese citizens who hold expertise in architectural matters and immigration matters, I ask for you to apply to become the new Secretary of Interior for The Kingdom. The duties of the Secretary of Interior pertains to managing the various holdings of Balian. They are responsible for the Ecumene, or land survey of Balian, ensure that the land as a whole is held to royal architectural standards, and approve new constructions made by the private efforts of noble and commoners alike. They also control the immigration into Balian and are expected to maintain an immigration office and organize events and programs to help welcome new subjects into the kingdom. Requirements Those who may wish to apply must send a letter to the Amiratus (@WaveLincoln) including an introduction of your character and experience. It is also imperative to note that the Secretary of Interior must accommodate the following criteria, 1. Be at least sixteen summers old. 2. Have a permanent address in Balian. 3. Have previous work with architectural matters and in immigration. Further questions regarding qualification and experience will be raised during the interview process. May GODAN grant you the best of luck. Signed, HIS ROYAL EXCELLENCY, Gaius var Ruthern, Baron of Marsana, Amiratus of the Kingdom of Balian, Lord Seneschal of the Crown and Chief Minister of the Duana.
  19. THE APPOINTMENT OF A VICE PROCURATOR After much deliberation on promotion within the Procurators office, the Procurator has decided to take on a second-in-command and train them to their utmost extent. Please welcome the Vice Procurator of Balian, Sir Ephrem Kervallen! @ECS11 Much is expected from him and his training has begun henceforth, the Procurators Office and Balian looks forward to see just how he steps up to the plate. Ave Balian! May its economy be ever fluid. Signed, HER EXCELLENCY, Johanne Alstromeria Vuiller, Lady Procurator of the Kingdom of Balian.
  20. On Standardized Testing and Government Wardships In lieu of the recent allegations of unfair advantage and inequity in the standardized testing requirement to participate in the bureaucracy of the Kingdom of Balian, the Royal Balianese Academy hereinafter known as the RBA, by and through counsel of His Majesty, Alexander I and his Royal Duana, hereby abolish the standardized testing system and introduce a Government Wardship and Employment initiative for the citizens of Balian. As stated in the previous missive when standardized tests were introduced, public participation is extremely imperative and beneficial in the Balian political and social ecosystem. It is unfortunate that the commoners within Balian have not been able to take part in this fundamental and beautiful right enshrined for every Balianese Citizen. The standardized testing initiative, initially believed to be an experiment, was intended to be a solution to provide a meritocratic approach to finding potential scholars and wards for His Majesty’s government. However, the exams merely distinguished the clear cut divide between the education of the Nobility and the Commoners. Thus, as of the publishing of this missive, the Royal Balianese Academy is hereby abolishing the standardized testing initiative and, in conjunction with the Royal Duana, shall promote a more holistic approach to the education of the youth of Balian. The Government Wardship initiative shall consist of three main objectives: The education of the youth of Balian regardless of social class, the social mobility of the commoners, and the scouting for the next generation of leaders who will serve at the pleasure of His Majesty, Alexander I. In order to participate in the Government Wardship initiative, the Citizens of Balian must fill out the census. The citizen may express their interest in working for the government and specify a certain department. Once they have done so, they shall be contacted by a member of the Royal Duana for an interview. Signed, Her Excellency, Johanne Alstromeria Vuiller, Lady Procurator of the Kingdom of Balian. His Excellency, Gaius Rosius var Ruthern, Minister of Interior of the Kingdom of Balian His Excellency, Kasimir Sarkozic, Lord Censor of the Kingdom of Balian.
  21. THE NOBLE CITY OF ATRUS ‘Things Held in Common’ [Mood] “They say Atrus is the wildflower of the south, watered by the piety of its late King John Casimir. Its petals bloom outward, inviting all to a place of refuge.” Shalasannan Doxos, adventurer, reflecting on his time in the capital of Balian. The cosmopolitan city of Atrus is known for its unique blend of Petrine, Rhenyari, and old Balianite influences. Its streets are lined with white-washed buildings adorned with colorful mosaics and intricate carvings, while the bustling markets offer a diverse array of goods from all corners of the southern continent. Given its location in the desert, Atrus boasts a Mediterranean-like climate with hot summers and mild winters. The city is surrounded by heavy dunes that are also home to a variety of exotic flora and fauna, making it a popular destination for hunters and adventurers. It is a place where old traditions and new ideas come together to cultivate a hardy and innovative society. The Senate of Balian, a once proud institution made up of many former imperial bureaucrats, governed the city in the time of King John Casimir. However, over time, the Senate had grown stagnant and out of touch with the needs and concerns of the people. Seeing an opportunity to empower his people and revitalize his city, King Alexander chartered the First Commune of Atrus, a people's organization that would give the lazzari, or commons of Atrus, a political unit to band together and administer the desert city. The First Commune of Atrus introduces the historic Gradic Rights to the people of Atrus, as well as empowering them to name among them a First Syndic and Vice-Syndic to lead their city. They are afforded the power to self-legislate through the Supreme Assembly of the Lazzari, and it is the King’s hope that these reforms lead to a more agile and dynamic city administration powered by the collective knowledge and expertise of its people. The motto of the First Commune is ‘Things Held in Common’ - a reminder that the wildflower of the south, Atrus, is a gift shared among its people. THE RIGHTS OF OUR ATRUS The Lazzari of Atrus Enjoy The Kings Game The Commune of Atrus is granted privileges under the Gradic Rights which outline their autonomy and freedom from serfdom. The Gradic Rights were given to the Imperial Free City of Felsen during the reign of John II, Holy Orenian Emperor which allowed for greater autonomy to the city through a series of municipal rights. These rights came from a series of laws which gave privileges to the burghers, exemption from serfdom, and the ability for self-governance and self-defense. The Gradic Rights, c.1557 Hitherto the populace of this city shall be referred to as any legal landholder and their immediate family within municipal authority. Hitherto does the populace of this city have the right to waive feudal privilege and govern itself. Hence the city has the right to choose a leader from amongst its own. Hence the city has the right to produce and publish laws and rights regarding itself. Hitherto does the populace of this city have an exemption from serfdom. Hitherto does the populace of this city have the right to freedom of travel. Hitherto does the populace of this city have the right to collect tax, tolls, and impose fees. Hitherto does the populace of this city have the right to freedom of trade. Hitherto does the populace of this city have the right to a trial by judge. Hitherto does the populace of this city have the right to petition its lord. THE GOVERNMENT OF OUR ATRUS THE FIRST SYNDIC OF ATRUS The First Syndic of Atrus serves as the head of the municipal government. They are elected by popular vote by the citizenry every four years, and are expected to appoint a Vice-Syndic to help manage their affairs, as well as up to three commissioners to tackle specific municipal challenges such as construction, event organization, the management of press and publication, or more. THE SUPREME ASSEMBLY OF THE LAZZARI The Supreme Assembly of the Lazzari acts as the collective representation for the citizenry of Atrus. There are six seats within the assembly filled by citizens of the city. The seats are chosen by lottery vote, headed by the Procurator’s office once every four years. The assembly functions as the legislative body of the city and is charged with the creation and amendment of law and judicial statutes. It is named after the lazzari, or commons, in the modern Balian tongue, and one who fills one of the seats of the Supreme Assembly may be addressed as Concio. The commune is unique from other city governments in that while concios are the only ones that can propose a legislation to be voted on, the actual voting is done by all citizens of Atrus. In that way, while the concios guide and moderate discussion, all peoples of Atrus are enfranchised to vote on the bills that will affect them. A citizen of Atrus, is defined as someone who has lived in the city for more than two weeks, and has paid rent on a property in that time or served in one of its state institutions for that time. THE CITY CLERK OF ATRUS The City Clerk of the City of Atrus is appointed by the Procurator’s office and serves indefinitely until sacked by said office. They are the chief financial comptroller of the city, ensuring that royal dues are received to the Crown and chamber, and serve as the Crown’s representative in the city’s administration. If a City Clerk has proven inept, inactive, or otherwise corrupt, the Supreme Assembly can make a motion for impeachment on a two-thirds majority. JOINING ATRUS If the spirit of the concios and lazzari speak to you, then know that Atrus, the precious wildflower of the South, is open to all who seek honor, refuge, and peace. The city gates remain manned by Balian’s own military company, with a thriving and stable royal administration eager to welcome immigrants. Those interested in specific developments within the Commune should reach out to the Procurator’s Office, currently manned by Johanne Vuiller (@tadabug2000) for more information, or leave a reply expressing interest at the bottom of this notice. At the moment, Atrus is seeking an interim Syndic to be appointed by the Crown to lead the first four weeks of government - after that, elections will commence as the commune’s political foundation is established. The first Assembly will also be appointed by the crown, with the first lottery being held two weeks into government. Those who would consider being part of the founding city government should reach out to the existing City Commission of Johanne Vuiller (@tadabug2000), Sarson of Helena (@Cracker), or Gaius Ruthern (@WaveLincoln) for an interview. The city is also experiencing a robust reconstruction project headed by the reputed architect Guillermo Rutledge. Previews of the illustrious build can be found below. [Credit to @VonAulusfor build and @Greenerfor screenshots] For newcomers and veterans alike seeking a fresh opportunity, being part of the groundwork of the First Commune is an excellent opportunity to leave your mark on a realm ascendant. Join us today! [Consider checking out our discord as well to get involved! https://discord.gg/UVnE9uYt8G Announcements involving the interview process to become a concio, along with event and municipal updates can be found above.]
  22. ROYAL EDICT OF BRUCCA 4th of Godfrey’s Triumph in the year of our Lord, 36 B.A The Kingdom of Balian, by and through counsel the Royal Chamber, and decree from His Majesty King Alexander I, hereby declare the dissolution of the Senate and formation of the municipal government of the city of Atrus, hereinafter known as the First Commune of Atrus. The First Commune shall be made up of three entities detailed below. The Supreme Assembly of the Lazzari, a council of six members, named Concio of the Lazzari, or Assemblymen and Assemblywomen, are tasked to be the legislative body of the First Commune of Atrus. The Supreme Assembly shall be elected every six years by the citizens of Atrus. The Supreme Assembly of the Lazzari has been tasked with the creation of new laws, city ordinances, and statutes which must be passed with a vote of majority. As the Supreme Assembly replaces the body of the Senate, it serves as an interim legislative government for the kingdom as well. With dispensation of the Magister, they can also create new laws and statutes that apply to the kingdom - these laws would require royal assent. The Supreme Assembly of the Lazzari has been tasked with the amendment of laws, city ordinances, and statutes which must be passed with a vote of majority. The Supreme Assembly shall be given a stipend of ten minas during the sixth year, at the end of their term. If a Concio does not attend the meeting, they shall not be compensated. If a Concio is not fulfilling their responsibilities, the citizens of Balian, by and through decree from the Royal Government, shall have the power to recall said Concio if they wish to do so. The Supreme Assembly shall have jurisdiction over city matters and departments. The Supreme Assembly shall have jurisdiction over legislative affairs in Atrus, except for that which the Kingdom of Balian declares the matter to be a national affair, then such jurisdiction shall fall under the Royal Government. The Supreme Assembly may request the guards in Atrus to protect their chamber but sole jurisdiction over the guards in Atrus shall be under the military and the Royal Chamber. The Supreme Assembly of the Lazzari is hereby granted charge over the City Charter of Atrus. The Supreme Assembly of the Lazzari is granted authority to amend the City Charter of Atrus with a vote of two-thirds majority. The Supreme Assembly of the Lazzari has been tasked with approving the budget of the Municipal Government with a vote of majority. The Supreme Assembly of the Lazzari is granted the authority to sack any member of the municipal government with a vote of two-thirds majority. The First Commune of Atrus shall be led by the First Syndic, and his cabinet shall serve as the executive body of the First Commune of Atrus. The office of the First Syndic shall be elected every six years by the citizens of Atrus. The First Syndic shall attend sessions of the Supreme Assembly to break ties and give assent to bills. If the First Syndic is not fulfilling their responsibilities, the citizens of Balian, by and through decree from the Royal Chamber, shall have the power to recall said Syndic if they wish to do so. The First Syndic is expected to serve as chief representative of the city of Atrus, and oversee the growth of its economy and traffic. The First Syndic is expected to name a Vice-Syndic to serve as his deputy in all matters of administration. The First Syndic is expected to name up to three commissioners in his government to aid him in specific departments of municipal service. This may include construction, the organization of fetes or other events and celebrations, management of the press and publications of the Commune, or more, depending on the changing needs of the people. The First Syndic has been given the authority to veto any law, ordinance, statute, or amendment which has been passed by the Assembly of the Lazzari provided that said legislation does not have a two-thirds majority. The First Syndic is hereby granted authority to banish any lowborn from the City of Atrus. The First Syndic is hereby granted authority to evict any convicted villain from the City of Atrus. The First Syndic has been instructed to distribute alms and refuge to whomever is necessary in the City of Atrus. The First Commune of Atrus shall have a City Clerk appointed to its chamber, to ensure the royal prerogative is maintained in the commune. The City Clerk shall keep records and overlook progress of taxation within the City of Atrus. The City Clerk shall maintain and safekeep the municipal ledger. The City Clerk has been instructed to take note of the containments of the City of Atrus’ storage. The City Clerk shall appraise houses and set house prices and tax prices-after discussion with the Procurator-accordingly. The City Clerk shall pay for and supply goods to the city of Atrus. The City Clerk is hereby charged with fostering economic growth and the maintenance of the trade grounds within the City of Atrus. The City Clerk is hereby tasked with creating a competent bureaucracy of clerks capable of servicing the City of Atrus. Wherefore, the First Commune of Atrus, composed of the First Syndic, Supreme Assembly of the Lazzari, and the City Clerk shall be the municipal governing body of the city of Atrus. Henceforth, the Senate, by decree of The Crown, shall hereinafter be dissolved. IN NOMINE DEI, HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, Alexander I, by the Grace of GOD, King of Balian, Count of Monteres, Viscount of Eflen, Baron of Brucca, Valens, Malenos and Ciavola, Lord of Atrus and Monterosa, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera. HER ROYAL MAJESTY, Yelena Lorena, Queen-consort of Balian The Seneschal of Balian, Lord Ledicort of House Vuiller Attaché To The Seneschal of Balian, Lord Gaius Rosius of House Ruthern
  23. OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE ROYAL SENATE OF THE KINGDOM OF BALIAN 5th of Owyn’s Flame, 28 B.A. Introduced and authored by His Excellency, the President of the Royal Senate of the Kingdom of Balian Announced by the authority of His Royal Majesty, King John the first, King of Balian SECTION I; THE APPOINTMENT OF THE VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE ROYAL SENATE With the new Royal Senate of the Kingdom of Balian elected, His Excellency, the President of the Royal Senate of the Kingdom of Balian, in union with the powers vested in such an Office through the “Standing Orders of the Royal Senate, 27 B.A.” , doth decree that the following announcement is to be made public to the citizenry of the Kingdom; THE OFFICE OF THE VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE ROYAL SENATE OF THE KINGDOM OF BALIAN - encompassing the duties and the respective powers and authorities vested in the Office of the President, as defined in the “Standing Orders of the Royal Senate, 27 B.A.”, when said President is not present at a session of the Royal Senate, is henceforth to be administered by The Right Honorable Senator Samuel Wood. May the Lord guide him during his tenure, and may God Save the King. SIGNED, His Excellency, the President of the Royal Senate of the Kingdom of Balian John Aquila
  24. ۞ On the 16th of the First Seed, year 96 of the Second Age, a great debt has been lifted of the shoulders of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. ۞ A depiction of a typical dwarven hoard [source] When the currency of mineks were introduced, many had aspired to invest their savings into this new coin. Such as Davli of the Golden Path, who had purchased nearly over 8 thousand mina worth of Mineks. Unfortunately the Stewards of the past did not manage to invigorate the Urguani economy enough to promote the use of Mineks in daily life, so many early investors were disappointed and wished to return their coin. The task of repaying this monumental debt was passed from steward the steward, barely chipping away at it, while the economy remained stagnant due to the persistence of this debt along with other economic woes. Eventually, the position of Grand Steward of Urguan fell into the hands of Garedyn the Green, who was determined to repay this debt, to untie the millstone weighing upon the neck of of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, to make the dwarves prosper in the name of the Brathmordkin Armakak. Garedyn was well within his right to simply turn the debt away and ignore it, but a dwarf always keeps his word no matter what. He worked tirelessly to make sure the hoard grew, that all dues were payed, that the vassals were landed appropriately and that the dwarves were housed. With his efforts, the treasury of Urguan grew to the highest point is has been in years, and the burden of the 8 thousand mina has been payed off. With this Great Debt lifted, there are few impediments left to affect the economic growth of Urguan. The coin flows well, the dwarves are happy, the lands are well tended. Narvok oz Urguan.
  25. This letter is penned by scribe, under direction of Nisreen Odinson de Astrea, this 9th of Malin’s Welcome, Year SA 72, and addressed to Duke Eugeo de Astrea, Lady Leika de Astrea, Heir Regent, and the members of the Government of Elysium. I am writing to inform you of my decision to leave office and my position as the Minister of Knowledge of Elysium, as well as relinquishing any governmental power I may have held as Minister. This decision does not come easy, although I have concluded I cannot uphold my position and serve the community of Elysium as it is fit to be served, whilst I am pursuing personal investigations and fulfilling duties elsewhere. My final day in office will be the Day of The First Seed of SA 72, after which I fully relinquish the title of office. I thank you for the opportunity you have provided me in serving this position, and I am grateful for the eighteen years I have been able to serve you and Elysium as such. I am willing to aid in a search and interview process for a new Minister of Knowledge as needed, as well as any duties to be completed before I leave office in order to ensure a smooth transition for Governance after my departure. Sincerely, Nisreen Odinson de Astrea
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