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You Should Play An Ugly Girl (And Here Is Why)


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This... this is SO BLOODY TRUE!!! This is one of the reasons I made my character a bryophite. Once I did make a ugly female skin... it resulted in 3 children screaming, me dieing 5 times in 3 hours, tourtured once, and other things. I do like to say that a ugly female skin does generate fun RP but if you don't want to RP as one, that is perfectly ok. But admit it, your cute girl skins are getting boring, everybody has similar skins. Your going nuts! Now, ugly girl RP can be dangerous and drive you nuts, but if you do this right then you can get a lot of interesting RP. * Starts editing a new skin for one of her characters.

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Now I want to make a character who always covers her face because half of it was burned... This is a really neat guide!

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I do think it's funny that players presume a character is attractive. I typically imagine my characters as bland. Neither ugly nor spectacular. Just normal.

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I do think it's funny that players presume a character is attractive. I typically imagine my characters as bland. Neither ugly nor spectacular. Just normal.

Ikr, half my characters are horridly ugly and have terrible personalities themselves. I've only got one who's remotely handsome. 

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Nice skins! But, honestly, considering these are minecraft skins, I can't see any skin being "attractive" or "ugly", since they're blocks and low quality pixels. I just see everyone as looking average unless they put some deformity on their skin or state they're ugly. 


"This... this is SO BLOODY TRUE!!! This is one of the reasons I made my character a bryophite. Once I did make a ugly female skin... it resulted in 3 children screaming, me dieing 5 times in 3 hours, tourtured once, and other things.




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I may be late but I read this guide again. I’ve seen just how being an ugly character generates rp so easily. Every word is true and the guide is lovely. I will hold it dearly

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I think this is the post that got me to start playing LoTC

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I think you're onto something, but I think skinners need to be defended a bit here, as well has "pretty girl" rpers.


Searching girl on Planet Minecraft has some issues.  A lot of those skins are incredibly low quality; I'm sure most of them are being made by young kids who have just started skinning. This doesn't represent the skinning tendencies of LOTC.


For example, you're right that female skins typically have 2x2 eyes on /planet Minecraft/.  However, those skins *suck* and most female skins on LOTC have 1x2 eyes.


I agree, a lot of the skins made by 10 year olds (or teens and adults with the skills of a 10 year old) are "not very interesting visually".  However, I think that there are a lot of examples of skins with large eyes, long hair, and pretty clothes that /are/ incredibly interesting visually. I was quickly able to find an artist who makes skins fitting this description, lacuna.  (I'd recommend checking out their Planet Minecraft portfolio).


At a certain point, I don't think we need to be able to tell people's personalities, history, hopes, dreams, or goals from their clothes.  Most noble girls in Haense or Balian, realistically, would be wearing pretty dresses, regardless of their goals for world domination or free ponies for every citizen.  Part of the point of those skins is to convey a sense of historical realism.  We don't need half the noble population of Haense to look like emo vampires and cowgirls/boys.  That everyone looks mundane and generically noble adds to a sense of realism.


"They’re fine if you want to play a normal noblewoman, but what if you want to stand out? Play a really unique character full of fire and personality?"  Pretty noble women can be full of fire and personality.  


I think part of the tendency to make fun of scarred characters may have to do with the tendency of low-quality rpers to make characters originally with scars, or to randomly make up a non-rped event in their head so they can give their character a scar, or to blow crp injuries out of proportion so that they can get a cool scar.  Scars become a really cheap and uncreative way to "add personality".  That's not to say scars can't be cool /if/ they have a cool backstory.  But just adding scars "to make my character cooler" is cringe.


I think your personal stories do make a good point; how people rp with you will change depending on your character's appearance and, in the situations that you described, it seems more ooc motivated than irp.  The people beating up an old woman were probably engaging in low-quality or even meme rp.  The vast majority of characters would have no irp reason to engage in those violent shenanigans.  I'm not sure how to change this other than calling out low-quality rp when you see it.  If someone is acting like a 13 year old who just chugged 2 bottles of Red Bull and now has the attention span of a pug with Alzheimer's, and wants to LARP "funny" violence, then we need to call that out and possibly lump it under meme rp.  (I'm saying this because when I got my brother to play LOTC, all he did was shoot kids from the Orenian rooftops, sneak into the Orenian palace and murder kids, kick pregnant women, and get executed in stupid ways [one nation chopped off his limbs, and after they had cut off his arms, he started hopping around saying, 'tis but a flesh wound'].  Some players really do just want to rp silly violence.)

In my personal experience, I rped being an Orenian senator looking like this:



(tbf i was still trying to find a balance between skinning in my personal style and conforming to LOTC skin styles)


There were the occasional mean comments, but my character never got beaten up or mocked for her appearance by Orenian citizens.



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