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Sagwort's Laws Of Magic


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Good eve'


I am here today to offer a proposal.  As I am to understand, magic has recently been 'set free', as they say.  Now I have no complaints about this, but as far as Arcane Magic goes, I wanted to show my simple three law understanding to arcane magic.


Note that some of these laws more or less exist in real life, I simply altered some of them to fit the needs of our particular Arcane Magic system.


The Conservation of Reality

The theory that anything performed by magical means takes up the same amount of energy if it were performed with non-magical means.


The Law of Creation

The law that something cannot be created from nothing, meaning, all forms of arcane magic must have an equal sacrifice to perform.  We see this mostly in the form of mana.  This also goes to say that things cannot be destroyed either, as all things Arcane come from the void and all things return there.


The Evaglno Effect

[As proposed by Elindor]

The idea that arcanists can perform, on occasion, 'super mage' feats much like how adrenalin can allow normal beings to perform 'super physical' feats.  Though, according to the Law of Creation, the cost of said feat is detrimental and permanent.



The Law of Transformation

The law that something cannot be altered or changed unless it retains its original mass.  This law also states that, when transforming something, the change must be physical, not chemical.  This means that a paper can be folded into a crane, though it cannot be turned to ash.  The ash cannot be turned back into paper.


Note that these laws are not restricting of Arcane Magic in anyway. They simply take the general laws of Arcane Magic that already exist, and simplify them into three easy to understand ideas. I also think these laws could be fundamental in creating new forms of Arcane Magic (Not that we need any...).

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This all sounds great, goes well next to the schema I made on how mana works.

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I would like to add the Evaglno Effect which is an amendment under the Law of Creation.


Much like the additional benefits of adrenalin that cause mortals to surpass the usual limitations of their physical ability to perform an individual task that requires a wondrous feat of strength; Mages are able to perform, on rare occasion, magic that extends beyond the usual physical ability as detailed in "The Conservation of Reality". In such an instance, however, the required sacrifice may be taken from another aspect of the Mage's being in addition to (and perhaps as consequence from) the draining of mana. A physical or mental defect would be worn from such an exertion, as seen in the case of Jon Evaglno whereby his overexertion in mental magic caused a permanent breakdown of mental focus.



TL;DR: Overexerting on one spell causes permanent damage.

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We've been using more or less all of this with alteration but it's good to see you're back and bringing it up once again.

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Does this reflect on magic as a whole, or just Void magic?

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What about transmutation and enchanting? It doesn't fall to the 3rd one.

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These laws only apply to Arcane Magic (Don't say Void Magic. . .)


These laws would apply to ALL types of Arcane Magic.  For transmuting, something should still retain its original mass.  (I made this a rule back when I created the sub-type for the magic team, not sure if it is still seen through though).  This way, people cannot turn feathers into boulders and boulders into solid gold.


Now enchanting is a bit tricky, but think about it, the third law ONLY applies to Arcane Magic which involves Transforming.  Meaning: even though the law may apply to all arcane magic, that does not mean it affects the magic.  Enchanting is not Transforming, it is...well, enchanting.  You are not altering or changing the physical appearance, you are changing its...'properties'.  So for enchanting, you could make a pocket which is deeper than it appears or a stone which is much lighter than it looks SO LONG as it does not change the physical appearance.  You should not be changing something's physical appearance anyway in enchanting.


Now you might be thinking, well in Transmutation can't you change the actual object into a completely different one?  I personally believe, no.  Transmutation allows you turn ice into water, but you cannot turn that water into lava.  Ice and water are the same thing, just in a different state, lava is an entirely different substance.  Allowing people to turn one object into a completely different one is a tad...well...I can see it easily abused.  Besides, you can achieve a similar effect with illusion.


Do not confuse Arcane Transmutation with alchemical transmutation.  In alchemy you might be able to turn lead into gold, in magic you can only turn that lead into a horse shoe.

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I'm definitely going to let Arcane puppetry follow these laws, especially the law of Creation.


Following the laws of creation, any magic that adds senses to a body, must also rob the user of their natural senses.


For example, a gem that allows sight must also render them unable to see with their eyes.

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Dunno if this would go here but how would using the essence(breaths/souls for those of you familiar with Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson) of many people to create a sentient sword work?(Nightblood on lotc.. ._.))

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Too much restrictions, IMO. Honestly, it's moving it away from the fun, good magic we /should/ be moving towards. There isn't any of mages razing entire villages with a snap of a finger. This basically is saying no to a whole ton of magics that COULD be, but couldn't if this was actually made official or something

Don't fix what isn't broken, for it has the opposite effect wanted


An enjoyable magic experience that isn't over-powered, yet doesn't have a ton of restrictions > A magic experience which is completely restricted by a set of laws in which restricts the creation of magics which would otherwise benefit the server



Mechanical standard basically IS this except with less restriction, I don't see the need.


Also, Lark, I assume it'd be unaffected due to the fact that it's not really arcane magic you're using to create it.

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Ok, first of all, bud, these rules have been on arcane magic since this whole "system of magic" was created several...many months ago.  I am not restricting, I am taking what is already there and making it a 3 step easy system that people can understand.


In fact, I left out huge chunks of other 'rules' about more specific things like illusion, and evocation, and how the void works, and how you can't physically enter the void yada yada yada YADA.  This is nothing more than a simplified version of what is already in place.  

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