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[Playable Creature/curse Lore] Seekers Of Desires


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Seekers of Desires



Death's Twin by Enamorte, Deviantart.com


What they are

“The Seekers of Desires are the ritualistic result which are commanded with one task driven into their head by their creator. When performed their skin changes texture and color based on what order they were given, the mind has limited control over the body so in some cases the late descendant that was used in a seekers creation holds the ability to speak, however they will be unable to predict what their body does in a combat situation.”

The Seekers of Desire are cursed mortals, cursed with completing a task to finally receive once more the control and actions of their body. Their curse is not normal though, it is associated with one of the five senses. They can receive the curse of Sight, hearing, smell, taste or feel, and each of those have different weaknesses and appearances. The curses mean that their task and weakness are associated with that sense.

How are they made

The seekers of desires are bound by a special seal, the seal itself it protected by the change of texture with the descendants skin, the seal is crafted and placed with a special magic dagger made by the one sealing the descendant. The dagger itself requires the life-force of another living being before the seal can be used, simply killing another living being with the dagger be it an animal or another descendant. Once the being’s heart stops beating the dagger will drain blood into itself and begin to form the seal. From there all that is needed is for the dagger to be stabbed into the heart of the one who the mage wishes to convert in a small ritual.

What do they look like

All of the seekers have the same odd discoloration and texture of ones skin while in their seeker form, however there is a way to tell them apart.

Seeker of Sound - Ears are much larger and rounded clearly visible at all times.

Seeker of Taste - Jaw is much larger, tongue is fairly longer, normally sticking out from the seekers mouth., hard to hide.

Seeker of Feeling - Skin is rougher, similar to scales, several spikes and odd growths will normally appear over the seekers body.

Seeker of Sight - Eyes are wider, more unnatural looking, normally sticking out from the seeker’s head..

Seeker of Smell - Much larger, and longer nose, a bit more pointy. The nose commonly points down, covering the seekers mouth.

Removing a seal

Each seal can be removed in their own unique way depending on the type of order wanted to give to the seeker.


Seeker of Sight
Slippery - Thin blade of which the handle is extremelly slipery. Needs to be pushed over to leave through the back.

Seeker of Smell

Cemented - The handle of the normal blade is stuck to the body with something hard as rock, like cement was placed in it. Needs the cement broken then the dagger removed normally

Seeker of Sound

Twisted - A screwlike dagger is twisted into the body. Needs to be turned the other way like removing a screw

Seeker of Taste

Sticky - A sticky substance holds the knife in, and everything else that touches it. It can be burnt off, frozen then broken, filled with dirt and removed.

Seeker of Feeling

Sharp - The hilt of the dagger is well smithed to be sharp all around, attempting to remove it without thinking will cause severe cuts to anyone attempting to grab it. It requires time and precision to be removed.



Their Tasks

The task given to a Seeker is one that has to be quite vague. While creating a seeker might be something that may be done with some ease, what the seeker does is the biggest downside. They have to follow a few guidelines or the curse on the deceased will not stick.

1. The task has to be associated with the sense it was connected to. A Seeker of the sense of smell can only have tasks that are of the kind of “Smell X”, and nothing else will work.

2. The task can not have any named things, only the word for the object. It can not be “Smell Toveah” it has to be of the kind of “Smell a human”, can’t be “See Alras” it can be “See a market town.”

3. It can not be plural, the task is unitary. It can not be “Hear five ducks” it has to be “Hear a duck”


Weaknesses and strengths



Immortal in every sense of the word until their task is complete or the seal removed. This means, unkillable, breaking it apart will make it only come back together or grow back the parts removed. This doesn’t mean they can’t be defeated, stabbed and stopped, only that afterwards, their body will return to how it was before until the task is complete. If defeated in emote fighting, they could emote that the body seems to be constructing itself again. If defeated in PVP, then they have to move away to construct themselves again.

Doesn’t eat, sleep, drink, and so on. It is entirely focused on it’s task and will only stop when it’s task is done.

Seekers are generally free to self-harm themselves in situations where they need to break free, such as removing an arm to escape a chain binding them to a wall. If they do so however, they would lose their use of the part until they are completely liberated from any possible harm, other words until the rp of their escape chance is over.

The mortal still has the same sight and feels what his body is doing, but can not control it. This means that the mortal has to see himself performing the task, and achieve to it.


Tasks are vague, can be easily misheard or completed in a different manner than the creator originally intended. Example, “See someone die” can normally be a task given to make the seeker kill someone, but if the mortal before was not a fighter, but witnessed a lot of deaths, the Seeker would seek to watch someone else die, not kill someone.

The seeker is generally limited to skills that they knew before death. Example, if its creator expected to re-animate a farmer and have him kill people with the command “Hear someones last breath.” they would be disappointed to see the farmer reject the offer of a weapon and attempt to listen in on someones dying moments.

Tasks are limited to one action, a seeker is unable to target multiple tasks, even if the same, under normal circumstances.

The transformation has an end time - When the player is bored and wants to go back to normal.

They have a natural weakness to healing magics, what would normally heal a being, harms the seal and begins to weaken it. The seal can not be removed this way though, but the cursed person can regain his actions and thoughts for moments, before subcoming to the curse once more. To fully remove the curse, the seal knife has to be removed.

Extremely easy to tell apart, due to their deformations and different color of skin. It does not attack someone, even when provoked, unless it’s to achieve it’s task or to continue to achieve it’s task. It does not deal the death blow to anyone unless that is part of the way to achieve the goal.

How this is gonna work basicly, this could happen to any player at any time. The skins will be provided with necessary edits. The process could fail or succeed. You can decline the ritual if you’d like OOCly and it is sure it fails, but even if you accept there will always be a chance of failure. In that situation the seal will work the same as a stab in the belly would normally, most likely ending up in death.

If anyone would use the immortality to go around killing people/do anything not applied in the ritual would be considered powergaming and in that situation we encourage players to talk it out with them, if they continue to do it treat it as you normally would in these situations.

This primarily is a way to make characters do things they wouldn’t normally be willing to do as they are unable to control their bodies but they will recall most of what happened during their whole time as a seeker. We want this to also be a way for players to experience playing a creature, playing something different.

If this creature is accepted, or perhaps even before that, there will be another type done, which would be a bit different, and less creature like.

Written by Jistuma and TheHuskyPuppy

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black text!


otherwise interesting  +1

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black text!


otherwise interesting  +1


Black text fixed, music made more apropriate.

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Seems a bit OP to me.


The creature or the creation?


Creature is Imortal (which is OP yes), but can not do anything besides what it was tasked to do. And it doesn't really get stronger, just can't die.


Creation is a bit OP as well, thought the things that you can do with the creature are a bit limited because of all the stuff that the creature can't do.


What we tried to do was mix Overpowered with Underpowered, to give a mix of a strong creature, together with many downfalls that it can't be abused, to make it so that it can only be used to create roleplay.


[Edit] If you still consider it OP, please give an example, so that we may find out if it truly is and try to fix it.

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So the creature is just for temporary event type RP? Because as you state once it completes its task it is returned to their normal form.


Also, who will be doing the rituals? (forgive me if the answer to the question is above, I skimmed over it)

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So the creature is just for temporary event type RP? Because as you state once it completes its task it is returned to their normal form.


Also, who will be doing the rituals? (forgive me if the answer to the question is above, I skimmed over it)


Yes, it's a temporary event type creature that can be played by whoever is captured to curse. On who will be doing them... We really haven't thought on that, but it can be easily distributed if needed.


While Husky's character fits for these rituals, mine wouldn't really fit, and I really want to leave these things to other players to do. I try to write lore more often for other players than for me. If this is accepted (which will be left to all the other LMs), then me and husky can very easily decide and give permission for this to be performed by chosen or non chosen other players.

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Yes, it's a temporary event type creature that can be played by whoever is captured to curse. On who will be doing them... We really haven't thought on that, but it can be easily distributed if needed.


Well anyways the lore itself is quite well done, and it may be interesting to be able to see these things around... so PLAWS 1

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Seems interesting and would be cool to watch in RP. But my only questions that arent quite clear are. How are these magic ritual daggers even created? Are we able to just stab someone with a dagger that resembles these? Or does it require a special item only certain peeps can make. Also, if say the immortal cursed creature is gutted and or has his arms cut off. After combat would it just grow instantly? Over a while? Withing a few minutes or hours? How does that work?

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Personally I love this idea. A temporary monster that nobody can stop. Seems pretty creepy to me!



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Simply lovely. Jist, you always give Kardel the darnest pastimes! +1.

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As for this, the dagger does need to be crafted a specific way for each type of seeker. However it can be made with any material so long as it is crafted in a way the seal can be placed upon it.

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Seems interesting and would be cool to watch in RP. But my only questions that arent quite clear are. How are these magic ritual daggers even created? Are we able to just stab someone with a dagger that resembles these? Or does it require a special item only certain peeps can make. Also, if say the immortal cursed creature is gutted and or has his arms cut off. After combat would it just grow instantly? Over a while? Withing a few minutes or hours? How does that work?

The knife or dagger would have to have the right form so that the seal could be created (like a spiral knife of sound, a long thin and pointy dagger of sight, etc). The special people would be the ones with the knowledge on how to create the seal, and the seal would be destroyed when the knife or dagger is removed, since the curse is over (just so it's not repeatable by those who uncurse)


For the immortality, it is slow heal/regeneration. But even with a slow heal/regeneration, a stab wouldn't do much, thought a cut head would. A cut in the chest or arm or leg wouldn't do much, nor would broken bones do more than make it even more deformed, maybe slowing it down, of course cutting them off would.

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Would that be possible to create a impossible task, because I feel if you word it correctly you can basically force a character into a situation where they then go into a task they can never complete?

And what fuels the regenerative abilities of the creature, the curser in question?

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