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The Marked Men - School Of The Stag.


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Luka approaches the three men, pace slow and sluggish, before he'd dip his head in greeting with a simple "Ej..."


MC Name: TheBigPoppa

IC Name: Luka of Pravets.


Age: Fourty-two.

Race: Human, sub race is Raevir.

Minor Backstory: Growing up in the roughly constructed enviroment of old Pravets, Luka lived in a crappy hovel, nurtured and cleaned twice a day. At the age of six, he started assisting with normal jobs around the town, such as harvesting crops, mining and fetching water from the nearby well for his family. Reaching his early adulthood, he was sent away to do what he pursued, but due to his lack of enthusiasm and ambition, he became a lowly renowned sellsword, slaying everything for a cheap price, in a rather gritty and unprofessional fashion. Now, in his late middle ages, he has decided to try and join the Marked Men to start studies along with training in combat.

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The day had started like any other, with a group of men gathering in a ruined forest keep to share and discuss recent news. As the mage, Iatrilemar and the brute, Morris were scuffling, the spellsword, Delonna stepped forward with a hunt. News of creatures ambushing travelers on the road had reached his attention, and it was proposed the men clear them out for free, as a training exercise and a service to the King. With Adeon's approval, the four of them gathered their gear and set out.

Delayed by a pair of obnoxious merchants on the road, they reached their destination at sunset. It was a place along the road to Aldersberg, where unusually aggressive spiders had been reported. It didn't take the hunters long to locate a cave likely to be the source of the attacks, but with each minute wasted, the sun sunk lower and lower towards the horizon. Cautious to avoid a night-time ambush by their prey, the men lit their torches and hurried into the cave.

From the moment they arrived, the four were suspicious. The further into the cave they searched, the more this suspicion grew. The cave was filled with webs, but few spiders were seen. The walls and floor looked too human-influenced to be a natural cave, and the cave system itself had caved in, leaving only the way back and a sealed stone door ahead.

The door itself was clearly magical, with an almost familiar glow that seemed to absorb the mage's spells when he thought to test its strength. The only clue to opening it was a strange gem-shaped slot carved into the stone. The group found themselves pondering this for some time, before eventually agreeing to test the green gem they had found on the forest witch's corpse. As the spellsword departed to retrieve it, the rest were left in the fading light of their dying torches, guarding the mysterious stone door.

Though left behind, they were far from alone. With night truly fallen by the time Delonna departed, Adeon, Morris and Iatrilemar soon picked up skittering noises in the dark, growing ever louder. A hoard of oversized arachnids burst out of a side-passage, charging straight towards the three men. Trapped between the spiders and the dead-end, the brute took the lead with a greatsword in hands. The mage prepared his spells, while Adeon began a chant. Trapped or not, they would fight the foes they came for.

With the men on the defensive, Morris swung his greatsword through the air, slashing at anything and everything that came within range. Bolts of arcane energy flew him, as the Mage tried thinning the numbers to keep the Brute from being overwhelmed. The only goal became to keep them away from Adeon, but even that grew increasingly difficult as the spiders numbers begun to overwhelm them. Morris barely managed to shake one of the large spiders off his back before Adeon's spell was ready. With a shout, a torrent of fire was sent blasting through the cave, blackening the stone and scorching the spiders.

It was only after the flames started dying down that the spellsword returned, carrying the green gem. As he made his way through the cave, a ball of water followed him, spraying water to extinguish the fires and cool the stone walls as passed. Finally he approached the door, pressing the gem into the slot. It was a perfect fit, and the great stone door slowly rumbled down into the ground, after the gem was retrieved.

Ahead of them, the men found themselves stepping into a large cavern. The walls and roof alike were covered in a thick webbing, and the floor was stained with blood and littered with bones. Web sacks hung from the roof, and a pile of remains marked the middle of the room, where the ceiling ascended upwards, into a vertical cave. Iatrilemar sent a few of his arcane bolts to burst some of the web sacks, with an assortment of corpses, eggmush and young spiders falling to the ground as a result. Only too late did Adeon spot the large black shape in the tunnel above, and warn against harming the eggsacks. The damage had been done.

The dark shape slowly emerged from the webbing above, coming to stand above the pile of remains in the middle of the room. The body of a giant spider, with the upper half of a human body mutated onto it. The spider part stood many times larger than the previous ones, and its entire surface covered in a very thick carapace. The human part had no such protection, but even as she glares down at the intruders, a brown glow of magic surrounded her hands.

As soon as the Spider Queen accused the men of killing her children, the party took up attack positions. The beast summoned what was left of her army, and the fight began. New born spiders burst free from some eggsacks and surrounded the men, only to be cut down by their blades. As the Iatrilemar created a big arcane shield, Adeon and Morris flanked to either side. Delonna pulled back to the still-open stone door, hearing the skittering of another wave approaching.

Though the men had skillfully encircled her, the Spider Queen was prepared. She launched the first strike at the brute, Morris. A blast of brown energy that struck with the force of a boulder, fracturing ribs and heavily winding the strongest of the company. As Adeon broke off the attack to aid his injured comrade, Iatrilemar and his shield were left alone against the terrible beast. Blast after blast struck his shield, threatening to shatter the magic holding it together. The elf was backed into the wall, forced to make his shield smaller and smaller to survive the onslaught.

The spellsword held the door with ice, steel and a command over illusions that had made better men surrender, using the chokepoint to prevent the spiders from overwhelming the struggling men within. Just as it seemed the mage could last no longer, Adeon, having moved Morris out of harm's way ascended onto the beast's abdomen. This was not something the creature could ignore, halting the attack on Iatrilemar to investigate the creature in her blindspot. Struggle as she might, she could not shake him off in time to stop the man from sliding his sword between two plates of the thick carapace protecting her, causing her to screech in pain.

Having worked himself into a frenzy and failed to crack the creature's armor from the ground, the injured brute Morris followed Adeon onto the Spider Queen's back. While the men attacked from the top, Iatrilemar was summoning the remains of his energy into a forming an arcane bow and arrow. Even with Adeon's sword in her spider abdomen, it was not until Morris struck the Spider Queen's fragile human half with brass knuckles that she collapsed. Though this threw Adeon off, Morris held on tightly, an action that would nearly prove disastrous.

When the creature rose again, she rose for the roof, in a doomed attempt to retreat. At the precise moment Morris leaped at the Spider Queen's human torso, the mage released his spell, sending the arcane arrow to her chest. It exploded violently on contact, blasting her human half into pieces and brutally throwing Morris to the ground. The blast that nearly killed one man may well have saved another, as it sent the remaining spiders scattering. The spellsword, growing wearing, had moved too slowly after impaling one spider and before he could withdraw his sword, another had caught his arm with its fangs. Even as Adeon and Iatrilemar went to retrieve the badly injured Morris, the debilitating venom wounded him.

Among the mess of bodyparts scattered by the blast, Adeon found a glowing brown gem, taking it with as the four retreated back to their forest keep. It was only with the aid of the guild's paladin that the brute survived, and without any antivenom the spellsword was bedridden for much of three months. All survived however, and the Marked Men had eliminated a threat they hadn't even been aware of yet.

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Gwynevere approaches Coren, envelope sealed in purple wax in hand. She extends it to him with a faint nod, stating "You'll remember this 'un, Coren." before make her way off.  (Permission from Gwyn given)


MC Name: Agith


IC Name: Cir'dian


Age: 257


Race: Mali'ame


Minor Backstory:  

*Written in swift quill* 

I suppose that some backstory would be necessary. I am of the Nymphea bloodline, direct son to the once mighty shade Salamandra. My past has often been somewhat varied depending on who is doing the recollection. However I suppose the only true facts I'd need to state are not in feats, but in my miss-steppings, and my knowledge. My father started my alchemy lessons on my eighth birthday. He gave me a decent amount of accouterments and lead me go wild. Much to his dismay when the house was filled with blue berry flavored foam a week later. On my tenth, he introduced me to water evocation, a magic I become well versed in before it was severed due to the unwise tampering done on several particularly ancient artifacts. Prior to this, I was a student to the elder alchemist Kardel, who took me in as his apprentice after finding my self learned knowledge to be surprisingly well thought out. I helped to flush out both his and my own alchemical knowledge, which we then as elder alchemists spread to the world. Giving knowledge of useful concoctions and the like to all those dubbed worth. Upon turning one hundred and forty nine, I began my studies of clerical magic under the caring and watchful guide of Hosper, Jakir, and Mandru of the clerical order. This is a job that I still enact, as a war cleric to the patron Aengul of judgement, Tahariae. With regards to combat ability, I was trained from age five by the Sol'array family, my father, and a decent bit from other various men and women met in my travels. 


Light be with you,

Cir'dian Nymphea

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A note would make its way to the leader of the Marked Men, a dove holding the note on its leg with a tag attached to the note that reads "For the eyes of the Leader of the Marked men only." the note would read;


"To The Leadership of the Marked Men,
The Scions are looking for allies in their duty and mission to exterminate creatures of an exceedingly dark nature. We also seek information on where dark forces linger, so that we may bring our forces to purge them.
However at this current moment we are not hunting down Necromancers, Frost Witches or Dread Knights, for they're seemingly not a viable threat to exterminate at this moment, however should one get out of hand we will apprehend them. Perhaps when the bigger threats are dealt with we shall handle them for good.
With this alliance, we seek only aid in exterminating high priority threats, such as the forces lingering at the Graveyard near the Mother Grove. In exchange I shall offer aid to anything nonpolitical, bolstering your forces in anything that does not involve fighting among the descendants.
For more information, we may meet in person soon, I hope to hear from you.
-Head Scion Kyral Winterleaf"
(( https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/127230-the-scions/ For a response.))

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MC Name: jager101


IC Name: Martin Jastrung


Age: 21


Race: Human- Highlander


Minor Backstory: Grew up never having any close relationships or ties, was never fond of anything and never motivated to do much all my life, parents died three years ago of a freak horse accident and since then have been living off the small inheritance, I have always been a good learner though, and aren't unfit as a human goes. Seeing as I have done nothing all my life I think with what time I have left I would like to invest my time into doing something worth while, hence I would like to learn under the school of the stag and become a Marked Man and further my knowledge, Also as a last thing I have taken an interest to alchemy and heard that the Marked Man have skilled alchemists I might be able to learn off of

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Macon sends a bird to Coren, the worn paper is wet, but the message clear, written in black ink.


the message reads


MC Name:




IC Name:












Minor Backstory:


After fleeing from the high reaching stonewalls of Petrus, following the demise of my father, I lived in the northern wilderness, lost and living off the land, hunting and forging for food, using the bow handed down to me by my father. Slowly making my way west along the war-torn canyons and snowy peaks, before, landing in a small village within the northern mountains.

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MC Name: Lynxy

*A small bird would find its way, carrying in its talons a small letter, neatly folded as best as it could be*

IC Name: Bryn Wold


Age: 10


Race:Human, Heartlander


Back story:

*Written in the best penmanship a ten year old could*

I've been a farmer most of my life, raised by my mother and grandfather on his farm and taught the ways of the land, how to read and write, and very little on swordsmanship. My mother passed away from illness a year ago and I've been wandering about since. I've heard about and ran into a few of your group and have been told a bit about then by my cousin. I would like to be trained and become a member in your organization if you would have me

- Bryn Wold 

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MC Name: PGarrett


IC Name: Patrick 'Paddy' Garrett


Age: 35


Race: Human


Minor Backstory:

A stocky, hairy and unabashed man Patrick comes from no line of royalty nor of any lineage of note. Patrick spent the majority of his younger life growing up in the slums of Petrus, living in the squalor there and fending mostly for himself as his parents where forced to work. His father Peter was abusive and was obsessed with his ability as a bard despite the fact that he was not very good, Patrick left his home when he was sixteen and he found himself in the wild. He grew his hair, hunted and fended for himself for a good many years. At the current moment he makes a nuisance of himself in taverns searching for work of any kind, with little to lose and lots to gain Patrick has decided to turn his skills to The Marked Men he has heard so much about...

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Application Format


MC Name: Rikoh


IC Name: Abbe Stera


Age: 10


Race: Highlander


Minor Backstory: Born a bastard to no one In particularly important, yet the father thinking he had some sense of nobility cast away the the child. The mother a Lady of the night if you will, was not allowed to keep the child as she had lived in the brothel and the baby had ruined the "Atmosphere". Although they did not like Abbe the people in charge were not complete monsters and let the baby stay with his mother till the age of 7. when he had finally come the to that dreadful day he was immediately cast out of the only home he had ever known. He did not find life out side too difficult, he easily fell onto daily routines that had  been essential to his survival. not struggling with life but simply fed up with the same day to day routine, Abbe searched out any way to a more meaningful life and exciting lifestyle.

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As it would seem, all contact to get through to the School has been proven to be of no avail. The gates to the decrepit fortress remain closed, and the three men whom carefully stoke the flames to their camp fire ignore all those calling out to enter. An eerie silence has washed over Kaer Caed rather then it's usual merriment.


The night following an ancient evil was released from the catacombs of this remote location, Adeon, Delonna, and all those apart

of the school of the Ouroboros set off on yet another adventure to find the promised Oracle to put down this threat and save their friend.


(( Apps received over the forums will not be considered until this event line has been followed through, but do not let that stop you for trying out to join the Marked over in-game RP. ))

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MC Name: tomwhar1


IC Name: Hein Grovlen


Age: 57


Race: Wood Elf


Minor Backstory: Hein is a poor but ambitious wood elf whos parents were horribly murdered by orcs when he was at a young age. He is currently living under a bridge and helps anyone who asks him to do things. He can be to helpful at times but works hard and tries to finish what he started. He is skilled with a bow and can talk himself out of almost any situation 

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MC Name: Ebonsquire


IC Name: Archibald Vallero


Age: 23


Race: Human - Southeron


Minor Backstory: Born in Malinor, raised by Lorial Aurea, mother. Son of Ford Vallero. Moved to Abresi after a certain amount of time had passed. Is now a vagrant, has delved into the arcane arts, gained mastery of perennial and morphon conjuration and dabbles in alchemy and enchanting. Honest and affectionate usually, has a mouth on him, though. He's not entirely mysterious.

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[!] A name is added to the wall of the dead.


"In memory of Casey Shaw, who perished during training. May he rest in peace."

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[!] A name is added to the wall of the dead.


"In memory of Patrick "Paddy" Garrett, who perished during his Trials. May he rest in peace."

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MC Name:  Knox213


IC Name: Edward Blackheart


Age:  14


Race: Highlander



Street urchin who was picked up by the marked men of the stag! (pretty much just want a witcher type character like I used to, don't particularly have backstory for this character since i'm making him for this special occasion!)

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