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~ The Curators Of Light ~


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Curators of Light





The Council:


The council is comprised of four members, each one holder of a certain task.


Hosper ((Hosper)):- Reader, the holder of artifacts and protector of Tahariae’s library.
Lyuin ((SoulessScone)):- Delegate, the orders face to clerics and others alike.
Galan ((Pandann)):- Chaplain, the preserver of Tahariae’s ideals and bringer of faith.
Unfilled ((N/A)):- Preceptor, the highest of teachers, ensuring the words are passed with ease.


Above the all resides the tiebreaker of the council, the voice of Tahariae in this realm. His Judgement. His words are Tahariaes’ own and is an advisor and guide to the council, upon occasion where a vacant slot is present in the council he will take on these duties till a time it is filled once again.


Ivanus ((dandan1350)):- Judgement, the voice, will and embodiment of Tahariae in this realm.


The Patron:






Curators, custodian, keeper. All words that describe the inevitable goal the children of Tahariae strive to achieve. A realm free from the blinding and daunting grasp of darkness and taint, forever striving for a true world of perfection, nothing hindering the purity. They aim to preserve such purity as if it were a museum exhibit; cased within glass and presented for all to bare witness to and yet never touch. Those that dare shatter the protecting glass shall only become victim to the blessed capabilities of the curators.




Conservator -

The very basic rank of initiation, you’ll be placed here before those of the council deem you appropriate to move up and accept the roles of such positions.

Custodian -

The first of the ranks awarded to those trained within the basic of priest healing, capable of completing their duty of healing the many innocent that linger upon this realm.

Keeper -

After contributing to the order you’ll find yourself given the opportunity to become that of a war-cleric, using your once passive connection to either defend those against evil or perish it from our realm.

Overseer -

Once one has shown they’re capable of presenting Tahariae’s will and words with precision, they’ll be offered the authority to teach the conservators of our order, bringing their knowledge and skill towards the standard of Custodian or Keeper.

Warden -

A title not given lightly. When one does an act of grand nature, or offers more contribution than even the grandest Overseer’s they are rewarded this title our of honor.





The Curators currently reside in the Brotherhood of the Lions keep, taking up temporary residence there until a more permanent and secure location is confirmed.



The Rights:


Within the order several rights are followed, each must be followed or face removal from both the order and your serving beneath Tahariae.


1) The right to be taught the words and teachings of Tahariae, along with the capability to use such within defense and offense.

2) The right to defend those of innocence, never harbouring or assisting those that dare inflict impurity upon the mortal realm.

3) The right to protect your brethren and be protected by them, never allowing one to fall victim without risking that of your own life first.







- The First Founding


The clerical order is an order from almost the beginnings of Aegis. It was founded by a young brother and sister training to be monks in the Cloud Temple. Their names were Rebekah and Jacob. The both spent so much time praying to God and to the Aenguls and Daemons that they were smiled upon and blessed. They both were given the abilities to perform works for the gods and to commune with them on a higher level. The duo walked the width of Aegis spreading the light of the gods and growing the ranks of the Clerical Order they had started for those wanting to have this closeness to the gods. For a time they brought on a time of light to Aegis and were a large group called upon by all the nation for aid and counsel. It was the golden era of the clerics.



-The Fading of the Clerical Order


Years after the death of Jacob and Rebekah, the Undead and Ascended first arose. The Order, without the guidance of the founders, had not grown and the most powerful clerics had all died out with none coming to take their place. The people of Aegis had lost faith in the Clerics and with the coming of the Ascended no one called upon the clerics at all. The Ascended became the new light and the Clerics faded from memory.



-The Rediscovery


Years after the Clerical Order had fallen completely from memory and the war of the Undead and Ascended was at its peak, Thrym Silverfist, a young smith, became a cleric. He knew nothing of the original order but wanted to learn more about any clerics there may have been in the past. He went to his family manor, the Irongut manor, and studied long hours in the library. After long hours of searching and praying he found a early journal of Heron Irongut, written before he had fallen, in it he found mention of Heron discovering a clerical order in the Temple Library. Thrym set out at once and spent over a day in the Library searching for the text. Once he found it he begged the Druid Order to let him copy it to form a new Clerical Order. After talking it over the Order agreed. Thrym has now set out to make a new Clerical Order and is in search of other who want to become servants of the gods. The ascended have become few in this day and age and cannot spread light everywhere without help. This Order will help it happen.


-The void of Asulon


There are no known notable accounts of Asulon besides the presence of Adeon Baldwin, though his journeys and actions remain hidden from the orders knowledge.


-A second founding


The disappearance of the Prophet Blaxis Silversmile led to the collapse and disappearance of the previous clerical order, the remnants of the order fleeing to the protection under the Arcane Delvers and settling themselves within their grounds. At the appearance of an elf who pledge his sword in Braxis’ absence to Hosper and vowed to return the order to its former glory. Months past and eventually a home was built for the order to run out of before the Harbinger war began.


The wars accounts unimportant as already documented, the true gain out of the war was the creation of the four Itharel under Tahariae. They led as a council during the war times and soon vanished once the Fringe was vacated for another land. Only to reappear on once again another founding of the order.


-The Alliance


After the many years spent in combat together close bonds between the paladins of Xan and clerics of Tahariae began to form, most notably by Herun and Daniel due to their service in the Golden Lance together. Together they formed the Sacred light order though the conflicts in the patrons belief led to conflict and the order collapsed after a decade in service. From there the clerical order began to fade, barely doing what one could call living.  The survival of its current state only due to the hard efforts of a unnamed few.


Finally the voice of the Stag spoke out to the Itharel still in his service and instructed them to take the mantle and to create a successful order, threatening it as their one and final chance to save Tahariaes’ name that had been stained and to redeem themselves. Thus the Curators were formed.




To become one amongst the ranks, seek out those of our council.

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"Wonderful, more of 'the holy' to rid the world of 'the blight'." Says Mithras Ardere with contempt. "If only they actually did their job." 

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Aldrik's fair features crease with amusement as he laughs softly. The blues of his eyes quickly skim over the information, duly noting several facts. "Seems I may have parchment work after-all...though Ivanus seems to have trouble keeping up with my chosen name. I'm proud of him for catching onto Lyuin but...in light of Tahariae's decision, I thought he might choose the more...recent name granted to me."

Turning on the heel of his foot, he moves back into his halls.


((So is Tahariae Tom Jones?))


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Heshakomeu looks up from the provided history with a furrowed brow. "'The survival of its current state only due to the hard efforts of an unnamed few'... The author of this hardly did his research then, and considering how distant the Itharel were from the past Orders, I am not surprised they did not inform him, or her, of the names. Ah, well, I shall speak to the author about it later..."


He sets the history next to him on the natural rootwood floor of his temple, and pulls out a bottled inkwell, a quill, and paper from his coat. Without further ado, he begins to write:


The Curators of Light,


During my time leading what was left of the Order, I made an agreement with Isabella Deathsbane, leader of the druids of the Spring Circle, that we would unite and build a temple beside their great tree. I am currently reconsidering build design, but the area is still available for the clerics to construct a temple or home of some sort, provided it doesn't clash with the druidic aesthetic too much. Should you need a place to call home, that is available. It is central, far moreso than wherever the home of the Brotherhood is, and along the main road, and a continued alliance with those who were such fervent fighters against taint as well would benefit both the Curators and the Druidic Order.


May Tahariae's Light guide your path,

Heshakomeu Sohae


Heshakomeu then rolls the note up and ties it shut. He whistles, and a very angry bird begrudgingly flies down from a branch above him. It squawks loudly as the high elf seizes it and ties the note to a cloth harness attached to the bird. "Go find the fortress of the Brotherhood of the Golden Lions, you barbaric buzzard," mutters Heshakomeu, before releasing the bird. It immediately leaps and flies off, gliding on air currents and warm breezes to find the Itharel and assorted clerics of the Curators.

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A note would make its way to the leaders of the Curators of Light, a dove holding the note on its leg with a tag attached to the note that reads "For the eyes of the Leaders of the Curators only." the note would read;


"To The Leadership of the Curators,
The Scions are looking for allies in their duty and mission to exterminate creatures of an exceedingly dark nature. We also seek information on where dark forces linger, so that we may bring our forces to purge them.
However at this current moment we are not hunting down Necromancers, Frost Witches or Dread Knights, for they're seemingly not a viable threat to exterminate at this moment, however should one get out of hand we will apprehend them. Perhaps when the bigger threats are dealt with we shall handle them for good.
With this alliance, we seek only aid in exterminating high priority threats, such as the forces lingering at the Graveyard near the Mother Grove. In exchange I shall offer aid to anything nonpolitical, bolstering your forces in anything that does not involve fighting among the descendants.
For more information, we may meet in person soon, I hope to hear from you.
-Head Scion Kyral Winterleaf"
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