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[✗] ET Race: Saerhiinae


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I am hoping for this gemstone to act in a similar way to one that was present in Athera and had an effect on the size of bug-life that was close enough to it.

Far beneath the cold, crashing ocean waves a cavern sits, serving as a tranquil home to those that would wander inside. The waters surrounding it seem to glow with a dim hue of emerald, far outreaching and warm to the touch. Upon further inspection, it would appear that the cavern itself was comprised of rock, almost entirely containing scattered, green shards of gemstone. 

This formation would be known only to the denizens of the area as Taec’or Saer; Cavern of Blessings.

Countless years ago, a primitive species of Sea Serpent took to the haven of Taec’or Saer and for many years, basked in its warming and forgiving embrace. As they thrived in this new environment, they began to morph slowly into more complex beings. In terms of both intelligence and size, these serpents grew drastically, later developing prehensile limbs and keen self-awareness. In time, as with the natural progression of many species, an advanced civilisation had emerged beneath the waves. These creatures would come to refer to themselves as Saerhiinae; Blessed Serpents.

It would appear that the source of their drastic growth came from the pulsating, green waters of Taec’or Saer. The gemstones found within house properties of magic that seem to alter the appearance of those in close quarters. As such, the Sea Serpents of old began to morph into the Saerhiinae that exist today.

The Saerhiinae are scaled, serpentine beings that are often seen in swathes of blue. They are long and powerful creatures, with toned arms and clawed fingers. They peer at the world around them through slanted eyes, usually ranging between orange and red irises with dark slits for pupils. Generally, the Saerhiinae are not seen adorning themselves in clothing or armour as they have no concept of this. However, they can be seen wearing jewellery, especially those of higher status.

These creatures dwell within the oceanic city of Zalaieth, which is very much an open expanse with very little in the form of defensive structures. It is a far distance from the cavern of which they originate, and those that set out to visit Taec'or Saer view the journey as a pilgrimage. ((This will not be a location in-game)) A considerable portion of the city serves as a haven from the water, where precious books and other salvaged items can be stored and kept safe. Additionally, these premises are used to farm and contain land species.

Within the populace there exists two bloodlines from which the modern serpentine creatures descend, and this appearance is the deciding factor in their place within society. These two are categorised as either Haakari or Mula.

Generally, the Haakari are more humanoid in appearance than their cousins. They have two arms, and two legs in place of the large tails of their cousins. Due to this, they are often set to work as the labourers of the species. Their powerful legs allows them to carry stone beneath the waves for building, and aid them in hunting when they venture to the surface. Due to consistent exposure to the surface, coupled with the effects of Taec’or Saer, the Haakari are capable of breathing on land for short periods of time; usually no longer than three hours. However, the Haakari are perceived as less elegant, and thus incapable of being involved in the politics and law of the Saerhiinae.

Concept Art (Credit: 


The Mula serve as the monarchy of the species, as well as the law enforcement due to their greater swimming ability. The upper-crust of the species, the Mula have retained more of their serpentine form, comprising mostly of a long, slender body with an upright torso and arms. Additionally, those of the royal bloodline are blessed with intricate and colourful hoods. Due to their inclination to stay within the city, the Malu have not developed the ability to breath on land without aid. They must utilise the green gemstones in the form of amulets, allowing them the temporary ability to breathe in an alternative environment.

Concept Art (Credit: 


Despite the monumental growth of these beings, they have suffered some ill consequences as a result of this hastened process. Their ability to digest food was severely harmed as their bodies began to morph, and as such, their internal system has been altered greatly. The Saerhiinae have an alternative method to nourishment, which involves draining and ingesting the blood of their prey.

However, it would seem the marine life that share their environment serve little in the way of satisfactory. The Saerhiinae grow tired of small meals, and the Malu have been demanding larger species of the Haakari. Due to this, sightings of these creatures have grown more consistent as they wander the shores of Vailor in search of blood.

Playing a Saerhiinae:

Considering the nature of this race as an ET character, I won't go into great depth as much of a persona is influenced by the RP'ers creativity. However, I will list some minor aspects of note. I have more information regarding culture and potential event ideas if interest in the race is shown. Though, due to this already being quite long I'll cut it short here.

These beings have little to no grasp of the common tongue, and are thus incapable of communication with land species. Additionally, concepts of clothing and eating are foreign and disturbing to them.

The Saerhiinae hold no concern for the emotion of their prey, and care little for the circumstances they leave them in. In their view, they are merely livestock that replenish themselves.


Edited by Smaw
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I'll be honest, I don't want argonians on the server. It's bad enough that we have khajiit

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I'll be honest, I don't want argonians on the server. It's bad enough that we have khajiit

I agree.

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Hmm.. I'd quite like the idea. Maybe it'd be nice to introduce them during the next map transition?

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I'll be honest, I don't want argonians on the server. It's bad enough that we have khajiit

My opinion also. Additionally, this is just a resource I doubt the ET will ever use.

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I'll be honest, I don't want argonians on the server. It's bad enough that we have khajiit

My opinion also. Additionally, this is just a resource I doubt the ET will ever use.

The ET can always find a reason. I like the lore, but I feel it will take a good push or foster eventline to see made reality.

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Interesting twist. Unlike the posters above I DO want an aquatic-lizard race of some kind & the community for the most part has stated that they would both like more event creatures/factions and more antagonists/neutral factions in which to event with. This could easily be that.

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Interesting twist. Unlike the posters above I DO want an aquatic-lizard race of some kind & the community for the most part has stated that they would both like more event creatures/factions and more antagonists/neutral factions in which to event with. This could easily be that.

No. Please no.

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I'll be honest, I don't want argonians on the server. It's bad enough that we have khajiit

If anything, they're more akin to Tsaesci. I didn't envision them as similar to Argonian, but perhaps that's a fault on my own writing. Nevertheless, I understand your point. Though as event creatures I'd hope they wouldn't be seen nearly as often or in such large numbers as the Kharajyr.

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I'll be honest, I don't want argonians on the server. It's bad enough that we have khajiit

My opinion also. Additionally, this is just a resource I doubt the ET will ever use.

What makes you think that? It can still be edited so I can take pointers.

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I'm sorry to say that this lore has been Denied.

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This Lore has been denied. Topic moved to Denied Lore forum.

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