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[✗] [Daemon] Axalia, Mother of the Sea


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I would like to preface this lore first as simply bulking up the already existing world history surrounding Axios, and possibly introducing the native Axolotyn to having a more fleshed out lore. In this lore proposal, I am hoping to introduce their religion, but I will get to their culture in a bit(in another thread). The reason for writing this lore is to propose the Axolotyn's as having a visible impact on the flora and fauna of Axios, possibly even introducing a underwater segment for the players to explore, backed by community sentiments here:


What they have wanted is commonly described as:


  1. A place to enjoy a sense of wonderment 
  2. A race that lays outside of the political alignment of the server, yet still be able to interact with it in meaningful ways
  3. A place for non-combat rp to occur, while still being meaningful (Axotolyns are not prone to violence)
  4. A place for adventure. 



Edit 1.0 Changed from Primordial to Daemons on advice of LM


So why write a Daemon?  Due to the low count of Daemons, and none representing the sea, I figured it would serve as a good background culture for Axotolyns and some added history to Axios (I dont have access to any now, but things could happen?)


Image result for water goddess





The Axolotyns were not always the deep sea creatures that everyone knew them as. They had anthropomorphic bodies, despite the webbing in their feet and the gills on their faces. Why is that?  Why are they amphibious, if they spend almost all of their waking life underwater? They cannot actually breathe, it means they still have lungs. Axolotyns were evolved humanoids, likely descendants of elves due to their long ears. Or perhaps humans, who eventually grew them out over the course of millennia. Whichever the case, they can no longer be called what they once were, turning into a new species entirely. But how? 


The Primordial Axalia, Mother of the Sea was long known for as the patron of the sea and music. Sailors attributed the songs of the sea and wind to the gemsong crystals formed in underwater caverns, or caves by the shore, growing naturally like limestone stalagmites. The soft hums calm sailors, and gently lull them to sleep amidst the monotonous journey of wide expanses of water.  She was the mother of all water life, at the birth of the continent. The denizens of Axios knew her through her songs, and paid homage to her every year, throwing offerings into the sea when their loved ones have passed. Or before setting sail, to pray for luck and that she may watch over them. 


A disaster would soon strike however, leading their continent to fracture and shatter. The lives of the Axions were at stake, as they clung to falling rocks and praying for anything to save them. Though a Primordial, Axalia hesitated to intervene, knowing her place in the hierarchy of divnity, that her very act would change the world. But as she saw the people crying out for her help, she could not stay idle any longer. Reaching for the largest seaweed in the ocean, known as the Giant's Crop, she weaved it into a massive basket, capable of holding the very land on which the Axions were precariously standing on. She appeared before them in a giant wave, cracking the base of the continent off, before quickly bringing the newly formed island on a trip to the ocean floor, in her Giant's Crop Basket. 


She passed through an unseen of gemsong cave, singing a hymn as she laboured with the basket on her back. The cave was strangely filled with nothing but aquamarine crystals, whereas the ones commonly found were in the spectrum of rainbows. The gemsong crystals all hummed along side Axalia, mesmering the people suffocating on their trip into the ocean. Soon, the people popped their eyes wide open. Air still did not flow through their lungs, but they found themselves breathing once more. They looked at each other in amazement, before turning to meet their saviour. 


"This will be your new home." 



Animal: Whales
Symbol: A wave 
Color: Aquamarine 
Alignment: Lawful Good
Avatar Appearance: Sei Whale

Title(s): The Mistress of the Deep, Maiden of the Shores, Watcher of Sailors, Guardian of the Axotolyn


References drawn to bulk this lore come from these pieces, which I have the various authors to thanks:





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I'm afraid you are underestimating what a primordial is. Without revealing too much, Primordials are powerful beings that don't fit into one small category. Might I suggest you make this an Aegnul or Daemon? I'd err on Daemon, if I were you, since we have so few to begin with.

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3 hours ago, Mephistophelian said:

I'm afraid you are underestimating what a primordial is. Without revealing too much, Primordials are powerful beings that don't fit into one small category. Might I suggest you make this an Aegnul or Daemon? I'd err on Daemon, if I were you, since we have so few to begin with.





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I have to agree, this sounds much more like an aengudaemon than a primordial. Although I don't know much about primordials, they are said to never interact pretty much ever, having gained ties in the higher planes eons (or a long time, no one is ever specific) before the aengudaemons.


Edit: Although I recognize that this decision may have been made in part to explain why the deity wouldn't be implemented in a sense that they'd never actively interact again... But just something to give more depth to the Axolotyns. I'd say it's not impossible to say an aengudaemon decided to never interact with the material realm again. I know Dragur is something like that, unless there are some events occurring that I'm not familiar with.

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4 hours ago, Mephistophelian said:

I'm afraid you are underestimating what a primordial is. Without revealing too much, Primordials are powerful beings that don't fit into one small category. Might I suggest you make this an Aegnul or Daemon? I'd err on Daemon, if I were you, since we have so few to begin with.

Well there so far.... isn't any Primordials. The list is blank. I'm free to change it to a Daemon, I just figured something older would be appropriate to being part of the sea. 

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Primordials are older than seas itself. Trust me, just make it about Daemons :)


Also, read over what Gladuos said; they make a pretty good point.

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3 hours ago, AGiantPie said:

damn she hot

she's thicc 


look at those thighs

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52 minutes ago, Aesopian said:

Needs more detail. Like, a lot more.


25 minutes ago, Cave_Creature said:

Axalia should have more to her, but I support a patron of the sea.

Its not that I cant give her more detail, but what tends to define deities are their 'origin' story. Everything else is in addition to that fact from a cultural perspective. The bible has close to 70 stories, but people will be hard pressed to remember 10 of them. 


Creating extra details is not difficult. Associating Axalia to more things is not hard. What are the details you are looking for when reading them up? I have mostly submitted this work in reference to the existing divine being pages, which consists of roughly an origin and history of existence. 

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Well, tell me about how she interacts with the world or how people perceive her to. Does she create tsunamis, hurricanes? Do sailors believe she grants them favor or ill luck? How does she interact or feel about other aengudaemons like the Aspects? Is she sympathetic, vengeful, aloof, maybe fickle like the sea itself? Personally I'd like to see that sort of stuff answered with brief tales or examples, y'know?

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