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The Riders Of The Mark


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-=- The Riders of the Mark -=-


“We are the storm, hear the thunder of our hooves.

As days darken and clouds gather we stand ready

We are the horse’s blood, we are the unroutable

Our steads are swift as lightning, we are the storm and we ride for victory!”  



Stopping dead in your tracks you look up to the figure who has approached you, his stead armoured with the strongest of studs, blue and black banners wave behind him. He looks down at you, his eyes cut you down and you feel the air suddenly get colder. He hands you a note and whispers “ride for the mark if you think you’re strong enough.” He gallops off before you can even mutter a response.




The Riders of the Mark originate from the mountains of Urguan, an unlikely place for the horse lords to live. The cold of the mountains has toughened the steads so that they are stronger than normal horses. The riders are a mercenary group serving only the highest bidder. Their goal is to create a community of not only elite warriors for battles and wars, but also to create a bustling village with plenty of activity.




The Deep Cold, 1606

Aldor and Aeoblod pulled themselves to the top of the mountain, exhausted and malnourished they collapsed into the snow, today was the day, today was the day they gave up. The bitterness of the Dwarven mountains stung them likes angry bees, their faces frozen to the one bitter expression they had had throughout their journey. Aldor stood up and looked around at the crater at the top of the mountain, his eyes widening. “This..- This is perfect…” He finally uttered. They dove into the last of their rations and used what little energy they had left to gather enough wood to build a makeshift hovel for the night. In the morning Aeoblod continued to set up an outpost whilst Aldor travelled back down the mountain to the Kal’Omith to barter supplies for their town. Construction began quickly and the two were able to establish enough food and shelter to sustain them permanently. Aeoblod looked to Aldor “This will be our mark on the world, this will be our home.”  


Battle of Blódskogr, 1608

Grand King Bastion Ireheart had given Aldor one condition for settling in his lands. He wanted the mark’s troops for the upcoming war against the Kingdom of Norland. Eager to prove himself preparations were made and the once empty looking hilltop exploded into a fortified town. Dw93Byn1xtzNadFRwcGAoePH0XPoJxRCTiEnQ-Kw6T1YOUTqRX2Y1wvc8eEHg-LY5HQvc2xw39prAmGIvPjGID5Lsv3GtpvITFRp6J2hOHV5niP_EhWTqc-Lp1rPV08oLEHz3egm


With Fort Mark finished military equipment was the next priority. Maybe it was pity or maybe she genuinely believed in this place the two were blessed with the help of the ascended ‘Mariane’a Abernathy’. The Legendary Blacksmith was a god send to the group who forged the armour and weapons for the riders. Day in and day out she put her blood, tears and sweat into her forge. Each armour bearing her unique runic symbol on the chestpiece. As the sun dipped under the horizon a dwarven messenger arrived at the gates of the mark, it was time to rally. The battle was short and sweet, Aeoblod led the charge into Norland’s defensives. Taking the flank he ordered the men to climb the trees to take out the archers whilst the dwarven forces steamrolled the broken enemy. Returning victorious songs were sung all night in the “Frozen Hill Tavern” this was only the beginning.





The bond between a rider and their steed is of utmost importance to members of the mark. The horse is their companion for life, accompanying them across all terrain through day and night. When a defender of the mark had shown skill, passion and loyalty to the group it would be decided  amongst the Knights and Marshal if they should be promoted to “Rider”. During the ceremony a horse will be presented to the candidate and two must accept each other. If the steed doesn’t accept it’s potential master it means the defender isn’t ready to become a rider. However if it does the defender must complete a trial to show they are worthy.



Trial of the Rider


During your promotion to rider a knight or the marshal will accompany you on your trial. The trial consists of a journey to empower both you and your horse with the water from the “Fountain of Viribus”. The fountain is empowered with the ancient spells of the druids which will fortify the bond between you and your horse and your combat prowess.   




Military ranking system

Upon joining the riders you will be a ‘Defender Of The Mark’, this is the section of training before the trial that you will be a foot soldier. When you are ready you will do the trial and become a rider. When a rider proves themselves as a worthy leader, they will be promoted once again to the rank ‘Knight Of The Mark’. Knights will be given divisions and they will navigate within wars as their own groups. The ‘Marshall Of The Mark’ direct the separate divisions in a war, organizing flanks and tactics.


The Town


Not everyone is cut out to be a rider of even a defender. For the more passive soul the village offers another side of life. Once you settle into the town you’ll become a “Citizen”, helping out with minor tasks and rping in and around The Mark. If you wish to pursue a profession then you can become a “head” of that profession where you’ll have your own unique building with all the tools you need to train. Higher ranks are available like ”senechal” where you would handle administrative tasks in the town and help settle new citizens. The “Steward” is in charge of managing the entire town and overseeing new building, and all professions.


Marshal Of The Mark


The marshall of the mark is the overall leader of the Military who will organise the separate divisions in a war claim. He will discuss business deals with other factions and run the


Knight Of The Mark


A knight of the mark is an officer of the army, they will be granted a larger room in the keep and a barracks to train their troops and store their armour and weapons, a knight of the mark will lead a division in a war claim. And will attend meetings about upcoming wars.


Rider Of The Mark


A rider of the mark is a defender that has proven themselves, they will be given a room in the keep in The Mark and will be given upgraded armour and a horse for every war claim and you will be a part of the cavalry division, ran by a knight.


Defender Of The Mark


A defender of the mark is a foot soldier, the rank will grant you a house in our town, and supply you with armour at every war claim and and you will be a part of a division ran by a knight.





Marshal Of The Mark


Aldor (Dragonayr) 


Knight Of The Mark


Aeoblod (AndrewMcfly)


Rider Of The Mark






Defender Of The Mark









Porterus Vander




Steward Of The Mark


Aeoblod (AndrewMcfly)


Senechal Of The Mark


Heads Of Professions

AndrewMcfly - Farming

Jamei - (Blacksmithing)
Aldor (Dragonayr) - (Breeding)

Pqcify - (fishing)


Citizens Of The Mark








Minecraft Name:


OOC Information:
Do you have discord and teamspeak?:


Character Name:



Is this character your primary character?:

Past PvP/Military Experience:  


Edited by Dragonayr
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((Wait... Rohirrim that live in mountains... How do you even support your horses.. o_O, but sure does that seem cool))

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Wem hears about this group and can't help but think about how they mirror Dunamis almost exactly.

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5 minutes ago, Mj. said:

Wem hears about this group and can't help but think about how they mirror Dunamis almost exactly.


Only similarities i can find is that we are both merc groups? And our group existed before Dunamis returned


26 minutes ago, TheWitherKingHD said:

((Wait... Rohirrim that live in mountains... How do you even support your horses.. o_O, but sure does that seem cool))



Our horses are tougher than the average, as they have been brought up on the mountains of Urguan 

Edited by Dragonayr
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*Mariane'a would jump and raise her hand "I'll do you forgin'"


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28 minutes ago, Dragonayr said:

Only similarities i can find is that we are both merc groups? And our group existed before Dunamis returned



Our horses are tougher than the average, as they have been brought up on the mountains of Urguan 


((Color scheme, elite horse-mercs, etc))

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Minecraft Name: JakeFSF

Age: 17

OOC Information: ????
Do you have discord and teamspeak?: yh


Character Name: Arthur la Croix

Race: Human

Profession:  Leather Working

Is this character your primary character?: p much 

Past PvP/Military Experience:  garbo and not as garbo :0

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13 hours ago, Jake! said:

Minecraft Name: JakeFSF

Age: 17

OOC Information: ????
Do you have discord and teamspeak?: yh


Character Name: Arthur la Croix

Race: Human

Profession:  Leather Working

Is this character your primary character?: p much 

Past PvP/Military Experience:  garbo and not as garbo :0



Edited by Dragonayr
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Minecraft Name:




OOC Information:

I like memes
Do you have discord and teamspeak?:



Character Name:





Lumberjack (Main) / Fisher (Second)

Is this character your primary character?:


Past PvP/Military Experience:  

PVP: Decent

IC experience: None

OOC leadership: a little

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Minecraft Name: Math_rock

Age: 19

OOC Information: Been a while since I RP'd on the server, but with my new character, this group seems like a great fit.
Do you have discord and teamspeak?: Yes


Character Name: Lance Browne

Race: Heartlander

Profession: Lumberjack

Is this character your primary character?: Yes

Past PvP/Military Experience: Minecraft PvP: Good - IC PvP: Good - Military experience: Good.

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On 5/7/2017 at 5:54 PM, Dork117 said:

Minecraft Name:




OOC Information:

I like memes
Do you have discord and teamspeak?:



Character Name:





Lumberjack (Main) / Fisher (Second)

Is this character your primary character?:


Past PvP/Military Experience:  

PVP: Decent

IC experience: None

OOC leadership: a little



On 5/8/2017 at 5:15 PM, Porterus Vander said:

Minecraft Name: Math_rock

Age: 19

OOC Information: Been a while since I RP'd on the server, but with my new character, this group seems like a great fit.
Do you have discord and teamspeak?: Yes


Character Name: Lance Browne

Race: Heartlander

Profession: Lumberjack

Is this character your primary character?: Yes

Past PvP/Military Experience: Minecraft PvP: Good - IC PvP: Good - Military experience: Good.



Edited by Dragonayr
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Minecraft Name:  TheNanMan2000


Age: 26

OOC Information:  I've RPed for a good amount of years now, with Ron being the most used char I have out of all the RP servers I play on.  I have been in many different groups, perhaps the most relevant being the Azghari, who were also horselords.  Luckily my knowledge of unarmed combat helps me in RP combat, as well as in armed combat with my more limited knowledge of fighting with weapons.
Do you have discord and teamspeak?:  Yes, both



Character Name:  Ron Mormaer Jonsonii


Race:  Highlander


Profession:  Miner - Vet  Blacksmith - Vet


Is this character your primary character?: Yes and I will not delete this char any time soon (Perhaps ever)


Past PvP/Military Experience:  In terms of PVP, I'm quite limited.  I've been in a few battles, mostly as Vegetarianism's bodyguard in battle for his different characters.  In terms of generaly military, in almost every group I joined I joined it's military, although unfortunately, many militaries have limited training, so I haven't learnt much for PVP.  My understanding of warfare IRL is much richer, as well as my ability to do RP combat, so I am very well suited for being used when ever there will be RP combat or anything similar.


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4 minutes ago, TheNanMan2000 said:

Minecraft Name:  TheNanMan2000


Age: 26

OOC Information:  I've RPed for a good amount of years now, with Ron being the most used char I have out of all the RP servers I play on.  I have been in many different groups, perhaps the most relevant being the Azghari, who were also horselords.  Luckily my knowledge of unarmed combat helps me in RP combat, as well as in armed combat with my more limited knowledge of fighting with weapons.
Do you have discord and teamspeak?:  Yes, both



Character Name:  Ron Mormaer Jonsonii


Race:  Highlander


Profession:  Miner - Vet  Blacksmith - Vet


Is this character your primary character?: Yes and I will not delete this char any time soon (Perhaps ever)


Past PvP/Military Experience:  In terms of PVP, I'm quite limited.  I've been in a few battles, mostly as Vegetarianism's bodyguard in battle for his different characters.  In terms of generaly military, in almost every group I joined I joined it's military, although unfortunately, many militaries have limited training, so I haven't learnt much for PVP.  My understanding of warfare IRL is much richer, as well as my ability to do RP combat, so I am very well suited for being used when ever there will be RP combat or anything similar.





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Minecraft Name:




OOC Information:

I like memes
Do you have discord and teamspeak?:



Character Name:

William Rudolf




None new player

Is this character your primary character?:


Past PvP/Military Experience:

Military strategist for another server

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Minecraft Name: mag1ster_

Age: 19

OOC Information: Been RPing since I was twelve, in and out of forums and MCrp. I'm very experienced and extremely confident in my writing skills, and am simply looking to have fun RPing in a larger group.
Do you have discord and teamspeak?: Yes to both


Character Name: William Larse

Race: Heartlander

Profession: Blacksmith

Is this character your primary character?: Yes

Past PvP/Military Experience:  I was part of the teutonic order waaay back in 2013/14 on this site, as well as a couple other military guards. Largest battle I ever participated in was the siege against the Blackmonts, which was quite some time ago admittedly; I've been on a hiatus.

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    • Haseroth

      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

    • SimplySeo

      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

    • ToodIes

      they should let seers see staff in /vanish

    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

    • _RoyalCrafter_

      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

    • Islamadon

      Can we get Almaris on the museum :3

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