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[Magic][Deity] The Divine Scoundrels


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“As iron is eaten away by rust, so the envious are consumed by their own passion.”


For years have magi sought the power of others, to harness that they could not. For years magi have sought the unnatural. For years have magi sought to harness powers beyond the void. Yet they could not, with the arts of the divine and dark just out of the reach of the voidal mage, so close yet so far. No mage could return the wounds of a passing traveler, no mage could purge that which is warped, no mage could call upon the very nature that surrounds you and I: at least in theory.


From ages past and long gone altars rested, dust scattered and stone collapsed. Mayhaps these altars hold within them that which is long lost, that which may be harnessed for that which is long lost.




“Men hate the individual whom they call avaricious only because nothing can be gained from him.”


The art of the Divine Scoundrel is the art of stealing another’s magic in order to mimic it for one’s own desires. Naturally, it is a greedy magic - it’s not as if one could expect anything different from an art based around taking what one does not own. Any magic not intended for usage in a specific situation is bound to be warped, separate from the intent one may have had.


It is a given that anything that is not meant to be harnessed within the coils of mortality will leave the user with some detrimental effects. The practice of this magic will harm the soul to a certain degree, as the soul must be capable of importing and exporting to an external connection. Aura is produced by the soul, therefore as the soul is altered is is only expected that aura may be as well. If the scoundrel’s aura is seen through any means there would be faint lines of aurum within, swirling through the aura. As soon as one steals one magic they will feel an urge to steal another, a continually growing and insatiable urge as one progresses within the art of the Divine Scoundrel. This urge and greed is not solely limited to the incorporeal, it can also apply to that which may be felt between one’s digits. Land, wealth, influence. Every man is surprisingly prodigal in their want.


Throughout centuries aenguls and daemons have intervened upon the mortal plane upon their whims and to fulfill their desires, the daemon Tayl is no different. Tayl, the Daemon of Companionship; a deity who’s desire is nothing more than for the descendants to unite, their purpose and potential only realized when all worked as one. Yet Tayl is no fool: he was witness to the conflict wrought by Iblees, the division brought by Xan, the holocaust left in Taharie’s wake. Tayl envisioned a future where the descendants were brought as one, brought united; leading to the original creation of the Divine Scoundrels. These Divine Scoundrels were nothing more than religious fanatics who saw themselves working in Tayl’s name - an utter failure for his creation. And they were destroyed, wiped out as the malevolent Harbinger’s of Draguur were put to rest. But the altars were left across the plane, ready to be awakened upon Tayl’s beckoning; to connect soul to Tayl’s anguish.






“The petty thief is imprisoned but the big thief becomes a feudal lord.”


How is one to mimic an ability without the original blueprint? Such is where the process of the steal comes into play. Truly an unnatural process, the stealing is used for two primary purposes. The first being to place an intermediary between the connection of the stolen magic’s power source and the victim, this allows for the scoundrel to sap a certain amount of energy from the connection. The deity who grants this magic, Tayl, will sap a limited amount of that which is taken. The victim does not experience lesser magic, rather the source of the power will increase in supply in order to balance it out.




The second purpose is that which is centered around the sole innate ability of the scoundrel, scoundrel’s intuition. The specifics of this ability are detailed further below. Thievery’s effect upon the intuition is that of providing the previously mentioned blueprint, imprinting the basics of the magic onto the trinket.


The process in which this is done is based around the scoundrel reaching into where the energy of the soul is held, the area in which the connection to the heavenly power rests. As this requires for the scoundrel to reach into the soul’s energy the victim must be unconscious for such to work. Holding the trinket in one hand the scoundrel must reach forth into their heart, hand flowing through flesh as if it was air. Then they must withdraw their hand, an essence of the soul being withdrawn with it. The final step is to merge the two pieces, trinket and essence into one. From that point onwards the trinket is connected to the power source of the unconscious form.



Irhamir’s scrawny shape leered above the fallen paladin, the diluted silver eyes beaming towards the chest of the unconscious man. Slowly his coat would fall onto the ground, his form descending into a kneel in front of the paladin. His left hand grasped what would appear to be a peculiar necklace, runes covering the silver exterior; as his left hand grasped the necklace his right hand’s fingers would arch in a seemingly painful fashion, as if an electrical current was blasting through the fingers.

With a sudden jolt his hand reached into the location where the paladin’s heart rests, Irhamir’s hand effortlessly entering the flesh that covered. The area around his arm would appear to radiate in a silver aura, tendons twitching and fingers grasping for the unknown. With a swift movement the arm withdrew, flesh left unscathed. Within his fingers a swirling orb of ethereal essence rested, a shimmering teal light held within. Almost as if the essence was acting upon its own will it would reach towards the rune covered necklace. Sluggishly the essence would envelop the necklace, swirling into the runes one by one - stream entering each individually. The runes glowed a faint green hue as the essence slowly wore away, becoming one with the necklace; only for the light to fade over a brief period of time.



-The entire process takes at minimum five emotes.

-The victim must be unconscious.

-When reaching for the energy of the soul the scoundrel can only take the small amount of essence, as that is all the trinket is capable of.

-The process does not harm the victim.

-The victim must practice one of the arts listed under ‘Distorted Magic’.

-Only magics listed under ‘Distorted Magic’ may be stolen.

-The scoundrel may only have one trinket for a magic.

-During the process the scoundrel is completely vulnerable to attack.

-The scoundrel can not make any sort of connection while stealing.

-The scoundrel can not stop the process once it’s started.

-During the process the scoundrel can be affected by ascended magic.

-The magic that is to be mimicked is capped at the tier of the original caster.






“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.”


The altars; remnants of a benign era long gone. As a Daemon, Tayl tries to restrain his involvement upon the mortal plane. As such, he shan’t visit the plane to offer the deal of the scoundrel to those he deems worthy. Rather, Tayl has left altars throughout every landmass - known and unknown - to be awakened. These altars serve to act as his intermediary between his realm and our’s, a point where the connection between him and the descendant is so strong one can feel it. The altar itself is very often incredibly ornate, gold strewn about the surface and gems embedded within nearly every gleaming crest.


An altar always serves a purpose, whether it be communion with the divine or sacrifice. Tayl’s altars serve a purpose twofold - the creation of the trinket, and the creation of the mamon. It is only within the altar that one may activate the meticulously engraved runes, it is only within the altar that one may bind a trinket to glow in Tayl’s warmth. The altar is the centerpiece of the divine scoundrel, the true heart of their work.


Upon placing the trinket within the altar it would shine, an iridescent crimson light filling the cavern about. As the light blinds those with their gaze set upon the altar the runes would begin to sap in the illumination, as if the light were water and the trinket were a sponge. As if an instant every measurement of the light would be gone, only a fading red glow left in the runes laid upon the trinket.






“Power-lust is a weed that grows only in the vacant lots of an abandoned mind.”


The divine scoundrel himself possesses no natural ability, for they simply have a weaker barrier about their soul - they possess no connection to Tayl. It is the trinket that fuels their abilities, the trinket that shares the companionship of Tayl, the trinket that can connect to the beyond. After the trinket has been connected to Tayl, an enchantment has been laid upon it. It is not an enchantment of fire or teleportation, ice or death. It is an enchantment of mere potential - the potential to connect to the beyond. Unlike any enchantment that can be cast by a descendant, the enchantment sent from Tayl gives the trinket the ability to form a connection to the realm decided upon by the essence stored within.


The runes upon the trinket collect the essence that has been stolen by the scoundrel, merging it with the enchantment cast within. Upon this being done the trinket has the capability of acting as a means of connection for the scoundrel wearing it. As such, there is a very tight bond between the scoundrel and their chosen trinket. If it is broken, something rather easy to do, they are sent into a state of unconsciousness.



-The trinket can not be invulnerable, it is a physical object.

-If the trinket is broken the scoundrel is sent unconscious.

-The trinket can not be remade without stealing once again.

-It can be warded.

-A trinket can only be made at an altar.

-Only someone connected to Tayl may use the trinket.

-A trinket can not be enchanted in any other way.

-The trinket possess energies unnatural from the soul, as such it is harmed by ascended magic.






“Greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right, greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind.”


Magic bound beyond its intention, that is the focus of the divine scoundrel. A connection is intended for the usage of the greater soul, and only the greater soul. But that is not how a divine scoundrel practices their art, as such when put into play the magic is bound to be warped. Any conditions placed on magic are detailed below.


Note: Only magics that use a form of energy innately within the scoundrel’s body may be used.


Taharie Clericalism

Purity, or so Taharie says. What is purity? For one to be a mindless worshipper? For one to do nothing with their existence? For one to abstain from any activity? Purity is a lie. Purity is nothing more than a false self-justified sense of morality; and morality is nothing more than a means of manipulation. Attacking other descendants in the name of purity does no good, all is simply erected barriers. Yet somehow healing other descendants is purity? Nae, healing another descendant is an act that brings many together - to form a cohesive group - to become companions. With this logic the warped magic that one would experience would be limited to solely priest healing with no inability to cast any sort of war cleric spell. Of course, the stolen light of Taharie is far from the original: causing any healing that is done to cause immense pain to he who is healed, akin to that of a shade.


Xan Paladinism

Xan, the Aengul of Order; or so he declares himself. Results outweigh titles no matter how one may spin it, hence let us look at the results left in Xan’s destructive wake. Killing for suffering a curse is no form of order. Wreaking havoc upon property over mere accusations is no form of order. Inciting fear within the children of the four brothers is no form of order. Nae, for Xan’s followers leave no remark other leaving chaos within their wake; leave no remark other than dividing the descendants from he who is ‘good’ and he who is ‘evil’. The true problem, as Tayl would argue, would be with the Xan and his followers - not those he wishes to enact genocide upon. Henceforth when Tayl’s energy merges with Xan’s mist through the means of a scoundrel it produces the bane of the holy - no longer a bane of corrupted. It would merely treat a holy mage as if they were a being with a darkened soul; a being with no worth for our realm.


Ascended Magic

A caretaker’s task is to look after that which they are assigned to. But to Aerial, the ‘caretaker’ of souls, the task is to smite the souls of all who defy her ideology. That which she considers to be her realm? Hell. For Hell must be inhabited to exist, the nether does not fulfill this criteria. But Aerial’s realm? That where the fallen souls go to rest, suffering for the reigns of empires on end. Truly this can be no caretaker, it can only be antithesis of such. There can be no reward for this despicable behavior, only punishment for he who commits the true sin of division. If a scoundrel is to bind the essence of an Ascended to a trinket the magic would be far from normal, only able to produce ruin soulfire that would harm holy beings and practitioners rather than dark magi.


Dark Shamanism

The scoundrel may only use the Spirit of Transport, Warfare, or Slavery, unable to use the abilities of the elemental and immortal spirits.

The scoundrel saps directly from the Isthmus Anchor placed down, therefore the rite that they use is dependent upon the dark shaman they are sapping from.

Binding a spirit to an anchor and binding essence to a device. Is there truly much difference between the two? Yes, one is smaller in corporeal and incorporeal measurements - but the purpose is the same. Binding what one does not possess to a tool, a tool to be used. A scoundrel may establish a connection, upon binding the soul essence of a dark shaman, to the Isthmus Anchor of the same: allowing for them to practice via the same rite as the dark shaman would. Given, a trinket is not a naakh, far weaker than one in fact. Therefore the scoundrel would only be able to use the abilities of the dark shaman’s primary rite of either transport, warfare, or slavery.



The bane of life itself, can such a twisted thing be twisted to a further extent? Proven by a scoundrel it may, it may become a tool of suicide. A tool that does nothing other than drain the lifeforce of the scoundrel himself - for he lacks proper control.



Truly a mad mans attempt; if a scoundrel is to attempt to use druidism they would consistently hear the voices of nature, causing utmost insanity. Yet if a scoundrel manages to work through the screeching of nature and attempt to manipulate he who screams, nature itself would simply lash back out at the scoundrel.


Soul Steal Antimagic

The magic that despises magic, the magic that eats away mana of all caught within its grasp. A scoundrel simply could not control this, or truly produce any mist of the sort. Instead, attempting to produce the grey mists would do nothing other than increasingly drain the scoundrel’s mana.



-Both the stolen magic and divine scoundrel can be warded to cancel out the magic.

-The stolen magic is no more powerful than the original.

-Holy magic is defined as any magic that explicitly harms taint and darkness.

-Only one of the listed magics may be stolen.

-The magic still uses the caster’s mana, as normal.

-The scoundrel is harmed by ascended magic while casting through the trinket.

-They may not use any explicitly T5 abilities of a magic, but they would still receive the small boost that a T5 mage would see.




“Reasoning at every step he treads, Man yet mistakes his way, whilst meaner things, whom instinct leads, are rarely known to stray.”


Practice makes perfect; a quote often told. When it comes to the art of the divine scoundrel the quote is far more accurate than one would expect. Scoundrel’s Intuition, as it has been dubbed, is a solely learnt ability. The more one practices the art of the scoundrel the more one becomes attuned to their instinct, their intuition.


A Scoundrel’s Intuition is what allows for them to understand a magic that they have been connected to at a reasonable pace, albeit no matter there is always something that must be learnt. Using their intuition the scoundrel will understand certain aspects of the magic that they are possessing, never near mastery, but enough to learn.



-The scoundrel does not possess perfect knowledge of a magic from their intuition.

-Scoundrel’s intuition only applies to the magic within the trinket they have equipped.

-Scoundrel’s intuition can be used for nothing more than understanding a magic.




It is a given that as a mage the divine scoundrel will progress in their capabilities the more they use it. Outlined in the general tier system below:


Tier 1:

The scoundrel can use tier 1 abilities in any stolen magic.

Their scoundrel’s intuition allows for them to understand the connection process of the magic.

Tier 2:

The scoundrel can use tier 2 abilities in any stolen magic, given the one they are mimicking it from are of the same tier or greater.

Tier 3:

The scoundrel can use tier 3 abilities in any stolen magic, given the one they are mimicking it from are of the same tier or greater.

Their scoundrel’s intuition allows for them to understand the most basic abilities of any mimicked magic.

Tier 4:

The scoundrel can use tier 4 abilities in any stolen magic, given the one they are mimicking it from are of the same tier or greater.

Tier 5:

The scoundrel receives the small boost to their previous mimicked ability that a tier 5 mage would experience.

Their scoundrel’s intuition will let them understand the abilities of an apprentice within the mimicked magic.






“To hazard much to get much has more of avarice than wisdom.”


Greed, a sin that seems to draw upon every innocent mortal mind within its reach; a word far more powerful than any aengudaemon could be. The Mamon is the pinnacle of greed, one who has let the sin consume every bone, every muscle, every nerve; he who has let greed consume his very soul. A being weak to bluesteel, the imperfect fusion of rare and common. The scoundrel himself is far beyond any Ibleesian curse, yet if one is to transcend into a Mamon there is very little thought other than that. Every act a Mamon takes has one focus in mind, one intention: their benefit, their greed. The Mamon fails to comprehend why one would ever commit an act in the name of love, or perhaps even an act of mere generosity; all is lost within the mind of a Mamon.


A Mamon is the product of the fusion of the powers of Tayl and the coiled form of a descendant. Their creation is akin to that of a trinket to a certain extent, the requirement of the altar and runes. Of course, for the creation of such a beast there is an additional requirement. A soul. Similar to the art of Fi’hiraan’tanya the scoundrel’s soul is required to absorb the soul of a descendant, taken under their dominion. For this to be done both the one whose death is decided and the divine scoundrel who will partake in the transformation must be within the presence of the altar, they may be unconscious but they both must be living. Once this condition has been met quartz runes must be carefully drawn over the bodies of each descendant, separate runes yet linked. And then the crimson is to be drawn, the death of the victim being set into the past. The altar will prevent the soul from escaping towards the soul stream to be re-incarnated, instead the runes, powered by the altar, will send it to the scoundrel with similar runes marked. A battle of souls is to partake, akin to that of a shade and their host. The two will fight for control over the mortal coil, attempting to subdue the other. Generally the scoundrel will win this war, as the rightful owner of the form they are given a distinct advantage - but it is a possibility for the attacker to permanently take control of the coil. Once the soul is subdued and the process completed the body is enchanted with Tayl’s light, not too different from when a trinket is crafted. The runes become permanent marks on the body of the scoundrel, as Tayl’s warmth infuses further within. The runes will turn into the color of the scoundrel’s aura, streaks from arm to leg. Henceforth they are cursed with avarice - a forsaken eternity with little will.


As the runes breach through their mortal coil and the soul is subdued excruciating pain ensues, as if acid pulsed throughout their veins. To an outsider it would appear as if what was under their skin was moving about, changing shape - but the truth of the matter is far more agonizing. Their organs would slowly melt away, leaving nothing more than aurum wisps in their wake - followed by limbs and skin, bone and head. This period would feel as if it were an eternity for the scoundrel, for their soul is torn asunder from the coil. Rather than their soul being sent forth to the heavens it would be pulled towards the nearby altar, a physical form of manifested energies emerging from within. The soul is no longer that of a descendant, rather it is the form of a tool of Tayl’s will, occupying where the heart of the scoundrel once was; as such if this location takes upon harm they will face death - only for the form to be recreated as the soul is pulled once more to the altar. The remaining creature’s energies would eventually manifest as that of their once mortal coil - but truly only in appearance; for the only thing within the body is physically manifested energy and ichor.  As such, a new Mamon has been placed upon the plane of existence. The Mamon is bound to Tayl’s will, forced to choose Tayl over his own avarice; yet they may not know that the will they are following are Tayl’s rather than their own.


There are three notable improvements that can be seen in a Mamon, far overshadowed by the hordes of pain and loss. For Tayl must have some way to control the scoundrels, yet he is often lost from history due to his lack of clear influence. A Mamon is trusted with the ability to connect new scoundrels to Tayl, to bind their soul to his influence. Yet the scoundrel is not bound to his will, the Mamon that has connected them is required to keep the scoundrels to follow his will - whether it be through means of honest intention or deceit. There is no form of disconnection from Tayl, often inspiring conflicts within for only the strongest to emerge victorious. Tayl is a daemon who acts through deception and disguise, whispering into the ears of leaders when they least know it; it is only expected for his tools to be a means to this. Therefore the energy that forms the body of the Mamon is capable of being altered in physical appearance, allowing for a Mamon to take on a new identity as a means of influencing from the shadows. This often is something that is difficult to perfect, a new Mamon only capable of altering small sections of their body whilst an experienced Mamon may manipulate the energies in ways that are beyond a typical mortal form. Examples of this include things such as a Mamon turn into a being of mist, leaving their soul vulnerable. The material is not naturally hardy, with the most dense possible being that of tempered aurum - yet only on their exterior. If a Mamon is to embody something unnatural their form would be limited to the colors of aurum and silver - the same that composes their flesh and blood. The final and most peculiar ability of the Mamon is that akin to the trinket. The soul that they are required to subdue ought to serve a purpose, capable of holding a small portion of a master’s essence. Unlike a trinket, however, this essence does not grant them any magic - rather it mutates their form to better fulfil the magic that is held within said essence. Only a magic that they practice or have stolen may be used. The mutation is rather minor, providing no aesthetic differences rather a small passive ability. Each mutation is detailed below:



Taharie Clericalism

Similar to an ascended’s natural regeneration, the Mamon would experience a small amount of out of combat regeneration.

Xan Paladinism

The energies within become more populated, density increasing. The maximum strength that the exterior of their form can have is that of iron.

Ascended Magic

Their touch would feel warm and calming, much like a mother’s hold. This may not be used to escape combat or any hostile situation, as the effect is extremely minor.


Once more lifeforce is capable of flowing throughout their form, this is the only way that a Mamon would be capable of performing feats of necromancy. The amount of lifeforce that can be held is nothing more than that of a normal descendant.

Blood Magic

The ichor within their form bathes with mana, being equivalent to the blood of a horror. If the scoundrel is to take this path then the corruption brought with genus becomes that of silver and gold in color.

Voidal Magic

Their palms become wrought with a magi’s energy, henceforth their hands function much like an attuned item.


The final ability of the mamon is focused upon stealth and deceit, capable of lying through life as it be. It is very viable to be argued that the ability itself is that which reveals the true form of the mamon, that of nothingness. For the mamon has been encompassed by the sin of greed. The ability itself is done via their ever changing physical form, capable of altering everything from shape to color. A mamon is capable of making themselves unseen by light, thus making them unseen by all - in effect it is invisibility. Over a period of three emotes a mamon is capable of entering this state of invisibility. In order to do so, though, they may not be harmed to any degree whilst casting it - and while casting it they are left incredibly vulnerable. Do note, that while they may not be seen by the eye, they still produce sound and are physically there - allowing detection. If there is any abrupt action that is done upon them to break their focus then they would be thrown out of the cloak of invisibility. Due to the nature of their aura and soul colliding with this augmented physical state a small amount of aurum mist is produced every three emotes while in this state.


-Mamon possess a second soul, similar to anti-mages they are always harmed by Ascended.
-Only a Mamon may possess a TA for the art of the divine scoundrel.
-Being warded or having an anti-mage act upon the creature will cause for them to return to a heavily weakened form of their original selves, yet with the resistance of pure aurum.
-The vast majority of their actions must either be following Tayl’s will or be an act of greed.
-If struck through the heart with bluesteel, or whilst having anti magic or warding upon them, it would be an effectively given death.
-An added weakness that will always exist is bluesteel, acting similar to how tainted beings react to aurum.
-The transformation is as permanent as Tayl wishes.
-As all creatures have caps, the Mamon will have a maximum amount set at four.
-Only one who has been granted the runes by Tayl himself may created new Mamon.
-The essence within them must be noted on their application when they take it. This may only be changed once every six months.
-They may not mimic the appearance of another person.
-They are infertile.
-They do not possess any internal organs, as such they do not require air or food, and poisons that are not acidic in nature have no effect.
-Their forms do not age, but if they are returned to mortality by Tayl they would age from the point of their transformation.
-Runes must always appear on their physical form, no matter what shape it takes.
-They are no stronger than they were before.
-Their magic is no more powerful.
-If the player fails to follow Tayl’s will or act with greed the majority of the time they will be disconnected.
-They still feel pain as any descendant would.
-There is still the possibility of bleeding out.
-A scoundrel is not required to become a Mamon.
-As they no longer possess natural flesh, healing magic no longer has an effect upon them.
-Their body does not naturally heal itself unless they are using a clerical based mutation, the only method of healing is via an altar
-Upon death they still lose all memories pertaining to it, and are recreated at an altar.
-If they are killed it would take one week for them to gain a new body, during this time the character cannot be played.
-If they take upon the appearance of a descendent the form may not be strengthened in any way.
-Transformations are by no means instant. They can not be done in combat and take at least four emotes for a full body change, during this time they are incredibly vulnerable.
-Unlike most creatures that are the result of reaching the pinnacle of an art, the Mamon lack much boost within their combat prowess.
-They can’t change their gender.




“We are but a point, a single comma, and God is the literature of eternity.”


Tayl: a Daemon bound beyond the constraints of light and darkness. A Daemon often lost to history - for he had forsaken it; locking himself away from the world due to its constant struggles between mortality. He had seen the dividing factors of what his brothers and sisters of the Creator had caused, dividing descendants over petty ideas of purity and taint, of preservation and corruption. As the Daemon of companionship his focus was upon uniting the individuals, to form a singular entity free of conflict and war. To no avail, he grew to despise his brethren - his wrath increasing with each step he made.


For Tayl is no imbecile; he understands that if he is to directly involve himself with his kin it would be no more than suicide. Therefore he formulated his plan - to avoid direct confrontation and leave his relation unknown yet still provide the much needed effect. And his will was from that point on set in stone.


He is known to bargain with the descendants of the realm, those who have similar goals to that of his own. As such, Tayl often whispers in the ears of mortal upon mortal, king to king. Given, he is capable of far more - and such is where the creation of the Divine Scoundrels arose. Often they know not their source, for Tayl shan’t distribute such cautious information upon a whim. Tayl wished to strain the abilities of the other Aengudaemons, to grow the abilities he himself possesses - to sap away their energy. To will the scoundrel to eradicate the aenguldaemonic ilk. A true act of the ends justifying the means.


The Divine Scoundrels are nothing more than another one of Tayl’s bargains made with a descendant, another way to push forth his means. Truly it is nothing more than a twisted experiment of the benevolent daemon. For Tayl is far more laissez-faire than the other of his ilk, hence he doesn’t manage the scoundrel’s himself. Rather, he leaves that duty to be that of the Mamon, allowing him to do nothing more than force the Mamon to follow his will. With no remorse, if a Mamon is to fail at this task they are instantly returned to their previous form.  



-A deity based magic that isn’t naturally good.

-A magic that requires for one to be clever to properly use it.

-It gives a purpose to Tayl.

-A unique twist on magic.

-Tayl couldn’t care less about void magic.

-Something for holy mages to fear.

-Interesting roleplay with a thief of the incorporeal.

-Philosophical questions to be inspired.

-Disconnection does not exist for this magic, allowing conflict within a group.

-The magic is more susceptible to problems by an incompetent practitioner.

-It breaks the stereotypical mold of good and evil.

-More strategic factors to take into consideration.

-A rather complex magic.

-Difficult to track if precautions are not taken.

-The connection between the Scoundrel and Tayl is incredibly weak.

-While casting using this magic any other sort of connection would prove impossible to be formed.

-Prevents the scoundrel from having any other deity magic.


Magic Applications


Magic applications are where a certain difficulty comes into play with this magic. It poses a conundrum to be placed upon the magic team. As such, for how this magic will be handled with application wise shall be detailed. Initially the magic is to be applied as a Deity magic, sorting into Deity -> Divine Scoundrel. When a scoundrel steals a magic they are to apply for a self taught app with confirmation from the one that they are mimicking it from, and an OOC overseer to help them gain a proper understanding of the magic. The self taught app is not to be sorted on the magic list, rather on the application the player must link their original divine scoundrel app onto it and the MT shall edit a link of the self taught app at the bottom of the application.


Credit to 23% of the LT for giving me feedback before I submitted this. And of course, credit to @Infamous American for working with me on the original Divine Scoundrels lore long ago; this lore likely would not exist if it weren’t for him. If you’re curious about the original lore you can read it here.





-Made Druidism and Fi magic effectively impossible to be used under this.

-Removed void magic, blood magic, and soul puppetry from the possibilities.
-Added a limited form of Dark Shamanism.
-Removed the two slot usage. (This can be re-added upon LT request)
-Added a redline stating one may not use the explicitly T5 abilities of any given magic, but they may experience the small boost in spell power that  T5 mage would possess.
-Expanded on Tayl.
-Expanded on the distorted magics.
-Replaced the Bil’am with the Mamon.
-Changed some wording.


-Added a Mamon ability


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Sweet I got a mention take that neeeeeeerds!
Great lore, much more refined than the original while still keeping its essence great job.

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1 hour ago, ShameJax said:

The process in which this is done is based around the scoundrel reaching into where the energy of the soul is held, the area in which the connection to the heavenly power rests. As this requires for the scoundrel to reach into the soul’s energy the victim must be unconscious for such to work. Holding the trinket in one hand the scoundrel must reach forth into their heart, hand flowing through flesh as if it was air. Then they must withdraw their hand, an essence of the soul being withdrawn with it. The final step is to merge the two pieces, trinket and essence into one. From that point onwards the trinket is connected to the power source of the unconscious form.



1. As I'll quote from the Ascended lore:

Due to a direct connection with the energies of the Caretaker of Souls, the Ivory Soul of an Ascended is nigh-immune to any and all magics that would attempt to corrupt it. If not resisted outright, such attempts on an incapacitated Ascended may simply kill them.


Because of this I do not believe that Ascended would be vulnerable to this magic-stealing process, though that is one of very many concerns with this lore.


2. Many months ago the Ascended rewrite pitched an ability that would merge deity magics into powerful combo spells, but this was torn apart and shredded by the LT and most loreholders because Aeriel, despite being the Archaengul, holds no dominion over other aenguls or their magic and have no power whatsoever to shape how it functions. Why would this Divine Scoundrel magic be any different, in this case?


3. There are so many different ways that a Divine Scoundrel can proceed, and so many different magics they can lean, that I wholeheartedly believe the system would devolve into overly complicated situations with lots of paperwork involved and a multitude of things that can go wrong, most importantly powergaming.


4. Now, I may have read this incorrectly, but are you saying that a Divine Scoundrel can use their stolen deific magic as well as void magic? Because if this is the case I am vehemently in opposition to it. The greatest weakness of a deity mage is that they cannot use voidal magic whatsoever and their souls are physically incompatible with void magic. Workarounds to this rule are a hard 'no' from me.

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11 minutes ago, Master Sage Delaselva said:


1. As I'll quote from the Ascended lore:

Due to a direct connection with the energies of the Caretaker of Souls, the Ivory Soul of an Ascended is nigh-immune to any and all magics that would attempt to corrupt it. If not resisted outright, such attempts on an incapacitated Ascended may simply kill them.


Because of this I do not believe that Ascended would be vulnerable to this magic-stealing process, though that is one of very many concerns with this lore.


2. Many months ago the Ascended rewrite pitched an ability that would merge deity magics into powerful combo spells, but this was torn apart and shredded by the LT and most loreholders because Aeriel, despite being the Archaengul, holds no dominion over other aenguls or their magic. Why would this Divine Scoundrel magic be any different, in this case?


3. There are so many different ways that a Divine Scoundrel can proceed, and so many different magics they can lean, that I wholeheartedly believe the system would devolve into overly complicated situations with lots of paperwork involved and a multitude of things that can go wrong, most importantly powergaming.


4. Now, I may have read this incorrectly, but are you saying that a Divine Scoundrel can use their stolen deific magic as well as void magic? Because if this is the case I am vehemently in opposition to it. The greatest weakness of a deity mage is that they cannot use voidal magic whatsoever and their souls are physically incompatible with void magic. Workarounds to this rule are a hard 'no' from me.


1. It truly isn't corrupting it, it's not as if they're infusing amber into any spells cast. It's moreso similar to someone struggling against a kidnapper, something that would be pretty difficult to work with.


2. This lore is different, as this requires for the Scoundrel to tap into the connection. Effectively, there is a 'redirection' of sorts on the connection, so it does not go to the deity it is taking it from - rather only meeting it midway. In real life oceans are considered international territory - no nation has dominion over it. Effectively this magic is a pirate jumping on a sea based trade route.


3. Admittedly I'm a fan of complicated things, I'll say that first and foremost. I've offered a solution to simplify it, tracking it and requiring a self teach app with an OOC overseer. This is not very different from an old player returning, or someone simply self teaching a magic.


4. Yes, a Divine Scoundrel can as Tayl couldn't care less. This magic includes added weaknesses, particularly compared to a default void mage. I'm not quite certain where you got the idea that a simple connection makes a soul physically incompatible, as referenced here the only given addition due to a deity connection is weakness from funneling the abilities of the heavens.

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I don't see why they would be able to learn how to use the magical by themselves when the original users of the magics need a lot of months to learn them. And in the most of the cases you can't tier up or learn new abilities without a teacher and having lessons. Also in the case of the ascended we have our flame in our body and we don't get our power directly from aeriel, when we get connected our embers is small and then it starts to grow and grow until become a flame. But also the flame can't exist without the connection. So I don't see how you could use the ascended magic without have a progenous ember connected to Aeriel in the trinket. I can't understand neither why it would just affect to holy mages, Ascended magic just affect altered souls, if we say that this magic can turn the magics into opposite, it will hurt all the non altered souls, like descendants, voidal horrors, holy mages etc etc. 

My conclusions: I think you only  should be able to use tier 1 or 2 of the magics that you steal and you should have previous knowledge about it to understand how to use it. Also more explanation about how it works in each magic would be appreciated.

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Just now, Suxals said:

I don't see why they would be able to learn how to use the magical by themselves when the original users of the magics need a lot of months to learn them. And in the most of the cases you can't tier up or learn new abilities without a teacher and having lessons. Also in the case of the ascended we have our flame in our body and we don't get our power directly from aeriel, when we get connected our embers is small and then it starts to grow and grow until become a flame. But also the flame can't exist without the connection. So I don't see how you could use the ascended magic without have a progenous ember connected to Aeriel in the trinket. I can't understand neither why it would just affect to holy mages, Ascended magic just affect altered souls, if we say that this magic can turn the magics into opposite, it will hurt all the non altered souls, like descendants, voidal horrors, holy mages etc etc. 

My conclusions: I think you only  should be able to use tier 1 or 2 of the magics that you steal and you should have previous knowledge about it to understand how to use it. Also more explanation about how it works in each magic would be appreciated.



People just receive a basic understanding of it, even once they've reached mastery in an art. The most they can do just from stealing it would be tier 1-2, and from that point the Scoundrel must move onward through study and potentially teaching to accelerate it. One can use Ascended magic as they are acting between the connection, they're funneling some electricity away from a cable. The magic doesn't fully reverse or counter any magic, it's rather distortion. The reason holy magics work in such a way is that the deity powering this magic, Tayl, despises other Aengudaemons - he sees them as doing nothing more than dividing the descendants.

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Elaborate on how Tayl would benefit from having such direct proxies. 

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16 minutes ago, animu said:

Elaborate on how Tayl would benefit from having such direct proxies. 


I've added a section on Tayl, more of his lore can be found here.


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While the lore is well written, and I am a huge fan of the whole 'magic thief' concept, I do have some reservations about this lore.  First and foremost is the fact that both deity and vodial magic can be manipulated through these means.  Perhaps two subtypes should be created instead;  One for the redirection of Aengudaemonic powers, and one for the manipulation of the arcane arts.

Edited by ForeverGinger
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1 hour ago, ForeverGinger said:

While the lore is well written, and I am a huge fan of the whole 'magic thief' concept, I do have some reservations about this lore.  First and foremost is the fact that both deity and vodial magic can be manipulated through these means.  Perhaps two subtypes should be created instead;  One for the redirection of Aengudaemonic powers, and one for the manipulation of the arcane arts.


I'd considered that, but then I was posed with a difficulty. The same process is used to seize both areas, why would one be taught differently? I could add in a few lines to say that different runes are infused on the trinket, but is that different enough to warrant a separate sub type? Do I even want people picking up half of the magic without embracing it? As a result, this magic effectively is already the equivalent of two magics. It has the same strain on the wearer, and most importantly, the same slot usage.

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Might I ask why soul puppetry is listed as a magic that can be stolen? 


I don't wish to say but to use soul puppetry you have to learn it you cannot simply take it and have the knowledge.


You need an understanding of the connection.

How to create the puppet.

What puppets to use.

How to make a curse.

How to imbue curses onto the puppet and to the victim by transference. 


Stealing said art won't make you instantly understand how to do most of these things as they're learnt through a long process of teaching and self-discovery. 


I would go against adding in soul puppetry to the magics that this addition 'steals'.

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If you took druidsm from a high tier druid without any actual training up to that tier you'd literally fall over, cry and go insanse

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5 hours ago, Evocress said:

Might I ask why soul puppetry is listed as a magic that can be stolen? 


I don't wish to say but to use soul puppetry you have to learn it you cannot simply take it and have the knowledge.


You need an understanding of the connection.

How to create the puppet.

What puppets to use.

How to make a curse.

How to imbue curses onto the puppet and to the victim by transference. 


Stealing said art won't make you instantly understand how to do most of these things as they're learnt through a long process of teaching and self-discovery. 


I would go against adding in soul puppetry to the magics that this addition 'steals'.


I've stated this multiple times - someone only gets an extremely basic knowledge of the magic innately. Progression from that point onwards is at a normal rate, with the requirement of an OOC overseer.

1 hour ago, DropKoala said:

If you took druidsm from a high tier druid without any actual training up to that tier you'd literally fall over, cry and go insanse


The voices aren't something I'd thought of, but the power from the magic does not just suddenly get to the highest tier. Rather you would start at tier 2 and build up.

1 hour ago, Jaeden said:


I'll say first and foremost, I haven't read the entire lore. I was told about it in discord, and read the section on druidism only.


While it's a neat concept, that isn't how druidism works. Communing and 'controlling' go hand-in-hand. However, contrary to the name of Nature's Control, you don't actually control the desired piece of nature. Nature's Control is pretty much just the modification of a plant's properties - similar to Herblore. These properties can be things such as the size, movement, even the colour, etc.


Plants wouldn't wilt through using it, that's a complete contradiction of the magic. Even then, it's highly doubtful a plant would actually oblige to an 'unnatural force' influencing it, no matter how powerful. The only workaround for this would be mimicking, or stealing a druid's .. 'presence' for lack of a better word. Basically, their identity to nature.


Another thing, is the risk of madness while 'taking' any tier of druidism above Tier 3. Going from complete silence to the sudden voices of nature would drive you into almost certain insanity or madness. Taking a tier 4 would probably render one dysfunctional due to the overwhelming forces around them. And taking a tier 5 would most likely knock them unconscious.


I'm aware that druidism's control is primarily the act of asking the plants to move, else I wouldn't have included communion. The magic is based around mimicking their presence, it's not as if it's just some random god acting upon this! Effectively how this magic works is through taking an unconscious member of said magic, and going through a ritualistic stealing process to take some essence - implanting it into a trinket of Tayl. From that point on wards they would effectively, at the highest level of this magic, be an apprentice. The wilting of the plants is a solely aesthetic thing, effectively it can be taken as an otherworldly energy carrying the basic druidic ability.

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1 minute ago, ShameJax said:

I've stated this multiple times - someone only gets an extremely basic knowledge of the magic innately. Progression from that point onwards is at a normal rate, with the requirement of an OOC overseer.


I'll ask, what contributes as basic knowledge? You're unable to teach yourself until you learn the progress of creating a curse yourself without aid. 


Extremely Basic knowledge is learning how to connect and develop a puppet. 

Yet, creating curses by yourself is T3. Which is above basic knowledge. 


Stealing a puppeteers magic will not make you know how to perform curses as they're learnt through trial and error. All puppeteers magics are created in different ways with curses giving them a unique pattern. You simply cannot steal these curses.


Getting down to puppets 'Extremely basic knowledge' meaning a T1 puppet. You wouldn't know how to create puppets for higher curses as you'll be unable to perform them on the clay, moss and wheat puppet you'll start learning at.


As you cannot advance in any way shape or form. You'll be stuck at T1 and unable to progress further even with an OOC-overseer. 

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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
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