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[✗] Umbra Distortion [Magic]


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Umbra Distortion

Let your shadow be your guide.

To control your own shadow is understanding both the darkness and the light.

Image result for shikamaru shadow jutsu


To control your own shadow is understanding both the darkness and the light. A mage learning Umbra Distortion would need to understand how the shadow bends around the light but in order for an Umbra Distorter to truly use his shadow he must protect it from the light above. In order to protect it from the light above the mage would need to have created an Ethereal Shadow so the sun’s ray would not simply dissipate it. The Ethereal Shadow acts as a cloak and guide to your normal shadow almost like tinted glass, while it lets some light in, it is not powerful enough to diminish all of the darkness. This voidal cloak also allows you to guide your shadow as you please, growing weaker the further it gets from your Umbra(The innermost and darkest point of your shadow.). Your shadow can never escape the light, making it quite visible around any source of light.


Umbra Distortion is centered around a key point of your shadow which is known as the Umbra. You can stretch your shadow a far way but the further it gets from the Umbra the weaker the connection is and the more mana it would drain. With that said you can also split your shadow, it can split into a total of 3 ways which would require much more concentration and drain much more mana so this isn’t commonly seen among Umbra Distorters.


Every Umbra Distorter has an original form. A distorters original form is their basic most shadow before their shadow is distorted at all. The Ethereal Shadow simply cloaks the original form, it doesn’t actually change the original form. Any spell you would cast after the Ethereal Shadow would alter the original form, then being known as the extended form.


All spells you cast that alter your shadow beyond its original form are known as your extended shadow. Your extended shadow can perform many tasks, all dependent upon the spell being cast. A few things to watch out for when casting a spells are the snapping of your extended shadow, the snapping of your extend shadow are much of a rubber band type effect. This means, the nauseous feeling others get when making contact with your original shadow is sent back to you at a rapid pace leaving you with a brief daze as well. You can also willingly break off your extended shadow, this is very similar to it snapping but as it is more or less expected you aren’t hit with the slight daze and the nauseous feeling is much less. Finally, with your extended shadow you do not have to break it or have it snapped, you can always have it creep back into its original form then having no repercussions.


Just like illusions, your shadow can be fought off but illusions are fought off mentally while your shadow is fought off by physical strength. If you were attempting to perhaps hold onto an Olog’s leg or ankle to stop him from running away it would fall to a battle of his strength against your willpower and mana, at first if you weren’t too far away you could hold him for a short time but the more he fights it the more mana you are going to use up trying to hold him there. On the other hand, using this against a mage who is physically weakened from the connection to the void would be much easier as their body isn’t as well suited to fighting back. If an absurd amount of strength were to contest your shadow suddenly it is quite possible your shadow could simply snap as if it had been hit by holy light. Normally a contested shadow will slowly lose its grip and drift back to you or wherever you redirect it to next.



Ethereal Shadow


The most basic of all spells for Umbra Distortion, it creates a darker form of your shadow allowing it to just become weakened by the sun. Anyone caught in the shadow while no spells are being casted might feel slightly nauseous.


Example Emotes:


Mage would take a deep breath, his left eye then giving a singular twitch.

Mage would suddenly stand seemingly motionless for a few seconds, his shadow growing darker causing an uneasy nauseous feeling to any that enter it.



Shadow Puppet


Shadow Puppet is a complex spell in which one's normal shadow makes contact with another's shadow, the caster would then lose control of his body unable to speak, move or do anything but stand as he were. The caster would then gain physical control of the other person but they could still speak, they would be able to attempt to fight the caster and as they move further away from the casters Umbra the easier the spell would be to fight. Can be used on animals or people.

Example Emotes:


Mage would notice a crowd around an Orenian Noble, he’d then wander over to see what the fuss was about.
Mage would promptly see a noble speaking down upon some commoner, disgusted with the nobles actions his left eye would then give a singular twitch.

Mage’s body would suddenly stand motionless for a a mere few seconds, his shadow growing darker causing an uneasy nauseous feeling to any that enter it.

Mage would turn to the guard next to him, with a seemingly kind smile. “Lovely day, isn’t it?” He’d ask as his shadow connects with the guards, Mage’s body then freezing in place as he looks at the guard with a now blank expression.

/msg Guard Hey, you have just been shadow puppeted. You character can speak freely and attempt to fight but his actions are currently being controlled.

/msg Mage Cool, cool gotcha.

Guard would blink a few times, suddenly feeling very sickly as he produces a groan of sorts. “Ungh.” The guard would release from beneath his helmet.

/msg Guard ((You would slowly draw the sword from your sheath, making your way through the crowd as you do so))

Guard begins to slide his sword out of his leather sheath, slowly pushing his way through the crowd yet seemingly unsure of what is happening as if his actions were not his own. “What..” he’d murmur unsure of what else to say.

/msg Guard ((Upon reaching the center where the noble is, you would take your sword and stab it through the noble’s ribs))

Guard would break through the crowd a shadow protruding off of his own and back into the mess of people  would now be visible to any paying close attention. “Stop it! He’d scream, as he takes his sword stabbing it forth into the ribs of the noble.

/msg Guard ((The sickly feeling would slowly dissipate along with the shadow extension suddenly breaking off.))

Mage would blink a few times, receiving a slight nauseous feeling of his own and his shadow returns. “Good day.” Mage says as he walks away from the scene before him.

Guard would near instantly release the sword, suddenly no longer feeling nauseous as part of /his shadow breaks off/. “It wasn’t me! I swear!” He’d cry, falling to his knees.



Shadow Gripping


The caster can cast his shadow out, allowing him to grab people or objects. This can allow the caster to trip, attempt to choke, bind or simply bring something to him. It is important to remember that the further your shadow is sent out the easier it would be to break with light. The shadow would also be unable to come off the ground but could slither up surfaces such as one's leg to reach their throat. You can break your shadow off into a total of three branches but for each extra branch more and more mana is used.(One of the more basic spells.)


Example Emotes:


Mage would sit at a table in the tavern, his ale now empty yet in need of another. “Barkeep.” The mage would call out. “Can I get another round?”


The Barkeep would call out to the mage. “What are you looking to get?”


Mage’s ears would flicker, his shadow darkening shortly after along with leaving a nauseous feeling to anyone who made contact with his shadow. “Just a plain ale.”


Barkeep would call out to the mage once more. “That’ll be seven mina!”


Mage’s shadow would begin to shudder, a new limb begins to protrude from the shadow then slowly creeping up into his pocket, enveloping seven mina and dragging them out and along the floor.


Barkeep comes back with an ale in hand, setting it down on the counter. “You coming or what?” He’d ask in frustration, as the mage continues to sit while his ale is already at the counter.


[!] The shadowy limb would continue along the floor until reaching the counter, it would begin to creep up the counter releasing the seven mina right before the Barkeep, then redirecting itself to the ale.


Barkeep then rolls his eyes. “Mages..” He’d grunt, making his way into the back to deal with a few dishes.


Shadow Sight


Allowing one's shadow to slip under a door very slightly this allows the caster to gain forward vision of what may lie on the other side of the door. The shadow is noticeable from the other side slightly . This also applies to holes, vents, etc that a shadow can slip inside slightly. Can only go so far before becoming too weak to continue. During this they lose vision from their normal sight, and cannot hear from their body as well. Instead they hear and see from their shadow.


Example Emotes:


Thief sneaks his way to the upstairs of a tavern where a local banker is known to be staying for the night, he presses his ear against the door but to his dismay, nothing.


Thief takes a deep breath, his fingers beginning to wiggle, a short while after his shadow grows dark giving any that come in contact with it an uneasy sickly feeling.


Thief's shadow would begin to lurch under the doorway, just slightly entering the room, as it does so his vision and hearing would begin to blur and eventually dissipate. The shadow would be able to be seen at the edge of the door if those in the room were to be cognisant.


Banker ask worryingly. “Is that really where you keep the spare key?”


Banker 2 begins to chuckle. “Indeed it is, right under the front matt all this time!”


Thief’s shadow would slip away from under the door, returning to its original form. His vision and hearing returning as well.




Thief takes a deep breath as his darker shadow dissipates and nauseous feeling others would get now gone. “Under the matt huh?” Thief would then head off towards the bank for his big heist.



Shadow Shaping


This allows you to contort the shape of your shadow to that of a beast, or that of someone else. In order to change the shape of your shadow you must have much knowledge of the creature's physical form as you cannot make your shadow into something you have never seen before.


Example Emotes:


Dionysus stares at the bear enclosed in glass before him, closely examining it and the way it moves.
Dionysus’ eyes would slowly settle before him as his shadow begins to creep around behind his back, wiggling its way into the form of the bear.

[!] The shadow then stops as it created some deformed bear behind his back, Dionysus then groans in frustration. “Ugh, need to study its physical body more..” The shadow slowly seeps back into its natural form.



Shadow Armor


Your shadow begins to creep up your body, consuming your physical being. Upon being overtaken by your shadow your form would become that of a dark silhouette, hard see in the dark but easy to spot in the light. This would act as a cloak and It would act as a shield against spells, not physical attacks. No shield is impenetrable, the armor does not make the caster immune from spells, it makes the user more resistant to spells. Light based spells such as fire, holy light, lighting would all be more effective causing more damage to the caster.



Example Emotes:


Thief begins to run out of the bank, a large bag of mina in hand as he does so.


Thief quickly runs into a dark alley a few buildings down as a group of guards now congregate outside the bank. His fingers would begin to jolt about, his shadow growing dark and giving all who passes through a sick feeling.



Thief’s shadow would begin to move inward, creeping up his entire body shrouding himself in a black veil, that would be almost invisible in a dark area.



Guard would begin to run down the street, looking for the thief, then stopping at the alley and looking inward. He wouldn’t notice anything out of the ordinary and would continue down the road.



Thief would take a deep breath as the guard runs by, the shadow slowly moving his down his body revealing his real body once more.








Red Lines:

-No more than three shadow branches

-If your shadow is snapped you are put into a brief daze and feel nauseous

-If break your shadow off you would feel nauseous to an extent

-Your shadow cannot levitate or float in air

-Transfigured Mage Light and Holy Light will cause your extended shadow to snap

-Must emote your shadow creeping the distance, it will not instantly be there

-Must emote recasting your Ethereal Shadow each time



Feel free and please do ask questions and comment your opinions!



Written by, Ketchen with suggestions from Tox.



Before it is said Tee Hee Naruto!


Edited by KetchenX
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I do too love shade magic, glad the rewrite's finally out! @Tsuyose 

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: )

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*Teleports infront of you*

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I'm gonna give you my opinion on shadow magic in media and as a whole.


I don't think that something that isn't actually a thing shouldn't be tangible and be used as actual magic. A shadow isn't a thing, it's an anti-thing, a lack of thing. If some sort of magic lore was written and accepted about a kind of magic able to manipulate and control anti-things like shadows or space itself(opinion), then perhaps  I could support this. But as it stands, a shadow is just less frickin' light because of a blockage.


That's not to discount the quality of this piece. I enjoyed reading it, aside from the implausibility in regards to current magic lore. You can turn this talent on something better, friend.

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1 hour ago, SuperDuckyGamer said:

Aren't shadows just... you blocking the sun's light?



Ever heard of magic?

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I think this should be a dark magic

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It feels like a blatant rip off Naruto's shadow techniques and while thats fine (cus we have a lot of ripoffs, doesn't really matter, its cool), you're adding stuff on there that doesn't necessarily fit with the idea I feel. I think it has potential to be a cool magic, could be a very neat void magic if you rework it a bit.

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18 hours ago, CheesyNgreasy said:

This really doesn't fit in at all with voidal magic.



4 hours ago, Cybering said:

I think this should be a dark magic


I could definitely see how this would fit well as a dark magic but my self personally am not a fan of the whole dark/holy thing and prefer to keep things on a neutral ground. Still, much appreciated feedback.


3 hours ago, Lark said:

It feels like a blatant rip off Naruto's shadow techniques and while thats fine (cus we have a lot of ripoffs, doesn't really matter, its cool), you're adding stuff on there that doesn't necessarily fit with the idea I feel. I think it has potential to be a cool magic, could be a very neat void magic if you rework it a bit.


Right, so I see how this is very similar and this was obviously inspired off that but I do believe the only thing that is near the exact same would be the Shadow Gripping, unless there is something I don't know because I never finished the show.


18 hours ago, Luv said:

I do too love shade magic, glad the rewrite's finally out! @Tsuyose 


Boy am I lucky, a comment from LOTC's resident genius. So no doubt you figured out my true intentions, the entire goal was to keep you out of it this time!


18 hours ago, Jake! said:

: )




16 hours ago, Ford said:

*teleports behind you*



16 hours ago, Sug said:

*Teleports infront of you*


*Teleports in between the two of you*


13 hours ago, SuperDuckyGamer said:

Aren't shadows just... you blocking the sun's light?




11 hours ago, Mabah said:

Ever heard of magic?


Mabah kind of answered that.


16 hours ago, Star Platinum said:

I'm gonna give you my opinion on shadow magic in media and as a whole.


I don't think that something that isn't actually a thing shouldn't be tangible and be used as actual magic. A shadow isn't a thing, it's an anti-thing, a lack of thing. If some sort of magic lore was written and accepted about a kind of magic able to manipulate and control anti-things like shadows or space itself(opinion), then perhaps  I could support this. But as it stands, a shadow is just less frickin' light because of a blockage.


That's not to discount the quality of this piece. I enjoyed reading it, aside from the implausibility in regards to current magic lore. You can turn this talent on something better, friend.


Thank you! I definitely seem how this is seen as implausible and why people wouldn't like this as a whole but I figured I might as well give it a shot.  "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." ~Wayne Gretzky
And I highly appreciate your constructive criticism!

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1 hour ago, KetchenX said:

Boy am I lucky, a comment from LOTC's resident genius. So no doubt you figured out my true intentions, the entire goal was to keep you out of it this time!


I love the way you take someone's opinion of your lore, so adulty!

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6 minutes ago, Luv said:

I love the way you take someone's opinion of your lore, so adulty!


The thing is, that wasn't even an opinion it was just a joke. Your comment had no constructive criticism at all or hardly even criticism, if you look at my other responses you can see that I highly respected their criticism.

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Just now, KetchenX said:

The thing is, that wasn't even an opinion it was just a joke. Your comment had no constructive criticism at all or hardly even criticism, if you look at my other responses you can see that I highly respected their criticism.




Because you were too stupid to see where I was going with the first comment, let me reiterate: 


This is a discount dark magic for people who aren't able to get actual dark magic, and it has no real purpose to exist whatsoever. It also doesn't mesh with any of the current voidal lore/workings of current voidal magic. *SHRUG*


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